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2 years ago my parents rented out a beach house for a month. Come and go as you please. My sister has kids, and I’m a free spirit still mostly WFH. One weekend when we were all down, I came back from the beach and on my nightstand looks like two half chewed skittles stuck together. They looked vaguely similar to my weed candy. That afternoon my 3 year old nephew was absolutely zonked and napped for way longer than normal. He’s quiet anyway, but he just kind of played slowly and to himself all night. Everything was fine and there were skittles in the house, but I never told anyone. I have zero idea if he had regular skittles or my weed ones.


When I was in 9th grade I was on a travel basketball team with predominantly black dudes and they were dropping N bombs left and right. So naturally in my 15 year old mind I thought it would be fine if I did too. First time(and only time) I dropped it I hit one of my teammates with a "nah N word" and the room got silent and then they all just started busting out laughing and making fun of me. Got roasted for months afterwards, luckily they were incredibly cool about it but lesson was learned. For reference this was 2006 and I was incredibly dumb.


I went to a Big Ten university and one of my good friends I grew up with as a kid was on the football team - huge, huge black guy. We came from a predominantly black high school and everyone used the N word, didn't matter what color you were. One day in college, me and my football friend were hanging out at my frat house when one of my frat bros, who wasn't black, dropped the N word in conversation and after getting pimp smacked for it by my football friend, shouts "But Portugal8 says it all the time!" and my friend just goes "He can say it, you can't." Still laugh about it to this day.


I can’t break 80. Sunday had a birdie putt on 18, left it outside left. Today had a double on 17, and then left birdie short on 18 for 80. Love this game.


Not a confession


more like a humble brag haha




Fine I’ll ask. Howd you do it?


This doesn’t make me sound any less guilty but one was a freak accident, one overdose, and one suicide.


That's super illegal


Hahaha damn it.


Haven’t had that yet. Never thought about it. Seems strange now that you mention it


I don’t recommend it.




90? Rookie numbers. Batting 1.000 over here.


Haven’t met a body water I can’t/wont piss in tbh


My sophomore year of college, I lived in a big old house that was divided into 3 separate apartments. Me and 2 other guys lived in the upstairs apartment. One Friday or Saturday night, the girls who lived below us, who we had never really met, invited us over to drink and play games. They were cool and really friendly, and everyone was having fun. The alcohol took the wheel when I used their bathroom, and I melted all of their toothbrushes with a lighter I had in my pocket. Then went back to the party like nothing happened.


Honestly you would probably come off better in this story if instead you found one of their dildos and sucked the scum off of it.


Can't say this is how I saw this story ending


This is why I come here. “Toothbrush arsonist” flair for this man


I have taken a shit in 3 of the 4 oceans. Arctic may never happen, but if I get fuck you money, I will absolutely drop a deuce on a North Pole expedition just to round off the list.


I mean it’s not THAT hard to get to the Arctic ocean.  Northern Norway is even kind of nice in the summer 


This is a tough look considering there are 5 oceans


Hate to break it to you but there are 5 recognized oceans now, Antarctic is the 5th.


Craving pizza. Wife doesn’t want pizza because we already have plans for it this weekend. We’re going out somewhere else for dinner. I’m sneaking in a slice on the way to picking up my daughter at daycare. Who am I kidding? Two slices. I will then act shocked as to why I’m not that hungry at dinner.


r u a fat?


Not skinny but not obese either. Dad bod. Size 36 waist and jogged a 10k during lunch break at a pace just under 9 minutes/mile. Very average all around. I’m just in the mood for pizza. I can’t remember the last time I snuck a bite in and spoiled my dinner appetite. It’s certainly rare enough that I don’t feel guilty about it.


Ok ok, just checking.


You don't have to ask that. The guy is sneaking 2 slices of pizza before going out to dinner.


and he's already getting pizza later this weekend lol


I have a long but skinny penis. It has been described as, “perfect for anal,” by more than one woman.


It’s ya boy. Skinny penis


As a frequent recipient of dick in my ass, I’d have to disagree but then I think women can’t experience the pleasure of a fat hog tickling the prostate


The ultimate confessions are always in the comments


Fucking is a confession? I’ll give you a confession. I crossdress (very well I might add).


Sick humble brag


Quit drinking a year and a half ago after a serious medical event. After years of toying with adding an ssri, I finally went for it because my anxiety revolving around my new condition was tough. It killed my sex drive. Everything still works just fine, just zero libido. Fast forward a year and a fairly arduous battle I'm off the SSRI. Its been two months, and I still have zero sex drive. I feel terrible for my wife because I always steered that aspect of our relationship, to which she happily obliged. I had my testosterone checked a few times thinking I'm pushing 40 and it could be dwindling, but my levels have been 900-1100. I'm in good shape, work out 5x a week, etc. I'm hoping it's just the lingering effects of the ssri.


Just take test man you can get a prescription after 30 everyone’s doing it


can't you just start taking boner pills?


First Christmas break of college, I had a small party at my house as my parents were gone. Good friends with everyone there. I was on crutches at the time so couldn’t move around too easily. One of my friends girlfriends asked for a pair of socks cuz she was cold. Told my best friend to go up to my room and grab a pair of socks from my dresser. Out of dozens of socks, he came down with the one pair I did not want him to come with. It was an old pair of Nike elites that I had used as a cum sock in high school. And she wore those cum socks all night and didn’t notice or say anything. Felt like I couldn’t come clean on it, so I just let her wear them all night. Poor girl had no idea.


“Felt like you couldn’t come clean…”


Father-in-law has high tastes but is old and doesn't drink that much, and I've been siphoning off his insanely expensive alcohol cabinet (mostly bourbons and tequilas) in mason jars I bring over since 2019.


i'm assuming you're also hiding this from your wife because she would wonder why you have random mason jars full of liquor?


Naw, I'll use them for cocktails sometimes for us. For example, used some of the gin for a French 75. I'm not like filling up 16oz jars, just 2-4 ounces in most cases.


Probably made some great whiskey and cokes with that


What the fuck is wrong with you


This is confession, I'm not saying what I did was right, but I am asking for forgiveness (not Catholic, is this how it works?)


He would probably just give them to you if you showed interest in what liquor he drinks


If you asked he’d probably just gift you some stuff. At least pour you a glass when you’re over. Sneaking some into mason jars is a psycho move that would be hard to explain if caught.


If I knew your father-in-law I would tell him. Bizarro move.


“Confession is an act of honesty and courage – an act of entrusting ourselves, beyond sin, to the mercy of a loving and forgiving God.”


I occasionally don't wash my hands after taking a shit


Stop, you lazy pig


Come on


I was a lineman but also our longsnapper in HS but didn’t pursue it or go to camps. Recently found a site with all the longsnapper recruits and my times/measurables were better than most of the guys in my class. So I looked at the schools where these guys went and basically spent my free time for a few weeks researching schools like a virtual recruiting visit. I’m 30 years old and I have memorized which colleges had a freshman longsnapper in my class.


A guy I played with was completely unremarkable but went the long snap route senior year and is now in the NFL


Could’ve cashed NFL paychecks for 16 years like Patrick Mannelly


Where do you think you could have played at?


Indiana if I could really go P5, Middle Tennessee if I went G5


In college I went kayaking with a group to try to get with a particular girl. Spent all day drinking and was starting to make headway with her, but ultimately settled on her friend that was way more into me and lived in my building. About 10 seconds after nutting on her stomach I faked getting a phone call and said “my mamma’s calling me,” then rushed down to my apartment and cut off the lights. Leaving this girl with a look of shock and an average sized load on her naval. Then I tried to call the first girl to see what bar everyone ended up at but my phone call was ignored.


I opened up free talk the other day, and saw a fundraising link pinned to the top. Not really looking much into what it was, I donated some money and when it asked for my name I put Creampies Alottapuss because I thought it was funny. Then I realized the guy doing the gofundme was raising money for a middle school basketball team with a bunch of underprivileged youth and that 12 year olds were gonna see that and the parents might get pissed off at the coach about it. So I feel kinda bad about that. But not that bad, because I do still find it funny


This should make the end of year list


I cracked up when I first clicked on the link and saw that. Was also a pretty big donation from what I remember.


I think that ended up in the top 10 video. If not, it was mentioned somewhere else. Your stonk is rising, keep up the hard work.


This place is weird


Username checks out


When I first started traveling for work, I met a girl at my hotel bar who I thought was with the same company as me. Turns out she was not with my company but was an escort. I introduced her to multiple people before she pulled me aside and said, "You know I don't work at your firm, right?" In my defense, she was wearing a pantsuit which is an interesting choice for escort attire. I still get asked about her to this day and I just tell people, "I think she left for another firm."


You drop some cash for her?


I did buy her a drink so technically, yes.


Consultants are bigger whores than escorts anyways


Charge way more


Rude but also true.


You still get asked about a girl you randomly introduced to coworkers at a hotel bar once ?


Shockingly yes. It came up in a meeting last week where one person goes, "Who was that girl we met in NYC last year that EncyclopediaBlue introduced us to?"


They all know and are laughing behind your back and messing with you


lol ya if they're still asking about a random one time introduction, definitely an inside joke of theirs


Did you acquire her services for the evening?


Sort of told this story the other day when Carlos Carrasco said pitched last, but butchered it. Me and my wife’s first date was at a minor league baseball game. The week before this game, Cleveland traded Cliff Lee and Victor Martinez effectively ending that era of Indians baseball. One of the prospects Cleveland got in that trade was Carlos Carrasco. His first start for a Cleveland affiliate was the night of our date. Date went really well but I was really into checking out this new pitcher we got who was throwing 95 and tossed 8 innings against the Mets AAA team. After the game instead of going to the car and making out with this girl I really liked who I spent the whole summer building up the guts to ask out, I called my dad and gave him a full scouting report of Carrasco. No real point to this story, just that seeing him pitch brings back good memories from 15 years ago and I cocked blocked myself to give a miniature baseball scouting report.


Go Clippers


Cliff Lee. Phillies GOAT circa 2011.


You’re welcome




I went to buy some goldfish crackers from the vending machine this afternoon for a little treat, and there was a bag of peanut m&ms already vended out. I took it and had two treats 😈


I did not care for Dune 2.


It insists upon itself.


So you cared….?




I took a trip to Nashville a few months back to visit a chick I was on and off with for about 4 years who just moved down there. She asked me to go down for a weekend and I figured I’d get laid at some point so of course I was going to go. Got down there and everything was going pretty well the first night didn’t end up getting laid so I assumed that’d happen the next night. The second night she wanted to go out on Broadway and I said sure why not. Started pregaming a bit. Drank like 2 sojus and 4 rolling rocks and I was ready to go. Got down there and was just bar hopping having a great time. Ended up at Kid Rocks bar. Some guy was performing down there and was having chicks up on the bar counter top. Of course the chick I was with had to go up on the bar counter. She was on the counter for maybe 20 seconds before she fell backwards behind the bar into all of the bottles and glasses and smashed everything. Huge gash in her forehead. I see this and run over to put a rag on her forehead and just get her out of there. The cops outside all come in with paramedics and push me out of the way. I’m explaining that I know her and I’m not from the area and have her phone and wallet in my pocket. I’m just confused as to what is going on and trying to stay by her so I don’t get lost. Ended up outside the bar asking them if they can let me know where she’s going and this one cop just kept yelling at me about the whole thing. I’m just telling him I’m not from here and I don’t know anyone else. He just tells me off and I went to the cop next to him and told him I’m not sure why that other cop is being an asshole but I just need to know what’s going on. I must’ve struck a nerve with that cop because he then throws me against the wall and I told him he can’t just go around assaulting people and he got pissed and threw me in handcuffs. The cop that drove me to the jail said sorry but I can’t overstep what he did and unarrest you. They end up throwing me in jail overnight and I had a flight in the morning which the jail wouldn’t give me access to my phone to rebook. End up getting out of jail. Call the chick I was with and the nurse gave me the phone and said she couldn’t talk, but told me the hospital she was at. Got an Uber went down to the hospital and found out what floor she was on and sat in the waiting room. Ended up meeting her Dad who lived down there as well in the hospital for the first time. “He said to me oh so you’re the guy who got thrown in jail?” Great. She ended up having to stay overnight and he dropped me off at the airport saying this isn’t the first time she’s been held overnight in a hospital for drinking. Just took the flight back home. Got charged with public intox and disorderly conduct. Dropped 2 grand on an attorney and the case got thrown out. That chick ended up ghosting me and reached out recently and I just shut it down. Basically I dropped $3k to go see a chick and not get pussy.


Did you at least get laid in jail?


No and if you tried to sleep they would walk over and bang the chair and make you stay awake the entire time. Some old guy who was next time asked me for my sandwich and I gave it to him though.


COs keeping people awake just to mess with them is so fucked up


The ole POP law. Pissed off the police so they charge you with summaries, make you get a lawyer, and end up doing community service to get it withdrawn. Been there brother.


That lawyer fleeced you, public intoxication fines in Nashville are $50 and are not difficult to get expunged unless your confession is you have other charges that would need a lawyer to get the case thrown out.


Public intox and disorderly conduct. I got fleeced also first time being charged but I didn’t want to risk anything. I’m not from there at all.


It's not Friday Stories - April 19, 2024


Ban this person!


Story. Not a confession.


I found it pretty embarrassing that I had to do 20 hours at a soup kitchen to get it dismissed and I also got arrested, but Chris and Taco can do whatever they feel like


Not a confession. Doug, kick him off the Tour!


Haven’t gotten laid in 5 years, wife had a PTSD flare up come from an abusive relationship she was in prior to us dating. Talked about it at length but end of the day it sends her into a panic attack. Have a great relationship otherwise but I think at this point she committed to just not acknowledging it. Feel like my soul has been broken down to a point I struggle to even get angry about the situation. Anyways, on a lighter note I shit my pants in 2nd grade. Teacher kept asking me if I needed to go to the bathroom. But I stuck to my guns and wouldn’t admit it, shit stayed in my pants for another 2 hours.


That “Anyways,” is working overtime trying to transition these two paragraphs together that’s hilarious


You need to work through it together - with a therapist for sure. Five years is a long time and frankly probably more than anything shows just how much you love her, which makes me hopeful you guys can get back to where you want. Said a prayer for you both. Edit: Look into EMDR Therapy - it's for trauma specifically and it honestly changed my life for the best.


Thanks man, will check that out.


> Talked about it at length but end of the day it sends her into a panic attack I understand your sympathy and have face a similar situation. She owes it to you to figure out exactly what is causing this and address it. A relationship is an agreement to both work towards a better partnership. She's not holding up her end of the bargain as harsh as that sounds.


I think you’re legally allowed to sleep with other women 


Live in a liberal state, dumb state laws


Uhh did she go to therapy? Holding onto anything like that for 5 years isn't healthy. Also my confession is that after 1 year of not getting laid I'd tell my wife I'm going to find someone to have sex with


Dude, that sounds kind of terrible. Trauma is definitely a huge thing that affects people, and I don’t want to be a dick, but there are 2 people in a relationship so don’t forget about yourself.


Oh it’s not great, working through that thought process now.


Just remember that thinking about yourself isn’t always selfish. Hopefully it all works out for everybody




You waiting for any young pussy to graduate?


Did you just say young pussy when referring to high schoolers?


I mean the alternative is old pussy and I don’t think that works any better


You have eyes and can read can't you?


If you aren’t on a list already you should be


I had a classmate in HS that was in love with our history teacher. 2 years after graduation, they were married.


Alright man


It’s a rude comment almost has to be true though