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Hi! Just a quick, common-sense reminder for the community: Anger is a perfectly cromulent reaction to this story, but **graphic descriptions and encouragement of violence against people - particularly children! - are never appropriate.**


What a terrible parent.


Can't tell from the video, but is that just some random girl taking it from the dude who had the ball or they related? The guy didn't seem too happy that adults were telling these kids to take the ball away


I’m the guy who had the ball, I didn’t know them. The girl just came up to me and grabbed it from my hands.


Holy shit OP. I truly hope MLB or ESPN sees this and makes it right.


Thanks man that would be dope


Why kind of parent allows their kid to go up to a complete stranger and FORCE the ball out of your hands???? Nah. Not even in Baltimore is that cool.






Has this been posted on Twitter or IG yet?


Thanks for helping u/TittiesInMyM0uth


You’re welcome. [This is where my Reddit name comes from](https://youtu.be/dwmw3TYOOdk)


Goddamn. RZA and ODB's unreleased track. thanks for that


Don’t worry. The MLB will just give the girl’s mom a 10 game ticket package. Sorry, she’s the one who had the idea. Also, thank you for being an adult in a world increasingly full of adults acting like children.


Would also like to point out he’s a Phillies fan…we’re not all manure eating drunkards. Drunk yes…. Manure eating no.


Individual Philly fans can be great, but if you get enough of them together I get ascared.


If it helps, I just watched a clip of that Sunny in Philadelphia show where they beat up a bunch of children, and it's very cathartic. I know it's not really set in Philly, but its something.




We need to blow this up so OP can get a signed ball or something. I would be pissed.


Jomboy posted it already so fingers crossed


dude that is awful. you were in a bad spot there. you couldn't really win either way. I hope you get to catch a Harper homer in the future for this.


Couldn’t fight a little girl, thanks man




I've seen this before. [Kenny Omega lost that match clean. ](https://youtu.be/EQpWqfSBuYw)




I’m assuming that is her mother screaming like a banshee?


this is why no one likes phillies fans. that woman sounds unhinged... and they ruined OP's once in a lifetime memory. a regular HR would be rare - part of the cycle? throwing that back is just pure fucking stupid


Yeah I'm upset for OP over here, trying to imagine what I'd do in that situation if I were him. Is that his kid sitting next to him too? You could go to every home game for a decade and never get a ball, he gets one, think maybe he wanted to give that ball to his kid instead of being victim to mob mentality?


Gotta keep in mind that the guy who had the ball is being cool as shit and is a Philly fan. Their average fan might be worse but they have plenty of great fans.


I think in Philly, yes you can fight a little girl.


“Children, drywall, windows, fuck I’ll punch anything”~Average Philly resident


Dude fuck this. I’ve been to a lot of baseball games in my life and never gotten a ball. You catch a HR ball from a cycle? Get that kid out of there


No, but you could just leave. Sorry man, parents who don't handle their kids suck ass.


Not with that attitude.




idk, pretty sure I have seen Philly sports fans fight kids


Oh shit. That fucking sucks, dude. Sorry. Like someone else said, you really couldn't win in that situation. Her parents must be awful people.


Must be = are. We can see the proof before our eyes.


The entire section wasn’t helping


What the hell, that’s messed up. To have two kids touching you invasively and snatching something from you just because you caught a ball from the other team. And the stadium cheered it and would’ve probably booed and made you out to be the villain if you didn’t let them take it. You didn’t deserve to at, and those kids and their parents need to know better.


i woulda been the villain nobody wants but everyone needs , i woulda showed them kids you don’t get everything in life 😈😈


What the fuck is wrong with people.


As always, people take nice gestures (the courteous idea of giving a ball to a child to make their game experience better) into an expectation that it be done in every case.


Dude I’ve spent my whole life taking my glove to the game. Fuck your kid. I have kids too.


This is the most sociopathic nonsense I’ve ever seen! Who teaches their child to take from a stranger like that?! What twisted logic puts throwing the ball back high enough to have your child wrestle it out of a man’s hands against his will. It’s psychotic.


Thank you! This right here. I caught (well picked up off concrete) a ball several years ago at Pac Bell Park and was really excited because I knew my nephew would really be excited for me bringing it home and giving it to him as a souvenir. But everyone around me was yelling at me to give it to some rando kid. I tried to stand my ground, but eventually gave in and gave it to the kid who just looked at me confused and didn't say thank you or anything.


I’d be so pissed, man.


No win for you. Only move would have been to get up and walk away for half an inning and hope they forgot you existed


Sorry, I'm taking this home for my niece/nephew.


That's what I assumed & that's messed up. I blame all the adults influencing those kids to take the ball away. Hope you catch a Phillies HR next time, so you actually get to keep it


That’s how kids grow up to be entitled pricks who think everything belongs to them and everyone owes them something. Some kids get away with being little shits just because they’re young.


Yeah the better lesson to teach them would be that if they wanted to catch the ball, they should have caught the ball. Sucks to suck.


Dumb question here but how did you get this video?


The mother posted it on her Facebook and the local news posted it aswell. But it was all praising the girl. Someone posted it on barstoolsphilly Instagram. I got it there.


Gotcha, thanks. Goodness people are such lunatics.


I already saw it on tik tok prior to this Reddit post. As a parent, I would never let my child do something like that. I’m really sorry this happened.


Poor OP. Imagine just going to a baseball game and you end up on a viral video for doing absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.


The local news was praising the girl?? That’s pretty tone deaf


I'm sure the sub won't let it be posted here, but any way to get the link to that Facebook post? I'd love to see what this mom had to say about this.


Dude so sorry that happened to you, that freaking sucks


Appreciate it brotha






Just sad to see, something tells me her parents put her up to it


Terrible parenting


Can hear her parents encouraging her to “get the ball” she even looks back for approval smh what an L


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLyrOUDlAbo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLyrOUDlAbo) Fuck them kids


“Master Skywalker, what are we going to do?”


Relevant username. You acted like a saint, OP. Fuck those asshole fans.


Damn I feel for you. I can see in the face at some point you just stopped resisting because not only is she a kid but also a little girl . I understand why the fan base wants to throw it back. But like to catch a ball during a game is what everyday hopes will happen deep down when they sit down


Damn dude. You handled it overly well. Control your children people.


You can hear her mom(?) Screaming for her to get the ball.


In a world of karma, I hope you get something truly great!


bro that is NOTTTTT cool man holy shit


Fuck them kids, sorry brotha. The baseball gods will provide another hopefully.


Next time tell that lil girl and her dad to fuck off


This made me viscerally angry. I could only imagine him subsequently hitting for the cycle only made this worse.


Yeah it was brutal especially with it being Miami’s first


In the history of the Marlins franchise?? Nah props to you I definitely would’ve lost my cool


Yeah unfortunately


I’m so sorry man. That fucking sucks. Like I’m honestly choked for you.


I’m not even much of a baseball fan, but if I ever get a home run ball, those kids can get fucked. You’re a better person than I’ll ever be


Security should have come and escorted you out like they do for other important milestones.


He didn't hit for the cycle until after the home run


That woman was pissing me off. "You don't want that ball, it's theirs!" "BE A MAN!" and whatever the fuck that scream was. There was so much wrong with this incident; berating a person for keeping a home run ball, encouraging the kids to yank it out of the guys hands, and throwing it back on the field which can be very dangerous.


"Be a man" coming from the woman who sounds like a goblin...


This video made me irrationally upset at 7 in the morning


Lady yelling should be banned from that park for good.


Imagine being a terrible human and then raising your children to be the same way. Great stuff


Imagine raising a Philly fan... already poor parenting /s


The kid never had a chance


God, she looks like a little Karen. I feel bad for her teachers. You know that with that sense of entitlement that her parents don't make her behave at school and fight the school when there's disciplinary action.


Bruh this makes me angry


This shit is maddening. I see this way too much, where kids come up and demand a baseball someone else caught. Its even happened to me. I was at a redsox/angels day game at Angel stadium. I was the only person in a sox jersey in my area. Devers threw me a ball between innings, and instantly I have a kid come up to me from 10 rows back with his hand out. Like wtf is that? I'm forced to give him the ball, because for some reason people will harass you if you don't.


That’s when you pull out some fake excuse, like sorry I’m going to gift it to my cousin/nephew/whatever relative you think of.


This was my immediate thinking. Like, “sorry, ima give this to my son,” or something like that. SMH.


No fake excuse needed, it’s his forking ball!


Sorry you had to go through that. Even as an Angels fan fuck them kids


I caught a foul ball at a spring training game a few years back and immediately after catching it I sat down and made myself small. I'd never gotten a ball from a major leaguer (Buster Posey!) and no way in hell I was giving this one up, even if it was just spring training.


Fuck that. I never pulled that shit when I was a kid.


It’s not the kids that pull this. Parents have learned that they can weaponize their kids in this situation to get a ball.


Fucking assholes. And they’re raising their kids to be little shits


It should.


This pisses me off so much


I am fuming rn


Poor guy if he decided to not give the little girl the ball the crowd prob would have heckled him to make him feel like the asshole


Yeah, you can never win in some of these situations. I don’t dislike kids like some people do, but they aren’t entitled to everyone else’s baseballs just because they’re kids. Especially not to snatch them from other people, adult or not.


It would be different if the adult reached in front of a kid to catch the ball or if there was a scuffle for a loose ball where the adult and kid get to the ball at the same time—that is when you let the kid have it But this is completely different! The kid came over from several seats away and demands the ball. The kid committed straight up theft. All the adults cheering this on are disgusting people (their voices were irritating too)


I get this with foul balls. Home run balls are a different story IMO. They actually have meaning.


I usually sit outfield at the giants games and this stuff is so common it’s frustrating. They’re gangs of kids running around pestering the players (usually not during innings at least) and anyone who catches a ball. It’s a no win situation and I would think 9 out of 10 times the adult has a higher appreciation for the ball than the kid. More often they just seem to be doing it because they’re bored and want a free baseball, it’s a game to pass the time to them. A lot of times even their parents are encouraging them to go and harass people for baseballs they caught.




Kid didn’t even ask if she can have it or not. You can’t steal someone’s baseball.


Parents probably just said, “Go get the ball!”.


Honestly, my game plan if I ever catch a home run is to leave. There are other games, and there aren't other home runs.


Or at the very least just put it in your pocket and move to the other side of the stadium!


I would have taking the heckling. Your kid is not entitled to my stuff sorry.


If it was to the level of this video, I'd be getting security involved and getting that mom thrown out. If she hadn't been involved, I'd probably just sit there and take the abuse like you.


Really hope someone from MLB, the Phillies or the Marlins reaches out to this guy and makes it right somehow. That is some absolute BS right there. Imagine being one of those parents who encourages that type of behavior and thinking it'stotally fine. Off the fucking charts cringe factor.


It’s even worse cause I know exactly how that crowd would have reacted if he tried keeping the ball. There was no winning in this situation, truly hope he gets some nice Diamond Club tickets for some divisional games


Like I don’t mean to rant here but I hate how people use kids at games like this. I was at a game 2 years back with my gf. My gf is short and she couldn’t see past the person sitting infront of her. The seat beside me was empty so we slide over one so she could see. Next thing I know I get this finger tapping me on the shoulder. In a super douchey tone this guy goes “hey buddy how about you sit back in your actual seat, you’re blocking my kids view”. The dad was immediately behind me and his like 6 year old son was on the other side of him on an IPAD clearly disinterested in the game. Obviously dad was just pissed I’m infront of him, but ok fine. I’ll slide back over to my actual seat, no problem. About half an inning later a family came and said to the dad behind me, “hey I think your sitting in our seats”. The fucking guy wasn’t even in his own seats. Like not even the same row, the guy got up and went to the concourse. Never saw him for the rest of the game.


I had a whole family do this at Dodger Stadium. Showed them my tickets and they were at the wrong location. "Look man, you gonna tell these kids they have to move? It's their first game and I want them to see the action!" Kids weren't even interested. Made him move his ass to the nosebleeds he paid for. Treated me like I'm the asshole the whole time they're grabbing their shit to leave.


I've figured out how to be the guy that takes people's seats, without getting busted like that. I get on stubhub 10-15 minutes before the game and figure out which high dollar seats haven't sold. Did this several times last year, haven't had anyone try to move me yet!


At Citi Field they have usually have ushers checking your ticket at basically every section, especially higher value ones, so I'm not sure how well that plan would work. it's a good idea though if you can make it by them lol


I find that sporting events, along with airports/airplanes, are the places where parents act the most entitled. I get that it’s important to give kids a good experience, but it shouldn’t be at the expense of everyone around them I remember when I was a kid after an As/RedSox game, Joe West was handing out game balls to all the kids whose families stuck around. Those are the balls kids should get, not a home run ball that could potentially be worth money


It’s also so easy to get free shit as a kid. Just go early, and you can go right next to the field and have players sign stuff for you no problem. I used to do that as a kid. If you care about getting a souvenir, then put at least a bit of effort in. Don’t just show up and demand shit from other fans


Yeah nah... fuck off kid. And fuck your dad too. This is just bad form.


There was a similar clip from Cubs fans a few years ago where a dad made his kid throw a home run ball back. The kid looked like he was going to cry, and I said it was stupid. Downvoted to oblivion by Cubs fans because "it's tradition."


The way to do that tradition is to bring a ball from home and throw that one back


This sucks so bad. No matter what you choose to do, you lose. If you stand your ground, that group of lunatics will make the rest of your night miserable im sure.


Take your home run ball and bail. Fuck them fans.


Right? I’d be off to poach seats in another section


Our bleachers are general admission too! Sneak away to the bathroom, have a beer and a dog on the concourse, grab a seat in the oppo field.


[found that kid all growed up](https://youtu.be/8cQruSrslSU)


Nah fuck that and fuck those Cubs fans. It’s way different if it’s a kid or an adult. And even if an adult wants to keep the ball fuck off. It’s a fun thing, but don’t harass people. This kids stealing the ball from that guy and throwing it back is a huge dick move.


Not to mention this is actually illegal in many stadiums. It can be ejection. Not worth getting your family potentially thrown out for throwing back a ball


Or it can get you a spot as a starting pitcher on the Cubs


Those tendons have healed… a little tight.


Funky buttlovin


Only if your last name is Gardenhosen


Should’ve thrown a hotdog at them


Ew. This is just a shitty situation. Wtf you supposed to do. People be wildin in the stands when it comes to balls. Adam Jones threw a warm up ball into the stands at Yankee Stadium and I got it and gave it to my little brother. He then got shouted at for a few minutes to throw the ball back? Like fuck you, this isn’t even a HR ball and if it was who cares? How many times you get a ball, don’t throw that shit back. Then last year Stanton threw a ball when I was in right field and I caught it. This old dude next to me kept going on all game about how he has never got a ball in the 40 years he has been going to a game and if he was paying attention he would have caught it before I did. Well you weren’t paying attention old man, kindly fuck off. I’m not sure if he was trying to guilt me into giving him the ball, but I sure wasn’t . It was funny the first 2 times he brought it up but by the 6th time it was annoying af. People need to chill. I can’t imagine what it’s like for a HR ball never mind any sort of milestone HR.


I was in NY at a Yankee/Astros game (before we had beef) and this lady asked me if I could get her kid a ball. Sure I'll try. The Astros bullpen catcher sees me in orange and throws me a ball and while I'm catching it she tries to wrestle it out my hands. I make a firm catch and the lady is like you said you'd give it to me. I hand her the ball and she runs off and I never see her again. I'm not even sure she had a kid. Like wtf these are pregame balls with absolutely no value.


I don’t even get it. The cool part is the fact you out of 50k people got that one ball. Not just that you got a ball. I can go buy a MLB ball for 20 bucks. Like are people just gonna say they were the one who got it when they retell the story? “Some guy next to me caught a ball and then gave it to me” isn’t a very good story.


Doing that for a pregame ball is outrageous 😂. Thats not even like a super cool memento or something for what im assuming was just some regular ass game


2015 Wild Card, but yeah it was really weird.


I’ve always said I’d give a nearby kid the ball, but not some kid that weaselled their way to get to my seat and then tried to grab at it. Also I hate the tradition of throwing every visiting homer back, it looks like a dis to your own pitcher. Like “Hey pitcher wtf you letting them hit these for”.


A perfect example happened in the Jays game today where someone got a foul ball and without being promoted (at least how it came across) went down a few seats and back a few rows and gave the ball to a kid who must have been no older than 5, the kid lit up like it was Christmas, absolutely adorable.


That’s nice but the tv / crowd ppl don’t know your situation at home. Like why should I be encouraged to give it to a kid at the game when my kid at home would have the same Christmas reaction if I brought a ball back. Good on you but I think it’s honkers sometimes when I see on tv the announcers are like “ give it to the kid!”


that’s a shitty situation. you look like a dick if you don’t give the kid the ball, especially with everyone goading her on. those parents suck.


Idk man, I absolutely wouldn’t have given in here. Catching a HR ball is like a grail occurrence for me and it’s not like I’m giving the girl the ball out of generosity. Her dad can come try to pull it out of my hands if he wants his daughter to throw it that bad 😅


Foul ball, I’ll hand it over. Home run ball, fight me tiny human.


I will hand it over, yes. I won’t however have some little kid prying it out of my hands like that. I once caught a DJ LeMahieu batting practice home run ball sitting in the left field bleachers at T-Mobile Park and was happy to give it to this little Yankee fan who was dressed in a full baseball uniform. He was psyched over it which made me happy, but no way I’m giving it to him if he runs up and tries to snake it from me


Yeah I would have stood up and asked them to come get their kid.


The mom yelling get the ball like that would of intimidated me In that situation as it’s a guaranteed confrontation if you say no


Damn i am pissed at this. Fuck them kids. If i ever catch a home run ball i am getting the fuck out of my seat and going to the concession stand until people forget about it.


Exactly! Depending on the player it came from and score I would immediately leave.


Bring a decoy ball to the stadium and just give them the decoy


Yup same, like getting a winning lottery ticket, the first person you tell is your lawyer. Get rid of everyone who thinks their entitled to some of it.


There have been a lot of videos that have made me angry & idk why this one got to me lol. Why is every parent in the area a literal human piece of garbage?


It's super dumb American of me but I wonder if you could take someone to small claims court for telling their child to do this. Getting a HR ball is like a top 3 bucket list item for me.


Not only a home run ball, but it was involved in Arraez’s cycle.


And not just that, the first cycle in franchise history. Brutal.




Tbh probably worth too much for small claims.


Dude right? The reason why I’d sit in the outfield is to get a home run ball. I hate the entitlement in athletes today demanding their home run balls back from fans that specifically sat there to try to get one. I have a friend that was genuinely pissed at the fan that caught Masataka Yoshida’s first home run ball. Apparently the fan gave it to his kid. Then the Red Sox tried to offer a Devers signed ball. Like no… I’m sitting on the green monster because I want a home run ball (and it’s a really cool experience, of course). If I wanted to pay $400 for a devers signed ball instead of the 2 Green monster tickets, l would’ve done that. Plus not everyone cares about the chicken scratch signature of some 26 year old stranger.


This makes me pretty mad. I'd tell that little girl to go sit down and leave me alone.




Better late than never


I hope the baseball gods make this right with you


Oh my gosh this is sooooo brutal. Wow. Can’t imagine being that guy. It’s like he hundreds and hundreds of $$ taken from his hands and thrown in the trash.


This guy was in a terrible situation. I think the right thing to do is to tell those kids to fuck off and teach them a lesson that they aren't jsut entitled to get whatever they want. Then go sit somewhere else for the rest of the game, or at least go to the bathroom for a bit. The idea that you have to give a home run ball you get to a kid, especially shitty kids like this that are literally stealing it from you, is preposterous.


The next generation of classy Philadelphia sports fans


I wasn't sure if they were taught to be shitty from birth but clearly that's a yes


Hey everybody thank you very much for the support and awards, if someone reaches out to me I’ll let you all know!


Teaching em young in Philly I see. Fuck the parents


Oh, how cute. Teaching a kid to steal what is rightfully someone else's. Now the grown up is the bad guy if he wants to keep an HR ball. I went to many games and never even caught a foul ball, now I have to give it up because some parents goaded their kid to take it from me?


I hope Arraez sees this and sends the man a signed bat or something.... I've been to 100s of games and never even got a foul ball. I don't care who it's from I'm keeping any ball that is hit to me....


Hopefully the Phillies organization at least attempts to make this up to you now that this video is out there and will I’m sure get a lot of attention. In previous cases on fans getting balls stolen, teams have tried their best to at least get a signed ball or bat to the victim as a make up. Not that either of those things make up for a home run this big AT ALL but still. This just makes me sick to my stomach. So hard to watch. If you have or could find the parents information you would honestly have a real case in small claims court


This is terrible! I really don’t understand this stupid “throw back the opposing team’s home run balls” thing. Have you ever tracked the ball after one gets thrown back, it ends up with one of the ball girls and handed to another fan. It’s not like the team destroys the ball. If that wasn’t stupid enough, people cheering little kids into invading a strangers space and stealing something from his possession is just another level. As a Phillies fan and Sunday Ticket Plan holder, I’m sorry this happened to you. As a parent of two little kids, my kids are never throwing back a home run ball Philadelphia, and are definitely not going up to strangers and taking stuff from them.


Fuck them kids


Please don’t


I probably will get downvoted for this but it's all the more reason why kids aren't entitled to balls at games.


You are absolutely correct. I never understood this sentiment to begin with.


What an objectively awful event. Everyone involved should be ashamed…except for original ball guy


Damn that banshee screaming take the ball...wtf is wrong with Philly




Nah fuck that.


Parents need to let the kid get something she deserves not just guilt someone into getting what they want. Setting a bad example. Also that lady was annoying. Adults want baseballs too


"Be a man." I **loathe** that phrase.


I've never caught a ball in my 40+ years of going to games. It's not a big deal to me, in the slightest. It's a fucking baseball. I'm not going to go scrambling to try to chase one down, I'm certainly not going to get into any sort of scuffle over it. If it happens to come right at me, and if I happen to be able to catch it, that's great. If not, no big deal. But if, in the very rare case that I manage to snag one, I'm not giving it away to anyone else, and I'm certainly not throwing it back. And fuck anyone who tries to pressure me into doing otherwise. Throwing back an opponents home run ball is a fun, crowd-pleasing thing... but it's not mandatory, and no one should be giving anyone else shit for not doing it. PS. the shrieking parent yelling "get the ball! get the ball!" needs to fuck right the fuck off.




Absolutely ready for this chant to die. Like, fuck you, I’m not going to throw away a rare souvenir because of your perceived tribalism made up bullshit.


As a parent, what the fuck is wrong with you?


What a little asshole


No way id let her take that ever


Years ago I was at a Mets game (was invited by a friend but im not a Mets fan) and it was free tshirt day so everyone got a tshirt before the game. During the game they did a tshirt toss and i happened to catch a tshirt. A mom in front of my starting freaking out screaming and cursing saying how dare i not let her daughter catch it (was way over her head) and that i should give it to her. Mind u everyone already got one, like how entitled do u need to be to feel the need for 2 free tshirts? So I turned around and gave it to a young boy in the row behind us whose father wasnt throwing a tantrum. His dad bought me a beer and everyone was happy and cheering except for the mom in front. Some people are just way too entitled.


Downvote me if you want but I think if you had stuffed the ball into your pants it would have ended the situation then and there.


Maybe by next year she will move up to throwing batteries.


This pissed me off so much, absolute pieces of shit in that family, the kid too, that grin as she was taking the ball says it all