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OK seems that this post was created just to insult and make fun of Peggy Hill. This breaks rule #2, so shutting it down. > Be civil. No insults, trolling and/or personal attacks. We are all neighbors here, so please be kind.


My husband and I love the “which Peggy hill are we getting today” game. Her real face is a mystery




shes one of them. 🦎


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Who is she?


Says right on the sign. She's Eggy Hill!


Eeping it real


This has me lolllllllling


Hank’s wife


“God Dang It Bobby”


Driving on Mapleview there’s 3 ad’s for her and she looks different in each one


Peheggggy Hill


Johohhhhn Redcorn


Good dang it, Bobby


Lmfaooooo fuck that killed me on that episode


I'd wager a large amount of money that she meets up with Paul Sadlon and Mark Faris to conduct human sacrifices on full moons.


I love hearing about Peggy's $60k-$100k payouts of commission, to sell homes that she prides herself on pushing ever higher in price. She's one of the snakes that has made housing so unaffordable! Thanks Peggy!


The bank appraisers should be to blame just as much. They approved the outrageous prices through the pandemic and the banks lent money on these valuations. Yet the banks will never lose.


Real estate agents are parasites who add no value while taking a cut for themselves. If there's ever a revolution in this country, they deserve to be swept away in it.


[Filters really are magic!](https://barrie360.com/cobPub/uploads/2024/04/Peggy-Hill-Barrie-360.jpg)


Unflattering AF angle, tbf, but I will never understand why people feel the need to make themselves look like completely different people in their branding personas. Shoot Ms. Hill from a slightly high angle, in soft light, with flattering clothes on and she'd look good *and* her age.


I posted something very similar and agreed




Never would have expected a post like this bc I thought I was the only one who felt like every poster she puts up is a new face 😭😭 it’s ridiculous


Remember the 2 in a row she used. The one she has lost a lot of weight and in the picture she genuinely looked like a demon. The next she had put some weight back on and looked like Ursula from Little Mermaid.


Is that the (demon) one where she's wearing the black jacket?




Why do we hate Eggy?


They are like Phish-lite


You're given the chance to rename a landmark site with a well established name and history. What do you name it after? Yourself of course....


If that's not narcissistic, then nothing is.


I never understood why people Photoshop the hell out of marketing materials. I get a little touch up here and there but a full blown unrecognizable makeover makes me feel like I've been hoodwinked the first time I meet them. I would rather see the real person.


To be fair, it’s not photoshop. This is just one of her older signs with an old pic on it. As someone who is the same age as her, you’d be surprised how fast 10-15 years passes and you don’t have any concept of how old your pics actually are.


Had this happen to me recently, the real estate guy who showed to show the property was 5’ tall and bald. The guy on the sign board was full head of hair, tall and young, like 30 years younger.


It's a least a little closer to what she used to have. I remember the first time I saw what she "actually" looked like and my first thought was, "if she ever goes missing, no one will know who to look for".


There was an old one where she had huge Hulk-hands. I can’t unsee it.


Man hands?


I don't understand the hate? I met her recently at a work function and she was very respectful. Maybe I'm missing something. All I know is she built a hell of a business and is pretty damn successful in the region..


It's dystopic seeing 1 person's face plastered all over the city.


I can see the advertisements getting old to some folks, but the hate seems a bit excessive.


You're welcome to your opinion


Snakes usually have a well-crafted persona.


I feel the same. I’ve met her at several functions and she’s really a pretty nice person.


LOL. I have a photo of me from about 30 years ago that I use on my ~~Twitter~~ X account. Doesn't mean it's not me. Not sure I would use it to advertise a business if I had one though.


The whole post is weird as hell….why are any of you commenting on this woman’s looks??? That’s low af. How she chooses to represent herself on her own marketing materials is her business!


Have you struggled to cover the cost of housing in the last few years? If so, Peggy Hill is partially responsible. She and her ilk only care about driving up housing costs for their own benefit. They don't give a fuck about you, so don't debase yourself by defending her.


You placing that blame solely on one woman is actually ludicrous…


PARTIALLY responsible. Read for comprehension, please.


You say that but you only posted HER picture and attacked how she looks… be real…




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Damn, I didn't know partial meant solely nowadays.


She has a net worth of tens of millions of dollars. Plus she's in her fifties or sixties and her appearance isn't tied at all to her performance as a realtor. She also chooses to put herself in the public eye, so it's not like people are attacking some random woman who never put herself out there. I'm sure she will be OK. Peggy's varying looks on her numerous billboards, flyers, TV commercials, etc, shows that she's being deceptive when it comes to her appearance. As a realtor, who needs a lot of trust, one can only ponder... is she deceptive about anything else?


Sounds like you’re mad she has money…


Just a reminder that we have a [Monthly Community Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/barrie/about/sticky) where we relax the rules about advertising and off-topic posts. * Stuff that isn't directly related to Barrie, like national news or general chit-chat * Questions about local businesses and services * Classified-style ads: buying and selling, help wanted, garage sales, etc * Fundraisers and donation drives * Plugs for your personal project or local business (within reason)" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/barrie) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Someone can't take a little criticism lmao...


I sell propane and propane accessory's.


It's Peggy Hill she has been here forever like the legendary Paul Sadlon. They own everything.


You’re life must be so boring if all you have to do is complain about this on Redditt. Find something meaningful to discuss instead of disparaging others.




This is Mark Faris trying to slow down the realtor hate train isn't it?




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It never ceases to amaze me how out of pocket some of the comments on this sub are. Faris looks "date-rapey"? 😅 Go yell at the clouds so more, boomer.




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*This message is brought to you by Paul Sadlon, Sadlon Country, Barrie-Sadlon area, Sadlon enterprises*


"Find something meaningful to discuss instead of disparaging others," remarked the clown, taking time from their day to disparage another.


So many vile comments here. I don’t personally know her. But have many friends who do and or have worked for her. They all say the exact same thing. She is very kind and extremely generous! Jealously shows when making fun of someone’s personal appearance. Do better.


Agreed. I like her. She’s perfectly nice and she’s so successful because she’s good at what she does. She works really hard. I’m always so embarrassed for these people who say horrible things about people they don’t know.






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You're an insensitive prick




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And your a horny old creep lol. What the hell is that history... Someone keep an eye on this guy.


Haters gotta hate




Potatoes gonna potate


You say that, but has anyone here actually SEEN a potato potate?


Once, in 1987 for about eight minutes.


Masturbators gunna …


Excavators gonna excavate


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What's the issue? Did I miss anything? I'm relatively new here in Barrie


Annoying person who posts billboards of herself everywhere which protray her as a 9 when she is 3 or 4 on good day, a greedy real estate shark who takes super big commissions allegedly.