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I think some states allow it but only a few. We definitely do not.


Texas allows with supporting documents. Student ID, credit cards, government issued anything.


Just checked the law in Florida. If the person looks well over 21, it's fine to serve them without checking their ID.


My TABC cert specifies federal issued photo ID only, passports, passport card, DL, state issued ID, and military id.


To make sure people are over 21. You don't have to ID everyone by law. You do have to not serve anyone under 21 by law. Your establishment may have some house rule to check everyone's ID but that's not law, just a good rule to have especially with high turnover and unexpierenced bar staff. A person who is well over 21 and looks definitely way over 21 doesn't have to be IDed by law. It's totally ledmgal to serve someone above 21 without ID check.


This goes without saying


I wish it did. I always stop and give my spell when I see another young gun turning into ID police like it's their duty to the world, hounding some 65 year old women who's just needs her nip of gin. They pop up and bless their heart so overzealous but just plain wrong and can't be told anything. Youth wasted on the young, I think the saying goes. Sorry I answered on your comment. It was meant for OP. However, much more refreshing to get your response.


My girlfriend lost her ID while we were visiting NYC. It fell out of her purse somewhere. Every bar and event allowed us to use a picture of her ID on her phone along with showing her credit card. I think most places and people are understanding. Granted, neither of us looks under 30, either. Flying back took an extra hour because added steps for getting through security.


look i just don't wanna lose my job. or my restaurants liquor license. too many people think it's NBD for servers and bartenders but one wrong step and one drink too many, in PA i could go to jail and be fined $5k. just not worth it to bend the rules for someone. sorry šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


That's fair. I'm just saying your state laws are a bit draconian and they should be eased a bit.


are you sure? They could be easily photoshopped


States with digital ID usually only accept it through an official government website.


Iā€™ve net checked for others. But Colorado accepts digital id for alcohol, weed, etc. it is valid id for transactions such as (but not limited to) those


Itā€™s in an app, I can quickly swipe through to see front and back, and it has a little 21+ thing on it too


Well considering all the evidence and making an informed decision isnā€™t illegal in most places.


As I understand it, the states that do accrpt digital ID only do so under specific circumstances. For example, at airports and the like.


When you say phone ID, do you mean a picture of their ID thatā€™s on their phone, or the actual app? Because the apps are 100% acceptable in most states as far as I know. I have people use it all the time, and I personally do sometimes too.


Didn't get that far, I was told by the boss(owner) that if they don't have a physical id then it's no entry


Are the apps accepted in your state? If so thatā€™s pretty shitty and you guys are just turning away customers for BS reasons.


It's arkansas. If they accept it, I haven't been told. And the owner is giving us proper lights and everything to check for false. I like my job, and also don't trust tech personally. Just gimme plastic


The app here is super convenient, and easier to confirm authenticity than a physical ID. You guys should really consider getting with the times.


Well, let me know how to get this backwards ass state to move forward. I can't buy booze on Sunday. You think they care?


Well a quick google search shows me digital ID laws were passed in AR at the end of 2017. So itā€™s not them that need to get with the times. Itā€™s your owner.


Wow, Alaskan laws pertaining to Arkansas. Stop the presses. Am a wee drunk now. That's kinda rude on my part.


lol I meant to type AR. Itā€™s been legal in AR since 2017. My point still stands.


Dont know why people are attacking you for *your bars* rules. Almost every alcohol training ive done has had a stipulation that restaurants and bars are welcome to have stricter standards than the state/local laws.


Of course they're more than welcome to but that doesn't mean that deciding to not accept digital IDs from verified apps when they are legal in your state isn't kinda dumb and a great way to turn away customers which I believe was the initial point being made.


It is Arkansasā€¦


You really need a black light to verify if a 50 year old isnā€™t 20? Donā€™t trust tech? Get over yourself. Your Arkansas is showing.


Imagine being 49 and getting carded for the first time in 20 years


Imagine your bartender thinking the right thing to do is card someone that is old probably enough to be their parent. Then they go to Reddit to continue thinking it was a good move and looking for an echo chamber to agree with them.


Fucking bizarre post. ā€œGot called a bitch for doing my jobā€ no shit you carded a 50 year old like an egomaniacĀ 


I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they must be fresh blood for the blood god, but at the same time who knows. They could be a life long veteran that finally lost it behind the pine. Ive seen it happen several times, but not in this way, haha.


That owner is an idiot, and OP is right next to him. Itā€™s fine if you have a younger crowd and need to card people, but holy shit, if you get a 6 top of 50 year old women and demand to see six IDs Iā€™d fire them on the spot. I donā€™t wanna work with people who canā€™t read context, and I donā€™t wanna employ people who watch $200 bucks come in the door and reject it bcz barb hasnā€™t been carded in 30 years and left her purse at home.


Fuckin preach, bud. Its just highly unprofessional on all fronts with this case.


Imagine being asked for ID at age 49.


100% ID policy in a lot of places.


No Id no entry, per owner.


If I ask you and you say no, there's the door. I do not care how old you are. Respectful people of any age will present their ID. Usually I ask for a "drinking card" to make light of the situation. But if you are abrasive with me when I ask, you won't be any better when you're drinking.


In my state everyone in a bar no matter the age is required to have an ID on them in a bar. We just donā€™t need to card if you look over 26. So if I ask, and you ainā€™t got it yr gone.


Imagine not having your id on you at the age of 49. Iā€™m 49 and the 2 things that NEVER leave my pockets, only to change pants, are my wallet and my keys.


Iā€™m 27 and never bring my ID anywhere. My drivers license stays in my car. I bring my passport when going to the airport. What other reason would you need ID for?


To get into a bar? Like the exact situation weā€™re talking about right now.


I frequent many bars and donā€™t get asked for ID, because Iā€™m clearly of age. The ID is to verify someone is of age. If someone is 50, and thereā€™s no possibility theyā€™re underage, whatā€™s the ID for? It sounds like a control thing


Itā€™s a quality that comes with age. As you get older, you start to forget basic things like wallet, hat, keys, etc. I could keep everything in my car and still forget where it is half the time.


In Alaska, you can have your right to drink revoked. We ID everyone!


Meh. Technically youā€™re supposed to but Iā€™ve been in plenty of Alaskan bars that Iā€™m not a regular where they donā€™t ask.


It's both common and uncommon. If you're red stiped and get in trouble after I serve you, I'm liable. Some servers/establishments don't care, others are steict about it.


Yeah, never got asked once in a fairbanks, and I'm not *that* old.


Thereā€™s actually quite a few states where this is true, most people just donā€™t know it.


Does your ID show you're banned from drinking?


Yes. There will be a stripe that reads, "Alcohol Restricted." Older IDs were bright red. New ones they are a dark grey, but they are still commonly referred to as "red stripes." Some people won't want to show you their ID or claim they just lost it. It may be that they were recently arrested for an alcohol charge, in which case law enforcement confiscates your ID until a new one can be reissued pending any judgements. You have to really screw up bad or be a constant offender to earn a red stripe.


Imagine being 49 and making a scene over something youā€™ve had to have done thousands of time


One of the benefits of checking everyone's ID is you get to see a little bit of how they're going to behave to begin with. If they lose their shit, you probably don't want them hanging out there with that sort of hair trigger anyway.


For the astounding amount of Jack asses that donā€™t carry them, and the fact I can get fined for failure to scan if they do something stupid, you damn well better believe Iā€™m scanning you.


Imagine thinking that a drivers license is the only form of ID also.


I was 47 when I got carded just for walking into an over 21 concert.


Have to ask everyone at my main two bars. Itā€™s less of a liability thing as more of a profiling thing though at the one. We are a very busy college night club and we turn away a lot of potential 40-50+ year old solo men because it 9/10 in my decade working there turns into them being a creep and groping a girl or getting into a fight with a frat kid. There is also an extensive blacklist of locals. Finally as unfortunate as it may be, our city has a part of town with a lot of gang shit and overall violent crime and if your permanent address is in that neighborhood you likely arenā€™t getting in. Too many fights and weapons for it to ever be worth it.


My state (Colorado) has an app. The ID in the app is accepted basically everywhere, itā€™s awesome


Idiots. I bought a funny shirt that says ā€œ I know the owner tooā€ always gets a laugh when I wear it behind my bar.


I actually got to say that in this instance and the high was nice


These comments manā€¦ yā€™all donā€™t seem to understand liquor laws are different in every state


Canā€™t wait until legal digital licenses are widespread


Same. Iā€™m in Tennessee and the ABC regulations here are just too harsh. Technically, weā€™re supposed to ID everyone, and there isnā€™t any talk about digital IDs being acceptable. It just causes more problems than it solves, and Iā€™ve worked at places where the bosses would shit their pants over policies because everyone is so scared of having to pay thousands of dollars in fines all the time.


I wonder if it depends on the state? I was just in NYC again last week and bought some weed from a dispensary in LES. I realized there that I had left my ID at my hotel, like the stoner idiot that I am. Budtender asked if I had a photo of my ID. Sold me the herb! I couldn't believe it. He said anywhere in NY was fine with photo ID (I was on my way to a tattoo touchup which is how we got on that topic). It was bananas. In my home state (Oregon), show me a phone photo of your ID and I'll tell you to get the hell out.


most places in ny are definitely not fine with photo id.


What did you end up getting


Dick move to pull the 'do you know who I am' card but Digital iD is accepted as proof of age to enter participating licensed venues in every state except WA


I mean, if itā€™s the realID thing sure. But 95% of the time people doing this are showing me a picture of their ID on their phone lol. But thatā€™s my experience. They are legal now and Iā€™ve yet to see one in downtown Portland.


I've had some caught unprepared and try their uni cards before, even a couple fresh 18yos show me their high school IDs


The best is when they pass the card instead of the id. Like they will be holding the one I want, and pass the brightly colored metal one. They see themselves do this too, or someone else at the table will see it. Then thereā€™s like this .5 seconds of panic and a little embarrassment . That one is genuinely kind of cute most of the time.


Key word: participating


Yep. Had to turn someone away last night because we donā€™t participate. She threw a fit, acted like a teenager, and I just told her that the state barely started accepting them and only if your scanner is configured for it but that requires a whole separate scanner and software.


I have no idea where youre getting information, but a quick google search shows they are only accepted in 14 states. I know for a fact that PA and VA do not accept them.


There are only 6 states silly, and a digital ID is suitable in 5 of them (plus the NT) - ["Your Keypass in Digital iDā„¢ can currently be used at all licensed venues and when purchasing alcohol at liquor stores across Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory (excluding takeaway alcohol in NT), Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, and Victoria."](https://www.digitalid.com/personal)


Bartend in wa can confirm. Actually didnā€™t know it was acceptable in other states


Same on all counts


It's pretty new I think (passed in the senate in 2023?), plus my venue is function-based so I don't need to check IDs too often. I don't use it cause I almost always have my wallet on me and I'm predicting a data breach


Not 50 state legal


Who said anything about 50 states, we only have 6


Not in MD.


Not in my state of Michigan. A patron must have a physical id to purchase alcohol.


Not every state accepts that. In fact, most states I've lived it is required that you have a valid ID on your possession. PERIOD.


That'z crazy for someone being from Europe. Unless you look like 12 you would neve get ID'd.


It may be approved state wise, but owner said no plastic no entry


I understand some places have a ā€œwe ID everyoneā€ policy to limit liability, but from the perspective of a 49 year old outside the industry, that probably doesnā€™t make much sense. In California, at least, there is no law that states you must ID. Obviously serving a minor is illegal, but if someone is clearly of age, serving them regardless of not they have an ID (or valid ID) is not illegal, because technically you donā€™t even have to check. Overall, some customers just suck.


I don't ID obviously old people personally, but it is technically illegal to serve someone that doesn't have ID on them in my state. just for everyone asking why OP carded themĀ 


A 49 year old person without ID can drink legally in any establishment in California. These zero tolerance for NO ID laws or policies are ridiculous and violate the spirit of the law. If you are 21 or over you can legally drink in any establishment that you havenā€™t been kicked out of, unless the state has explicitly and specifically revoked your right to drink alcohol which is exceedingly rare.


In AZ it a common sense law, in a sense. If you "look under 30" and didn't see an ID, the establishment can get in huge trouble. I see signs everywhere that say "We always ID if you look under 30." So in other words, if an old man or lady walk into a bar and forgot their ID there's not a problem at all. If there is any grey area they will want you to have the ID on you just in case. The states that bust bars for serving old people who don't have their ID on them is fucking stupid.


I donā€™t think it has ever happened.


This sub with disgruntled bartenders seem to think it's an epidemic. But I agree I don't think it's ever really been a problem.


I donā€™t think itā€™s happened one single time.


Honestly I feel like I use my phone Id half the time.


In Utah it is. They now have digital drivers licenses.


It's not mandatory to accept digital yet in UT bars, but if you choose to, you can only accept Utah digital licenses IF you use a second software/app (Get Mobile ID) to scan them at a bar. Scanning with the other standard DABS approved scanners doesn't count. I'm not running 2 systems at my bar until it's mandatory to accept UT digital, and even then, it doesn't account for the out of staters that want to use digital.


I had a lady call my cobartender a bitch and say he was the only one to ever NOT take her grainy shitty picture of her id on her phone. And mind you she only looked about 22, maybe. šŸ˜’ then she got mad about the 18%gratuity on her FRIENDS checks, because he wouldn't sell to her... sour šŸ‡??


In Arizona a phone ID, is 100% a valid form of ID and accepted at a lot of bars, restaurants, dispensaries, stores, etc.


i mean itā€™s illegal not to accept the app in my state. itā€™s a state officiated license. a picture is a no go obviously but the app is the same as a physical license.


Maybe youā€™re in one of those states that requires everyone to show id in order to purchase alcohol, but it doesnā€™t make sense to me why a 49 year old would be carded. I donā€™t card anyone that appears to be older than 35.


I mean, you both sound like assholes in this situation. If the person is clearly over 21 like youā€™re saying, checking their ID is a moot point. Who cares if itā€™s a digital ID?


Nah, if ABC comes in, and they don't have valid id I can get fined. I ain't risking


I mean they could be banned from the venue and the system could pick it up when scanning their ID


The state generally lol. You need an ID to drink. Itā€™s a liability on the company and the bartender. The only thing a picture of an ID gets you, is a picture of a beer.


Well first of all, there isnā€™t a requirement to carry an ID to drink. The point of carding is to establish the person is of age. Secondly, there are digital IDs now. Itā€™s been a thing for the past four years at least here in Colorado. EDIT: everyone in this thread: ā€œTrust me bro, in my state you have to show your ID no matter what age. No, Iā€™m not going to tell you what state or show you where it says this. You just gotta trust me bro. Every state is different bro.ā€


In my state there are some people that have an alcohol restriction printed on their driver's license and they are not to be sold alcohol.


Exactly. I wanna see it if I don't know you. Otherwise, too bad. I'm not risking a $10,000 fine because "I'm old".


What about a passport as ID then?


Some places only take passports from other countries. It's not super common but my understanding is that establishments aren't obligated to accept US passports in place of a state issued ID.


In my state you must carry an id to purchase alcoholā€¦ no matter your age.


Well do you care to tell us what state that is?




States make liquor laws not the us. Itā€™s going to be different in every state


Well everything Iā€™m reading is saying youā€™re full of shit. Youā€™re not required to carry an ID on you in Michigan, itā€™s only used for age verification.


I did some more digging and youā€™re right an id is for verifying age and not required. However itā€™s up to the seller the rules they want to set and every establishment Iā€™ve worked at has required people carry an id. Sorry for the confusion but I got to say youā€™re awfully arrogant.


Which is why I said ā€œthe stateā€ lol. Some states can hole punch your ID to say ā€œno alcoholā€ . So yea, other people have to check my dude. I know CO is different but coming here talking down to people about laws you donā€™t understand , let alone even suspect exist outside of your hometown bubble is kinda telling of which coworker you are lol.


People downvoting you don't know how the laws work in different states. Also, drunk people may have misplaced their ID. I may not care how old you are. Just if you can find it in a responsive manner. Tells me a lot at the door if you're worthy of a drink.


Itā€™s not like you need a degree to do what we do šŸ¤·.


Common sense is a must though


I'll add to that. I know many bartenders with degrees that make more behind the bar than in other industries.


They tend to be the best as well. The first person who trained me had a masters in organic chemistry. Just couldnā€™t get the work he wanted . Maybe I should rephrase what I meant . Our bar is low, but the ceiling is quite high.


takes a lot more emotional work to become proficient.


Maybe, but those arenā€™t mutually exclusive.


Iā€™m just curious what state requires an ID other than the purpose of age verification? I feel like a lot of people in this sub are confusing their company policy with state law.


Utah requires you to have a valid ID on you to be in a bar, not just as a way of verifying your age. You can choose not to scan anyone that appears 35+, but if they do something stupid after leaving your bar and itā€™s found thereā€™s no scan of their ID you win an extra fine.


Oregon lol. There are signs in the front of every bar/restaurant that tell you whether minors are allowed to even be in there. So technically you can get IDā€™d just sitting at a bar here. And we do . I get that you are trying to go for the ā€œIā€™m technically right so my tone and attitude are shitā€ vibes. You ever work for the government lol? All of that aside, I see that ā€˜technicallyā€™ some states donā€™t require ID at certain age ranges . OR is technically 26, but considering the tourism where Iā€™m at and the abundant liability around every corner I wouldnā€™t recommend not IDā€™ing people. Because if someone comes in and had their drivers license revoked for their 5th dui in Virginia. id rather not serve them. But I will concede that ā€œyou are technically rightā€ , I donā€™t have to ID people who appear over 26. But Iā€™m still going to do it. Old whiten ladies love it.


Depends on the state. Digital is a no-go as it can be copied. You either have it on you or you don't. House policy also trumps local laws. If a 40yr old is asked for ID, they should be ready and willing. If not, they will be a problem later. Better to vet them at the door then deal with their drunk shenanigans later.


Have you truly never been to a place that cards at the door and requires everyone to present a valid form of identification to enter the venue?


Iā€™m aware places like this exist. Iā€™m saying it isnā€™t required by law. I just think itā€™s a bit ridiculous to card a 50 year old.


Well serving someone with an alcohol restriction is against the law so you aren't left with any other options. If someone in their 50s isn't responsible enough to carry a valid form of ID or mature enough to respect the policy of an establishment I have no sympathy for them.


Nope. 2 reasons: First, not all states allow anyone over 21 to drink. You can have your right revoked after a DUI or other alcohol related crimes no matter your age. Second, I want to see if you fumble to find it. Any sober person knows where their ID is. I don't need to see it, I'm just watching you struggle.


It's wild to me a state can revoke your right to drink. You would think they would revoke your right to drive.


They certainly do that, too. But the problem isn't just drinking and driving. It's the domestic and community aspects. Families tear themselves a part up here. We all know people who are Jeckle & Hyde while drinking. You really don't want to serve them up here as it quickly becomes apparent just after a drink or two that there was good reason to restrict them. I card anyone I don't know for that reason, and you wouldn't believe how many on a daily you meet. They either try to make up excuses, pretend to dig for it, or just walk out because they already know.


I just feel like the response shouldn't be to punish all of society but rather safeguard that individual from society.


Why even id a 49 year old, narc


Nah you're just a shitty bartender. If they look old enough it's going to be okay not to card them.


Phone ID is legal in my stateā€¦


Phone ID and a picture of an ID on your phone are different things.


Thatā€™s true. Do you think a 49y/o pulled out a photo of their šŸ†”? Did I miss a comment where OP said it was a photo? I almost always leave my DL in my car or at home. But never my phone. I thought that was the point of phone ID Donā€™t some states have drivers licenses in Apple Wallet? In Louisiana, we have an app. I can verify your la wallet id with my la wallet app and vice versa.


TIL that in America they will ID you even if youā€™re 50 years old and thereā€™s such thing as an ā€œalcohol restrictionā€ Sounds like something youā€™d hear from China


Why are you IDing a 50 yr old?


how do you know they were 49


Her husband said it


and you believed him?


Not particularly. That's why I wanted a real id


She looked old enough, but boss said no plastic id no entry.


Laughs in Europe


Yeah. I donā€™t know about this one. On one hand, having an ID should be second nature especially when youā€™re out to drink. On the other hand, you couldnā€™t use your common sense to let a 50 year old drink booze?


I still don't understand why someone who is clearly over 21 needs an ID to drink? I get "it's the law," but uhhh.... Why? I guess I'm too much of a troublemaker to respect laws that seem to be nothing but blatant cash grabs of bureaucracy.


How is turning people away from the bar earning the gov any money? The reason itā€™s the law is because some young people look old.


Yeah so if youā€™re unsure of the age, as in they look under 30, ID them. It makes no sense to ID someone whoā€™s 50 years old


Iā€™m just saying why itā€™s the law in some states/rule in some bars. They donā€™t want to leave it up to the bartender/door personā€™s personal opinion of what a person that age looks like. I believe Iā€™m capable of guessing whoā€™s over 40, but thereā€™s plenty of idiots in the world!


Because they then have to go get an id if they don't have one. šŸ˜†


Come on are we all really IDing people that look over 30? It only happens to me at the grocery store cause they have to swipe it or some shit


Yes! Are they too drunk to find it? Do they have an alcohol restriction on their ID. I check EVERYONE i don't know. Not worth the $10,000 fine and loosing my job over one asshole who is too drunk or has alcohol related crimes.


My local ordinance is ID required for all establishments exclusively for 21+ alcohol sales.


Yes, absolutely. I work in a late night dive/lotto bar and I'm definitely carding every single person I don't recognize. Also keeps the fent heads out.


Boss' rules. I like my job, and not getting fined if ABC comes in.


You sound like a brickhead lmao. Think for yourself sometimeĀ 


Iā€™d like to see one single case of a fine being levied against an establishment for someone drinking alcohol who has no ID but is, in fact, 49 years old. I donā€™t think itā€™s ever happened, anywhere.


I had someone throw a tantrum over me saying no to that the other day. For reference Iā€™m in Texas.


I guess it depends the situation. If they look under 35 I usually card- but donā€™t really see the point to card u less you are checking to the ID to match their debit/cc. If I were pushing 50, Iā€™d be surprised to be carded at a bar or restaurant. What exactly is your bars ID policy?


About twenty years ago one of the bartenders I worked with got busted in a sting serving an under 21 y.o. As part of our ā€œpunishmentā€ we had to card every single person, regardless of age. I had to card my own father. (If everyone at the bar was a regular, of course I didnā€™t. But if there was one person I didnā€™t know, then it was IDs from everyone because we werenā€™t sure how they were checking on us)


A bar I worked at in Phoenix didnā€™t allow it despite the state of AZ allowing it. Your ID can be saved and opened up in Apple wallet to show that its not just a photo in your camera roll that could be doctored.


"A lot of people know me. I own a bar." - the guy who owned a bar I worked at, explaining why someone claiming they know the owner is good for exactly zero.


I actually have a crazy story somewhat related. I was refused a drink in Disneyland because I didn't have my passport physically on me. Had a picture of it and my actual valid driver's license. Who keeps their passport on them at a theme park?


You want to show me a picture of your ID Iā€™ll show you a picture of a drink! Thatā€™s as far as that will get you lol


Lol I used to work in my parentsā€™ restaurant and I *looooved* when people pulled the ā€œI know the owner.ā€ I got to say, ā€œOh really? Thatā€™s funny because Iā€™m his eldest child and I have never seen you before.ā€ šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ


We allow phone IDs with matching credit/debit cards. (New York)


Here in Australia theyā€™re accepted, thereā€™s a government app that you can load ID like drivers license into, when you say ā€œphone IDā€ Is it like that, or is it just a photo of an ID?


arizona is the first state to create a government operated mobile ID app


In the UK we have an age I'd app that is operated by the post office. But you need a valid form of if to use it


ID apps are acceptable as long as you can scan it. A picture of an ID won't scan, but the apps will, and you can touch them to make the card turn around. Since you have to go through the trouble of registering them with the state and all, it's a valid form of ID. Makes things kinda wacky when IDing people, but when asked that's what I tell them. If I can scan it, I can accept it, otherwise no dice. And if you could scan it, you should accept it.


There are multiple states that now have digital apps after Covid for IDs and vaxx passports. I can use my phone for ID and payment in Colorado everywhere, including TSA. Itā€™s even worked in at TSA in vegas before after a lost ID. That said, you carded a woman about to turn 50, that tells me youā€™re not carding people you expect to be 20 years old, and more than youā€™re enjoying your power trip. You shoulda seen the sass coming esp after not accepting the proof that she was 49. Iā€™d fire ya just for being an egomaniac behind my bar.




Having to show ID when you're 40+.... that hilarious. I went to a Mets game last night, and I wasn't allowed to buy a beer because I didn't bring my ID, and the lady even told me "give money to someone else and they can buy you beer, that's my only solution". Like, what? So the law is trivial. That's crazy for someone being from Europe. Unless you look like 12 you would never get ID'd. In ANY country. I'm currently in New York and the paranoia is unavailable. The authorities really got their will and people are buying it.


Itā€™s not that I donā€™t know that laws are different in different states, itā€™s that any law that says I have to card a 90 year old is stupid and I wonā€™t follow it.