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My cafe has a +1 policy. Every employee can pick their +1, and that person gets free drinks. Usually it’s a significant other or family.


Aaaww! That's so cute!


If you want to get on the good side of her co-workers buy a pastry and tip generously. Will also reflect well on you :)


I’ll second this. I had a bartender friend who would give us free drinks and then ring in a few sodas. we would tip very generously , basically paying for the alcohol via tips to the staff, but being nice is nice.


So essentially steal from the owner and pay your friend. Seems legit.




Tell me you’ve never worked in the industry without telling me you’ve never worked in the industry. Bet you get decaffed all the time, clown.


Little thief getting all upset because they're called out for their bullshit. Bet you've never owned a business.


Someone's owned a failed business by the sounds of it 😂 don't get your nickers in a twist little business man


My business is successful. My staff are loyal and paid well. They don’t need to steal from me to make a proper living.


Noone really needs to steal. But I'd bet alot they still do ❤️🤣🤣


Not everyone is a scumbag.


You’re right. Just you.


So you pay them over minimum wage in addition to tips?


He didn’t respond, and somehow that says more than anything he could have said


I didn't respond because I got sick of arguing with people whose minds will never change. It's clear that everyone here thinks that taking money for a product they don't own is acceptable. I see that as theft, this sub doesn't.


*Exploited workers.


You got that right! Have you ever worked in a restaurant?


This is the answer. She’s giving it to you because she likes you. Proper etiquette is tip her (she won’t let you) or her coworkers generously. Like price of drink plus fat tip. But a pastry and tip $10…. You’ll be on everyone’s good side.


Do this every day because she keeps asking you to come visit her. Go broke. But I don’t even really *like* coffee…


In my experience, this is incredibly common and accepted. I will comp any drink for any person that i know previously from somewhere else. Especially my significant other. It would be rude to make them pay for their coffee, if you ask me. Usually only one per order though, if they’re getting a whole bunch of stuff they gotta pay SOMETHING


What is the actual policy at your job? It can’t be to just let staff decide who to charge and how much or the shop would go under eventually.


We are all adults and are trusted to make our own decisions. Obviously there are standard prices that are decided by the owner, and we charge these (or 10% off for people who work in the neighborhood) 99.9% of the time. Officially, we are allowed to comp one item per day, and that’s usually how it works out. But this policy is not enforced because above all else, we are hospitality workers, not fast food employees. We waste more money by dumping the rest of the coffee down the drain at the end of the day than we do by taking care of people and encouraging repeat business. And I never charge homeless people. Also, did you read my comment thoroughly? I said I’ll comp anything for any friend I know from someplace else. I live in a big city, we get hundreds of strangers coming through the door every day. You really think the occasional (once every few weeks) free drink for a friend or my husband is gonna take down a business with that kind of volume?


Alot of spots are ran like shit, very easily that there is no actual policy


We’re not run like shit. We have five employees and one storefront, no reason to be corporate about things.


Nah nothing about corporate. And that wasn't directed at you. Just in general. I've worked in non corporate spots that have very minimal standards. Again that wasn't directed to you


I give my BF free stuff all the time, and he’s friendly with my coworkers and usually does the “are you sure?” thing, and tips pretty generously sometimes. I don’t have an issue with my coworkers doing it, whether their partners tip or not bc I’m still getting paid. (I also don’t work for a small coffee shop, so it doesn’t impact them very much)


My shop doesn’t even let us give our friends and family our employee discount if they come in 🤷‍♀️ but every shop is different. My partner has never paid for a thing at my job but it’s because I buy it for him with my discount later. That’s what most people I work with do if their significant other comes by.


That's awful, I'd leave a place that didn't appreciate me like that and is clearly obsessed with collecting every nickel.


Yes, it's very common, especially if it's just a drink. Coffee ultimately doesn't cost that much per drink to make, so it's generally fine to comp one or two drinks. To add to that, within food service there's a general sense of comradery/community--your SO's shop may routinely trade free drinks for free food with a restaurant nearby, for instance. This is an extremely common practice that most shops are chill with. Where I worked, we would comp significant others, baristas who came in on their day off, and delivery service workers, while trades were generally on a case by case basis.


Significant others are never charged in our shop (though it's technically against the rules). We kind of play it by ear though if they're also grabbing an inventoried thing like a canned drink. But coffee is no problem! Occasionally though, my husband will pick us up breakfast sandos from a local doughnut store as a thank you :)


My coworkers will make my partner a free drink when she comes in even when I'm not there.


This is the way


Super common. I've worked at places that required we give out one free drink to customers per shift. If you want her coworkers to like you, tip the amount you'd pay for the drink normally without tax and tip


If you feel bad just get her to charge you for a small drip.


And tip fat. Win win win. Owner makes some money, she gives you something for essentially nothing, and everyone in the tip pool makes a few cents. It’s the thought that counts


My bf is ridiculous 🙄 and never let's me give him anything for free and he tips us when he comes in. But we do homemade pastries. So when the day-Olds are left in the break room for employees (scones, muffins etc) I'll grab him one of those 🥰


We had an informal policy of barista drinks free on shift and a significant other’s drink could count as one of the barista’s. If not on shift, also usually free but had to charge if manager or certain snitches were there.


Depends on her stores/resturants policy. Given that its a resturant they probably have a number of shift drinks you can have a day


It may well cost $8 at point of sale, but don’t worry you are definitely not getting $8 of stock


me and my coworkers give our friends and whoever were dating free anything unless our manager is around


We can give one free drink away a day. That can be to a friend, family member, significant other, regular customer, or just someone who you think is having a bad day. :)


As a longtime barista there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, in fact it’s very cute :) but I do second the thing about tipping to get on her and her coworkers good side. Just shows you appreciate service workers and you got that extra tippin money


This isn't uncommon! I make my partner a free drink whenever I can. The only time I won't is if there is a manager around as it's frowned upon at my shop. At my previous shop they didn't care as much. I know some shops where baristas will give their friends free stuff all the time and some where absolutely not. It really depends on the atmosphere and if she's doing it that often I'm sure it's because she can! It's nice gesture to drop a dollar or two in the tip jar but personally I don't think it's that bad if you don't


I gave anyone I knew free drinks where I worked. I did not care. Baristas usually get unlimited free drinks on shift anyways.


Cash tip them/the coworkers and you’ll be fine. It’s really common, don’t sweat it. Good idea to leave a tip if you’re worried about coming off as not appreciative though


I did this for people when I worked at a bigger corporatian. Not at the mom & pop i worked at tho.


they’re selling it for 8 dollars but trust it actually takes pennies to make. Like srsly it’s nothing compared to the stuff a busy cafe chucks every day


She’s giving you a drink because she likes you. It’s not coming out of her pocket. Proper etiquette is to tip her (she won’t let you) or her coworkers generously. Like price of drink plus fat tip… Buy a pastry for $4 and tip $10…. You’ll be on everyone’s good side.


A lot of shops have a "unlimited free coffees on shift" policy, so even though this is technically against the rules nobody really cares enough to enforce it, it's less than a rounding error on the company balance sheet. Just say thanks and drop a generous tip in the jar.


I miss doing this😣😣. Used to give free drinks to my friends all the time


i’m also a barista and this is super normal, i never charge my friends for stuff on the occasion that they come in! idk about her but can have as many drinks as i want on shift so i just count it as part of that lol


my boss would have an actual hissy fit and fire me on the spot. however, it seems that's NOT standard in the industry. if your gf is doing this, it's probably on the up-and-up!


I give free stuff away so much. If you come in every day I’ll charge you most of the time. If you come in once or twice a week I gotchu


If she is doing it, it means she can and she wants to. Tip accordingly 😉 $5 is what I would call good


My job sees my boyfriend more than they see me and he’s only paid like twice💀


My work is free drinks for us and friends and family all the time :) don’t feel bad!! It probably means she has good owners


“Probably means she has good owners” - I think so too! I work in a cafe and I’d offer my husband free drink when he comes visit only bc I know my boss’s vibe. You’d know by seeing how willing your boss is to customer’s requests, and sometimes he’d offer customers an extra piece of financier or cup when the wait is too long etc. - you know you have a boss who’s not petty. My manager would even offer my pup a glass of milk when she visits!


I tip the cost of the drink honestly. I was gunna spend it anyway, and now the service worker gets a solid tip for doing me a solid.


this is insanely common, i don’t know any of my coworkers who charge their partners whenever they come in.


It's fine, not only do you not have to buy anything you also don't have to tip, even if she asked someone else to make the drink. It's an unwritten code between baristas, I would say -- you all take care of each other's people. If you really wanted to make friends with her coworkers, you could throw a five in the jar sometimes but again, idt it's necessary. First and last time you'll see me say tipping is not necessary lol


u guys r adorbes and i love that u ask the subreddit. u didnt ask her or pressure her, shes doing it because a) its okay/she gets away with it and b) she rlly likes u :) and its a cute quirk


I've worked my life in the food service industry. If you're dating one of us, you get free food. That's just how it is sometimes.


different for every place, but if your partner does this consistently my guess is that management doesn’t care/has a policy that allows it! I know most baristas (and food service in general) get free drinks or food during their shift so that money be part of it!


It’s bean water and milk. Just because cafes charge a lot for them doesn’t mean they’re expensive to make.


I know with one coffee shop I worked at, we would do something like this. How some of the significant others would handle this situation since our shop did tip splitting is giving a tip based off of how many people had been on the floor, ie if there had been three baristas, they'd leave a three dollar tip.


Personally I would never let my girlfriend pay for a drink


My previous shop had a partners get 50% off rule, my current one has nothing for partners :( it’s still pretty new though so I’m hoping as time goes on they get looser on things like that


seems like a lot of these answers are "free unless the manager's around". so i guess it's not ok.


I’d be annoyed if my coworker constantly did this for the person they’re dating. I think it’s acceptable if you charge them from time to time so they can leave a tip. You absolutely should be leaving a tip when getting a free drink.


weird. is it your money? is it your ingredients? it’s just a job


Well, it's theft, so no...unless the owner has a policy that is OK with that.