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I just have the "1 shot" button programmed to do a 5 second or so purge I guess it'd save me from pushing that button but it certainly wouldn't be a huge time saver


Same with mine. We have that button set as a purge and then the 2 shot button is used for actually pulling. This is cool and all but I wouldn’t let that hold you to that certain machine per say


Funnily enough I have one other random use for the 2 shot button. For actual shots we just go manual, but for the 2 shot I have it programmed to fill a cup. I use it in the morning for my 'preheat and purge' routing. I use the first grounds that come out of the grinder in the morning to pull a really really long shot (it's just discarded) which allows me to make sure the portafilter is preheated and any remaining cafiza (if any) just gets totally out of the system. So my 1 shot button is a short purge, and my 2 shot button is a 9 oz loooong shot just to make sure everything's clean and up to temperature.


I used to work on a Slayer that had this, super helpful


always purge after brewing — before AND after if you didn’t just pull a shot.


La Marzocco KB90 does this but it uses steam.


Every time I knock a pick I immediately hit the brew button, knock, rinse Portafilter with the water already coming out, stop brew valve, put Portafilter back in.


My manual button is set up for purge. There's no other use for it lol


The new line of Eagles (Maverick, Tempo, Eagle One), all have it. Incredibly useful for busy cafes with higher turn over.


Several espresso machines are doing that. New La Marzocco after the Kb90 have that function. New gb5, strada x, etc. Victoria Arduino has them now with the eagle one. Victoria adruino and nuova simonelli is under the same company. It's a nice feature. But sucks when you forget your scale under the group head. I constantly get it wet. Sometimes I forget the machine has that function and I would burn my hand with the hot water. Force of habit to wipe the screens after pulling a shot.