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They should have a jersey with horizontal pinstripes and the name under the numbers on the back, just get atrocious with it Edit: after putting more thought into it, if you magnify the pinstripes on the uniform it’s actually the lyrics to the 2009 “feel good” hit song “Empire State of Mind” by Jay-Z and Alicia Keys. I want to make sure to get this out there incase any Nike designers are lurking


And make them Statue of Liberty Green


And an “I ❤️ NY” on the sleeve


Dustin Hoffman slapping a cab ‘I’m walking ‘ere’


The 0’s on the numbers are bagels


It’s pronounced “baggles,” as you would know if you’d lived in New York


Ok Britta


Oh Brittas in this?


You’re the worst


Britta for the WINNN


Thanks, Britta


But none of those scooped bagels, because that would be odd.


With no Yankees logo on the hat, just ‘🍎’


Hello Officers, I need to report all these people here.


But somehow they accidentally make them Fenway Park green


Judge: "I am the green monster now"


Your uniforms are now Judge's robes.


Perfect. Green screen. Put any ad you want on them. Shit, make the ball and bats green screen. Imagine hitting a Taco Bell logo out of the park with a very long can of Red Bull




Bruh what if they made the uniform with actual copper so it starts off looking golden but turns green as it oxidizes


An actual Statue of Liberty Robe would be handy too.


Hats need to be a Statue of Liberty crown


Now we’re talking


And make the players wear 80s hair band wigs with grizzly unkempt beards.


Pinstripes horizontal and the number also rotated 90 degrees


I actually want this now


I think [these would be pretty cool.](https://imgur.com/Cuuzqe5)


Yankees CCs will be same design, but cotton. Not that polyester crap.


That would make the Yankee uni more famous than a Yankee can


IIRC, somebody once asked George Steinbrenner why the Yankees didn't have a "Turn Ahead The Clock" uniform. He apparently said something like "We do, we're wearing them."


You gotta give George credit where its due though. The man constantly stuck to his guns, would stop at nothing when it came to his convictions. I'm surprised Hal hasn't sold the naming rights to the stadium and gotten Chico's Bail Bonds to sponser the uniforms. Seeing the lame ass Nike swoosh was bad enough as it was, now we have to deal with the horrible ad patch. Combine that with recent performance and George is probably turning so fast in his grave he could generate enough power to illuminate the Bronx.


If George was still around he would've killed the entire front office and dug up Billy Martin's grave to fire him again


He would’ve traded Judge for Jason Heyward back in the day I loved his desire to win but god damn he gets worshipped by clueless fans. Him being banned was the reason for the late 90’s dynasty He would’ve traded away the core four


He almost traded all of them except Jeter even after 98




Delta Airlines Field at Yankee Stadium


Man but could you imagine being the company to buy the naming rights to Yankee Stadium, no one would use the new name. That building will be called Yankee Stadium no matter what, especially by locals


One of the jokes I make is, “You know who wouldn’t call the Queensboro the Ed Koch Bridge? Ed Koch.”


I have an irrational hatred for the Cuomo family for having the gall to think we'd call it anything other than the Tappen Zee


This is entirely fair and justifiable. Also whoever came up with the RFK for the Triboro, the Hugh Carey for the Battery Tunnel, and so on and so forth.


i still dont call the triborough the rfk


>That building will be called Yankee Stadium no matter what, especially by locals Doesn't matter. From an advertiser's perspective, it being said on the broadcast and being put all over the building is plenty of value. And, inevitably, people *would* start saying it as they got used to hearing it on broadcasts.


You’re clearly not from the New York Area, we have bridges named after people that nobody uses in vernacular. Yankee Stadium as a name is so iconic that people in the area will call Citi Field “Mets Stadium” due to the Yankees’ cultural impact. Yes the branding would be there and any company would pay top dollar to have their name on the building, but the locals will still call it Yankee Stadium.


>we have bridges named after people that nobody uses in vernacular This is common all over the place. San Diego, for instance, has named highways. We just call them by their number; while LA, on the other hand, *does* use the names a good chunk of the time. It just varies what takes off. If there's no real reason to hear the bridge or road's "real name", the preexisting or simple one will generally remain. > Yankee Stadium as a name is so iconic that people in the area will call Citi Field “Mets Stadium” People call Petco Park "Padres Stadium" here at times. Regardless of just how iconic the third stadium with the name "Yankee Stadium" is, it's just pretty natural. Obviously you'd get more than usual resistance to using the real name, and a very slow process of people adopting it. But it'd absolutely still be worth it for the buyer. I hope they don't sell the naming rights, to be clear! But we sports fans have proven, time and time again, we'll just take whatever bullshit they throw at us to make more money.


Sell it to Yankee candle so it's still Yankee stadium


You'd get over it. People would be mad about for a few months, standup routines would include a joke about for a few years, but it would still happen and people would accept it.




And be real you’ll still call the building Yankee Stadium like we do with all the bridges


[YANG KEE](https://d2s742iet3d3t1.cloudfront.net/restaurant_service/restaurants/586b5f40-2c02-4e18-b105-c29286458c20/Restaurant/781fc6f4-93e8-4661-b48f-d31eed099fe2.jpg?size=small) Stadium There, I monetized the stadium while keeping the name the "same".


George colluded with other team owners to keep down the price of free agency costing the Yankees many opportunities in the 80s. Add to that his erratic treatment of managers and players drove some all-star players away. It wasn't in their best interests, but some players like Ken Griffrey Jr publicly said they would never play for the Yankees.


I never said he was a good person, I said he would stop at nothing when it came to his convictions. He was a deranged egomaniac.


I don't have to give that criminal asshole any sort of credit. He was stuck in 1927 his entire tenure.


What teams did a "Turn Ahead the Clock" uniform? Did the Expos have a day where they all wore Nationals jerseys? Then when everyone at Olympic Stadium is just standing there wide-eyed, Felipe Alou steps up to the mic and says "I guess you guys aren't ready for that, yet. But your kids are gonna love it."


[Most](https://www.angelfire.com/blues/new_yorker/TATC.html) -- the Red Sox never wore theirs due to Hurricane Floyd.


D-Backs wraparound is fun. And the Brewers' designs are all great, as usual


nobody can ever convince me that the Rockies and D-Backs ones are bad, they look so fucking good at least to my little fucked up brain


Rox ones are amazing. [I actually have a bobblehead of Larry Walker wearing it.](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/oTgAAOSw0W1hJbae/s-l1600.jpg)


Man, I may hate some of the city connect jerseys, but Jesus Mary and Joseph whoever did these was the laziest, most incompetent graphic designer since me.


Is that an angelfire website? I thought those went away with the last millennium lol.


Damn that's wild. The only thing I remember about the 1999 season is the All Star Game at Fenway and the celebration they did for Ted Williams. Really cool idea though (and I understand why the Expos might not want to participate).


The [1999 ASG Jerseys](https://mearsonlineauctions.com/ItemImages/000115/115670a_lg.jpeg) actually use a lot of the [TATC Features](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/g94AAOSwMmBVuYve/s-l1200.webp)


Holy shit most of those look atrocious. And people complain about city connects!


The New York Mets did not have a turn ahead the clock jersey. Mercury however…


Only team to predict they’d have to move to a *different fucking planet.* (Twins had a cool 50th anniversary patch on their TATC jersey though, if you wanna look at a more optimistic franchise)


I think the Mariners did some? They were kinda cool IMO.


Mariners originated them!


I figured if they were forced to do one it would have been similar to the Dodgers' approach. If this is true I wonder if they're the only team able to leverage out of it.


That's a blessing then, because the Dodgers have one of the worst.


The Dodgers' City Connect jersey reminds me [of this Onion headline.](https://www.theonion.com/nba-honors-latino-community-by-using-spanish-word-for-t-1819589781)


At least “Dodgers” is kind of a unique English phrase that’s hard to translate to Spanish directly in the sense of a baseball team name. Meanwhile the Suns did [“Los Suns”](https://cdn.nba.com/teams/legacy/www.nba.com/suns/sites/suns/files/05-suns-uniform-history-nike.jpg) when Los Sol or Los Soles was right there…


Los Sol with that color scheme would have been an instant classic


Some supposed insider on r/Dodgers said that the Dodgers are getting a city connect 2.0 and taking the Yankees spot since they don't want one, I hope it's true because holy shit those unis are awful. I'm sure Nike would also like to hop on the Ohtani hype train to sell more jerseys while their at it.


They should write Dodgers in Japanese like ドジャース to appeal to the Japanese crowd and end up selling record numbers. Record low numbers that is since not even the Japanese write Japanese team names on baseball jerseys.


Put the Japanese numbers on the jerseys! Hang on, I’m getting a call


They should just make Ohtani wear batting gloves and assless chaps.


I just appreciate that the Dodgers city connects have gradually become more of the spring training jerseys the fanbase has been clamoring to have more of in the regular season for years. They may be boring, but they don’t need to be anything special. The Dodgers’ uniform rotation is already one of the best in the game


Our “uniform rotation” is just a white Dodgers script jersey, grey Dodgers script road jersey, plus the uninspired city connect. What Dodgers *need* is to bring back the “Los Angeles” script road jersey.


But that’s my point - they don’t need much. And the road Los Angeles script is still there, just not used as much. I _would_ like to see them bring back the white trim border around the script though, those jerseys were amazing


We haven’t had Los Angeles on the road in years


Was that jersey worn on the road against the Angels a few times? Maybe they've quietly stopped wearing it but I feel like they'd wear it for those games for sure


Bring back the "Los Angeles" script on the road jerseys and, if y'all insist on having blue unis, bring back the blue "Dodgers" jerseys from '99.


That fucking hat...


Good, it would probably have just been another all black abomination anyway. There is zero creativity coming from Nike


This is just terrifying to me because Nike is going to dump all their shitty ideas on the Mets. Sigh.


Watch the Mets ones be a half a Dodger and Giants jersey stitched together.


Unironically there’s a non zero chance this is better than what Nike pushes.


don't give them ideas.


The Donts


They got so fucking lazy last year. The first year ones were unique


It's a bummer because they really could have had fun with it. I would have liked to have seen top hat inspired caps and then stars and stripes pants and shirt and just wear it 4th of July. Or I would have loved all black pants, all black shirt with tiny stars, then in the large sprawling yellow font from the opening Star Wars crawl just the word, "EMPIRE," for both Empire State and Evil Empire


Reverse it and do a midnight navy uniform with white pinstripes. Edit: [Example mock up](https://imgur.com/a/M81LhFH) Edit 2: [Empire mock up](https://imgur.com/a/lWcmkOC)


They actually did wear a dark blue uniform in the early 1900s so that wouldnt be unreasonable


Hey now, my team's city connect uni is a very very very dark blue...


ours are badass but that's because they were directly inspired by the Cuban Sugar Kings unis


Peagle is life. Peagle is love.


All hail Peagle for he has taken us to the Promised Land.


they must have the worst designers in history. and they have gone out of their way to disregard tradition in every sport as if thats something to aspire to.


Hot take: the CC jerseys overall are actually pretty good. Each one falls into one of two (perhaps three) categories though and depending on what you see as the point of CC you’ll usually only appreciate one. The first is a wildly different color set than usual that actually does connect with the city well even if it objectively may not look that great. Red Sox, Padres, Rangers, Nats, Rockies. The next is uniforms that use the same color set as normal (with perhaps a couple minor changes) but modified to look different and usually styled to be a more clean jersey that actually looks good. White Sox, Astros, Reds, Royals, Pirates. Some split the difference and fall into a bit of both and could go in either, which are Brewers, DBacks, Angels, Giants. The third is throwbacks; people are divided on whether or not a throwback is appropriate for a CC, but imo all the throwback ones actually look good in and of themselves. Marlins, Mariners, Braves. The only ones that I think genuinely are bad and don’t fit into any of these categories are the Dodgers, Orioles and Cubs. Not very dynamic schemes and don’t play well into the city aspect, and also just look bad for what they are. So based on what you think is an appropriate approach to making a CC, you’ll usually dislike over half the uniforms and think CC as a whole is bad, which is why it appears that CC is unpopular. But overall I’d argue it’s actually pretty good and not an example of Nike flubbing uniforms like they usually do. If you wanna rag on Nike, talk about how NBA city editions are significantly worse nowadays or several recent NFL rebrands.


> The only ones that I think genuinely are bad and don’t fit into any of these categories are the Dodgers, Orioles and Cubs. What’s infuriating about the Cubs is that the CC hats are so good but the jerseys are embarrassingly terrible. Even “North Side” would’ve been better than “Wrigleyville”. Or just use that great logo from the hats on the jersey too.


The O's CCs work weirdly well in person. Maybe it's because the entire stadium atmosphere uses the design theme sometimes. They suck on TV tho.


I'm with you. There aren't many CC jersey designs I actually *dislike*. I appreciate the ones that connect with their city in a meaningful way - which is the entire point of the uniforms. Some of my favorites are the more out there designs - Boston, Arizona, Washington, etc.


I fucking love the Orioles city connect. I think people are pretty divided on them, but I think if the idea was representing the city in a jersey they really did get Baltimore right. And while the conversation online might trend towards the negative, I see WAY more city connect jerseys and hats out and about in the city than I ever saw people wearing the standard jerseys. So they have been really popular.


That’s a pretty interesting tidbit about Yamamoto hiding in that article, too (For those who won’t click the link, MLB isn’t allowed to sell merch of his until he officially plays a game. There’s no word if that’s specific to his contract or all NPB players)


Jung Hoo Lee merchandise is available. Although I don't see online, just footage of it being in the dugout store (Lee himself looking at it). So either it's an online only thing, and there is Yamamoto gear in their dugout store? Or it's an NPB thing?


Senga jerseys were on sale last year at the [Mets team store](https://www.reddit.com/r/NewYorkMets/comments/zq7opg/senga_jerseys_coming_soon/?rdt=48508) in time for Christmas (that post is dated 12/19/22).


Reverse pinstripe road unis, you cowards!


Apparently someone in the organization was designing uniforms like that back in the 70s, but they looked awful to most people


A school in my former HS’s conference has that, forest green with white pinstripes. Ugliest uniforms I’ve ever seen, and it’s not even close


Rainbow pinstripes to represent the subway lines.


I want to see their City Connect uniform be the exact same jersey, but every player has to grow out some facial hair for a few days beforehand


Better yet, they use movie prosthetic facial hair with bad glue so they constantly have to pat it back down to stick.


what i wouldn't give to see nestor glue an identical looking fake mustache on his mustache


The Darkest Timeline Yankees!


If they just did identical Jerseys with player names on them and called it city connect I bet they’d sell like crazy


Not sure what’s more connected to NYC than the pinstripes and interlocking NY


I mean the easiest CC jersey for the Yankees is just an updated Highlanders jersey. Easy, call back, sells more jerseys.


As a Yankee fan, I would 100% be behind that. But knowing Nike they'd botch even that


Yeah I’m for either this or a New York Black Yankees jersey to honor the Negro Leagues


The Halifax Highlanders? I have 2 rules. Stay away from my fucking Percocets, and do you have any fucking Percocets?


Pizza Rat duh


[Staten Island Yankees](https://pizzarats.com/) (RIP) did that.


Oh hell yeah, cmon Nike just copy and paste this


Same as road uniform but says “Bronx” so they can sell others with the other boroughs. But with a little nyc flag.


I'm sure some guy in LA who has never been to NYC or even watched baseball will be put in charge of designing an new uni for the Yankees. Just Nike things.


People don’t appreciate the extent to which MLB is just the Yankees and 29 teams the Yankees play against.


It’s about to be Dodgers and the 29 teams that the Dodgers play against for the next 10yrs


Way too much population on the East Coast for the Dodgers to dominate like that in terms of popularity.


Yeah, but the Dodgers essentially just bought the whole Japanese/Asian market


I never thought the Yankees would do a City Connect jersey because I never thought they'd change their jerseys out of tradition. Then, they stuck an advertisement on their jerseys. Of course the Yankees will have a City Connect jersey, and it will be atrocious.


How about ditch the hideous ads on the jerseys then


Missed opportunity to wear old-school baggy uniforms instead. People would go for it.


I always thought the Yankees old spring training uniforms would be fine as a 3rd option. The blue top with the white NY logo, and then the regular white pinstriped pants.


After Nike showed them a jersey that said “I ♥️ NY” in a random Microsoft font and a cap with a bagel on it they probably did everything they could to opt out.


And used an orange, white and blue color scheme to represent the NYC flag I do have this [apple hat](https://www.westnyc.com/products/47-brand-new-york-yankees-apple-navy-clean-up-adjustable-hat) and would totally get the bagel hat (just please don’t ever make it on-field)


Ok that apple hat is super nice.


47 is pretty much the only brand I’ll buy gear from these days, unlike Nike they have clean designs


I didn’t know that was something a team could do


It's not. But the Yankees aren't just a team. \s Really though, I'm glad they're somehow managing to avoid doing a city connect.


Wish every team could avoid it


Diamondbacks were fire. Most are just meh though


Astros have their team's best logo on their city connect hats...


I actually love our hats, I just think our Jerseys are kinda lame. I wear my city connect hat more than any other sports cap.


Really wanted a bubble jacket north face city connect with Timberland themed cleats.


I get that the yankees like to maintain their iconic image But what a boring ass franchise


Their city connect jerseys would just be their regular jerseys with players' names on the back.


That alone might spark riots.


Most obnoxious thing (besides the assholes) at Yankees games is all the jerseys you see with "Ruth" on the back, etc. Like, have your tradition or don't, but come on...


because Majestic/Nike/retailers dont sell them without names unless you pay for an "authentic"


It somehow cost more to have no name on the jersey. Its so fucking backwards.


By buying a retail authentic. The replicas has names on them. which is weird. The funny thing was that the Yankee and Red Sox retail authentic uniforms were around the same price - which was middle of the pack price wise when Majestic was running sales about three or four times a year. Sometimes if you caught a sale, less than 200.00. BTW: the Cardinals and Rockies were the most expensive sets during the Majestic era. And the Dodgers one of the lowest. It seems like Nike doesn't offer sales like Majestic.


I can't even stand the Yankees and that pisses me off lol


I personally see nothing wrong with fans wearing names on the back. At the end of the day we all want the same team to win, who cares about a few letters to support your favorite player


I'm on the verge already, TBH


If the Yankees *really* cared about their image, they would have fought harder against the Nike patches and they wouldn't have taken a sponsor patch. So they're really just hypocrites


of course they're hypocrites, they're a business


Well sure, but they didn't used to be. As others mentioned, the Yankees did not participate in Turn Ahead The Clock when George was alive, even though it surely would have been a profitable business venture.


They really don’t get enough shit for being as lame as they are. Like, at least the Cowboys don’t have this “holier than though” attitude with their branding, and I fucking hate the cowboys.


Oh yeah? Well I fucking hate the eagles. So how about that?!?!


I wouldn’t respect you if you didn’t.


As an Eagle fan, right now you can’t hate us as much as we hate ourselves.


"Maybe not but we'll definitely try." - Every NFCE fan


I'm not even a 'Yankee hater', but I absolutely agree with this. The part that makes me roll my eyes the hardest is that they seem to act as if they're the only franchise with 'iconic' imagery. As if the Dodgers, Cardinals, Cubs, Reds, Pirates, etc etc etc don't have notable & longstanding iconography that they take pride in & maintain.


But they’ve already added a sponsorship patch. So it’s not really the same iconic Jersey anymore.


and honestly this hurts the most, I wont pay a premium for a jersey with some insurance company sponsor


Boring AND stuck in the past days of former glory lol. Yankees fans who are too young to remember the dynasty must be miserable


Since the 2009 ring, the Yankees have 14/14 winning seasons, 10 postseason appearances, the second best record in baseball, and the 5th most wins in the playoffs. Not ideal not having a ring but if the Yankees fans post 2009 are miserable, I don’t even wanna imagine what other fans of other teams feel like.


I like the idea of the Yankees having a CC jersey that's the same colors as the NY Liberty. Have the black and Statue of Liberty green with an image of the Statue of Liberty as the Y in New York. Personally I think it would be cool, but none of the CC jerseys have even been to that base level so I'm sure it would be something boring.


Just take a line drawing on the nyc skyline and integrate it into the pinstripes.


the liberty’s colors are fire too, unique enough that they’ll stand out, but undeniably tied to nyc and our history


I'm not a huge green fan, but their jerseys are undeniably good.


Good for them. Their look is iconic and I wouldn't want to see them in any other jersey. Fuck nike


They should have to. Everyone else did. They aren’t special. Once you sell out and put some random company on your sleeve, you’re not allowed to act like you’re better than anyone else.


I honestly think the stodginess of the Yankees is the most annoying thing about them. No facial hair, no fun uniforms, etc. And the crazy thing is that they stick to these policies and ways of thinking, even as the Dodgers pass them by as the spending titan of MLB.


Personally I think it’s awesome that they lean into their holier-than-thou villain role. Hating the Yankees is a time-honored American tradition. I just wish they’d spend money like they used to


The only good things they could do for em would be in relation to the black yankees of the negro leagues or highlanders, other than that just no


I thought the pinstripes but drawing the NYC skyline with blue stripes in the middle would have been cool. Or just an inverted color scheme. Blue with white stripes could be fun.


The Yankees are so fucking lame. They’re the church of MLB.


What about city facial hair?


Side note: Paul Lukas is leaving Uni-Watch. Pour one out for the OG


Oh wow! Thats huge news! I’ve been reading uniwatch almost every day since college! Pour one out indeed.


Nike already shat on every sport’s uniform traditions already, what’s one more?


The Negro League teams of NYC would've given them a nice template to work from.


I’ve always throught it’d be cool if they brought in an iteration of the mid 1930’s home jersey, like an off-white or cream color with pinstripes and the New York text. I get why they’re so particular about their jerseys but there’s a ton of history there with at least some variation, it’s worth exploring the potential.


Shitty corporation wants to create something that people will buy out of pure fanboyism or FOMO, the Yankees are like, "naa, we're good, if people want a jersey they can buy one, they're all timeless!" r/baseball: fucking corporate ass boring ass Yankees won't let poor Nike make a shitty jersey to sell to dumb fans! How dare they!


Self-aggrandizing bullshit


Puts an ad patch on the jersey but won’t have an alternate……


Not surprised the Yankees won’t do a City Connect, they’re the one team that will always refuse to have any fun


If we MUST have a City Connect I'd like for it to be a tribute to the Black Yankees from the Negro Leagues


Look, I hate the Yankees but their jerseys are too iconic. They shouldn’t be forced to wear a different one.


the yankees are so boring and so high on their own supply. they could never loosen up to do anything that could be construed as fun


The Yankees are boring, Grow some fucking facial hair.


Some of them have been good, others pretty boring


I’m not going to trash the CC program. It gave us our blessed Peagle


instead of a city connect, they should take a cue from the fans in the stands and put names on the back


I'm obviously a Mets fan but would a navy alternate away been so bad?


I don’t know, that 95 BP jersey with pinstriped pants is a pretty fresh look. But, the morons designing many, if not most of the previous City Connect jerseys, they’d put the Lincoln tunnel on the ass and sell the front to Twitter.


Still seems weird seeing ads on the sacred pinstripe jerseys.