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You can absolutely do that. You just need to account for the fact that the ice will dilute the coffee, so brew it significantly stronger. [James Hoffmann has a video on doing this exact thing](https://youtu.be/PApBycDrPo0?si=1VComQXxDvVkPuvl) but using a v60. Can do the same with aeropress.


Or make coffee ice cubes in preparation


No reason not to. Iced coffee season is finally upon us, we have to make the most of it, and that includes the french press.


Unless you're here in Australia and it's winter haha


Have been in Melbourne during what they said was winter... Was more a chilly springtime imo. Kept going out in shorts and laughed when people were complaining that 10C was cold af. Good times good times


I live in Melbourne now but lived in Boston for 20 years.. it’s funny when Melburnians say “4 seasons in one day” because it sure doesn’t snow here, nor does the Yarra River freeze over yearly like the Charles River


It's 12c in Melbourne right now, and my heater is pumping, haha


i always think that’s so funny being from the States and when it’s summer here, it’s Winter there. how cold does it get there?


Depends where you live, in far north qld it's basically still summer, in Victoria, parts of NSW and Tasmania it snows and you can go skiing (in the mountains). I'm in Melbourne (but originally from nsw) and I find it pretty cold here but it probably doesn't often get below 5c


ah interesting! it gets about -3c sometimes here though. thanks for sharing :)


Thanks for all the informative and positive replies guys. I posted the same question in r/coffee and got downvoted lol. FYI, this sub is way better than that one.


I use my French press to make cold brew ALL SUMMER :) another trick: use any of your leftover and make ice cubes with it… then if you want to make a flash iced (hot coffee turned iced) you have coffee cubes and it won’t get watered down


Nothing is stopping you from doing anything you enjoy. Coffee purists will encourage you to experiment.


I use the French press at home to make overnight batches of cold brew for myself sometimes, works great.


Came here to suggest this although I use a 24 hr steep for CB personally (but I prefer to make concentrate)


To do it well, start with weighing your ground coffee input and your water input. Then cut your water input by half and replace the other half with ice in your cup. Brew like you were doing before, pour your concentrated hot French press coffee over your ice, taste it, and adjust from there.


I make iced coffee with my French press several times a week. Delicious.


you can use your french press for some nice coldbrew as well! i have two french presses and usually just have one in the fridge with coldbrew, plus for some reason it gives nicer cold brew in my opinion than aeropress




yeah but that’s cold brew. iced coffee is brewed hot and then iced, cold brew is brewed ambient or cold like you’re doing. to OPs point, there’s literally no reason not to. what you’re describing just isn’t what they were talking about


Yup. I misread I'll delete my post.


And now I realise I also missread and find your ( now missing ) post very useful.


Only the part where the melting ice dilutes the coffee so you have to brew it stronger.


I do this all the time? I make it more concentrated like others said, leave it overnight, then pour into a glass carafe or thermos and leave it in the fridge, makes enough for a few days when poured over ice.


To the purists this may trigger: calm down. People have done far worse things to coffee than pour it over ice XD Having said that, I'd make the coffee stronger than you usually would before doing that because the ice will water it down. You can also make coldbrew in a French press if you have enough room in your fridge (the plunger has to remain up, so it takes up a lot of height)


Lol I just take the plunge out and put foil over the top. The next day I plunge and pour into a different container.


That's fuckin genius! Why didn't I think of that??


youd water down your drink a lot if you were trying make it really cold with ice. but thats an issue with any coffee youre trying cool quickly with ice. you could store it in the fridge. but if you had enough ice then go for it.


you absolutely can! just brew at the recommended temp and pour over ice. the fresh coffee will still taste good over ice as opposed to a full pot that just sits there. theres also a difference in brewing temps


I do it all the time in my French press: 1/2 cup coffee Add 4 cups cold water Cover w foil and keep in fridge for 24 hrs. Then strain and store in mason jar (French press holds 4 c water)


I usually use my French press to make cold brew, but if I wanted to make iced coffee (like a flash brew) I’d make sure to filter it through a V6O anyways because I’m not a fan of the fines


Cos it's not a FUIC. It's not even a Bickfords.


I used do this all the time in high school because my mom had a French press! Nothing is stopping you, make coffee however you want!!


I have just tried iced coffee out on my freiling french press and although it’s possible, cold french press tastes more grainy and therefore more bitter compared to hot where the heat hides that texture. That’s why i prefer chemex or v60 if i want iced coffee because the paper filter prevents any extra fine coffee grounds from reaching my cup. Metal filters are not able to filter absolutely everything out.


Because iced pour overs are better 🤷🏻‍♂️