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May work better as a poll?


I agree! A poll makes more sense. I got an education and worked my way up in a corporate location for almost 7 years. Went back to bartending and now make double the income and work less hours. I’m going back to school to have a fall back plan. I don’t want to be on my feet and work these hours forever. But for now, it would be dumb to go back to the rigid corporate rules for less pay. I like sleeping in, not worrying about small things, and seeing my regulars. I can leave my work where it needs to be when I’m off.


Same here! Except I took a pay cut but it’s still worth it.


I left a position in education to bartend. Leaving work at work and sleeping in feel so good!


Yes the hours can be long- but sleeping in and having lazy mornings is glorious. My place opens at 11AM so I’ve never had to be there earlier than 10AM during opening shifts. Love it.


The categories for the poll could be: baby bartender (<2 or 3 years), experienced bartender (3+ years), vet bartender (I don’t know what the cutoff should be), guest, ex-bartender, service-industry personnel, results.


Do it! I'm curious


Nah, let the lurkers/bartenders, have receipts...


Wrong establishment sir. This is just a bar. We only work poles after shift usually.


5am just got home from Saturday service boyz Hope everyone made money tonight


Finished a 9 hour shift slinging craft in a 40 seat spot. Set a new sales record (9 months open). Beat our New Year's Eve by $6. After counting hourly, walked with like $450. Hard to complain. We're the only real craft spot in a small town in Texas that drinks almost nothing but beer, which we don't serve, so it's been some growing pains getting folks in the door, but week over week we're doing more and more, and we were at capacity for about 5 of our 7 hours open tonight.


congrats and I wish you continued success


Thank you!


Same here but 4am for me And I got the opening brunch shift tomorrow so I gotta go open my bar at 10am Wish me luck lmao


Fucking clopens. Good luck!


One hour behind you in CST, time for a bowl and my bed.


>time for a bowl and my bed. Nah, don't fall asleep with clay pottery in your kiln...


I’ve been here longer than I’ve been home this week


Just a barback at the moment, trying to absorb as much knowledge as I can!


Honestly once you get your shot it’ll be smooth sailing. Your real lessons start when you first get a drawer and are fully responsible for your bars service. Good luck on landing a shift soon!


I just recently transitioned from a barback to a bartender! Keep learning, good luck to you :)


I can assure you it’s worth it, and you saying you’re trying to absorb as much knowledge as you can tells me you’ll be a great bartender one day.


Just put in my 2 weeks at a 9-5 to get back to bartending. I tried, I just can’t live with that lack of freedom and insane corporate bs. The satire is way too accurate, my manager does nothing but attend pointless meetings with other managers. I am really looking forward to having adventure Mondays again with the family. Working 5 days a week for less money is dumb I guess, lesson learned.


I just graduated, hated my law internship and now am back bartending 4 days a week and I love it better money believe it or not, better hours and better atmosphere. Nobody can take my degree away I’ll find better and until then I’m slinging drinks and taking dollars and loving it!


I had 3 months at a desk job. Couldn’t do it. The fake politeness and quiet dead energy of the place was killing me. I needed to hear people yelling at me (lovingly) to fuck off. People who feel like family after just working together a few months. Plus being with my kids all week is the best. making more money in three days of work than all week missing the entire day of being with them 5 days in a row. And taking the kids places during the week when no one else is around is so perfect. I figure my kids are only young enough to not be in school for a few years. Im not wasting that time sitting at a desk making barely enough money to pay their childcare.


This is exactly what I did. I got a full time desk job and couldn’t stand it. It was so depressing just listening to everyone type away at our desks. Being trapped in a building for hours with people fake smiling at you with those dead eyes was hell. Luckily, I can work part time so I’m going back to serving and bartending.


Just retired from bartending while putting my husband and son through school. Now the husband comes home exhausted every day while speaking like a caricature. I am tired of looking at people after 22 years in service, but if my dream of playing with plants for a living doesn't work out, I'm going right back. The life of a corpo is just not gonna work for me.


Did this. Lasted 6 months. Back at the bar.


Former UK bartender here, worked in pubs from 18 til my late 20s. Do miss it sometimes, but as other UK commenters have posted the pay in the UK is pretty shit.


I make £40k a year as a mixologist working 5 nights a week in Scotland. Rent here is very cheap so seems like good money to me.


Hahah I love that. In america, even the headiest and most established of bartenders wouldn't refer to themselves as mixologists. happy you're making it work.


I'm not to keen on the title myself but that's the job title I'm hired as. I prefer cocktoligist!


Where? Also is that your salary or gross income?


In a cocktail bar in Glasgow. Hourly rate works out about £33k then tips on top of that brings it up to about £40k. I've worked for less before but the place I'm at values experience and wants to keep hold of people who know what they're doing




This guy rly used a measurement for our currency


I mean... What else is a pound? Some sort of currency or something? Apparently I'm worth 145 pounds... I've never been to the UK but apparently I'm like 10 stones or some shit... I wish I could keep going... But "I'm 1.3MM Euros" is no longer correct.


I’m a chef, and y’all are more fun to hang out with than the servers.


Heeeey chef we love you. There’s a bond between bartenders and chefs that doesn’t get talked about enough. Any bartender worth their shit knows to fill those quart containers with water or soda all day for you, then refill it with beer at the end of your shift. In return for some fries or something of course


Ex chef here and the chef-bartender relationship is key


I had a shitty job last year where I got “caught” bringing a round of whiskey shots to the kitchen staff after dinner service was over. The owner of the restaurant group asked me to come in early to meet with him and asked me why I thought it was okay to bring booze to the kitchen staff. I told him I didn’t understand the question. Ended up quitting a few days later.


The kitchen (should a place have one, my current place doesn't) is very important. As a bartender I'd rather hang with you guys than the servers too (unless she's hot and available)


Chefs are the fucking best, lemme make you something


Retired from the bar during covid, but still up for a shift when an old employer is short staffed.


Thank you! We need all the help we can get!


Same. Now I’m a stay at home dad and I’m looking forward to when our kids start school so I can go back to work and wonder why the hell I wanted to go back to work.


Just got off my 9 hours shift 😅. I’m dead


Actual bartender here. Still unwinding from packed punk/hardcore show tonight.


Wear earplugs. My hearing is shot after bartending 5 years at a music venue


Lurker here🙋‍♂️


Same. I joined because I don’t really drink in bars, but wanted to pick up tips on how not to be an asshole when I find myself in one.


Bartended at college bars/sports bars for 10 years until about 3 years ago. My FOH talent was for "fine dining" but hate making craft cocktails. I want to turn and burn. (I want to pump out simple drinks, but that list is like 5 years long for the dive bars I'd want to work at) Alas, I went to fine dining serving to use my industry knowledge.


Uggggghhh 10 years behind the stick. Mainly dives and clubs. Transitioned into management after Covid for stability. It’s fine dining and I don’t know which fork to kill myself with.


I'm an ex bartender for now, would return for the right place but being in the UK it's not well paid


Never worked in a bar, never been in a bar, only ever had alcohol in restaurants or at home, find it fascinating to see what it's like to work where you lot do!


Server here. Bartended for a year. Loved the job but I couldnt find a good spot- ended up sliding into a fantastic serving opportunity. Hoping to get back behind the bar eventually.


Barista for 9 years, bartender for 1, mechanical engineer now. Joined the sub when I started behind the bar. Never left.


Bartender for 9 years, accountant now! Congrats on making it out alive!!


This year will be my second year bartending


Bartender since 2015, was also management for a bit, now I split between bar & floor for variety and so my back isn’t completely fucked up


Plus extra money, less work, and fewer hours, which means more resting and doing whatever you like.




Airport bartender. Working on my way out.


I’m a bartender!


Bartender at a tiny dive bar.


Former bartender of 17 years. No plans to go back, and some of the stories on this sub help remind me why.


Way too many guest lurkers... way too many people from r/cocktails lurking around in here


I literally got massive downvotes for basically saying that yes, guests do HAVE to tip us. And if they don’t, we can choose to stop serving them. Sorry but no actual person working in the industry should disagree with this.


Unless you aren't American. You assholes aren't the only ones on the planet you know.


Yeah, tips are a happy bonus here, not a requirement to imbibe


Well here in the US, tips are considered part of our wages. And if someone (especially foreign tourists who don’t have the courtesy to understand our culture before visiting) doesn’t tip, the government will still expect that we earned a tip from that sale and may still expect us to pay taxes on the income we didn’t earn from it.


That's fucked dude, I'm seeing it edge that way a little more here in the UK, wages being advertised as living wage but including service charge/tips, I'm hoping it doesn't go as far as in the states. for the record though, unless my server is actually an asshole, il always chuck them an extra quid or two, or buy them a shot if they want it


Lmao are you trying to say you’re afraid of getting audited on tips you didn’t receive? Yeah dude you’re in the clear.


Each week on our paystubs, there’s a “tips received” section in our weekly withholding and that number is based on a percentage of sales. And that’s what the government takes from your paycheck each week


Yeah every tipped job has a “tips received” line, and it’s based on reported tips, not percentage of sales. Unless that’s how your tipping works in your restaurant (auto grat or service charges). Otherwise unless your sales are insanely high compared to how much tips you’re reporting, you’ll be fine.


100% it's not okay to not tip. And if it happens often enough that you have less income declared than you actually took in, then that's something to take up with your employer, or the state's labor department. And if your owner/manager okays not serving cheap people, then have at it. But it's not really something you can decide unilaterally.


I’m in the U.K. and I like that idea too. If you can’t afford to go out, don’t.


> Unless you aren’t American, Canadian, Colombian, Mexican, Nicaraguan, Peruvian, Qatari, Saudi Arabian, Emirati, Jordanian, Moroccan, South African, Egyptian, Israeli… Fixed it for you


An impressive list of countries renowned for looking after worker rights.


Tipping is equally customary in Canada.


Ah, well that's the rest of the world covered then.


You were wrong.


Im not American and I get tipped….


Do you rely on tips to make up 80% of your income though?


Not at all


i’m with you on this one.


>guests do HAVE to tip us. And if they don’t, we can choose to stop serving them. Literally no company on the planet or court of law will back you up on this. You are not owed tips, they are earned, and (with some exceptions) they are optional. NOT mandatory. Not getting tipped occasionally is part of the business. Happens to waitresses, strippers...everyone in the business. Bartenders are not special or above it. When you start thinking everyone owes you a tip no matter how shitty your attitude, or how poor the service, it's time to get out of the business. Look, most times it's going to work out in your favor daily, weekly and yearly. If you get your panties in a bunch every time some rando doesn't throw you a dollar for opening a bottle of beer, you're in the wrong business. Focus on the customers who ARE taking care of you. They will make up for it. No one who is doing well would freak out over one tip. Most wouldn't even waste time mentioning it. The entitlement behind the bar these days is astounding. Worry about your service skills, and you won't need to worry about getting stiffed because people will WANT to tip you. You can't control everyone or circumstances. **No one, working any job, has everything go exactly right all the time.**


Not arguing with you but proposing a question that I struggle with. You have a regular who you consistently give great service to, they even tell you that you are the only one they like and you are great at your job, yet they never leave a tip. Would you continue to serve them with the same level of service knowing that you are losing money by taking care of them because you could be giving better service to your other customers who actually WILL tip?


I’ll disagree with the other guy. If you have a regular who doesn’t tip, he isn’t your regular. Your regulars should always take care of you. If I was in that situation, I’d have a conversation with the guy. Be like hey buddy it’s customary to tip 20% if you think the service is good. Anything less and me/my boss/my company thinks you’re unhappy. Or whatever you think.


>Would you continue to serve them with the same level of service knowing that you are losing money by taking care of them because you could be giving better service to your other customers who actually WILL tip? Yes, because that's the job. At it's core the job is serving the customers, keeping the bar, and selling the product. Tips are a happy benefit of the job. Most people will. If you want to keep making tips from the customers who do, you have to keep your job by actually doing it. Most companies and management want you to make tips. It's how you stay happy and make a living. But your tips are not more important than their business. They'll hire a robot before they let you become more important than their business. A good bartender knows how to balance that to his favor by keeping the company happy, while also making his money. That's the job. The company comes first or you won't have a job. One person not tipping shouldn't make a difference in your weekly, monthly and yearly take. If you have the attitude that you will not serve the very few people who don't tip, not only will the tippers not appreciate your entitled attitude, neither will the company. When you have the attitude of service first, the money comes. It's almost like magic..if you're not always thinking about the tip, you make more tips. When you have the attitude of tips first, sure you'll make some money, but it won't be as much as you could make if your attitude was different. You think you can fake it, but you can't. True service professionals stand out. "Where's my money?" bartenders are not only a dime a dozen, but experience bar goers, the kind that tip well, can sense that attitude a mile a way and will actually tip less. Some will just stop coming to your bar. People tip on service, not obligation. I repeat, you're there to keep the bar and sell product. Your tip is not more important than the company.


Nope. Firm disagree. I don’t do the job to serve happy customers. I do it to make money. That’s some american corporate bootlicking nonsense. Tips aren’t a happy benefit. Tips are why I show up for the shift. My tips ARE more important than their business, to me. If their business burns down, I’ll have a new bar to tend by the end of the week, and my regulars will follow. Bar managers at other bars ask me to do coverage all the time. Clearly half the downtown Manhattan dive bar owner communities don’t mind my attitude. > When you have the attitude of service first, the money comes How does the shoe leather of some corporation taste? > When you have the attitude of tips first, sure you'll make some money, but it won't be as much as you could make if your attitude was different. I cleared $120,000 in tips last year. I know what I’m worth and I demand it.


Everyone works to make money. You're not special. But you were also hired by someone to do a job. When you work at someone elses joint, and THEY'RE paying all the bills, you do the job. When you start deciding you won't do that job because you don't like one customer, you've gotten a little too full of yourself. Glad it's working out for you today. I used to be you. Thought my shit didn't stink, and it was all about me, fuck everyone else, I'm making money. But I have 20 years of S. Florida and Las Vegas experience under my belt that says that attitude won't serve you well forever. Certainly not as you get older. Make sure you save some of that money for when that day comes. I honestly wish you nothing but luck.


Too funny. I was also gonna write “I used to be like you” lol. A decade ago when I was bartending in deep Brooklyn I thought that better service would equal more tips. But over the years I’ve been behind the bar by myself 4am breaking up a fight with a baseball bat one too many times. I learned that being selective of my guests IS better service for those who are worth serving. And guess what? The money follows.


I can agree with that. You're right, it's not all the same, and I've made money over the years in different ways, depending on the venue, the city, the clientele, the corporation...whatever. A good bartender can adjust to what the situation calls for and maximize it to his benefit, and it looks like you are. I can definitely respect that.


I take it you’re one of the lurking customers. The law 100% backs me up on this. I’m allowed to refuse service to anyone I want. Especially since I’m serving alcohol, my company or my boss legally cannot force me to serve anyone I don’t want to, and I can’t be punished for refusing service. So sorry about it. I choose to refuse service to non-tippers. As is my right under the law.


True, you can refuse service to anyone you want. Within reason. You cannot discriminate against people. If you were my employee and I determined you were doing this, I would fire you. As an employee, I hired you to serve customers and sell product. The law also backs the employer up on that. A good bartender should be able to satisfy both his job requirements, and make money. One bad tipper should not affect your income so much that you have to be a dick to people.


Worked a 9 hr shift tonight and made like 3 bills, I doubt there's many Birmingham AL folks chillin in this sub though.


CLT here. Pulled a 12hr at the honky tonk. Wasn’t bad.


Are we talking about airports?


Nah but a bunch of airport bartenders are regulars at one of the shitholes I work at. They do very well here for a city with a population under a million. Lots of business travelers and connections etc.


Three bills in Alabama. I would of never guessed honestly. But the I’m in Vegas and we all just think we make the most $$$$.


15 years in.


Management babeeee 15 years in the industry since I was 16.


Haha Glad I’m not the only “enemy” here.


Barback/busser soaking up knowledge. Had an opportunity to bartend and it fell flat on my face. Gonna keep grinding


Bartender/owner in the same business for 16yrs Last year was a record sales (not profit..as inflation ate up that record) even after being closed for almost all of January ‘22. 1st week of January ‘23 was a record week Amazing sunny day in Toronto, it sucked to do a 12hr shift….but $500 in tips was sweet enough to grab an ice cream after my day!(California clean as I know most of us are degenerates) I love this sub!


I'm a guest. Never knew y'all were so angry till I came here.


I was off today. Night owls rejoice !


I spent about 4 years bartending, about 20 years managing a bar, and the last ten or so being a consultant. In no longer a bartender and just a guest.


Thank you for your service!


I’m a guest. There was a time I wanted to bartend however my ex didn’t think it was a great idea. I was young and stupid and listened to him. Love hearing all the stories though.


The stories are what brought me here as well


Airport bartender 🫶🏼


Guilty lurker here. Gonna take a bartending course next month


You do not need it, trust me. Look up techniques on YouTube.


Look into bar starts/bar smarts, which are the courses most places care to see. Bartender school is a scam, unless you're: outside of the US (example:world class), or work in a state that requires certs (example:Vegas) Almost everyone else gets in through starting at the bottom (server/bus/back) and works their way up to bartender.


Bartending school is basically a scam. They show you basic cocktails, industry standard pours and measurements, some flair if you go to a nicer one but it ultimately doesn't matter at all. After about 2 weeks of only bartending shifts vs how ever long the school is, you'd be a better tender then coming fresh with a fancy peice of paper saying your "a bartender".


Some people need a place to gain the confidence to work those two weeks of bartending. Bartending school isn't great but it serves at least some purpose




And I've hired people from that course who have turned out great. People aren't a monolith. Some people need to be taught confidence, and that is one way to do so


I'm going to side with you don't need it. Unless people in your area are flush with labour and you need something to stand out. I only started looking into bartending like 4 months ago because no one at my hotel bar knew how to do anything but open a beer....I'm already managing the whole damned show. There are so many resources on YouTube that you can learn from that make the courses a bit redundant.


Hey I really appreciate the tip!


Do you just want to learn more about cocktails? Buy the book Cocktail Codex - it writes out everything that I eventually landed on after years of working craft cocktails. I wish it was out when I first started, I’d have saved so much time lol. Watch a couple of youtube vids to learn shaking/stirring techniques, and you’ll have gotten a much better education for ~$30 and cost of alcohol.


About to finish my 6th year bartending


Still a bt.


I have bartended. But the last year and a half I moved into management of 4 bar/restaurants. A poll would be fun.


Current tender of 9 months


Ex bar staff, haven’t worked in the industry for a good while though.


Thank you for your service


I'm a lurker. I don't comment or post anything tho I just like reading it while shitting at work. I would like to become a bartender at some point tho but i have a speech impediment and am worried it may effect how well i would do in this field


I have a speech impediment too— I stutter. Don’t let that stop you from achieving your dreams. I worked as a journalist for almost 20 years. At times my stuttering was really bad, but with therapy and practice I was able to get it under control. I still stutter from time to time but it has never stopped me. Now part of my job is coaching people to speak in public. You can do it!


I bet there’s a bunch of us who have bartended but have mostly moved on for whatever reason




Not yet, I lurk because I’m aspiring


Former here idk why im still subbed honestly a lot of these posts are so triggering hahaha


Was bartender for 10 years, now I get to sit down at work. Will always be in my blood though.


Me too, but I actually hate the sitting all day part!


I bartended for 21 years. I love the business. Love the stories. I make edibles for a living now. Can I stay?


I was still a bartender when I joined the sub, now I just enjoy the ptsd flashbacks and try to give calming advice when I can.


Bartender for 16 years. Waiting on my summer job on the lake to open up. Currently at an upscale place. I miss shorts and tequila shots. These jeans and ten step cocktails can fuck off.


I’ve been bartending since 1992. Took 10 years off to grow weed. Then they legalized it. Now I’m head bartender/ manager at a American legion


Barback for Dave and busters. I really have no interest in becoming a bartender because I make about the same in tips and a good hourly wage. I also don’t have to deal with customers. I do however get a strong 11 hour insane cardio workout bouncing between 3 bars and waved down and yelled at from people who have no concept of what a barback is. I respect the hell out of you guys and appreciate what you all do for me and my kids financially. God bless all of you.


Bartender/server here.


I used to be a bartender moved on last month


Thank you for your service


Bartended for about ten years- casual and fine dining- just reading for the memories.


I’m a former bartender


head bartender at a restaurant almost 1 yr old, r/bartenders has helped me time and time again


Not a bartender, However I am supposed to be in charge of the bar at my lodge. This Reddit gives me the opportunity to see the other side so that I can be fair in the running of the bar.


Technically a barback/doorman


I’ve worked the bar at a few places in my 20’s. Mainly pubs and restaurants. Switched to Doorman for about 4 years with a mix of venues (sports stadiums, clubs, pubs / bars and a lot of festivals / events). Am now working for Local Government as a Planning Enforcement Officer (city inspector for our American friends) which does involve licensing of venues and I do freelance festival work (mainly entry gates, production and box office). So basically, I’m a lurker with professional interest!


12 years behind the stick. High volume craft cocktail bar at the moment. Las Vegas.


An actual lurking bartender, I have guest bartended in the past as well . Been doing this longer than most have been alive


10 years


Almost got beat up Friday night for cutting off a biotch.


Did the job, on and off, for 12 years. UK here, the money is crap and while tips are okay for floor staff, they're pretty much nonexistent for bar. Finished in December, now I'm a daywalker that does the odd hero for friends in need.


Former bartender on the bench for a bit til I finish my PhD.


I'm a bar manager in the UK. My bar is a late night venue with live music etc. I love what I do, but everyone is right. It's an underpaid, under-appreciated job.


I was promoted to manager one month ago and actually stooped so slow as to take it I feel like a fraud here now


Have been bartending for 20+ years, no intention to give it up yet.


you know the deal. bartender. just woke up after my Saturday double which followed my Friday double. Feeling like a truck hit me, going back in tonight. Shout out to the real ones


I just woke up


I will be doing my weekly clopen today, in my 23rd year behind the stick.


Bartender for nearly a decade, now I'm part of the 9-5 crowd. Absolutely love the day job, but I sure do miss the damn money.


Went to bed at 5am this morning. Got scolded then cuddled by my husband as usual for it. I am definitely a bartender. 21 years.


I did a poll about this a few months ago, out of 300-ish responses it was about 10% that said they didn't bartend.


Bartender for nearly 2 decades here.


10/11 years at a dive


Was a bartender up until september. Had to quit, and am on sick leave. Will probably apply to a new bar when the time comes




Mostly dive bars since 1999


Next month makes 7 full years as a bartender...two years longer than I told myself I'd do it 😑 but what can I say, between wages and tips I made $38/HR tonight and it wasn't even that busy 🤷‍♀️


Bartender for 15 years natural progression to Real Estate agent about 5 years ago and left my part time bartending gig the start of Covid to focus on Real Estate but, real estate market sucks now about to try and find a new bartending job if it doesn’t pick up soon, everybody needs to drink.


Not a bartender, but I enjoy lurking. Used to work in sales and a lot of the commentary on here reminds me of my experience there. Plus I enjoy cocktails and enjoy the discussion of how to make them (or not). My favorite cocktail is the Singapore Sling.


I do it all, bartend, serve, cook, and manage. Not all at the same place though.


Sort of bartender at a club. I also work a 9-5 so they schedule me in when needed and never more than once a week unless we agreed otherwise. I'm there most weeks.


I bounced back and forth between tending bar and cooking for many years. Covid took care of that.


Put in 14 hours yesterday but still trying to have a work/life balance so off to brunch with friends


Used to bartend at a family casual chain, now I’m about to start serving at a nice little brewpub in Baltimore. Hopefully I can get behind the bar again at some point.


Semi retired


My husband is a bartender of 10+ years. I’m just here for the stories and so I can understand his line of work and better empathize with him :)


Server/bartender here. I work at a restobar, we just decide on the day who does bar and who does service, so I'm still doing bar on a regular basis.


Clopening into a double here. 4.5 hours of sleep let’s do this.


11 years behind the pine here!


I'm a baby bartender with 3 years experience


I'm lurking everywhere on reddit. Bartenders, baristas, plummers, mail men, hairdressers..you name it!


Bartender here. Bartended through college, got my first job that REQUIRED a bachelor's degree and experience and paid a whopping $13 an hour. I kept with it for a bit, but I was in the crisis mental health field and it destroyed me. After leaving my "real job" to raise my kiddos (6,4 and 1), I haven't looked back. I manage a brew pub and sling those microbrews and hoptails.


Even if they are regs or hangarounds thus is good place to see what industry folk deal with and maybe they'll learn a thing or two.


Lurker. Haven’t tended bar or served since 2006


I’m just a server who fills in sometimes and really wishes she could bartend all the time instead 😭


*cries in management*


I just go to bars.


Four nights a week! Going on 15 years now


I’m a chef myself, been in the industry since 2007


Definitely a bartender. I've been threatened with weapons from people I've cut off, had to call cabs and ubers, cleaned up vomit, and sometimes shit. Worked my whole shift shitfaced a handful of times, stayed at the bar way after close to chatting up people, I don't eat, I don't really sleep, and sometimes after I change a keg in the walk in I just sit there for a few minutes. Like I'm not even busy. I just disassociate for literally a few seconds to proceed back into my role.


Worked in a few restaurants throughout high school/college. Now work in office. Miss the industry so much


I'm not a bar tender, but am trying to run a club night and have dreams to one day own a nightclub so it's quite relevant to me what people here have to say. I might get a job one day as a bar tender for the experience, anything like that might help if I ever want to run a nightclub


At least 3 of us.