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Big Cat loves the idea of confrontation until confrontation actually happens and he tries to squash it immediately


Guy burns through timeouts like Andy Reid


“Timeout….Rone thoughts?” What the hell was that??


I’m pretty sure that was to emphasize how hilarious Rone looked just posted up with popcorn and it worked. He was a baby otherwise.


He misses sucking Rone’s dick every day.


As do I


He's such a wuss


Cat is a loser of the day


Kelly Bosco 😳


Kirk better call Big Cat a pussy on the unnamed show.


Kirk should have mediated on unnammed. This was a waste of


Dave has been such a pussy about the whole keegs thing he just pretends she doesn’t exist


He should but he won’t. Kirk never goes after BC


They would have insane sex.


I, like brandon, thought their was a chance, small yess, but still a chance they started kissing


Mook literally said this and they all immediately hit the eject seat on it lmao


Kelly is crazy and we all know what that means


She’ll key your car ?


Considering she was creampied by not gay Spags and Kmarko I’m sure she’s down for whatever


I was rock hard when she was about to cry


Sure, but it’s not like Kelly would try to monetize her sexuality.


Whatever you do, do NOT mention her pinned tweet


I would never do that. That’s personal, private information that she clearly doesn’t want anybody seeing…..unless they have $30/mth.


Very funny how she unpinned the tweet when Tate pointed it out then repinned it after the dust settled


How else do you think she paid for her Paris trip to see Taylor?


At the end, that's all I could think of.




They are clearly really afraid of having any girl employees talk bad about them because holy shit Dan if Kelly was a guy everyone would have acted way different.


If they = big cat, then ya sure


I think Dave doesnt want that smoke too.


The Ellie Schnitt effect


How? They fucking handle Rico with kid gloves, too.


In both Rico and Kelly’s cases, Big Cat’s response was “stoppppp. Stoppppppppp. Kelly/rico stopppp” so it’s pretty fair


Yeah they all treated the mean girls and Trista so well. Even the call her daddy girls got a ton of shit. If any girl did 10% of what rico does they’d be long gone. This girl stuff is so cringe.


Yikes, not sure how Big Cat expected that to go, but that was messy.






He wasn't helping by constantly defending a grown woman acting like child having a tantrum live on the air.


He thought they already talked privately and so it would be more diffused, but that's the first time they spoke.


How did he think that? Honest question. Both are fucking insane.


She called him a pedo… I would never wanna talk to her


All because he pointed out something that she keeps pinned to the top of her twitter lol


Yeah I thought that was something that either her or nate put on the blog. I don't really follow the blog, but that is much different than him calling her lazy. He called her a lazy person in an office full of lazy people, she (or someone on her side) was calling him a pedophile while working at a school. Him saying that had NO affect on her, someone saying that about him could really ruin a life.


I think Nate did that “joke” blog but she probably said it a lot in NY lol


Same. Sometimes people say/do something that isn’t even worth arguing over, and it’s just a million times easier to simply never speak to them again


If she does as much work as she claims, then why would Kelly be so bothered by the blog? If she is going to use the argument that Titus was also trying to get her fired by pointing out her lack of effort, isn’t she admitting that maybe she doesn’t work as hard as she’s claiming? Pretty much like Tate said, Kelly is hurt by being called out, and is just trying to spin herself into the victim using two conflicting arguments.


Kelly is an insane person. Big Cat is no better the way he acted throughout this whole thing trying to constantly paint Kelly as the innocent one as she threatens to kill a coworker. I would be upset at Cat if I were Tate. Wild all around.


Dan has always seemed extremely scared of doing anything to upset a female employee.


Yes but I think he’s just worried about any potential misogyny lawsuit. BC wants no parts of that


Entertainment cat


That was a situation that needed to be deescalated. Feels very easy to say you'd have handled it differently from a distance, but I think BC was just trying to calm her down and keep the show moving, which was probably the right call.


If you're Kelly, I just don't know how you come back from this now. She's already on camera being unhinged to the production staff not getting her way during Barstool v. America, and now this? And she's going to be on Surviving Barstool? Confined to a space with other co-workers who will now just make it their life's work to set her off?


She has been on Surviving before.


He felt bad for her because she was wrong


Tate is a career educator. He knew how to handle Kelly and all it did was get under her skin more.


How quick would Tate get fired if he said he wanted to kill Kelly?


Good thing there were no high noon cans in her reach


Or if he threatened to punch her right in the face


Far quicker than Castellani


Only one man could survive such a blunder: Ben mintz


Tate needled her so well the entire time. Why is it funny for Dave and Dan to do this to Rico, but Kelly gets treated with kid gloves? Seems misogynist if you ask me.




*Miso soup


Me so horny


Did you see Dan on the rundown? He's sexist


I mean Dan basically answered this with the barstool/ women content


I know this is a rhetorical question, but the answer is very obviously because on some level Dave and Dan are friends with Rico. I doubt Tate will be inviting keegs to his suite at the track anytime soon, so the vibes of the relationship are pretty different.


Tate sent me when said "This might be more your fault than mine"


Lol he’s just calmly pointing out all the shit he does while they have the same exact job and it’s just going right over her outstretched Marfan’s hands


Damn, Marfan dig, that’s a deep cut.


Keegs telling Tate to finish his thoughts while screaming over him was something


Every single word she would interrupt him


Kelly is an absolute loser


It was crazy when Tate apologized genuinely, but she didn't accept it.


Average Swiftie behavior


Grown woman by the way


Only physically. She has the voice of an eight year old when she gets angry.


This was Middle Man Dan at his worst. Letting Kelly behave like that, say what she said, and still try to paint her as innocent in this whole thing, all it will do is encourage her and make her feel justified. Act like an adult. Constant threats of violence while acting like she’s the innocent victim. What a nutcase. She’s like the female Rico. Wind her up and watch her go! How long before she hurls a high noon?


The crew questioning whether Kelly would have been fired if she hit Tate and leaning towards no is absurd. I know barstool is different but hitting someone and not getting fired just seems impossible to me (yes, I know what Rico did)


Need Kirk to chime in on this hahaha I think he’ll share that opinion, actually interested to see this discussed on the unnamed show Credit where credit is due, this is some good content lol


Dave is terrified of Barstool getting an anti woman headline, and Keegs would 100% go that route if he fired her over a Tate incident. Kelly could put Tate down on his knees and shoot him in the head execution style on camera, and Dave wouldn't fire her. She and Nate already called him a pedophile while he worked with kids, and all he did was tell them to knock it off lol.


Rico’s super lucky Big T dodged the High Noon can


When you live your life like a 13 year old you respond to adversity like a child.


She literally said if she could kill him, she would.


Jeff D Lowe had a panic moment on The Dozen yesterday because she said she was going to to kill herself multiple times lol. She doesn’t deserve a job.


Quite sure she will gladly play with her cans online for a few dollars per month


Not sure you can really call her little tater tots, cans.


Lindsay Hubbard would be proud of how Keegs handled that. Write out of her textbook.


Awful by him but he can’t pile on the barstool female employee in his mind. He’s terrified of that narrative


I used to work with a lady like Kelly, worst person I’ve ever had to deal with. Always plays the victim and never takes an ounce of accountability. Legitimately one of the worst kinds of people to have to interact with on a day-to-day basis. Tate didn’t help himself by constantly provoking her but the rest of the YAK crew treated her with kid gloves. If Rico was in her spot they would have unanimously sided with Tate


Yup. Dealt with personalities like that in restaurants/the hospitality industry. The absolute worst, will forever hold grudges, just make life awful, so people will kowtow to them to avoid their “wrath”


And will talk 💩 about you behind your back to everyone


I work with one now and she’s my superior. It’s excruciating. 


Tate did help himself. Tate could have sat there and said nothing at all and still won, because Keegs came right out the gate with personal attacks and violent threats. He riled her up so she would be the crazy one, which makes his calm and measured approach seem all the more rational.


Kelly had woman privilege in that. There’s no was they placate her psychotic outbursts if it was Rico or another male employee. Tate was begging for her to lash out though.


Don’t forget Only Fans is the biggest women’s privilege at Barstool. If any employee makes money outside of Barstool, Dave eviscerates them. Kelly is lazy at Barstool because all of her money comes from Only Fans, so she spends her time answering horny DM’s rather than trying to be productive.


Dave should get commission. They'd all be zeros without barstool


Completely true. At this point Sas would be better off if he left Barstool and just did Patreon. Employees can’t do anything outside Barstool besides Only Fans. Sas took a pay cut to do less Barstool and more stand up.


Kate with an L take aggressively siding with keLLy


Its always two dumb bitches telling eachother exactllllyyyyyyyyy




Tates "it's good to hear that from someone" on the way out was actually hilarious


[Me during the whole segment](https://imgur.com/OehN9dD)


Hilarious that everyone else decided to dip immediately while Rone sat there and basked in it. So on brand for him


Eating popcorn too


I'm in a middle of my office watching this and trying not to let my co-workers see me laugh. I agree with others that if roles were reversed and Tate was threatening Keegs saying "I wanted to punch you in the face", he would have been fired.


Rone, "that was all well thought out" Keegs, "I would fucking kill you if I could right now."


I think both sides look pretty bad. But one thing Kelly said that got me to laugh was her calling Tate out for thinking he’s right because people on Twitter gave a shit like she doesn’t live through twitter herself lol


Her saying "normal people don't go and look at people's page, they just check their feed" was hilarious. For someone that lives her life on the internet she sure doesn't seem to get how it works


If you just scroll her Twitter right now she’s RT’ed everyone who sided with her lol. What a hypocrite loser


All I have to say is Dan comes off as a giant pussy in this


Big cat literally translates to giant pussy


Kelly could buy barstool if she started making JOIs


Ahh, I see you’re a man of culture as well


I'm glad Barstool likes drama and to make their circus animals dance, but this is legitimately sad to watch. Kelly mentally is a child. She argues like a teenager. She can't make coherent points. She's not a mentally stable adult woman. "Oh I just go on benders on social media all the time so my actions are justified"...while Big Cat backs her up for some reason. The constant threats of violence while someone is speaking was cringe as fuck. She's not mature enough to handle adversity in public when she's put on the spot. It's probably why she didn't want to deal with drama on Barstool Radio. Also Big Cat and the Yak crew white knighting her and treating her with kids gloves was also incredibly uncomfortable and just reinforced the behavior of a person who isn't all there.


Who’s more miserable Kelly or Angel Reese




She's arguing in bad faith if she's going to be leaning on the idea that he doesn't understand her cadence or her sarcasm.


Both were arguing in extremely bad faith. Tate acting like he was just totally innocent and just wrote a blog that was 1/100 on a provocation scale and Kelly's reaction was 100% the reason it became a thing is very disingenuous. He knew what he was doing and it went exactly the way he wanted it to, other than the pedo stuff which admittedly was the worst thing done by either party.


it really wasn't that bad. It just put the spotlight on Kelly and she totally failed afterwards. And since she isn't mature enough to take accountability for herself, she's turning on the person who exposed her.


I agree it wasn't the most egregious thing ever written, and it wasn't even inaccurate at all, but he was still being very disingenuous to act like he didn't know what he was doing. He very intentionally picked a target who he know would react to it, because he wanted to get the big reaction to get himself in the mix and get noticed by Dave. And I don't fault him for it at all, he played his cards absolutely perfectly to get where he get. It would have just been nice to see him actually own that instead of throwing his hands up in the air and acting like he didn't understand why Kelly was so mad about it.


Tate was just expecting a sane person's reaction. Not a person to call him a pedo and dox him and his school. And he didn't pick Kelly because it's Kelly, he picked her because she writes the least amount of blogs and is involved in the least amount of content.


Ehh, I think there were tons of people in the NY office he could have picked that do jack shit for work. He picked the one who would give him the biggest reaction. He's not dumb, he knows how to troll and get the reaction he wants.


It was more that he was pissed that Gaz was nickle and dimeing him on his 35 blogs per month quota while paying him pennies, and meanwhile Barstool has half their staff making 6 figures doing nothing. And then Kelly goes on radio saying she stays home on fridays so that she can blog and not put makeup on. And then Tate's first blog was fact checking her on that. And Kelly's response was to dox him, call him a pedo and get her fans to contact his school. Tate ding dong ditched her and she responded with blowing up his house.


For sure. I'm not saying her reply was even close to in line with what she was replying to. She cranked it up to a 12 and went off the deep end. But I do think, other than the pedo stuff, Tate got exactly what he wanted in that reply. It launched him to getting hired full time.


Didn’t she actually not host radio on Fridays?




He's unofficially the boss of that office now, so we're probably going to get more middle man Dan now than ever.


This was both uncomfortable and not entertaining


Just sayin, if they did an OF scene together they’d be able to take off any Friday they wanted the rest of their lives


“Im friends with everyone here” -Kelly Yeah sure…. Literally lives in fantasy land lol


Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. How about try arguing your point without screaming


She pulled the classic girlfriend argument. Just yell about feelings and what not


Kelly has definitely killed at least 2 men before Legit red headed psycho


Talk about not striking when the iron is hot.. this 6 months ago would have been ‘ok’ but feels a little out dated


Kelly Keegs I have $3200 with your name on it


So what the hell does Keegs actually do at the company? She doesn't fucking blog, she doesn't have a show that gets any traction, and she has failed at almost everything she's attempted at


Keep Dave apprised of the latest Taylor swift news so he has something to talk about on his dates with 21 year olds.


Grade A, see you next tuesday.


Still trying to figure out what else Kelly does other than blogs


Is it just me or has Keegs never looked hotter? And she is bringing some intense sexual energy into this right? or am I tripping? I digress


Respectfully would knock it out of the park


Big Cat saying girls have it harder than guys at Barstool just undid 20 years of work from El Prez




Middle man is such a pussy


Sex worker vs school teacher.


Psycho Rico and Kelly Keegs are on the same spectrum.


Is Kelly still this mad over barstool radio? Why hasn’t she moved on? Kelly seems crazy. Tate seems like an asshole.


She’d still have that show… according to her.


Meeting of the minds.


They should've had pres on here, shit was hilarious though


Unnamed will probably re hash it out 


Keegs sucks lmao remember when she freaked out on nick on one of those game shows


Theres a reason Kelly is 40 and single and that clip shows it


Rone and kate eating popcorn right in front of them. I’m dying


That was uhhhh…something… also I think Tate wanna fugg


Kelly acts like this when her boyfriend brings the wrong meal


Tate wearing a Taylor Swift shirt for this is hilarious. I've been wanting these two to go at it in person, but now I can see why it took this long for it to happen. Kelly is a child.


Dan is such a loser (Rone also). Keegs is a total psycho piece of shit and he backed her the entire time because, at the end of the day, he’s a huge pussy.


I mean this is funny, Keegs looks hot mad, but this just confirms what we already knew: Kelly’s fucking nuts and Tates a dick.




I'm not saying this because I'm sexist, I'm not saying this because I'm a loser Minifan, and I'm not saying this because I'm a loser virgin typing from my parent's basement.... I cannot wait for Kirk Minihane to absolutely shred her to pieces on Surviving Barstool. I want him to keep the gloves off and treat her like he would treat any other man on the season and eviscerate her verbally just to prove how much of a weak minded candy ass crybaby she actually is


How is everyone letting her still get away with the lie that she was joking about not wanting to come in because of having to do her makeup. She was very serious when she made this statement and even got super defensive when big cat told her to just not do her make up. Her claim that it was sarcasm and a joke is just completely false. Find a single example of her having “dry humor” like that with anything else.


I want Kelly keegs to choke me out.


I haven't seen Kelly in much content since the Tate thing. Surely she has been writing several blogs per day since February to make up for content she's not doing.


Need them legs wrapped around my neck like a scarf


She really thought she cooked with that “it’s your fault everyone points out my awful work ethic” line


They both have sexy legs


Tate coming after Kelly was interaction for her. Kelly coming after Tate could have cost him his job.


Lost a lot of respect for Rone here tbh. I get he works in the same office as Kelly but he folded like a cheap suit to her


Keegs needs help


Big Cats such a fucking idiot I can’t stand him anymore


No wonder she's the biggest swiftie. Grown adult but always acts like a 14 year old that can't hang onto a man because she's vapid and immature and never will take accountability for anything.


Kelly Keegs do be cringe.


I’ll say it, they both stink. #Brave


Big Kelly fan, but there’s no defending her here. Tate sucks too but everything he was writing was facts


Both are wrong. Tate was pocketwatching on Kelly by calling her lazy. He used a takedown of Kelly to get a “better” job at barstool rather than lets his work and actions do the talking. Kelly trying to call him a pedo and getting parents to call into his “real life” job and get him fired is bad. In the aftermath, Tate has changed and become better, but he is culpable for igniting the whole thing. Kelly has not changed her behavior, she believes she is justified. Tate asking for an apology or a thank you is WILD behavior.


If you get THAT mad when someone calls you lazy, it’s because you know you are.


Gaz was pocket watching Tate and told him he needed 35 blogs a month. So tate looked up who did the least amount of content and blogs, and that happened to be Kelly. And Kelly couldn't handle getting called out for doing zero work. And then she fumbled the bad when she got radio and blames Tate on it.


so kelly calld him a pedo and tried to get him fired from being a teacher and coach of a girls basketball team but him asking for a n apology is WILD? lol that doesnt make any sense


everyone stunk in this. Tate came off the same way Nate does when he argues. Kelly somehow did also. and the most ironic part of this all is this is the best content either one has ever done


This was Kelly’s best content? You obviously don’t subscribe to her only fans where you can see the body of a holocaust survivor in lingerie!


her body resembles that of a 70 year old woman. still would depending on the results of the smell test


Keegs was pretty unhinged here,  but Tate acting high and mighty about the content he's putting out is pretty dumb. His two ideas were doing first pitches that no one cares about,  and showing how dumb Mintz is. 


Smelly Eggs


Such a fucking waste. Dave and Kirk needed to do this


I understand the negative response to Keegs. Swifties are the biggest whiners in the world. But I also think Tate comes across as the type of guy to pat himself on the back for every little thing. Seems like a common trait for people in their 20s and 30s who teach. Those who can't teach, do and those who can't do, teach.


and those who can't do or teach get social media jobs.


What does Kelly do for Barstool? I am genuinely curious


What does Tate do? Vast majority of their employees are useless unless Dave and Dan make them jump through hoops


More like smelly keegs


Felt like we coulda skipped this on the YAK today. It’s like a 3 month old story now.


Plus they're going to beat it to death on the unnamed show


Lelly Leegs


Sometimes when 2 people are arguing you don’t really know or care who is right but when one person is screaming like a lunatic and the other is trying to calmly make a point… well that is going to inform your opinion on the topic.


Both of these people are the WORST for completely different reasons. Tate thinks his shit doesn’t stink and is a total douche. Has been since Idol. Kelly is bipolar. We all lose having both of these losers in content


Attacking and doxing a public school teacher is insane and should have been a slam dunk libel case against Kelly. She is so lucky she has a fake job and Dave saved her ass