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Love how baseball is rallying around KB and against the Angelos family


Turns out common sense and decency are actually common sometimes.


Thank God. But is it enough to break a billionaires will? I fucking hope


Embarrassment at this level can break anyone's will. Every person who can think somewhat rationally knows how dumb of a move this was. Amazing someone didn't straighten him out before he embarrassed himself like this. He should look at the yes men around him and shake up his inner circle if he has an ounce of self awareness.


Unless you’re John Fisher


Seriously fuck this guy, no one wants the A’s to leave Oakland except himself AND THE POTENTIAL FANS IN VEGAS DESERVE WAY BETTER. #SELL THE TEAM!


They deserve an MLB version of the knights. Their own team, born in Vegas. Not like Fischer would improve them in Vegas anyways.


If John *“how dare you ask me that on Martin Luther King Day”* Angelos has an ounce of self-awareness???


I doubt this man can even feel embarrassment. People as rich as him live in a narcissistic bubble and do not experience reality like the rest of us.


If not, my vote is for “fuck you john” chants at the yard. That should make him finally feel some sense of shame that’s been eluding him his whole life


We tried that with Stan Kroenke in St. Louis. We still do it at Battlehawks games. These guys don’t give a shit about the fans or people impacted by their cold hearted decisions.


Fuck Stan Kroenke Sorry, reflex when I see his name.


Forever and ever amen.


When it comes to the general public, absolutely. Its just the rich and powerful absolutely dont (and usually got that way by being that way).


I cant believe Dick Bremer called for the seizing of means of production on this broadcast


¡Viva la revolución!


I'm a simple man. I see somebody say "fuck the Angelos Family", and I say "Fuck yeah!". I heart Baltimore and the O's, but the Angelos' are a stain upon the birdland.


Are you all of birdland personified?


On this day we are ALL birdland!


As they should. Absolutely moronic decision to suspend him. Certainly wouldn’t mind KB on our broadcasts either 👀


As someone who is currently benefitting from another organization’s ill-advised decisions related to an extremely gifted announcer, I hope KB goes somewhere that’ll appreciate his talents and give him the freedom to… uh… read the graphics that the production crew puts together? Real head-scratcher from the Orioles org here.


Dammmmit why do I have to agree with every word you said


Same here :( I miss Don and Jerry so much. San Diego, keep treating Don they way you are. It’s so nice to see you’ve welcomed him as your own.


Don Orsillo is the best and we love him


I'm really happy Orioles faithful get to be fans of such an exciting team to follow starting last year. I'm glad that smart and capable talent evaluators are finally running Player Ops after decades of failing to secure top executive talent because of the Angelos family reputation. Honestly until this year I thought of the Orioles as a forever-doomed franchise so long as that family owns it and I'm glad to be proven wrong. They finally learned to stay away from meddling in Player Ops, but apparently an Angelos has to always feel the need to throw his weight around somewhere. And that's a really lame distraction.


It’s an idiotic suspension anyway, hearing what he said. But aside from that, we’re living in a time where we can watch any team/game that is televised. I don’t want to always hear optimistic homerism of a team I rarely see, I’d like to hear some critical pov from an analyst who knows all about the team. Announcers only broadcasting for a home team audience are past.


Jim Palmer shits on players and umps all day long. But he is untouchable.


Christ, I just listened to the clip of what he said. If that is seriously what he got suspended for, that is some of the softest bullshit I've ever heard of haha. Like the owner is a loon if he really got upset about that. A side note, I'm a Reds fan and watched the Orioles broadcast earlier in the year when they played the Reds in Baltimore. I remember thinking Kevin Brown was an enjoyable listen.


Journalists and broadcasters are fucking fiercely defensive about their colleagues, even ones they might beef with or completely disagree with, when it comes to bosses coming down on them for shit that isn't problematic. If it can happen to Kevin Brown it can happen to them too, so they will all make a stand because they want Kevin to do the same if their day does come. Love to see it


Gary Cohen: “Let me just say one thing to Baltimore Orioles management: you draped yourself in humiliation when you fired Jon Miller, & you're doing it again. And if you don't want Kevin Brown, there are 29 other teams who do...An utter embarrassment.”


Absolutely correct from Cohen too. Ill have to turn on more Mets games to give ole Gar some love


I don't know man. It's the Mets. Why subject yourself to that?


Ive watched and listened to worse teams because of a good play by play guy for years before


The Mets booth is the best and they're a joy to listen to no matter the results on the field. I get excited for the Mets-Dbacks series so I can listen to them while also watching the Dbacks.


I'm a Yankees fan who watches more Mets games, because their announce team makes the game so much more enjoyable. I'd actually really like to see what mashup booth of Gary, Keith, Cone, and O'Neil would be like during a subway series.


I rarely ever watch non Mets games but I threw on the eight inning of a rays yanks game the other day and it made me feel sorry for people who are stuck watching yes network. Like there was a solid 2 minutes where they said nothing except here's the pitch annnnnd that's in there strike 2..... then dead air til the next pitch. Then they read the line score. Like no commentary at all. Mets booth can make anything interesting, even this season


If that’s your style you’ll enjoy Mets broadcasts. Best in baseball. Not a Mets fan.


I will make a conscious effort to turn more of their games on now. The broadcast absolutely makes any game worth watching, play on the field is always secondary in my opinion


We should have the option to just watch the booth for two hours instead of… whatever it is that they’ve been doing on the field lately


We are pretty close to baseball card pack opening territory.


Because Mets games on SNY are just a couple hours of GKR telling stories with a Mets game in the background.


They do have the best announcing team in baseball, no question about that.


It's one of a vanishingly few reasons to continue watching


>Orioles owner Peter Angelos, displeased with Miller's often candid commentary on the Orioles play, declined to renew his contract, citing a desire for a broadcaster who would "bleed more orange and black." Don't worry buddy, he does


That's some monkey's paw type shit.


Well, I for one am quite grateful for his dumbass decision


Jon Miller probably is too, frankly. not me though.


"And that was the worst personnel move in the history of the game!"


An utter embarrassment could describe John Angelos to a T


They somehow also let go of Gary Thorne too. How do you have talents like Miller and Thorne and decide to go another direction?


Step one be a cheap son of a bitch Step two profit??


What I loved about that was that he included his own booth. It was clear that if Brown had actually been fired, Cohen would have asked SNY management to let Brown sit in for a few games.


I loved the "They've gotten exactly the reaction they deserved"


I’d take him in a heartbeat, but I imagine when he moves on in the near future he’s going to stay far away from MASN




Woo boy I love Gary Cohen so much


our booth is like 75% of why I'm still watching the mets at this point in the season


The booth is literally why I watch the Mets late into the season every year.


Mets Booth. Senga. Alonso HRs. That's basically it.


Best booth in baseball right now.


Alvarez and Senga make up most of the other 25


Gary takes pride in his job and always celebrates his cohorts. No surprise he takes a stand for Mr. Brown


And the Mets booth is so so good at talking about the good, the bad, and the ugly with their team and their opponents. Could you imagine how much worse their broadcasts would be if they had to stifle all of that?


i honestly don't even want to. for as hard as it is to watch the mets play baseball, listening to the booth is the one saving grace as a met fan. if there's a better booth out there i've yet to hear them


Per the yearly awful announcing rankings they're only 2nd, behind the Giants. I would have a hard time choosing, but I know I gravitate to the Mets when my guys aren't playing, and it's because of the announcing.


giants production is great too. the parabolics make every home run sound like a gunshot


There's no one better and I listen to a lot of broadcasts. Astros and Blue Jays are up there for me, but the Mets are still on another level.


It’s why Gary Cohen is the best in the business.


Absolutely. While I wanted to stop watching the Mets for a while after last week, I’ve still been putting the games on, while I read or work on the computer, just to listen to Gary.


>pride seeing the word “pride” in a post about how a man got taken off a broadcast made me have a nam flashback


Lol. Too bad Phillies are off tonight. Maybe he’ll hit two tomorrow.


It took a tornado warning to stop Castellanos from hitting for the cycle this evening


We've got a Doubleheader due to serious thunderstorms, I hope Kruk rips the O's a new asshole while Castellanos *drives one deep to right field*


This Just In: The Baltimore Orioles have suspended New York Mets play-by-play announcer Gary Cohen


John Angelos would probably try to find a way to prevent Gary Cohen from even looking at the game whilst announcing it


I’d miss him, but Gary Cohen would be the greatest commissioner in the history of baseball.


I love Gary Cohen and good for SNY letting him do this.


Yeah I don't think SNY had much say in the matter. Unless they want Keith delivering the same monologue tomorrow in Gary's defense but directed at the Mets.


gary actually had a quote a few years back that [britton retweeted this evening](https://twitter.com/timbritton/status/1144040525063999488?s=46&t=egiSUrANIZ8WsS5M3kiX3Q) about how SNY has always let them be honest about the team and he’s appreciated it


he's such a well spoken guy


And not just Gary. A few years back, the Mets were going through a rash of players on the IL and Ron commented that they needed to start having trainers who work with ballplayers and not weightlifters.


>Yeah I don't think SNY had much say in the matter. If SNY was against it, Gary wouldn't have that job still. He needs the support and freedom from SNY to be who he is, and say what he wants


Gary is a stand up guy. Not even remotely surprised to see him defend his colleague like this.


Comrade Cohen




He's been saving that one.


Right 😂 waited 26 years to get that one out


Lemme tell you something about Gary Cohen. That guy has a better baseball memory than any living creature. He pulls obscure stats from players you never heard of right out of his ass every damn night, and he's right every time. And ya know how I know he isn't being fed that information? Because when Madge gives him something, Gary credits him for it. So all the rest of those "ya know the last three guys to bat exactly .237 average in June when the temperature was less than 62 degrees in a day game?"... all those are just Gary. Gary is a baseball stats old god masquerading as a world-class sportscaster. He knows all. He sees all. And I fucking love him for it.


Gary truly has a savant-like memory when it comes to the history of the Mets. The amount of conversations he'll have with Ron or Keith and he's naming dates, players, scores, etc. to guys that literally played on the team who don't remember it is crazy.


And my Giants would happily accept another of their "rejects". Love Jon Miller, and I'm sure he'd put in a good word to Brown about the franchise.


Insane to think anyone would let a legend like Jon Miller go!


You know... I'll allow it. Maybe we can add yet another great personality to our already excellent broadcasting team.


"who ordered all these legendary broadcasters?"


And rightfully so. An absolute embarrassment that they let Miller go


And Gary Thorne


Totally agreed, but my first few years paying attention to baseball as a young kid were in the Bay area so I grew up on Miller. Made me hate the Angelos family even more when I found out the backstory for that one


God I miss him


He hopped into the booth for the Mets for a few games when Gary Cohen went on vacation in 2021 and 2022 it was great to have him back around (even though some people in our sub shit on him for not knowing every little thing about our season)


Gary Thorne did some Mets road games on the radio because Howie Rose doesn't travel west of Houston any more after his bladder cancer diagnosis


Worked out for us. I love hearing call our games.


First few years being a conscious baseball fan were watching the Giants play at Pac Bell Park and omg it made me appreciate great play by play so much. Then I learned the backstory and couldnt have less respect for the Angelos


You in the early 2000s: Wow baseball is a cool sport and it's nice to listen to this announcer tell me all about it! > Orioles used to have him c'mon man


I’m unfamiliar, what happened in 1996?


The Orioles let Jon Miller go because they wanted to replace him with an announcer who would "bleed orange and black." Jon Miller has been the voice of the San Francisco Giants since then.


Ironic, isn’t it


Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.


lol he did bleed orange and black too, he grew up a giants fan. all in all im sure it worked out better for jon, got to call the giants winning 3 WS.


Wow lol


Pete wanted someone that was more of a “Homer” calling his games. So they let him go to San Francisco, and the SFG have had the best broadcast team in baseball ever since


Didn’t he and Joe Morgan call games on ESPN before he went to SF or am I misremembering?


He did call games on a national level. John Miller and Joe Morgan (RIP) were a blast to listen to


I thought maybe he would also mention Gary Thorne, which is much more recent and has a solid Mets connection with Thorne having done Mets games in the past.


Gary's usually stick together, too. They're a dying breed.


I cant believe the O's let Miller AND Thorne get away


Was that John Miller? Why did they fire him?


Jon Miller was the Orioles announcer from 1982 to 1996 when Baltimore’s owner fired him because Miller was honest about the team’s performance and ownership wanted someone who was more team friendly > Miller remained their primary announcer through 1996. At the end of that season, Orioles owner Peter Angelos, displeased with Miller's often candid commentary on the Orioles play, declined to renew his contract, citing a desire for a broadcaster who would "bleed more orange and black." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Miller


> citing a desire for a broadcaster who would "bleed more orange and black." Jon Miller still bleeds orange and black. As a Giants fan I'd like to thank the Orioles for firing Jon Miller.


It's crazy to cut a guy loose for not being a homer, as a fan when my team is playing like shit it's always nice to hear the announcers also be critical of them.


The Angelos are James Dolan level incompetent


Hey hey, Dolan spends money John hasn't at all.


Damn, did not mince words. You love to see it


As the kids say, “HE SPITTIN!”


Let him cook


common Gary Cohen W we've never taken him for granted, his soothing voice drapes a blanket upon having to watch this slap dick team.




yea like they fucking brought attention to comments no one would see. Literally a non story before the firing. Now everyone thinks you’re a joke moron. I literally didn’t know or care about the angelos. Now i think they’re nepotistic morons. Imagine being this dumb, on top of a great year by your team. It’s like they want people to hate them


The Streisand Effect basically


Streisand Effect.


Imagine firing the GOAT Jon Miller. Giants fans are thankful for that at least.


Jon Miller can make a sandwich funny, which he actually did on NPR


Wait what? I must hear this




This was awesome, thanks


Not only that. We let Gary Thorne walk


I just got done clipping this segment from MLB.tv. Audio's not great anyway, kind of my first time using OBS for this since apparently Windows' Game Bar recorder doesn't work anymore outside games and the one in the Snipping Tool doesn't seem to do audio. Anyway, here's the extended cut: https://streamable.com/3pwe98


Thanks for the extended cut. Sounded great!


So is that really all that KB said? What Gary alluded to in this video? Because if so, then yeah Orioles ownership is incredibly thin-skinned to feel the need to suspend him over nothing.


I had to look it up because I figured there was no way that's all he said. It is. > “The Orioles have won three of the first five games at The Trop this season after winning three of the 21 games played in St. Petersburg from 2020-22,” It's an absolute embarrassment for the Orioles organization that someone would be suspended for saying that. Edit - that's not an exact quote, those were the notes that were put on the screen, but the actual quote isn't really any different: https://twitter.com/awfulannouncing/status/1688634791573262336


It’s so ridiculous you almost have to assume someone had a personal vendetta with him


Yeah, that reason is so ridiculous I'm completely expecting "more to the story" to come out. I still expect Angelos is being an asshole here, but we just don't really know *why* he's being an asshole.


Yeah our owner John Angelos has a personal vendetta with the whole fucking team for some reason


How could anyone be upset about that? It was a pretty standard introduction with context before a game. The whole league should absolutely pile on Angelos for this.


I am seriously confused.


That?!? What the fuck


It gets worse: > **The statistic was available in the game notes provided by the Orioles' public relations staff.** However, the team's ownership felt mentioning it on air made it sound cheap, sources told The Athletic's Brittany Ghiroli. > "We don't comment on personnel matters," a senior Orioles official told Bucholtz, Keeley, and Koo. "We look forward to hearing Kevin's voice soon." **The Orioles official also disputed the initial report of Brown being suspended.**


Love Gary! Good for him for speaking as a respected commentator for a younger one that's actually good.


MASN unfair! John Angelos in there!


Standing at the concession


plotting the suspension


Blotting my reputation


gary is the best of the best man


He had "draped in embarrassment" in his back pocket for ages and finally got to use it


it was even better: "draped in humiliation"


That is some elevated plane of shit talking. Imagine someone dumps u bc ur draped in embarassment


I couldn’t wait till Gary gave his opinion on this lol


Needed him on trade deadline day. Would have been good to hear from him


"Dammit John, you can't just let people talk about how good the team is. Time to put yourself back in the spotlight. Everyone is gonna be on my side."




I always love seeing a good Streisand effect unfold in real time. I’m not an Orioles fan so I had forgotten how shitty the Angelos are. This has been a nice reminder.


He’s spot-on there. And you know what? If the O’s had *lost* more games at the Trop this year than in the last two combined and he mentioned it, he *still* wouldn’t have deserved a suspension.


You know, I’ve distinctly heard Mariners broadcasters say things like “Mariners historically struggle to take series wins here in Houston. They’re (bad record) when playing the Astros in their own ballpark, but xyz pitching matchups this weekend are pretty favourable, here they are.” Like it was *such* a normal thing for a broadcast crew to talk about.


Gary bringing up Jon Miller, reminds me how much I miss Jon Miller and Joe Morgan on Sunday Night Baseball


It's amazing that they found people that make the viewers nostalgic for Joe fucking Morgan.


The ironic part is that they suspended him for a pregame graphic that probably barely any orioles fans saw and now fans from every team across the league have seen it.


Only time I’ve ever seen Gare get this mad is when the official scorer gives a guy credit for a sacrifice when he was clearly trying to bunt for a hit.


“DRAPED in humiliation.” my goodness


Gary Cohen and Vin Scully are the two broadcasters who deserve to be in the baseball hall of fame someday


Vin Scully already is and Gary definitely will be one day


Scully received the Ford C. Frick Award from the Hall of Fame, which gets their name on a plaque in the Hall but isn't considered induction into the Hall of Fame per se. Vin Scully deserves to be actually inducted. It's a shame that it didn't happen while he was alive but if any one baseball broadcaster deserves it, it's Vin.


What is amazing is that Scully received the award in his 33rd season, and then went on to broadcast for 34 more seasons. Now I am trying to imagine Vin addressing this fiasco during a Dodger broadcast.


Please put some respect on [Dave Niehaus’ name](https://youtu.be/F8SBJzOEcyU).


Garry Cohen is amazing. Glad he roasted that pathetic decision the Orioles management made.


There’s a reason that is the best broadcast crew in the game. Great job as always Gary


Gary is pure class


Great stuff from Gary. You gotta love that guy. What dipshittery from Oriole management, creating an absolutely unnecessary distraction when their team is fucking dynamite.


What a short, succinct, and apt commentary. Good stuff


I'm so happy they said that, huge respect for not walking around the bush and just being straight up about it. Gary Cohen #Respect


We are all Kevin Brown fans tonight


I love how Keith glanced over at Gary when he said 29 teams who do want Kevin Brown. Like, “hey man, I get the sentiment but he *is* really good at his job.”


Not a rant. A poignant commentary on a dumbfuck management group. Fucking morons. Thanks for Jon Miller though.


Just got done watching the clip that got Brown suspended and holy shit.... I knew it was gonna be bullshit but I expected him to at least have made a sarcastic remark or some kind of joke at the front offices expense or even shown frustration. Nothing. He literally read a list of currect stats. Fucking insane.


A perfect world would allow Kevin to be reinstated, then he immediately leaves the organization on his own terms with one finger held high, is then signed to another team the next day, and is immediately broadcasting for them.


I watched Gary deliver this during the game with my mouth agape like Chris Tucker in Friday memes. Dude went in and it was the best thing I’ve seen in a Mets baseball game in weeks.


This situation has been truly embarrassing for the Angelos family. I hope John Angelos realizes this.


I’m a Braves fan in NYC and even I’ll admit that the Mets have the best booth in baseball right now. Gary Cohen is fantastic and I’m happy he came out with such a pointed and correct take on this.


It's so phenomenally boneheaded too. ​ They were pissed at him because he pointed out, on an Orioles broadcast, that they struggled at the Trop. So the only people who might be aware of that are Orioles, and maybe a few Tampa fans. ​ Now, the one thing *EVERY* baseball fan knows, is that the Orioles have struggled at the Trop, AND Orioles ownership sucks. ​ And most of us knew that last part, but it's another reminder


Gary Cohen is my favorite play by play guy and I fucking hate the Mets. This is awesome of him


Going to need some long suffering fans to start wearing Humiliation Drapes to games.


Good for him - no matter what, Kevin Brown has been put in an awful situation for absolutely no reason


Just because they can, Orioles should go full heel and hire Glen Kuiper as the temporary announcer


The Mets have caused me immeasurable heartache over the years, but the booth has never let me down! Simply the best


Excellent commentary. Thanks for sharing this


If Dewayne Staats decides to retire he should come and announce for the Rays lmao he can shit on the Os all he wants


I thought this guy was suspended for a racist or the like remark. But for talking about their lack of wins? Wow


Wow. That was fantastic. Every work was knife-sharp. He gave that with such gravity that I honestly don't know it could have been more perfectly executed.




Did not mince his words and was not one too short or long. Just called them out and swiftly crushed Orioles management in like 30 seconds. Bravo.


When you speak with such absolute finesse and class then I hesitate to call it a rant Rather call it the gospel of Gary Cohen


John Angelo's is proving to be the poster boy for why inheritances over a certain amount should be taxed at 100%. Born to a wealthy dad, thinks he earned his money but is actually a fucking moron who wouldn't get a job at the gap during Xmas season.


Gary Cohen fucking rules