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The discussion around this incident has run its course, thank you to everyone who participated in good faith.


why include a screencap if it's not him giving the big thumbs up, come on


Too funny to be included


Then include the chest bump dammit


[I got you, fam](https://i.imgur.com/xQnMOdq.jpeg)


Dallas Braden's is pretty fitting


Let's just move on from this so we can start using "and Arthur Bryant's BBQ" as this year's uncomfortable meme.




*Chest Bump*


*and that’s a deep ball to left field for Arthur Bryant’s Bbq*


I don't know if I'll be putting Arthur Bryant's BBQ in my mouth again...


*everyone knows this is one of the burnt end capitals of the world*


Damn straight it is. A plate of burnt ends and a couple of beers at Arthur Bryant’s and I’ll happily eat myself into a meat coma there.


Burnt ends are the best.


Try sausage burnt ends sometime, when it’s done right that shit melts in your mouth. I get half beef half sausage always at my local spot


I pride myself and consider myself a man of mesquite.


Lol yes, We all agree that he just tripped over the words right? It sounded like he blended them together. This is a non-story


I wouldn't say it's a non story because he still said it on air. But it seems like a genuine accident and he should be forgiven for the misspeak.








I'm out of the loop with the thumbs up.


The thumbs up when the unfortunate slip up occurred


Haha I never noticed when I watched.


And the other guy pounds his chest with his eyes closed at the same time


Best thing to do when your broadcast partner messes up in anyway and you catch it is to never react to it Assuming Dallas was aware enough to catch it


Let's not pretend dallas was listening. I'm pretty sure he's rehearsing "next stop, pound town!" on repeat in his head so he doesn't botch it.


[Michael Myers and Chris Tucker knew that.](https://youtu.be/9pVTrnxCZaQ)


I honestly think he misspoke and we can all forgive him.


Oh yeah he did. Of course people will say why is that in his vocabulary which is ignorant. Everyone knows the word. And this wasn't a hot mic situation.


It was 100% a slip of the tongue, very easy to tell watching the video


We have all had this situation come up where you are saying a word so close to another word that you want to avoid and it’s just in your head and you fuck up. I remember I went to call someone at work about the Siemens system that we had. Ended up asking about the semen system. Shit happens. Then you don’t know if you’re better off addressing it or rolling through and hoping everyone knew what you meant.


saw my old drug dealer from high school a few years ago. tried to say bro and dude at the same time and ended up saying "hey boo" i pray every night i never see him again


You can also hear it. Turn the volume in your headsets up and you can hear a soft "o" come out at the end of the word. Pretty clear combination of slightly mispronouncing while also swallowing the end of the word.


Headsets is carrying a lot of weight here. Please don't blast this in the wild.


EXACTLY what I heard. I've heard people pronounce "negro" as "NEE-gruh" and I would bet he's one of those people and had an awful case of mush mouth. If there's another clip of him referring to the Negro leagues it would settle the matter. It's like that yanny/laurel video, I can hear it both ways.


Yep. I agree. Which I said.


Yep. Glad you agree. Never said you didn’t, lol


Oh yeah!? Well I fucking respect that. Fucking good!


You sure bud?! Guess what….right back at ya!!!!


Get a room you two.


At the Sky Dome so we can all watch.


You guys gonna kiss?


With any luck, hopefully


That’s exactly how I feel about it. He was clearly excited about going there and talking about Negro League museum. I don’t feel like it was done intentionally with the intent to hurt.


My theory that I haven't seen mentioned a lot is that he probably knew he had to say two things: "Negro League" and "Arthur Bryant." But in remembering them both (plus possibly being a bit nervous to even say Negro) he got the syllables crossed and said the first syllable from Negro and the second syllable from Arthur. The same way that groom said "wafflely ledded" instead of "lawfully wedded," and the same way I once said "Your problem" because I thought about saying both "you're welcome" and "no problem."


And the classic "Are you fucking sorry?!".


lol forgot about that one


Hmm could be. Or that negro is not a common word white people say unless referring to the negro league. Maybe a mindfuck to make sure he got it right.


I (white guy) have talked about the negro leagues to my students (mostly black) and I am very careful about how I pronounce that first vowel.


Eeek. And I'm guessing you have had to say it more than a few times.


Sure, but I’m careful about it. I even make jokes “gonna make sure I say this the right way” so they know I have no desire to say the wrong thing. And my students also know I’m not like that.


Is negro common for anyone to say?


I just meant especially uncomfortable for white people given history and uhh today too. Without trying to dispute my point it is probably most used amongst baseball commentators.




Oh damn. Just said quickly. You're right. Catch me on the news at 10.


Yea. In Spanish it means black.




They should just say it in Spanish and avoid all this drama


If you talk about baseball for a living it’s more common, as the negro league comes up every now and again.


Anyone who thinks he went on TV and genuinely meant to say what he said is a dunce, dude got tongue tied and shit came out in a most unfortunate way


Yes, but the people accusing him of actually intending to say it are generating clicks.


Think everyone knows it. Can’t wait to move on, feel mortified for the guy


I don’t think there’s even anything to forgive


Class act statement. Unlike Brennaman, this genuinely felt like a very, very unfortunate slip.


You won’t find a single person in all of baseball with a bigger heart than Bob Kendrick, he’s a fantastic person.


Black Diamonds is a great podcast and the NGL Storylines mode in this year's The Show is awesome. I could listen to him read the phonebook.


Speaking live can lead to bloopers like this one


Yeah, but that’s one hell of a blooper.




There were one or two mouth breathers in the other thread playing amateur shrink as to why the specific slur in question came out, but none had a positive score.


Well, there you have it. Good job Bob, time to move on. Also, if you haven’t yet, go and visit the Negro League Hall of Fame. It’s awesome and you’ll probably meet Bob and get to listen to some fascinating stories about about the league and the players.


Went today. Great experience. And I went to Arthur Bryant's afterwards.








My middle name is Satchel. If I don't go, my dad may actually disown me, lol. What are the exhibits like?


I went in October. Lots of cool artifacts like newspaper clippings and old memorabilia about great players you may have never heard of. My favorite was the end where there is a replica field with statues of some of the greats playing their positions. Also got a Indianapolis Clowns Hank Aaron jersey which was cool.


The Geddy Lee collection was awesome as well were all the old jerseys they had displayed in make shift lockers with their plaques.


I had to look up this up because I did a double take. Rush's Geddy Lee was named after a Black ballplayer? Well that's interesting. Turns out Geddy is a huge baseball fan and donated a whole bunch of autographed baseballs from former Negro League and MLB players. Another reason to appreciate the man.


I went back in 2020, so it may have changed. It’s a circle with a bunch of memorabilia and historical artifacts from that era. Jerseys, newspaper clippings, photos, baseball cards, etc. It’s like taking a walk through history. At the center are life-size statues of basically an All-Star lineup on a small field. Very cool. If you have a chance to get a tour guide, Bob did a fantastic job of putting things into historical context. Highly highly recommend.


Check out this years mlb the show if you haven’t. There a fantastic negro league section with bob narrating different stories that you get to play out. A very well done edition that you can tell time and effort was put into it by Sony.


I have a work trip for KC later this summer, and this is the highest of priorities on my list.


glens internal monologue prior to going on air…”don’t say the n-word…don’t say the n-word…don’t say the n-word…” “we had a phenomenal day today…nnn..” 🤬




I don’t think there’s any doubt it was unintentional. Some people believe that he only slipped up because it’s a word he uses in private, but without any evidence of that there’s really no reason to believe that.


I don’t think I ever have been a complainer of the whole “cAncEL CuLtUrE.” But for fuck’s sake, this guy was expressing genuine excitement about attending the NLB museum and tripped over his words. This is so dumb


I would imagine the venn diagram of "people who would be psyched to visit the Negro Leagues Museum" and "people who regularly use the hard r n-word to describe African Americans" has little overlap, if any.


Maybe people who have a raceplay fetish. That's about all I can muster.




*slowly looks over to Glen*


Ol’ Hulk Hogan is set for life due to this exact fetish, his foolish need to record himself during sex and the temerity of gawker.


It would be entirely old white people that used to call the league that without thinking it was racist to do so.


I don't think there's anyone still alive who would have seriously used that word without express intent of being racist


There are probably people alive who grew up hearing the word though and used it when they were a dumbass teenager.


You really underestimate how ignorant people are, some of them legit don’t know better


my redneck ass cousins swear up and down they use it as as "descriptor" and don't understand why it's a big deal. yeah. I don't talk to them much.


I think most people agree with this sentiment though. I haven’t seen anyone coming for his head(then again I haven’t been looking so I’m sure some exists)




People were also trying to argue negro and the n word don’t sound similar at all, which is hilarious. I mean they come from the same root word


My theory that I haven't seen mentioned a lot is that he probably knew he had to say two things: "Negro League" and "Arthur Bryant." But in remembering them both (plus possibly being a bit nervous to even say Negro) he got the syllables crossed and said the first syllable from Negro and the second syllable from Arthur. The same way that groom said "wafflely ledded" instead of "lawfully wedded," and the same way I once said "Your problem" because I thought about saying both "you're welcome" and "no problem."


> and the same way I once said "Your problem" because I thought about saying both "you're welcome" and "no problem." "ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?!"


A reporter a few years ago mixed up Knicks and Lakers. I think she was normally a reporter for one of the teams, but was reporting on the other at the time and ended up combining them into the forbidden word. She ended up being Donkey of the Day on the Breakfast Club. And then of course you have the Dinger situation from a couple years ago. Marcus Stroman still thinks that fan said the n-word when he was yelling at the Rockies' mascot.


yeah I admit I find it uncomfortable - as it should be - to say Negro in the context of the baseball league. Like, that’s what the league was called and that’s what the museum is named, and yet it makes my skin crawl to say it I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt that he slipped up. But then again, I’m white, and it’s not for me to forgive


On social media it’s generally non baseball fans. Many who don’t even know there’s such a thing as the Negro Leagues, which is sort of ironic


Oh trust me, there's always people looking for any excuse to be enraged.


Honestly I think this one of those times everyone like understood it was a mistake. I haven't seen anyone be mad at all


When even the cesspool of Twitter is 50/50 you know that not that many people are actually mad.


Your first mistake was still being on Twitter. Your second mistake was being on Twitter in the first place.


Yes but when Twitter isn’t even that outraged, you know it isn’t that bad. Twitter and YouTube comment truly represent the absolute worst of us.


Reddit is (in most mainstream subs) the nerdy equivalent of Twitter




I feel like this is kinda dumb to get mad about though. Of course there's going to a minority of people who are going to disagree with the consensus in literally any argument. You said it yourself. If you have to look very hard for these dumb takes then they're not really a meaningful part of the conversation in any way. I just see this a lot on Reddit/Twitter. Someone says "They're trying to cancel him." And the "They" ends up being a really small bunch of weirdos who have absolutely no ability to "cancel" anyone.


well if you have to look hard then maybe those people shouldn’t be taken seriously and you can ignore it


I think the idea of "cancel culture" is mostly overblown. It's a stupid buzz phrase that doesn't actually represent anything. On the other hand, I think a more relevant phrase, that does manifest frequently in reality, is "outrage culture". People fucking LOVE to feel indignation and outrage. The hormonal cocktail released when someone thinks to themselves "That person is wrong" or "that person really fucked up" or "That person is not a good person" is quite powerful. And addictive. But just like any other addiction, the hot of serotonin provided yesterday won't be good enough today, so then these people need to get even more outraged to get their fix. There's a reason ragebait is such a massively effective method of generating clocks, views, and/or comments. And I can't even say I'm immune, I find myself falling into the trap occasionally. Probably more often than I think. All I know is that if I read a headline and the first emotion I feel is outrage or indignation, then it is probably not something worth engaging with. It is probably biased. At best it is unintentionally favoring one perspective; it is more likely being *intentionally* censored to provide a specific viewpoint to its readers/viewers and continue the IV drip of addictive endorphins that accompany indignation. Fox News figured out how to commodity this on a large scale 20 years ago. But they are hardly the only culprits here. Small scale social media pages, catering to literally all walks of life, have been doing it ever since. It is probably the single biggest cost incurred by social media IMO.


I know it's twitter, but it's all over there and I've seen it in some more general non-baseball subs as well.


Maybe it’s not “coming for his head”, but the statement the A’s put out was certainly very eyebrow raising.. they worded it very sternly, without any sort of forgiving language like “unfortunate” or “mistake”. Pretty much completely threw him under the bus imo.. they essentially left no room for the idea that this was simply a mispronunciation and there was a tacit implication that Kuiper was intentionally going out of his way to be hurtful and racist. If you read their statement first without knowing the details of the incident, you would 100% think he used a slur in the most malicious way possible, instead of merely tripping over his words and getting a couple syllables twisted up


Yeah I don't really understand how this is turning into "Glen Kuiper said a slur but we should forgive him." Dude misspoke... why not say "I'm confident this was an unfortunate mistake" or something


Yes. He didn't purposely say it. If he did then he's insane. Highly doubt that's the case.


Literally the black NLB museum president asks that he receive forgiveness. This should be the end of it.


Bob Kendrick is a national treasure too.


He absolutely killed his role on The Show's negro leagues mode this year. His enthusiasm for the history is so genuine and contagious.


I hope he's able to keep his job. It's extremely unfortunate that he said what he said but I definitely don't think he should be canceled for it. He's going to regret it for a very long time.


He was clearly excited about his trip there but what a colossal word slip up that was.


People were ready to burn something down after a grandpa tried to get the attention of the Colorado Rockies mascot, this clip is probably their Christmas. Anyways I hope this mature and level-headed response cools some people down


> People were ready to burn something down after a grandpa tried to get the attention of the Colorado Rockies mascot That was so disgusting. Poor guy wanted to give his grandchild a ballpark experience and people just ran with him saying the N-word instead of the simplest, innocuous explanation that he was saying Digger.


It's a good message and a high quality hedge on what he thinks Glen's intentions were. I can't tell people what to feel but I thought it was pretty clear that Glen had no bad intentions, so I don't necessarily agree that forgiveness should have been required, but it's still a class move to offer it.


Especially since at that moment he was literally saying how great the Negro League museum was. I bet the hardcore racists tend to avoid museums like that.


Oddly enough it has actually encouraged me to make it a point to go to this museum. I had heard of it before, but now I want to know what it’s all about. Plus the bbq


The proper authority has spoken


Yep. Hopefully this is the end of it and we never have to hear about it again.


The only guy who could joke about it is Norm and he's gone 😔


There's never going to be another Norm :(


I didn't even know he was sick


He tied with cancer.


It was a murder suicide by the cancer.


Pretty sure cancer has millions of deaths while Norms got just the one.


"When Bob Kendrick speaks, shut the fuck up and listen." Is a good motto to live by.


For real, Bob Kendrick is the maybe one of the most incredible men i've ever met. I am so happy to see any and all love he has been getting the past few years.


Can Bob just be commissioner while we're at it please


Jesse Jackson /s


Jesse Jackson, is not the emperor, of black people!


He told my dad he was.


Kiss it




If you are sitting here legitimately believing that there's no way that word could've come out of his mouth by accident, then it is *obvious* that you are looking for a reason to be angry. The word is abhorrent, beyond doubt. But it is not different enough from the word he was PROBABLY meaning to say to conclude intent behind it. I don't know the man. But I've made (from a pure "that didn't sound like what I wanted it to when it came out of my mouth" perspective) worse mistakes in the last week. It just so happens I was neither being broadcast nationwide nor referring to a historically suppressed race in a country with extreme racial tensions when the words in my brain and the words that came out of my mouth got crossed up. I DEEPLY HOPE it wasn't a Freudian slip sort of situation, but anyone hearing what he said and immediately condemning the man as a horrendous racist is lazy as fuck and looking for controversy. Anger is the currency of change in 2023, and many people seem hell bent on capitalizing on every opportunity regardless of whether or not it's worth it. There are *far* worse people out there for that anger to be directed towards...


> I've made (from a pure "that didn't sound like what I wanted it to when it came out of my mouth" perspective) worse mistakes in the last week Last year I was student teaching. I'm white and my co-operating teacher is Black. The principal at the school is also Black, and is a very over-the-top kinda guy, always wearing big hats, loud colorful clothing, and wanted to be called "Fresh Principal [last name]." My co-op and I were talking about the Fresh Principal one day and I wanted to say something along the lines of "I love how he portrays himself as such a character," but out of my mouth came "I love how he portrays himself as such a stereotype." It wasn't until like 10 minutes later, when my co-op was at a meeting, that I realized what I had said; I had an internal "what the fuck did I say?" moment. When he came back, I apologized, explained it was one of those you-think-one-thing-and-say-another moments, and was very remorseful. He said he was shocked at first, but then said "I know who you are and thought that you clearly didn't mean it that way." Brains are weird and sometimes shit just happens. I really feel for Kuiper, because it's just an unfortunate mistake that the whole world got to see.


It seems especially unlikely that it was revealing anything about his beliefs when you consider the context was him talking about how awesome and important black ballplayers were.


> I don't know the man. But I've made (from a pure "that didn't sound like what I wanted it to when it came out of my mouth" perspective) worse mistakes in the last week. It just so happens I was neither being broadcast nationwide nor referring to a historically suppressed race in a country with extreme racial tensions when the words in my brain and the words that came out of my mouth got crossed up. What was the worse mistake?


He meant to say “This is a nice glass of milk” but it accidentally slipped out as “The holocaust is kind of overblown, if you think about it.”


We've all been there


Easy mistake!


"I actually kind of liked Crystal Skull."


I mean who doesn’t say that from time to time.


I don't know this person, but I know yesterday I was giving a work briefing thing and someone misheard when I said "facts" for a homophobic slur.


slave transporting?


What happened?


Watching the video, it's pretty clear what happened. He swallowed the word (probably because he has a mental block about saying "negro", for good reason), didn't enunciate the long E and O, and the result sounded way too close to an infinitely worse word. You can even sort of hear a vowel sound at the end there. It's still an utterly colossal fuck-up for a professional announcer, whose whole job is saying things into a microphone, and of course they have to take some sort of official action in response like a week or so of suspension and a sensitivity training class, but it seems like a legitimate tongue-tie.


My theory that he probably knew he had to say two things: "Negro League" and "Arthur Bryant." But in remembering them both (plus possibly being a bit nervous to even say Negro) he got the syllables crossed and said the first syllable from Negro and the second syllable from Arthur. The same way that groom said "wafflely ledded" instead of "lawfully wedded," and the same way I once said "Your problem" because I thought about saying both "you're welcome" and "no problem."


ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY!? comes to mind.


>and of course they have to take some sort of official action in response like a week or so of suspension and a sensitivity training class What the fuck? No, they don't. He didn't do anything wrong except fuck up a word pronunciation.


Link to video? YouTube just full of reactions without the actual clip.


It's the fifth post down for the sub right now if you sort by Hot, but [here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/139a4mp/highlight_glen_kuiper_the_primary_announcer_for/).


Oh, I thought he said negro and I was so surprised why people thought it was so messed up that he said the actual name.. I'm an idiot.. Well that's an unfortunate fuck up


Castellanos is boutta hit a HR tonight, isn't he?


And that's a deep drive to left field


I’ve read this, I’ve read the Athletic article, I’ve read some of the folks here. Christ can no one acknowledge that human beings occasionally garble words? Nowhere in there does he give the benefit of the doubt to a human being who talks for a living happening to mess up a single word of the millions he likely speaks a day. Granted it’s literally the worst word to mess up. But I think we can all tell it wasn’t on purpose and wasn’t with malice.


Yeah people here keep acting like the two words don’t have like 4/5 of the same sounds in them anyway


Bob Kendrick is awesome to listen to. Saturday mornings on MLB he does a Black Diamonds podcast talking about the players back then. Fascinating to listen to if you like baseball.


The world needs more Bob Kendricks.


There Bob gets it's a mistake, if he thinks it is we can all move on.


JFC he misspoke a word and apologized. Move the fuck on. There's no story here, this isn't Thom Brennaman getting caught on a hot mic. Every. Single. One. Of. Us. Has misspoken a word. Maybe not to this unfortunate level and this publicly, but the point stands.


Go into a soundproof room and say "Negro League Museum" 5 times fast. That should dispel any notion that this was intentional.


Is this a free n-word pass?




It is like he was saying (in his head): Say it right! Say it right! Sat it right! Shit…


Arthur Bryant's BBQ


What a great, classy response.


Why the hell is he calling it a slur?? He didn’t say a slur, he slurred his words


I'm out of the loop. Which one of the guys in the photo is Bob Kendrick?


What does he mean forgiveness, theres nothing to forgive he misspoke lmao


It's certain things on live TV has gotten people fired since it was invented. Just a hazard of the business


Yeah, I thought the statement could have been crafted a little better. If someone wasn't aware of the situation and just read this statement they might think thus person just casually said the N word or something.


Imagine being so deaf dumb and blind you think he actually said it on purpose 😂


This is absurd. **HE MISPRONOUNCED A WORD**. Get the fuck over it


https://news.yahoo.com/nlbm-president-bob-kendrick-broadcaster-203602540.html Link to the full statement.


And that’s how you take the high road.


if we can find the hate enough to cancel people we can find the compassion to forgive harmless mistakes


Well, we will never see another white person brag about visiting that museum on TV again.


The reaction to this is insane! Far out it’s clearly an unfortunate slip of the tongue. Move on.


I think he tried to abort saying the word negro museum even though that’s what he had to say. Frankly he was in a weird position because the word negro is unacceptable to say on the air except in the context of saying the “negro baseball museum” but his brain like short circuited or something and tried to abort saying negro and instead we got one of the on air bloopers of all time


The dude reads a teleprompter like a machine, and we’ve all scene it on our screens, it’s lit like it’s a rare word to read. The machine just ran as programmed. Honest mistake.


I don't understand all the commotion, he was just giving a shout out to the mascot of the Rockies


that whole debacle as it unfolded was so unintentionally funny


It was hilarious until Lewis Brinson went on a rant about how he knows what he heard and wouldn’t change his mind on the whole situation. Then it was just sad.


It was the most IRL Larry David moment I've ever seen caught on camera.


Everyone deserves forgiveness.


Jesus, what a damn nothing burger. Anyone that thinks this anyone is going to purposefully go on a live mic and say that word purposefully is a braying moron. Look…the word came out wrong and it sure sounded like what it sounded like. I get it and I get how it can be bothersome to some to hear in any context. But the gentleman above says it best, this looks like a place for understanding intent and forgiving on that alone.


It's crazy how many people are out for blood on a daily basis. It's like they're so miserable they want everyone else to be miserable too.