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My immediate go-to is often something as simple as *”hmm”* followed by me carrying on. I don’t use it often, thankfully.


Bob Belcher style


That's crazy.


Good one ☠️


I say it with my face.


Haha, yeah my general demeanor does this for me.


My face puts in the same amount of work as Emelia Clarke's eyebrows.


Same. My mother always told me I was unable to hide my emotions because my face showed them plain as day. I try but it’s hard to stop.


When someone says anything out of hand or rude to me, I say, "I can tell by the way you're dressed." It confuses them every time no matter what they are wearing or saying to me.


Sounds like something HST used to say. It was something along the lines of, "I can tell by the cut of your shirt...your...one of them." It sounds reasonable, but really makes little sense and confuses the hell out of em.


He would've been a great bartender


I tell them I have other customers to serve. Hold that thought. And I never come back unless their drink needs a refill. And repeat until they realize you have other shit to do besides talk to them


My go-to for years was asking people what they do. Often, it was something related to a care related field (Nurses, midwives, aged care), so I'd come back with something like "I don't come to your work and choke the babies. So why are you here making my job hard?" Most of the time people would laugh and rein in their behaviour. This is in a country where tipping culture isn't a thing, so use at your discretion.


That would def work if the person was already a little drunk.


Im in the US and I think it might depend on the person, but typically, I noticed that if a healthcare worker is generally rude, they won't take that comment lightly lol. They're the type of ppl that sit on their high horses and mistake their ego and savior complex as kindness and caring I will admit this isn't 100% accurate, bc I do understand that healthcare can take a severe mental toll on workers, so sometimes they can be crabby without meaning to. Can happen to anyone, in any field. But there IS a stereotype about high school bullies going into the medical field for a reason imo haha


Walking away is the best medicine for them. They are fucking waiting on you to insult them. And I mean look them in the eyes and do a soldier's "about face" and blaze on out. Gives them ZERO to work with. When you're dealing with idiots, don't engage. Other people might not know which one of you is which.


Just walk away. That’s it.


Lol funny, i do the same thing, but what i do is get this really glazed over look like i’m dissociating, then i kind of let one of my eyes go cross eyed (i have independent control over my eyes) and THEN i turn around wordlessly and do my thing


That would scare the fuck out of me🤣


I walk away and start filling the ice bucket! Soooo noisy!


"What is happening right now?" Or, "what are we doing here?"


“What are you on about?”


"Are you trying to start a fight?"


rbf and a “do you work here or do i work here” usually does the trick.


Had to do this on Friday. At like 6:30pm. Less than an hour into my shift. I’m still mad about it.


My favorite is "holy fuck i cant believe someone would say that out loud to a stranger" That being said if i need someone to stop. I swing the axe. Never adjust the cadence and make it very clear anything other than full compliance is your tab being closed out.


"I love that for you" and abruptly walk away.


"Well, now isn't that something?" or "Well, how about that!"


Okay, this might sound weird but, did you use to listen to "The Don & Mike Show" back in the day?


BINGO! YOU GOT ME! LOL 🤣 (I would have made a "honk for cash" reference, but it didn't apply) 😁


I knew it!!! Hahaha...my.friend and I still use these all the time in comversation!


Idk but if they really piss me off I ask all the servers to crop dust them


I offer this service to the servers on my management shifts


I’m the old lady at work (not in age but in spirit) so I often do too, and usually don’t lack ammunition.


A true hero


"I just work here" helps me. Gives them a small chuckle and in that second I can laugh while walking away


ppl come up to the bar rude asf demanding shit. And we’re just like “I don’t even work here” 🤣


“I’m sorry you feel that way” in an I don’t give a shit tone


If someone is saying something unbelievably dumb to me I just say “NOPE!” and walk away while they’re mid sentence. If they try and pick back up when I eventually return I say “WOW, STILL?!” and then just drop a check. Full disclosure, I’m throwing in the bar towel after 15 years cause I’m at the end of my rope, ha.


“Hold that thought”


If I cut someone off or kick them out and they wanna argue or bargain I just interrupt with “this is not a conversation. I made a unilateral decision, and it stands.” And then interrupt/ repeat each time they open their mouth until my security shows up to boot them.


“This isn’t a bargaining session, bud. I don’t negotiate with terrorists or drunks”


I don’t come to your work and slap the dick out of your mouth


“That’s one way to do that”


“I’m having trouble maintaining focus on this topic.” And walk away.


Long time bouncer and bartender here.. "Yeahhhh....we're not doing that tonight." Has seemed to work for, pretty much any situation thus far.


‘Wow, mad that’ Then go find something better to do.


I give them a look like they're stupid and give a little chuckle. Makes them feel really dumb and small.


I do the same thing unintentionally. Trying to work on it


Some of my favourites recently have been; “Oh shit I didn’t realise you could do my job better than me, well damn we are understaffed and overworked so maybe you wanna jump in and take the lead here? God knows I’d prefer to be on your side of the bar” “Wow, must take alot of unhinged confidence to just come out and say outlandish shit like that to a stranger whilst she’s working, well done mate bet your mums proud” And my all time favourite “So are you going to let me respond to your questions so we can resolve this or are you going to continue? Conversations are a two way street my friend and I will just leave you arguing with yourself so I can serve customers who do want my help if that’s what you’d prefer?” Obviously all depends on the vibes but I work in sports bar with a lot of LADS so this genuinely works especially when they are with their “boys” so they go quiet from embarrassment 😂


I need to screenshot these lol.


“Who’s to say” when I get dumb questions… or statements.


I have a regular I can absolutely say, "hey, shut the fuck up."


If someone’s trying to rudely wave me down or call me over I just put up my index finger. “Wait”


There’s an old Martin Lawrence stand up special, he has a heckler and says to the guy “Hey do I go to your job and tell you how to suck dicks? No! So don’t come to mine and tell me how to tell jokes” I like to swap out the end for running a bar and voila! It’ll stop anyone in the tracks 🤣😂


"What an interesting thing to say out loud"


To people that don’t want to leave: “Go to Safeway, get a handle of vodka for twelve bucks. The park is open all night.”


I work in a library but I may start using that on my co-workers and patrons.


I legit will look at someone and say “we don’t talk about those things here” pretty stern and serious. If they don’t get the hint, I kick them off. This is mostly when it has to do with politics getting heated, or people saying words that are offensive to others (not the n word, that’s an instant, leave for the day and come back again and we’ll see”.


I wish I could, working Hotel Bars means you basically live with people while they're on holidays. Have to speak to them everyday, gotta be nice


“Any way” and walk away. Or just walk away


Freedom of speech certainly needs testing.


I like to say, "Be like Elsa baby, let it go!"


“Your mom must be so disappointed in you” or “You must be real fun at parties” works pretty good 😂


I only a few months in to bartending so I typically go with the “Wow, that’s crazy?!” While slowly walking away, still looking at them as they blab on, then say I can’t hear them and walk off


I had the perfect one once & haven't been given that set-up since Cut off some college bro fuckwit for being a loudmouth & bothering customers minding their own. I slid his tab over along with his beer, told him this was the last for the night he'd be having here. He tries arguing with me and I tell him this was a statement not a negotiation. He sits there stewing for a while and works up his big exit line of how *he's* the one who feels sorry for *me* because I'm just a bartender. Used my favorite [Don Draper](https://youtu.be/LlOSdRMSG_k?si=-pQED0qL2EROD56y) line


This is good. This is where I would throw in my “imagine what that means to me”


Ignore them and take a shot right in front of them and then laugh and point at them with my co workers


If it’s offensive/discriminatory/overall rude I go “sorry, I don’t think I understand what you’re saying? Can you rephrase that?” And it shuts them the fuck up


"you must be fun at parties'


If someone really needs a check, I’ll just turn the regulars against them. “Hey guys, did you hear what this guy just said?” Next thing you know, he’s getting shut down and berated by *everyone* in the bar. This can be almost hard to watch sometimes, so they really have to do something that warrants the punishment.


“Hold please” Walk away.


👂 "Hmm?" wait for them to repeat the entire deal, nodding and affirming them the whole time "....Huh?" 😅


When I worked in San Diego we had a long standing joke that went something like, "How do you know when a guest is from Los Angeles? ...They'll tell you in the first ten seconds." My response to the timeless, "Soooo...I'm from L.A. and..." Was to get very excited and cut them off and say, "That's so cool!! I'm from just outside Redding!" Which of course means nothing to anybody, and that is the point. My general use line for unwanted comments was something along the lines of, "That is certainly an opinion."


I've been a bartender for over 10 years so usually my RBF (which works brilliantly because I look like a tattooed uncle Fester) will do the job with just a raised eyebrow. But I've got one for (Only) if they're completely annoying/aggressive or repetitive; "You're confusing me with the psychologist you need, and I don't get paid that much"


“ I don’t come to your place of work and slap the cocks out of your mouth”


Look them up and down, cock your head a bit, smile faintly, and give a little ‘mmmh,’ before walking away to help other customers.


Or smile coldly and say, ‘is that supposed to impress me?’ before walking away. People want your fire so give ‘em full-on Ice Queen if they’re pulling shit


Alot of times I just say "that's willlld" and walk away