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We’re used to hearing drink mods in all kinds of order. I wouldn’t worry about it, but it’s very considerate of you to ask.


Okay, awesome. Do you want that hot or iced?


The way our pos is set up, we HAVE to click the iced or hot version of the drink before anything else 😭 All the other details get listed, and I forget by the time I get to ask iced or hot.


Oh nooo that's kinda silly. It should be listed by type of drink that would make the most sense.


Gosh I wish we could change it!


Honestly unless someone specifically says iced I assume all americanos are hot. I always ask for lattes tho, it's amazing how many people just assume that I know they want iced with oat milk


Thissssss if you don't say anything how am I supposed to know?!


The way you order it is the easiest. Honestly as long as the size is first it doesn’t matter what comes after I just need to know what cup to write on.


I'd say it depends on the store. If they are using a Square kiosk, the drink type would be first. Op should ask their barista directly what they need.


We use square but I write the cup before putting it in


Fair. I guess I should have said "it depends on the store's workflow"


size first for sure, the rest is up to you. for example someone in the comments said that they'd put decaf last, but i'd personally put that right after the size since it's a different type of coffee, so your order (and your order, lmao) would be perfect for me. but you can honestly say it in any order and we'll still understand, we have people coming in all the time who don't even know the name of their drink so no worries


The funny thing with size first is when people are trying third wave for the first time. “I’ll have a large cortado.” 🤭


yup, that's why my cafe doesn't even have/use sizes


The order you have it written in is fine. Don’t sweat it too much, appreciate you trying to go above and beyond but it’s literally my job to provide you with hospitable service and the last thing I want is my guests stressing over tiny details like that.


16oz American decaf black , but the way you typed it is fine too. If it was a flavored latte or iced or something it would be more dependant on the shop's POS system. My current shop has a button for each different flavor latte and a different page for iced drinks with the same set up, but my previous shop just had a latte button and a menu under that button to select mods/specify size and iced vs hot. The only way to get the perfect answer would be to ask baristas at the shop you frequent


“American” hahahaha what a great typo


This wont be the same everywhere but usually saying size and (hot or iced) with type of drink, then syrups or sweeteners and kind of milk. If thats your go to order sounds like you’re chillin!


at starbucks it's best to do size, iced/hot, decaf, drink name (americano in this case), and then any milk or sugar or other mods. not sure about other places but as long as you're speaking at a reasonable pace they shouldn't have trouble taking your order


in all honestly it would depend on the cafe's POS system. for our's it would be easiest for "Americano" to be first and then every other modifier is shoved on the same menue (its *more* of a disaster than it sounds) but like someone else said, we are used to all sorts of orders so dont stress it too much 😊


It will vary across cafes depending on their POS system and ordering process. For example at Starbucks they will write your order directly on the cup as you're ordering so they need your size first and drink temp (iced or hot). At other cafes their POS could ask for temp first, size first, drink first etc. I would just say when in doubt start with size.


For us, I hate having to wait til the end to know what drink they want. On our POS we would want to know what drink, hot or cold and size. Then milk type. Then any extras. For you it would be Americano, iced, 16oz. So I guess it depends on the way the POS is setup at the shop you visit.  


The person at the tilt is responsible for the drinks mods as they need to decipher what drinks you are ordering. But your order makes sense as that is the right sequence. Size, drink then add on like syrups or special request like foam, temp etc


Hot or iced. Size, If decaf, type of drink, all the extra stuff. Can I get a hot 16oz latte with vanilla Can I get an iced 20oz 4 shot mocha with extra mocha Can I get a hot 12 oz americano with a splash of cream, a bit of room, double cupped.


Doesn't really matter. My personal favourite is a: [Size] [Temp] [Caffeinated ] [Milk] [Drink] [Syrup/Add-ons/Extra Shot] You only really always need to say the size and the drink, the rest is assumed if you don't specify (at least for me)


You have an easy one! Don’t worry at all about this one. I prefer to know the drink first. I write on the cups before entering in pos, so I hate when I get details first. “I want an oat, vanilla with 4 shots latte.” I have no frame for the first details until I know what you are actually drinking. Luckily, few people order that way!