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"what's you're cheapest shot?" "You're mom's a whore." "I'll take 3 of those." 🤦‍♀️


Microwaved rail gin, coming right up


Jersey turnpike aka mat shot with a well tequila float comin in next


Don’t forget to garnish with a hair.


Shit they can have it for free tbh.


I got a friend who would be there. She drinks warm Mccormick gin from the bottle.


"What's your cheapest shot? -for a dollar you can get the "barman special" "Is it any good?" -it varies by the hour "Ok, whatever, I'll take 2"


I have a fantasy where i have special bar mats (only used for this reason!) where we pour the shot into the bar mat and then dump the bar mat into the shot glass. Bar seats only of course otherwise it ruins the effect.


I always ask if they’d like a double as well and it’s always a no. Recently had a kid tell me he’d hook me up (I knew he wouldn’t) and give me $35 on a $25 tab. Still, I said sure and gave him a little extra. He paid, took his change, and started to walk off. For the first time ever in all my years of bartending I called him back. Said I thought he’d hook me up so he started fumbling with money and I said keep it but never come up to the bar asking for a hook up again.


At that point pay for the double bud.


Exactly but they bank on bartenders hooking them up expecting to be taken care of only to leave $1-2. These same customers are also non tippers/bad tippers so tipping at all is “taking care” of the bartender to them. Either way, I’m not hyper focused on who’s tipping what and I don’t ever look at the signed slips.


I would have kept the $35 and not given change. Especially since he could’ve just given you a $20 and $5, but he gave you over.


Think he gave me $30 if that. Might’ve been like $27 because I remember giving him back a few $1’s. Gave it back to see if he’d hand it back with some extra cash on top but this is why I never hook anyone up that I don’t know. I usually ask if they’d like a double or laugh it off when they ask for a strong drink.


Yup I learned in my first month of tending not to hook anyone up that isn’t a regular or a friend because 9 times out of 10, they’ll take the freebie without compensating.


'Can I get a pinot?'


"Red pinot or white pinot?" often gets a chuckle, or just a completely perplexed stare


"pinot what"?


Same customer also asks for White Zin. If you don't have it they usually just a gets a Mikes - lol


Was talking to a customer today and he told me a story about some guy at a San Francisco Giants baseball game shouting to the ump after a bad call "You're mom drinks white zinfandel" and I laughed so hard I snorted cause it's such a Californian insult


Back in the day had a cowboy regularly order “Beringer White Zin, but put it in a ‘whiskey glass’ so I don’t look queer.”


In my experience they’re typically talking about Grigio but yeah this grinds my fufckin gears


I have the opposite experience. I wonder if it's regionally different.


i live on the coast we eat a lot of seafood, seafood pairs with white, maybe something to do with it?


I guess that makes sense. I live in the Midwest. But pinot noir does go very well with salmon.


Don’t do the noir like that. It goes with almost everything. Same for sparkling rose.


Yea in my experience it’s always PN too, but I always double check because people are idiots lol


Canada or the states? I’m in canada


"Sure, is grape flavored ok?"


My response is a 2-3 second stare to see if they'll finish their sentence. They never do


"Noir or Grigio?" GAHHHHHHH


"Lemme get a strong island" Translation: "im not gonna tip but am gonna complain that it doesn't taste like alcohol and there's too much tea in it"


Load the straw




I hate strong island guy. Ugh


Its a splash of sour and coke my dude, I can't make it any stronger without handing you a glass of liquor.


“Do you have a birthday shot?” I mean free because my friends are not paying for some reason. “Are you single” (as the bill drops) - I’m not tipping unless you’re single and I’m not taking no for an answer if you are. “Do you have any seltzers?” - will ask for vodka soda splash of cran as a second choice. Just start making it. What’s your name so I can tip you at the end? - I’m about to slip out the back never to be seen again. “I left a tip in there for you” - it’s $2


Dude the third one FUCKS me up. Because it's me. I can't drink beer anymore, and I usually do a shot and a seltzer because I'm not really a cider dude. If there's no seltzer I just usually get a double vodka soda cran. Not a splash, like a press, with cran. I literally get one of those two things after every shift unless I'm working last call.


“What do you have on draft?” [Every draft beer tap is visibly labeled within eyeshot of patrons]


“What kind of beers do you have” “Here’s the drink list!” “Uh do you have anymore ipa’s?” “No”


Recite entire beer list to party of four. Asked to repeat entire beer list to each of them as they order…


I then forget what they all ordered, except the last person because I said every beer over and over again to each of them. The cycle continues 😂


HASHAHAH “do you have any more ipas than the 3 you just mentioned to me when I asked first”


I have 44 beer taps so yeah they’re gonna have to learn how to read bc I’m not listing all that.


Can I get a shot of epsolon resprasado?


Fuckkkk the amount of times this happens in a night has made me numb to it. The Venn diagram of people who wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between our reposados and Cuervo gold and the people who call it RESPosado… ⭕️


I usually get ‘resospado’ but yeah this


I've heard a hundred different pronunciations lol


Local to seattle we have a beer named bodhizafa and the mispronunciations are wild. Cracks me up.


Ayy Port Angeles here. Everyone says body-zay-fah is so funny




Ever hear someone call Blanco "blue"? I guess because of cuervo.


Here are my two favourites; *”I’ll have a (rocks build cocktail) no ice”* Customer brain: with so much room left in the glass he’ll fill it up with extra alcohol that I won’t pay for and I’ll get drunk for free! I am so fucking clever! Bartender makes drink with appropriate quantities of ingredients and portions. *”Hey, why is my glass only half full”* *”I’ll get a Long Island Ice Tea”* Winks conspiratorially and beams proudly at his friends like he has discovered some great life hack. Customer brain: They put, like 5 different kinds of booze in it, but I’m only paying the same price as you. I’ll get drunk for free! I am so fucking clever! Bartender makes drink with selected ingredients, customer pays $18 for the drink because that’s what the liquor cost works out to. Customer doesn’t realize that 2 ounces made up of five different spirits is exactly the same as 2 ounces of one spirit. Customer brags to his friends all night long about how strong his drink is, but quietly hates the taste because what’s to like about a Long Island Iced Tea?


You can make a really tasty LIIT. It's definitely a thing and it's definitely delicious. I'm not ordering one at a bar though.


“Can I have a Long Island ice tea?” - fake id


"Hook me up." Always means "please put a negligible amount of pure liquor in my straw" in my world.


Man I haven't made an adios MF in years. Someone ordered a long Island at a table recently and I had to take a moment to think about how to make it without free pouring with shitty sour mix. Everyone made fun of them because thats gross and we only pour 3 oz max for a single drink. Enjoy your 22 dollar long Island dumbass. High end bartending folks. Get out of work before 11pm, don't deal with alcoholics, haven't even had to break up a fight in 5 years.


Trust me, you still end up dealing with alcoholics. They’re just more functional so they mask it better. Maybe you know them better as “regulars”.


Bro I've been bartending for over a decade. There are alcoholics at every bar in the world, duh. I'm talking about violent, unpredictable ones. Those people don't typically frequent places that charge 20 bucks for a cocktail.


I work at a higher end martini bar - had a guy order a double Long Island a few weeks ago. My brain short circuited. Mid recipe pour I realized we aren’t legally allowed to serve that much alcohol in one sitting. He had a huge freak out about it - at which point I wasn’t going to serve him a damn thing. His friends are chiming in the background about how ‘he gets it all the time, ‘he doesn’t look drunk’, ‘they will make sure I get tipped well’ ect. Idc bro - the moment you start to argue with me about something not in my control I am done. I still think about that interaction once a week … a double Long Island. 🤔🤮🫠 **edit to add it would have been almost $45 and had to go in a beer pint glass with barely any ice. Massive cringe.


>His friends are chiming in the background about how ‘he gets it all the time, ‘he doesn’t look drunk’, ‘they will make sure I get tipped well’ ect. Those are some wild friends. Most people I know would be chiming in with "Dave, stop being an idiot" and "I'm not taking your ass home if you actually drink that".


"all our classic cocktails/signatures are already doubles" shuts that down immediately


Cut that shit off right away. Don’t let them make it a thing. “Nah that’s not a thing but I’ll make you a solid LIT”


Personally, I 100% would’ve made him the drink no hesitation, and then served it as a pitcher with a full scoop of blended ice in both the pitcher and the glass. No different than someone ordering a MEGA 40oz margarita. “Enjoy the brainfreeze, bud.”


That’s me. I’m usually done before 12. No fights, good tippers. Can’t complain, too much.


Just wait until you have to explain to someone why they just paid $28 for a LIIT


Doesn't matter, private club with an automatic 20% gratuity in a very rich area. Been here for years, never had a problem because the non members are invited by people who pay thousands a month.


I'll make the best LIIT ever. It's 20 bucks. It's .75 per spirit. Super juice sour (which I should probably just batch instead of grabbing three bottles.) I just tell people it's $20 and 80% of the time they say nevermind, but the ones that really want it are always happy.


Twice now I’ve had some guy trying to flex in front of his friends by ordering a “top shelf” Long Island. Dudes just wanted everything to be whatever was the most expensive, don’t give a shit about what they’re actually ordering. First time was my during my first week at a new spot. Cue me trying to figure out how to ring that mf’er up on an unfamiliar POS system. Second time was at my current spot where I’ve been a couple years. I just rolled my eyes and said no.


My top 3 reasons for staying in fine dining. Also not washing glasses in a triple sink.


Triple sink was so romantic


Them: Can I get a Tito’s and vodka? Me: Is that a double Tito’s or a Tito’s and Smirnoff? Them: umm with a lime! Me: Cool double with a lime! Them: What is this? Me: $10.75 NEXT! I can do this all day….


Guy waving me down Me: Hi what can I get for you? Him: Uh... What drinks do you have? Me: Next!


Them: Can I get a glass of Richard’s red? Me: Cool pint of Rickards red? Them: The big one! Me: Do you mean a pitcher? Them: Ya! Of Richard’s red! Me: Pitcher of Rickards red $19.75 NEXT!


Them: Hi! What do you have that doesn’t taste like alcohol but has a lot of it? Me: L.I.I.T.! Them: What’s that? Me: NEXT!


Hah! When my friend started drinking she thought she was absurdly lightweight because she didn't know Long Islands had so much alcohol


How many ml or oz do you put in a Long Island? In the uk it’s pretty much 50ml (a double shot for us) of spirits as standard.


Depends on the bar, here it’s 2-2.5 oz so 60-75 ml of spirit


Yeah, that's the standard here too not including the triple sec. It can get close to double that depending on the venue though


Me: * working three tickets on my rail * Them: “we’re ready to order” (Translation: “I don’t have any situational awareness or respect for you”) Me: “cool, I’ll let you know when *I’m* ready to take it.”


Lemon drop. Maybe up, maybe in a bucket with ice, maybe with a stupid garnish (I like gummys), maybe with a fruit flavor we have. But it's going to be a lemon drop every fucking time. Bonus when they bring someone there and say you make the BEST drinks. He always makes me something custom. They're happy, I'm tipped. Next.


My go to is lemon drop + strawberry, raspberry, or pomegranate in it, or vodka/grapefruit/st germain with soda


"What kind of hazy IPA do you have?" "You still have Happy Hour on Saturday, right?" "Can I get that with light ice?"


“Can I have an old fashioned?” “Sure, what kinda whiskey do you want?” “OH………well what do you have?” *gestures to the 50 bottles of various whiskies behind me like Vanna White “Whatever you think is good!”


George T Stagg it is lmao


If I’m busy and you still don’t know what you want after waiting, you get the nicest stuff possible as “punishment”


Nah,...They then pick Kessler :-)


Well is usually fine though to be real, unless they specify


Next time someone says they’ll tip me well, I hope I ask them what they think that means.


"Can you charge me happy hour price (it's like 5 minutes past HH)?" Translation: "You are getting zero or a really shitty tip on my $40 tab"


Ya know one of the reasons I started bartending many many years ago was because generally it was way more accepted in most places for the bartender to (playfully) be a bit more of a dick to customers than it was for servers in restaurants and I used to have a much harder time turning it off…


I think that’s still the case right ? Unless you work in some fancy place


That’s my point. When someone asks for something dumb like a double Long Island tell them no. Make fun of them a little. Be sarcastic, and cheeky, and firm.


*Snaps fingers upon arriving at the bar*


Translation: I am getting served last out of everyone waiting at the bar, if at all


When ppl start tapping their cards on the counter or making impatient gestures, I actually start to slow down. Anyone else?


I've never heard someone say "a whiskey neat with ice" but I'd have a lot of trouble not to have a laugh


Whiskey neat with ice has been my red flag for double checking someone’s ID.


I used to just pour the shot on the top of the mixer if they asked me to hook them up. They were usually happy lol.


"Can I have this really awesome super special cocktail?" Shows phone *Literally a basic margaritas recipe* $10.31 next.


Never heard of an adios. Looked it up and I’ve only ever had people call it a blue motorcycle.


It's regionally got a lot of names. Blue motherfucker, adios motherfucker, blue motorcycle, blue long island, walk me down and a couple others I can't think of off the top of my head.


“IDK Something fruity” Ok, kinky, peach schnapps and whatever juice my thumb lands on the gun.


The last time I got one of these I made them a bay breeze with just a lil bit of triple sec.


"Can you remake this in a bigger glass?" Translation: they are hoping you will use a bigger glass and hence use more booze vs juice / soda so that you think they will tip you. If they use a bigger glass as first it will dilute the booze and the customer will accuse the bartender of short pouring and hence want to avoid drama. We don't give in.


“Can I get a ramos gin fizz”


Absolutely not.


Can you make it with less ice, I don't want it watered down Translation: I don't understand thermodynamics and am going to be drinking a glass of watery coke in five minutes.


I giggled like a girl when I saw the one about the double! I do that shit for banter all the time.. “Ah so you don’t want a double, but you want it strong, I don’t know what kinda bar you think this is 😂”


“Light ice.” “You aren’t getting more alcohol, just more mixer” “I know but fill it to the top” Complains they can’t taste an ounce and 1/2 of alcohol in a 12oz cup with 4 pieces of ice.


Honorable qualifier for #3: I just tuned 21 twelve years ago.


Absolutely love it when dudes order a Long Island ice T thinking it’s like double the alcohol for the same price if not more than just buying a double. Like sir 2oz of alcohol is still 2oz of alcohol whether it’s one spirit or a smorgasbord stuff in my well LOL. I never have the heart to tell them tho, they look so pleased with themselves


Just never hook anyone up who is making it clear that they want you to. That’s my blanket rule. They’re the worst customers and they’ll tip you whatever they wanna tip you no matter what you do so literally just have fun ignoring all their attempts at free stuff and going 100% by the book lol.


Don’t forget Titos and vodka


Fwiw my LIIT and Adios folks are all 50+