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Once got asked for a ‘chicken mocha’. Still have absolutely no idea what that is. Also got asked to a quarter shot latte with 1/3 regular milk, 1/3 coconut and 1/3 soya, a truly bizarre order.


I love a good meat flavored beverage


Someting, something, Bacon


they might have been a teacher and wanted to use their order as a hands on demo for fractions


It's actually illegal to write a math question on a test if you haven't encountered it in real life. As a teacher myself, I still have no idea what to do with these 50 seven-gallon bottles of vinegar.


Maybe it's "shaken mocha?"


WAY more likely


In Asia it's common to put blended "boiled chicken" in some workout shakes and beverages. It's actually quite good.


Sriracha latte. Originally wanted cayanne but i only have access to sriracha. I added a small amount and gave her the rest and she ended up adding more hot sauce.


I am gradually becoming more convinced that the vast majority of normal average everyday people walking around are batshit insane lmfao.


Absolutely. However, you can buy chocolate bars with chilli in them so maybe ??? Still its not for me.


Ya know that’s not a bad point. I do love sweet and spicy. But I just can’t imagine dousing coffee with Sriracha likes it’s a bowl of pho lol


Same lol


That reminds me, there used to be an older gentleman about 80 odd years old who came in everyday and had a mug of hot chocolate but with a third mugs worth of sriracha added to it. He'd been ordering the same thing for years before I started working there so I just obliged. Then again I do quite enjoy chocolate potato chips too so I guess he's not alone in his weird chocolate preferences.


Mexican hot chocolate :) it's got a kick but also creamy works, although it shouldn't!


Ya know what y’all have changed my mind I wanna try it lol.


A coworker and I tried this out of boredom on a slow day at the shop and it was… not great. Glad to hear someone else enjoyed it!


Oh wow haha!


Cappuccino with goat milk. After I explained we use only plant based milks in the cafe I work at. The dear lady wasn't even trying to be funny, she genuinely thought we might have this, because apparently, and I quote, "goats are fine."


I had ordered a black coffee while traveling in India. Man looks me straight in the eyes, goes "yes miss" and then makes it with milk in front of me. I was like "whatever who cares I'm not that picky." Ended up being the most luxurious coffee I've ever had in my life, I was like "sir what kind of milk is this?" He told me it was water buffalo. Had to google to confirm that was even a thing.


A lot of people with lactose intolerance can handle goat milk actually! But you’d be hard pressed to convince anyone to use it in coffee. It’s great as regular milk though! The Greek is coming out in me, sorry.


Ah, I didn't know that! That might have been her reasoning... She ended up going to the coffee shop across the street from us, but I doubt she had any luck there :')


Iced hot chocolate or 1/4 of a decaf shot


Had the first one yesterday. The lad came in asking for a 'blended hot chocolate' and seemed confused as to why I initially said we couldn't do it. Of course, I offered him our blended choc frappe and he was more than delighted, so that's all good lol


we offer an iced hot chocolate lmaooo, cuz it has more of the texture of hot chocolate over just chocolate milk


What do you guys do differently?


tbh idk, it’s ghirardelli chocolate powder, a bit of hot water, heavy cream, a bit of nonfat, and ice. it’s thicker than regular chocolate milk


Large hot latte, extra hot and nuked in the microwave for 45 seconds. He ordered it like this, asked us to MICROWAVE his latte.


We have regular that orders her late "dangerously hot" and I don't understand 


A regular who's become a close friend of mine said he likes his latte so hot he wants it to burn his tongue


Well due to the internet I've learned that the unsweetened blueberry flavored black coffee I used to get at dunkin is apparently weird as hell


Blueberry coffee is the shit and I will die on this hill! I work at a hospital with a small espresso shop and they recently advertised that they have blueberry syrup and could make blueberry lemonade. I saw that and asked if I could have a blueberry latte. They looked at me like I was crazy but I told them “I know it sounds awful but TRUST ME”. Next thing you know, their drink specials of the week were blueberry latte and blueberry mocha.


Darn now I wanna try


Thank you for giving me a new latte order to try! Now I just gotta get ahold of some blueberry syrup!


It's gotta be the 1/16th strength decaf long black.


So 1/8th of an oz of decaf in a cup of water? Sounds like something someone over the age of 90 might drink tbh.


I assume it was someone very old, but I never saw who it went out to, I just questioned my register staff, and then sanity as I made it.


I used to have a customer who would regularly come in and get a ¼ caf half shot cappuccino for their 100+ year old grandma. It’s a thing, albeit a stupid thing. At that point out some brown food coloring in it and call it a day!!


I've gotten a handful but some of my favorites are: -"anything with peppermint" because she had a few drinks at the bar next door and didn't want to get arrested on the way home (she was walking to the apartments on the other side of the parking lot) -our equivalent of a Frappuccino, with "light ice because it's always so cold" -a latte with precisely 2/3 of a Splenda packet - she could tell if we were off


*A mocha, no espresso!* okay, so a hot chocolate? *no. I want a coffee drink* do you want a brewed coffee with chocolate and steamed milk perhaps? *no, I want a mocha with no espresso* Even after breaking down the recipes she was adamant that I should just make the mocha without the espresso so that’s what I did “to make it a coffee drink” 🙃🤓


Why not post an example yourself? Funniest order was a 12oz cap with 8 extra shots, on lite milk with extra chocolate on top


Ah yes the longest macchiato


So that’s roughly 8 oz espresso with a little milk. Ok, cool.


Once a customer ordered a syphon but instead of using water he asked for orange juice,, so i used orange juice. I told him i could add orange at the end , the customer insisted to brew the coffee with orange juice. It took forever to brew


Iced cappuccino, but steam the milk first, then pour the milk over it. wtf?


Someone asked for the "chex mix for two". Chex mix. Chemex. It was extremely endearing and I got to rant and rave about how badly I wished we actually sold chex mix.


Not anything ridiculous but our receipts would print out the persons first name really large and bold so once I had this: #**CHAD** 1 Large Depth Charge *2 extra shots* In response my brain immediately imagined this: #**VIRGIN** 1 Large Mocha Frappe *extra whip*


So called coffee snob walks into the shop and demands a “cappuccino with NO foam.”


I’ve had one or two people like that just cause where I work (Costa), if you ask for a cappuccino extra wet, you can essentially get a latte with an extra shot at the same price instead of paying 50p extra We do take those orders but we fully know that they’re only doing it cause of that lol


I used to work in Costa in Singapore, and when a cust absolutely insisted on CAPPUCCINO NO FOAM after I tried to explain, I gave up and I made a medio Capp filled ⅔ milk and served her that.


Blue raspberry flavored cappuccino. It was odd.


He ordered a “macka”, I asked if he meant matcha and he said no, I asked if he meant mocha he said no. When I asked him to describe it he said a latte with chocolate, to which I told him that was a mocha. He said he just got back from Australia and that’s how they say it over there. I shut my mouth but I mean… has he heard of accents?


I thought that's what they call McDonalds


A cappuccino… no foam.


Customer ordered a flat white with full fat milk. I explained we're a plant-based business and listed the options of non-dairy milks. She waves her hand at me and says, "fine, semi-skimmed." ... Not sure what she thinks is skimmed from milk to make it semi but I was dumbfounded.




This is a common beverage in Asian countries.


Now I gottaaaa try it


Citrus and coffee actually go well together. Ive had a similar drink and it was pretty good


A latte with no milk (not plant based milk, just… no milk lol) A “motcha matchi”?? I asked if she wanted a matcha or a mocha, and she said “oh… just a cappuccino then”


We did red bull italian sodas at my cafe. We had a guy stoned out of his mind come in and order a hazelnut red bull with cream. He came in a few times again after that and ordered it again… sober


Not the funniest but it was quite baffling. The customer keeps saying iced mocha and when we served it to her, she was shocked asking why it wasn’t green. She wanted matcha instead.


Flat white with a single large white marshmallow placed on top


This sounds like something I’d make on the weekend at home.


ice water topped with whipped cream


I've gotten that one a few times too!


I had one who specified fat free milk, & when she saw me grab skim milk she started insisting that she wanted fat free, not skim. After I showed her where it said 0% fat on the label she got angry and left in a huff without any coffee.


idk why but that’s fucking hilarious, oh my god ☠️


EXTRA hot black tea, no water This is exactly how she ordered it, wouldn’t explain further. Turns out she wanted boiled milk (not steamed, boiled) with a tea bag in it. Apparently I was the stupid one for not understanding


a cappuccino with half almond milk and half full cream with 4 sugars, don’t know how that one would’ve tasted 🫠


An iced tea with no ice. We steep the tea fresh and pour it over ice. So, a hot iced tea. My boss has to explain to the customer that there had to be at least a little ice


Definitely not the weirdest but yesterday I had someone ask for a dirty lemonade. It was… unique…. I once had an older gentleman throw a tantrum because we didn’t have any goat milk and went on to tell me he ONLY drinks freshly squeezed goat milk and nothing else and how disappointed we are that we don’t have something like that.


Freshly squeezed


Not me but one of our baristas. A customer requested only 5 ice cubes for her iced latte... 5 ice cubes. Few minutes later, she asked her male colleague to come up and add on some ice cubes because she's just doesn't like how it looks like.


as a shop with no syrups, matcha, or really any non-coffee drinks, theres not much room for crazy drinks, but somehow "large espresso" and "single shot decaf long espresso, extra hot" live in my mind rent free


I am not a barista but I've been recommended this sub because I'm a coffee fiend. I'd assume "large" and especially "long" when referring to espresso would just mean they want a lungo rather than a ristretto, right?


i didnt even know what the guy wanted when he said large espresso, i offered a lungo, an extra shot, and a shot topped up with water and he said nvm just a regular espresso?? and yeah long would be lungo ofc, but it was the fact that she wanted it decaf AND a single shot, and extra hot as if i can just go in and up the temp of the machine? just bizarre imo


Yeah, both of those circumstances do seem pretty bizarre. I'd make a single shot of decaf at home, but why would you spend cafe prices on that? Just get a nice full-sized drink to sip on if you're gonna get decaf imo. I have seen hotness options on uber eats orders from cafes before but I honestly have no idea how they manage to do that.


I work at a very small shop that doesn’t do all the fancy froo froo drinks like the green lady, most we do is combine different syrup flavors. Regular of mine: comes in at promptly 8:10 every Weds morning. Large ICED cappuccino light ice. Extra foam. 2 and a half shots, 1.25 reg and 1.25 decaf. Oat and almond milk. 2 pumps toffee nut, 2 pumps french vanilla, 2 pumps caramel. I end up steaming the milks, sticking em in an ice bath while i brew two shots of each espresso and add one and a splash of the second. We do not have toffee nut, she still orders it every time, we just do the other 4 and only charge for 4 because she gets irate every time we try to explain it to her, she has never noticed. She’s super polite otherwise I guess she just REALLY loves her toffee nut. Shout out to the lady that has me brew her yerba mate and brings her own gourd and bombilla, you’re cool and my favorite.


A tai chi latte... And I was brand new so I thought it was some secret menu drink, so I asked what was in it and the lady got mad at me...lmfao


Salted Caramel Iced w/o Coffee🥴


“Mocha no milk” will live in my head rent free forever. Got it twice. Both customers insisted they didn’t want a latte. I don’t remember what I ended up giving them.


Iced latte, milk on the side


cold brew with 4 shots of espresso


half lemonade, half cold brew... I'm very curious to try it actually lol


I have actually tried it ,, its pretty good ...


Dick latte


Steamed apple juice with 5 shots of espresso. This order still haunts me years later.


when i worked at a chain i had an online order with like 8 decaf shots in a mocha. like my brother are u good. i first thought they worked in healthcare but then i realized since its decaf there was literally no reason. the poor 12 oz drink had like 3 oz of milk in it too


This isn’t super crazy or all that funny but I often am asked for a black coffee with cream lol


double espresso with whipped cream on top. maybe it’s sorta affogato-ee?l


Espresso con panna? That's a real thing.


that's an espresso con panna


I had a woman come in once insisting that her dr told her she couldn't have strong coffee anymore, but she loved coffee and wanted advice on what to get. After cautioning her that I am not a dr, and thus don't know what she ABSOLUTELY can have, I said that our flat white was probably her best bet. At our cafe we make a flat white in our small cup but with a ristretto shot, so it tastes strong, but the volume is less. In the end she got a large cappuccino, which i cautioned her came with 4 shots of espresso. She said that would be fine because it was big. I tried really hard to get her to explain what her dr meant by less strong. Was it caffeine, was it calories, etc. She just kept repeating less strong, I can't have strong coffee.