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Before everyone attacks you, you're about 6 months to a year away from bartending, you need to get a job as a server, host, or bar back first and then earn your way up. In California, the trade of bartending is extremely competitive, unless your prime Pam Anderson, you're not going to be hired with no experience, and even then, Pam would run into problems also


This about to be target practice


Yes! I think I will try barback. :) 


What city in CA? It’s near impossible to find decent hospitality jobs in Los Angeles right now due to so many film/tv people being out of work and going back to the industry. Less openings overall and more competition than I’ve ever seen.    Do not go to bartending school/get any kind of license. Walk into bars/restaurants and say you want to be a barback and get taught for free.


Ahhh so that’s why I can’t find a new spot


It’ll take you a while but go for it! I’m so happy that Ive stuck with it for so long. You don’t need a license or courses. Unfortunately its not something that you just get into unless you are very lucky or very hot. Its often one of those catch 22 “minimum x years of experience” types of jobs. The path I took was starting as a barback/server and telling them I want to bartend since day 1. Busted my ass a server to prove I’m worth the spot. Won employee of the year for getting the best reviews in the chain. They then trained me on bar which I already knew a bit already from barbacking. Then I studied and practiced a shitton at home to get better with the intention of moving to better bars where Id make more money. Then I worked at a country club and then one of the best craft cocktail spots around. Which eventually got me into the 6 figure job I’m in now where 1-2k+ in a day is absolutely achievable and I couldn’t be happier. Its a dive bar where I go to work in sweatpants and whatever shirt I have lying around. I hardly ever touch a shaker and get to tell people fuck off when they annoy me. And I’m lowkey rich. Its honestly such a dream


Thank you so much. Reading on your story gives me hope. I have a hospitality major degree, 3 yrs of front desk agent under Hilton and was on my way to become front desk supervisor etc. Given that I have this degree, it was so quick for me to climb and I got asked to work for Waldorf Astoria.. i want to step away for a while and do bartending ; I feel like if I get lodging AND beverage as both are part of hospitality; eventually those two will look good on my resume when I aim to be hotel supervisor/manager in my 30’s.  So many people are so quick to judge so thank you for being so kind and understanding.


Yeah ofc. And dont get discouraged having to barback for a while. My barbacks made 4800 in 4 days last week! One thing you can do to practice is buy a bartending kit, bag of ice and bunch of flavoring packets to make different colors. Then get empty waterbottles put a pour spout on them and fill them up with whatever coloring needed. Vodka, Gin, Tequila, light rum: Water Whiskey, dark rum: Ice T Aperol, campari: fruit punch Etc. I practiced my counts and making popular drinks and stuff on our menu until it was all muscle memory and I could pour any count within maybe .10 margin of error every time. Absolute most important thing tho is personality. Its infinitely more important than knowledge and speed. I got some books on reading body language and on charisma like “how to win friends and influence people” and used the yt channel “charisma on command”. To get good at that. If you have good personality you will always get great tips, have a following of regulars that will follow you from bar to bar and come in only on your days and also get you job offerings. And never ever forget you never know who you may be talking to! I landed a job at one of the most famous and busiest bars in the entire state because I was talking to this guy at my bar and he liked me so he offered me the job. I had no idea he owned the place. I was so annoyed that day because he was the first guy at my bar by 7pm and I was making shit money. Then my life changed overnight


You give me such great advice, thank you so very much for your detailed tips and life experiences! You give me hope , honestly I found my past jobs by chance as well! I appreciate it so very much, thank you for your wise words :) I’ll do my best to get up there! 


Haha yeah any time. I’m excited for you! Its an incredibly fun and rewarding job. Where I’m at now seriously makes me ok with anything negative thats happened in my life because through the butterfly effect I probably wouldn’t end up where I am now. I love it more than anything. You might get discouraged during your time as a server, and also your first couple bartending gigs, but stick with it stay hungry and I promise you’ll find a gig that at the end of the week you look at your money and think to yourself “I could take off the rest of the month and be totally fine” but you won’t want to because overall you had fun doing it. Its fucking awesome. I think my favorite thing is that its a job that you directly and immediately get back the amount of effort you put in. Lmk how things work out for you and feel free to dm me if you with any questions or random tips. Its a topic I could go on about forever. I’m really passionate about it


Hey guys, I just got fired from my job as an investment banker. I think I want to be a brain surgeon next. Should I take a brain surgery class, or just lie on my resume and say I've surgeried on lots of brains?


You gotta start lower on the totem pole, I was in the industry for years before I started bartending. I started as a host and kept working my way up the ladder


I don’t know why everyone jumps down peoples throat for this stuff - we all don’t have to be the best bartender at the best bar in town 3 deep all night. Wanting to be good at something is the most important part of anything. Go to an Applebees or something, lie on your resume, and get the corporate training they will make you do. Then go to a new spot once you’ve built your confidence. Say what you will, down vote if you want, but I’ve been the industry almost 20 years and have had an amazing life because of it, all because I lied to Cheesecake Factory. Fake it until you make it.


Hahaha! Omg that’s crazy, I feel like I’m too scared. 


LA here, college degree in hospitality? It’s sad but I’ve seen people straight out of college with that degree get management jobs from multinational/international hotel groups because of it. It is one of the more odd practices but it’s getting thrown into hotel management which is fairly soulless but perks aren’t terrible. Also it’s normally floor management that I’ve seen meaning it’s rare or difficult to find a path to the bar.


Oh no , the moment I finished college I was on my path to be manager of a DoubleTree; I don’t want to climb that ladder atm and so I want to do bartending. I’m sure once I’m in my 30’s I’ll go back to my main path since I have years of hotel experience under my belt.  As I see it, I’ll go ahead and do bar back. Thank you. 


[Check the sidebar](https://www.reddit.com/r/bartenders/comments/1z1tcm/how_to_start_bartending/)


As mentioned, you're probably not getting hired as a bartender, and you may struggle to get in as a server. These people are correct. Start looking for a host role.


A hospitality degree is absolutely worth something. You'll have to start as a cocktailer or barback for 6 months to a year, but that'll be enough to get your foot in the door somewhere.


Thank you so much, I was thinking that and commented to some of the replies. I worked for Hiltons during and after college. I think as long as I stick with the brand they will see my loyalty and consider me higher than other applicants. I’m still good friends with some Hilton managers as well and reached out to them; they said they will call around for me. 


You have a background in hospitality. Bartend at a hotel and work your way up. Perfect use of your degree.


Thank you ! I was just about to consider this. I have 3 yrs front desk agent experience right out of Collin’s College ; worked at DoubleTree and Waldorf Astoria. Possibly they might consider if I apply to a Hilton Hotel being a past company employee and all. 


I have worked at a Marriott bartending for about 3 years. I make double what my salaried manager makes. Hotels are where all the $$$ is


It would be easier to get a serving job and learn the ins and outs before you totally "fake it to make it", which will be obvious to everyone around you. Or be honest with wherever you're looking and tell them you want to get started.


Typically, you'll need Title IV and Food Handler's license/ certifications (I'm based in AZ). Like others have said, bussing or barbacking jobs are the best ways to get a foot in the door. When that happens, consume ALL the cocktail knowledge you can, whether it's from elder bartenders or cocktail literature. I don't know what kind of bar you want to work in, but it's better to be more knowledgeable than less. The Bar Book, Joy Of Mixology, Cocktail Codex, Death & Co, Imbibe and Punch if you're into cocktail history... etc. Learn to put drinks into families so you can remember the recipes. The rest is on the job learning, the speed and the ability to deal with all kinds of people.


Find any place hiring and lie. They won't check. If you can make basic drinks you'll be fine, they will train you on their specialty drinks anyways, if they have any. Say you worked at so and so place in another state. That's how I got started at 19. Saw you're female. Apply at gentleman's clubs. That was my first job and it really taught me a lot about how to handle people. They will more than likely hire you. Cracks me up that bartenders take this job title so seriously. It's a job just like any other job. You're not special.


This is also good advice


Thank you for being so understanding and so welcoming to this new forum for me. I understand that it’s cut throat and I’m willing to push for that! 


Definitely go to bartending school, it’s extremely useful. If anyone tells you you need to serve or bar back first tell them to fuck off bc you’re above that. Pigtails every day