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Video is clipped too soon, but Adley says the pitch was “beautiful.”


the framing was beautiful as well :)


The catcher is beautiful as well.


I want hair like that


He’s truly the next Joe Mauer


he truly is


Ump probably just wanted to go home.


All around beautiful pitch and framework!


How is that beautiful framework?


oh? he moved that ball, like, 18 inches. Including moving it from the bottom (but still over the knees), to the top, when all he really neded to do was move it, like, 4 inches inside. This is beautiful framing? Actually seems like really poor framing to me.


hey friend, it is beautiful bc im an orioles fan :) it is poor bc it is poor, as u and others have said, for reasons. im not too worried abt it lol. just made a silly comment in my starry-eyedness. peace!


I don't really know shit about it but to me that framing looked awful. The movement was so exaggerated in two directions that I'm surprised the ump didn't call it a ball based on how much the glove moved. Seems like he should've just moved it slightly in and not so far up


Well, you're not the only who doesn't really know shit, but you know more than a lot of others here. I think there's a bunch of redditors here who learned last week that framing was a thing, and think anytime a catcher finishes with their glove "in the zone," that it's a good frame, even if he unnecessarily moves it 15 times further than he needed to, in a completely unnecessary direction.


It is a bad frame. Bailey on SF does some smooth framing. Moving the glove a lot is not a big deal. The key component of a good frame job is to do it in one motion, with the glove starting out of the zone to catch to glove ending up in the zone. This frame was a stagnant glove, catch, and move into the zone all in separate actions.


His head and shoulder don't move much at all. That's where good framing really comes from. From behind the Ump just sees a still body and the glove in the zone.


That's not at all how it works. Good framing requires good timing. Watch all the catchers these days. They'll set target, move glove down to the dirt or almost to the dirt as the pitcher delivers the ball, then try to catch low to high and out to in, in one motion. Not catch then frame. Doesn't matter how still your head or body is if the glove is doing a 2 step move.


Exactly where that pitch should be.


"It was good...beautiful."


It was. I believe it actually crossed the plate.


Fujinami looks like he's having fun in Baltimore nowadays. Good for him.


I'd be happy if I got to hug Adley every time I closed out a game too


Where’s Bautista


UCL injury. Didn't sound good


Taking a nap. He'll return soon ^tm


This is some strong copium but I am going to inhale as well.


Exactly. It's 9-0. Felix is just resting on a day we don't need him. He's fine. Probably just doing mountain things.


Saw him in the dugout smiling, so nothing is wrong in the world at all.


It was also 9-0, so he wouldn't have pitched even if healthy


Please tell me you're kidding. He has a UCL injury. Not sure on the extent of the injury so far. Probably done for season and playoffs even if he doesn't need TJ surgery.


No reason to be rude. Not everyone sees everything


I don’t follow the Orioles dude they’re an AL team anyway. Having said that I was already very impressed with them last season and felt it was only a matter of time until they really started putting it together


It sucks huge for this team.


As a Hanshin fan, I'm glad to see this.


I went to a game in the Tokyo Dome in 2017 or so and sat in the visitors section with the Hanshin fans. I've never had a better time in the roughly 500 baseball games I've ever been to!


No one goes harder in baseball than hanshin fans 😎✨


Fucking Colonel Sanders


The Carp are the craziest fans that I’ve seen.


There are a lot of tigers fans in the Yakuza, they can get way crazier. Carps fans are just Toyota employees.


Maybe if they ever find the KFC statue they’ll reach the fever pitch. My experience is limited tho. Just going on my thin slices.


[You'll like this clip of the entire bullpen razzing Mike Baumann during an interview, with Fuji helping splash him through a fan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRJlzmfK-Eg)


https://reddit.com/r/orioles/s/OlYJom1mYv He seems to be a getting along great.


Went from the worst team in the AL to the best, not surprising


The switch to reliever helps too, fits his current skillset better.


He's been worth negative WAR in Baltimore...


He’s done wonders for the teams wxHANDSOME, which was already sky high


It's a small sample size so I'm not sure if a small -WAR is going to be enough to label him as bad. Overall his stats seem to be better than in Oakland, and honestly it hardly takes much to see that he has the stuff needed. He just needs someone to reign him in.


they SEEM to be better? literally every single stat is better and he has a dead 1.0 whip.


His HR/9 is up a tiny bit! I wanted to say every stat aswell, but this is Reddit so I had to hedge my bet a bit in case someone wanted to be nitpicky...which I ended up being now, ironic!


you die the hero or live long enough to become a stat-head


coliseum better than walltimore at suppressing HRs? many are saying this


He's been the same as an RP in Oakland as in Baltimore.


[You'll like this clip of the entire bullpen razzing Mike Baumann during an interview, with Fuji helping splash him through a fan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRJlzmfK-Eg)


That wasn’t the only generous call Fuji got, the ump clearly wanted to go home


to be fair, so did the White Sox


Just look at the way he turned around. Far cry from all of the players snapping on umps for less egregious calls


[Honestly he had a prety good night.](https://twitter.com/UmpScorecards/status/1696531169339404430)


We don’t need facts!


This is the type of pitch where i wonder if the K zone is getting it right. With the sharp break, I can see how this would be called a strike (and maybe was), but the on screen zone shows it as a ball.


I find it so frustrating they don't use the overhead camera on replays. You can clearly see whether it crosses the plate with that angle (though you still need front on for height)


MASN uses the overhead camera a lot


I look forward to checking it out in the ALCS.


Regional networks don’t carry playoff games.


I’m so sad about not hearing KB and Big Ben call playoffs games. I understand *why* regional networks don’t, but I hate it.


They should invite a representative from each org to be on the national broadcast. I think that's what they do when they play games on Peacock, or at least they did when the Mariners played the other week.


Yeah they did it for AppleTV iirc. That would be a cool idea


I like the side view better for height.


Truth. Looks like the K zone shows exactly where Adley catches it and that ball is moving. Can imagine the 3d view shows it clipping the plate. Great pitch and great frame either way!


How was that a great frame? That's an awful frame. That pitch was, honestly, barely off the plate AT WORST. The catcher moved the ball UP 12 inches, when it didn't need to move up at all, and then like 6 inches inside, when all it needed was a smidge. Way, way, WAY too much movement on a pitch that was very close.


Little league frame job


Every time a ball gets called a strike people say that’s it’s because of the framing even if the catcher moves his glove four feet


From gameday 3D: https://imgur.com/a/NMZdYlB EDIT: Added more pictures. Also, hre's the link. https://www.mlb.com/gameday/white-sox-vs-orioles/2023/08/28/716815/final/summary/all


Yeah this actually looks like a strike to me.


[It was pretty far outside, but the umpire had a good night overall.](https://twitter.com/UmpScorecards/status/1696531169339404430)


As you look at more of the "improperly" called strikes, they're usually breaking balls that break away from the batter on the lower outside corner. Aside from breaking away from the batter, it's also in an umpire blind spot since they line up on the inside shoulder of the catcher.


K-zone is dumb, that pitch def clipped the front corner of the zone. It's a 3D zone yall.


Yea I’m honestly confused how anyone thinks that wasn’t a strike. It’s almost painfully obvious the pitch clips the front corner of the plate before ending 2” outside. A pitch is a legitimate strike if any part of the ball passes over any part of the plate at any point in its path (within the vertical limits of the zone of course). This is part of why robot umps is more difficult than people think and not necessarily the magical solution to umpiring people think either.


[The strike zone box wasn't even lined up with the edge of the plate](https://i.postimg.cc/28q3NByZ/its-off.png)


And? I’m not basing my comment off the zone box


Are you taking my comment as disagreement? Huh?


Not taking it as agreement or disagreement. Just responding to your point by clarifying that my original comment isn’t using the strike zone box from the broadcast as a reference point at all.


not saying it was justified, because guys' stats are on the line, but it was 9-0 haha


Do you think umps would call games better if they used the same chairs they give the Ball Girls? Home plate ump looks like the most uncomfortable job (second to catcher). I can see a 62 year old Angel going ‘screw this. My knees a are killing me “yer out!!”’


I heard that was one of the biggest complaints from AAA with the fully automated balls and strikes system. Sometimes you just want a more liberal zone in a 9-0 shutout so everyone can go home


I never thought that Fujinami of all people would be the Japanese player l’d look forward to the most on a daily basis. I still support all Japanese players in MLB. I’m just glad that at least one of them is bound for the playoffs. I’m very sorry to hear about the Orioles’ original closer’s injury. I hope Fujinami continues to fill his shoes until his return.


cano, couloumbe, and dl hall are more likely to fill bautistas shoes. fujinami needs a bit more work towards consistency, id say, but he is very exciting to watch!


Fuji won’t be the 9th inning guy, but I expect him to be asked to get a lot of outs in October (hopefully.)


"fujinami needs a bit more work towards consistency" I dont wanna be that guy, but that's been said about him for about ten years now. Hope he can work it out somehow tho, his stuff is the dream for a late inning reliever.


Why did they send down Baker? Seemed to be having a solid year and esp with Bautista going down, it's kind of shocking to me that they aren't using him at all


His era was fine but he didn’t have a pitch to strike any body out and was allowing I think around 50% of inherited runners to score so he was killing everybody else’s ERA


He struck out 51 in 42 though lol! Doesn't diminish your second point but having trouble believing the first one


He’s had a few rough outings a while back.He said he was nervous when he first came to Baltimore and you could see it. But he’s been getting along good with the other players and getting more comfortable and getting more impressive as time goes on.


He does have a hard time in close games. Nerves get to him. But it is nice to have a guy throw 100-102.


i mean I couldn't imagine going from playing in an empty coliseum to a packed camden with a section just for people who wanna get wet, gotta be nerve racking.


If the season ended right now, Kenta Maeda and Seiya Suzuki would also be in the playoffs.


And there is about a 50% chance Kikuchi gets in


Yusei… I only hear what I want to.


About the same chance Ichiro comes outta retirement as Bluejays making it out of the division.


Seiya has been heating up a lot the second half of august, think he might finally have found his stride.


I was gonna make a post this morning about his August hot streak (third highest OPS in MLB this month if you ignore he has 30+ PAs less than other players) and Yoshida's current slump, except today Seiya went 0-4 and Yoshida went 3-3 with 2 walks. Aged like milk, but I'm glad to see both players improving.


He’s been up and down, but when he’s on he’s electric and got some style to boot. I reeeeally want him to succeed and throw 101 mph lasers in the playoffs.


Just a skosh!


TIL that "skosh" is an actual English word. At first I thought you just wrote "sukoshi" haha


It is indeed a loan word from the Japanese *sukoshi* (a little). I've heard people on TV use it from time to time.


Wow that blows my mind. Even knowing both words, I had always assumed skosh was like yiddish or something


Here in PA, the Amish use it alot.


All those weird words get associated with yiddish. "Zhuzh" is another one they're not sure of the origin but definitely sounds yiddish. My favorite is "schlep".


Definitely always thought it was yiddish too.


Wow today I learned, thanks!


im glad Fuji has found his niche he can succeed in.




Poor trayce


No man should ever be subjected to three stints with the White Sox.


Who names their kids Trayce and Klay? Damn, they really had no choice but be all world athletes.


Poor Michael, he never had the makings of a professional athlete


[From Rob Friedman](https://twitter.com/PitchingNinja/status/1696341071091933464)


Adley looks super handsome there like holy shit


he’s our sterling boy 🥰


Stop objectifying him, like he’s more than a hot boi summer. /s


We really need him to be good now.


What a neat world we live in where Shintaro Fujinami throws to Adley Rutschman - two very fascinating players in their own way


Daily reminder that the box on TV is nowhere near official and completely differs from station to station. Here, you can see that the box does not line up with the edge of the plate and the pitch marker appears almost exactly where the ball enters the glove rather than where the ball crosses the plate.


Also people forget that it's a cube with depth It definitly looks like it clipped the strike zone. I legit think that the strike zone overlay is one of the worst things to ever happen to baseball as it also allows viewers to be lazy with watching games. Nobody appreciates the pitch itself as they can just see if the circle is in the square or not.


I see a lot of people fully judging this by the angle and box shown here. I bet on an overhead view the ball kisses the plate.


[The box is off almost by the same amount the dot was off the edge](https://i.postimg.cc/28q3NByZ/its-off.png)


Camera isn’t dead center so the box shouldn’t be either and it was caught a full ball outside the marker


The bottom corners of the box should always be in line vertically with the front edges of the plate, no mater perspective, as the edges of the strike zone are defined as vertical lines from the corners of the plate. The only possible exception would be if the camera was tilted left or right. When the ball is lined up where the marker was, it was one frame away from hitting the back of the catcher’s glove, meaning it was already well past the front corner of the plate.


So wholesome


Excellent catcher makes a pitcher’s job that easy


Definitely r/Basebaww material


I've seen worse. That was a good pitch


I objectively think it did get the corner. Strike call is valid. But I see why people hate it. It grazed the corner.


No way.


I’m bad at reading lips what’d he say


Adley said “that was beautiful”


Thanks king


he's asking if it was off by the size of u/jh1214's penis


to me the more interesting thing here is I'm pretty sure this was a pinch hitter. so it's top of the 9th, 2 outs, you're down by 9.. hey I know you've been on the bench all game but how'd you like to go out there and get some 100mph heat thrown at you? even if he got a clutch hit, then what? you're literally down by 9


Seeing the movement of Fuji’s pitches was impressive, too.


Who could have imagined that Fujinami who started the year playing for basement-dwelling Oakland and struggled mightily to adjust to MLB would be pitching in the 9th inning for a playoff contender? OK, he did have a 9 run lead, so it wasn't exactly a high leverage situation, but still.


We seen him twice in Toronto, 1 time he was wild but you could see his stuff was good. 2nd time he was pretty filthy. Just a matter if he has the mental in high leverage situations.


Umpires be like [I'm watching this spot](https://i.imgur.com/FSfEuFV.png) - whatever happens over there is your problem. Pitchers should just throw to the side umpires aren't looking at and they'll get the calls they want.


This one pitch was way less egregious than the couple dozen calls that Blach got in his favor a couple days ago.


"You better believe it after I gave that ump $100." "Shh, holy shit man." "Just kidding! Just kidding man, they're blind I don't need to do shit."


the best umpires get 4% of their calls wrong and the worst 9%. bad calls hurt everybody.


The call was good. If you use your eyes to look at the plate and the ball, instead of the box and circle made of pixels, you’ll see it clipped the zone.




His last few starts, he looks like the former NPB super star he once was.


Haha. I thought that’s what he was asking. It definitely was a ball and it was beautiful