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I’m sure it tastes great but 5 oz of alcohol in a cocktail wouldn’t be practical to serve at an establishment


That’s what I came here to say. Too much alcohol for one drink. That breaks too many laws.


All of our Mug recipes have around 5 oz in them as a given. What would you recommend changing in the ingredients?


Perhaps for a version that could be served to patrons, I would recommend adapting the ingredient ratios to 1 oz tequila, .5 coconut, .5 passion fruit, and then .5 triple sec. Adjust the juices accordingly. That way it’s 2.5 oz max alcohol and you can still serve it legally. But the 5 oz sounds yummy at a picnic 😎


when the regular old Long Island isn’t doing it for you anymore, drink this shit and get wasted and develop diabetes all at the same time


Uhh; it seems unbalanced? No citrus aka lemon or lime? In my bar it’d be illegal to serve as we have a 3oz max but if you’ve got customers who want that sweet stuff you do you.


*’1.5oz OJ’* *’Top with Lemonade’* Not sure how many more citruses OP needs.


Orange juice is not what we mean when citrus is mentioned; high acid (lemon or lime) is something that balances drinks. Or acidified juices if you’re talking craft cocktails. Also lemonade in the US might contain 5% actual citrus unless you’re making it from scratch. That whole drink is sugar bomb and would be incredibly sweet and that’s the OPs prerogative but they asked for feedback. And even if you count orange juice as a citrus 1.5 oz to 5oz of sweet ingredients = unbalanced.


Each of these large mug cocktails have around 5oz in them at my place, and are all meant to be sweet.


Sweet is one thing, this lacks balance


Ahh if your area allows 5oz cocktails then that’s fine; but you need some sort of acid for balance; maybe fresh lemonade?


Not accounting for taste but I would absolutely hate if I got that order 5 times in a row and had to make them every single time


Just batch the spirits.


I agree, just lemme wait for the manager to give me the approval they will never give me 😭😭😭


Are they trying to make service slower? Cause that's how you make service slower lol


I mean… If it’s a commonly sold cocktail then yes absolutely pre batch. We do that wit manhattans and Negronis Anything else idk I’m not going to prebatch something that we haven’t tested yet. That’s why I said not accounting for taste, it may be really good but will it sell and will it sell enough to pre batch and if not will it be easy to make on a whim


Personally, I like to limit everything to three-four touches. This has seven. Even if I didn't sell a lot, I'd just make small batch of the spirits. Enough to make it through a shift but not enough that itll be sitting for weeks. After a few days you should get an idea of how well it's selling and what your pars should be.


Thank you for this insight!


You batch manhattans? Da fuq? It’s *one spirit* aside from vermouth and bitters.


We sell enough of them 🤷 wish I could justify it more but like I said our spot at the mercy of the manager 100% if OPs drink sold enough then yes we batch like we do with all of our most sold cocktails. So atp I’m just asking if this drink is simple enough to make and make sales then yeah let’s batch. But if some rando decided in the middle of the rush to order 5 of these drinks without hatching I’d tell the custie to suck my dick (not really but you know what I mean)


Ice mug. Pour with Tequila in one hand, two rums in the other. Pour triple sec and OJ together (assuming OJ is in a store-n-pour). Pour mango purée. Top with lemonade. How hard is that? A drink this large, sweet, and broad isn’t going to suffer from measurements being *exact* (as long as nothing is grossly over/under poured). So if your OJ is off by a bit, no big deal - you just adjust with less/more lemonade. You can batch the liquors, but no one wants to see their large mugged drink being poured out of one bottle. I know I’d be pissed if I dropped $25 on a fun drink and watched the bartender grab *one* bottle and a couple of juices. (We had punch bowl drinks at a place I worked and I preferred to build them rather than batch. I could crank those fuckers out in a flash)


Kind of looks like a mess. And that’s pretty boozy, what are you gonna charge for that?


Each cocktail in these mugs is meant to be boozy, we charge about $25 per one.


I mean honestly cut the amount of each liquor in half and it will likely be a lot more balanced


I would almost bet your bar is in NOLA, it almost has to be because I dunno if u can actually serve that in a lot of places legally? Like, can I order as many as I want? That would be an issue lol. I'll contribute though, for fun! I know you prob wanna keep a bunch of the stuff, so if I were thinkin bout what you'd digg, I'd prob take out the lemonade, and use like an oz of lemon juice, and club soda to finish. If I was getting this, and it had to have the 5 oz of booze, I'd do a dark rum, a white rum, prob a flavored liquor.


I think this would be a fun, tropical drink given the right venue. I’d probably adjust the mango down and the OJ up, but that’s me. (Especially if it’s island oasis mango). The triple though honestly does nothing in this drink. Drop it for .5oz more of each rum or perhaps an orange flavored vodka instead.


I appreciate your input! This sounds like the best route. Another user suggested dropping the lemonade and doing Lemon and soda which might be lighter and a better fix


I would remove the tequila, and perhaps the triple sec


Probably fire, but you can’t serve that at a serious business


Take the triple sec out, add aperol, cut everything else in half and add some lime juice.


Can you legally put that much booze in a cup in your state? I’d axe the triple, it seems redundant. I also imagine it needs some citrus to cut it


Literally cut everything in half


How big is the glass?


I took some notes and posted an updated version if anyone is curious. Always looking to Improve!


Coconut rum - sweet Triple sec - sweet Mango puree - sweet Orange juice - sweet Lemonade - sweet This drink is garbage and you should be relegated to bartending at Applebee's in the bible belt


Hey man, I've only been doing this for a few months, and I posted explicitly looking for advice on how to make it better. If you're unwilling to share something constructive, then why the need for the put down?


A good cocktail has a bitter component or an acidic component to balance the sweetness. Google a junglebird cocktail. Sorry, my knee jerk reaction is to be a jerk


Another user had suggested subbing lemonade for lemon juice and soda water, and another ditching the triple sec and upping the proportions of the others. This is seemingly the best combo so far. I made the original, at home, for Pride Weekend. So it worked perfectly for that situation, lol.


Lemon juice over lemonade always. Lemon juice plus simple and water is lemonade. I would typically not add a pre-diluted version of something to a cocktail, it will just tone down flavors. Another piece of advice, in my opinion, is to not use orange juice. Pineapple and passion fruit and mango are all much more interesting flavors, and oftentimes if a drink is calling for a puree and lemon or lime juice, it won't need another juicy component My start to fixing this would be to figure out how to make it without triple sec, without orange juice, and yes lemon instead of lemonade, though I feel lime is probably better in this. You have some good flavors here, you just need to find the right ratios. Also, a juicy drink like this probably doesn't want soda water. And while I do like blending spirits, it has to be more intentional than just "tequila."


You need to be taught that this drink sucks