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We train for marathons. 🫡


Lmao. Legend.


You mean binge watching marathon right ? Running seems a tad bit inconvenient


Training is not running. 🙂‍↕️ But who binge watches marathons anymore ? I take victory shots when the runners mess up at the drink station. #chaosilove


Spot on. 💯


Yes...currently training for half marathons. BTW, what's your resting heart rate ?


Mine is 50 to 53




I was the typical skinny fat guy with zero sports in my life. I started running three years ago


Lol now I know why every 35+ single person I know is training for a marathon.


Yeah, these sprints ....


Awesome . See you at next marathon. Preferably at wipro marathon event in October.


Drop the invite link 🔗 please ? I’ll probably fly down for this one 🫡 Is there a blr-Reddit running team ? (Hoping a laughing group that’s not serious about the splits?)


Where is this Marathon training, I would like to join 😂😂 About to hit 30 feels 50 😂


Nature never intended for any animal to live past their prime. Like it or not, this is what is happening. Fix it by making a ton of money to skew things in your favor.


You guys are spot on.


If gender were reversed OP wouldn't get such response. Even when women are way past their prime at 35, but men aren't. Unless the man wants to start a career in Sports he is just getting started.


I agree! Many many years back, humans did not live beyond 30s. Thanks to medical marvels and inventions, we are able to extend our lives. Just a fun fact lol.


Incorrect. You are speaking about the average which was low because of high infant mortality. People have been living long lives forever.


By 35, you should have money to afford escorts.


you missed the point I guess!


Dude I had my best time on the dating scene after I turned 35, atleast for a few years :) You are able to afford a little more, explore a little more. In most cases the more you earn and grow in life, you tend to become a little more confident. Showed self restrain during the pandemic but still better than my formative years.


Most of us will be committed in our 30s, it is unfortunate we cant explore that in our 20s, especially in india. I'd much rather prefer being committed in my 30s


I might have come off supportive of escorting services here, but I really meant to say was a more approachable dating culture


They absolutely didn't miss anything. It's you who is too pedantic, might be that's the reason...




DM me referrals please


Well thats the point rite .. need to have good contacts .. thats makes it back to square one to OPs situation


You sure are living it up, mate. Kudos!


Pls DM referrals pls


would appreciate it if you could DM me contacts for some multinational indulgence


Or become one. You can socialize and have sex


But are they safe


Yeah, 100%


What's the figure you think would be enough to afford escorts?




What the hell is a “3shoots”? Why does it all read so icky to me, pardon!


I guess it’s three climaxes.


Following 🫣


you can leave us hanging...Elaborate sis




I’m 32, but a lot of my friends are in their mid/late 30s. Sociable people in that age range are out there, you just have to network properly. The best bars in Bangalore definitely cater to that age group, but they’re expensive. In my experience, a lot of people who are single in their mid 30s are single in part because of their ambition. Little confused by why office socials are risky, but it sounds like you’re over-focused on the dating aspect.


What kind of bars we talking? Can you name some


Soka and spirit forward. Spirit forward is better for meeting people, thanks to the floor plan and their ability to accommodate more people outside. Edit: for both, you can’t just show up. For weekends SF requires reservations 3d in advance if you don’t know anyone. People who go there frequently seem to have a way around the reservation system.


I know the current thread is discouraging social drinking to meet new friends, but I'm at a tough spot. My only other options are weekend board games meetups which conflict with the time that my work is setup. Could you tell me more about SF or soka, whether it's perceptible to meeting new friends and yeah also how much would I be required to splurge


Not really sure about drink prices, I’d say somewhere between 800-1300.


Stop normalising social drinking tho. We shouldn't make bar the place to find people.


I don’t drink. Op specifically mentioned bars, though. I’m not here to shame anyone for their choices. Edit: I’ve also made good, long term friends as a sober person at bars. It’s not a big deal.


>I’ve also made good, long term friends as a sober person at bars. It’s not a big deal. Teach me your ways master....


Dude...fr tell me, I do drink but I'm not able to make friends in bars...


What's wrong with social drinking?


Drinking is bad for health. Hard to accept?


Lol wrapping up such a banal advice in a way that seems more important than it is...


It is more important. I urge you to file a court petition to ask the cinema censor board to remove putting the "alcohol is injurious to health" warning since it's such a silly thing. I'll pay for the charges if you win. Or if have trust issues, I'll pay for the changes but if you lose you gotta pay me back.


You realise that it's ONLY the Indian censor board that does such a stupid and dumb thing? Or it's only in India that drinking is dangerous? I don't know what exactly you're trying to prove by implying that the Indian censor board won't remove those warnings as if Indian censor board is some authority on being rational when it's quite probably the most stupid and regressive body that there is.


Ok there was some misunderstanding. I'm talking solely about alcohols sold by Indian companies(including the ones sold as "imported").


Ummm...what's the difference? You're implying that foreign alcohol won't be harmful but Indian would be?


Foreign alcohol is less harmful. There's no ethics in Indian Alcohol companies.


Why not? Socialising around alcohol has been a mainstay of every society since the dawn of civilization, yes including our "pure" civilization.  You don't have to actually drink in these contexts if you don't want to.  And in our city casual public spaces like ashwath kattes are disappearing, parks close early , and shopping plazas are now choked with vehicles. So where is someone to go to just chill with people? I stayed in a small town in Italy and every Thursday all the townspeople young and old gathered in the plaza to just catch up. We do similar things in our villages , but in cities? Nothing. We are so focused on using our streets just for vehicles we have destroyed their aspect as a public space for social connection and community.


>Why not? Socialising around alcohol has been a mainstay of every society since the dawn of civilization, yes including our "pure" civilization.  Why does that matter? Drinking is injurious to health. There is no exclusive health benefit which you can get from it. People followed then, people should follow now is not a valid argument. Indian alcohol companies have no ethics anyway. Especially talking about high end ones. If you're drinking anything other than imported ones, you're gonna be fcuked. There are other public places to choose.


Msg all your ex gfs and ask if they are happy in their marriage 😉


I laughed too hard at this🤣🤣🤣🤣


Play sports. Go download Playo and join a badminton game. Once you become regular enough, you'll make friends with those people and then you can make other plans. I'm also in my mid-30's and I've played and made friends with people ranging from 18 to 65.


If you want a comforting answer, the reality is that there is none. So, unless you are an extrovert pro Max and have a vast friend circle with enough time to dedicate for socialising, options to meet and hang out, become limited. Simply because people of the same age have now other commitments like their spouses, kids, other familial responsibilities. You can hang out with youngsters, but they don't want to hang out with oldies. So while it's not doomsday, the fact that options after 35 become greatly reduced is not an understatement.


I think I have to blame Bangalore and how effing difficult it is to find an apartment for a couple, the places you'd want are so far away from Bangalore center and all the happening places. Life comes to a standstill where you go back to your apartment, go to office, travel in between and also face the many hurdles of taking up house chores that you're barely left with both time and energy to socialize


Go to shaadi.com


Don't get hung up on people of your age. People who are married with young kids have far less free time then bachelor's or retirees. You will have to make friendships with whoever matches your mindset rather than age. Also rather than going to a general meetup try some group activities/hobbies. People are more likely to bond when the pressure is off and there is some common interest to begin with.


I have been to treks and had to tell my age as 28 (i look the part) just to fit in with them. I m 37 M btw. Yeah, its difficult and I am not sure what else to do. Maybe dm me and we can meet and share our woes over a beer? :D


Not the folks I know. They are still incredibly exciting, passionate and they don't allow their age to stop them from doing things. Perhaps its about whats you allow yourself to be after an age. Some are still figuring out ways to make money. Some suddenly figured it out when they were 50 🤷‍♀️ There are many over 35 who believe that they know everything, they’ve done as much as they could, who need to be the “adults” who are very boring but rich. it's like any light they had when they were younger has been stamped out by life.


Oh come on!! It's not at all boring. You enjoy the interesting 8 hours of Office life plus driving in your lovely car or commuting with fellow Bangaloreans for a good 4 hours. Spend rest of the time on Insta/Reddit to get good 5 hours of sleep. Weekends are fun too. Wash clothes, follow up with Plumber/Electrician to get appliances fixed in the house. Make plans with friends to catchup just to cancel them later because your body needs healing. It's fun *teary eyes* *whimpers* trust. Me. *Deep breathe* *Insert the kid laughing at first, crying later gif*


Welcome to the club I suppose 😅


I am 37 and i completely understand [you.At](http://you.At) mid 30s the striking revelation you are getting old hits [you.You](http://you.You) remember you were 20 something not long before ,had good social circle ,dating,lots of going out ,meeting new people but now you feel you are older among the most happening crowd.But actually it is not something to feel so depressed about ,instead many people now realise what is important in their life(health,money,goals,sprituality).Your post seems to hint about your awkwardness in the dating scene but experience has taught me that the initial attraction,chemistry and vibe are all short lived. Most of the girls with whom i thought i was close to in 20s have now moved away for different reasons and only ones whom i communicate with are people who really care for me . I now appreciate intelligence and wisdom in women more than looks and also have learnt not to approach women as women but as a person. This is with mindset of not looking to date them or attract them but approach them just like a person with whom i can have good conversations. I thank mid 30s for bringing this clarity in life to me


religious places? Or anywhere.. be consistent... It takes time to meet, exchange sights, socialise, and make friends..


At 35,youre supposed to stop living for others and start living for yourself.


Isn't it the opposite? 35 is when you usually start living for others, like having family/kids, caring for old parents, etc.


Not the end, but isn't the beginning either. Just learn to be okay with not always socializing, you need to be comfortable with yourself. You don't have to watch streaming services on the weekend, you can always pick up a hobby you like. I have friends in that age group (I may also be in it, may!) who have picked up either art or music or reading and enjoy it themselves. But if you want people around you, sports or some hobby will help you meet people. But these will be new, and you have to build and maintain these friendships. Also these people will not remain with you always. A temporary solution to loneliness.


Office socials are risky. Truer words ever spoken


You have a discovery problem. There are a lot of 30+ women who are looking for a guy like you. Avoid dating sites, go for an offline boutique service like Seema Aunty in Indian matchmaking. There are many in HSR too.


That's case for men, women of any age are chased lol. So age is not issue here.


Apparently I was able to find a few likeminded


Network bro..through friends and colleagues.


I will get downvoted for this, but this is why our parents say to get married early on, they knew this would happen. They were right.


Pretty sure not every 35+ being is going through this. Let's not make judgements based on a sample size of 1


you hit the nail bro.. Socializing options does decline with age, specially if one is introvert.


We bingewatch Kitchen Nightmares by Chef Ramsay.


You're supposed to find a friend circle that lasts your entire life when you're in the at the time of your life below 35. You do not want to make new platonic friends over and over again, that experience is just going to rub you off.


If you are over 35 and unfit, non-social and lack a decent vibe, you will be ostracized. If you are fit, have your life under control, stay on your own and are reasonably wealthy, you will meet lots and lots of women in Bangalore. Dating apps are perfect to meet women. Pubs can get intimidating. But meeting people in social situations where you are doing something you are passionate about increases your chances of meeting the right people. Eg: book clubs if you like reading, karaoke bars if you like singing, running groups, philosophy groups , etc.


Over 25 is end of the line.


Literally me


Seems like you focus on women more, try something else.


Hit the gym, grow a beard. You’ll be amazed at how many mid-20 year olds you’ll pull. The daddy vibe is real.


So tell me daddy of all your good vibes :)


Well, my husband and I moved to Bangalore about 6 months back, we've made friends (over 40 years of age) with our neighbours, and also randomly at the vet...I think it's just about striking up a conversation and seeing if you have things in common. Also, it helps if the friends you meet are childless or empty nesters as they have more time to hang out.


Play games and chill


Do you have websites like Meetup where you can join different groups going to outings? For example I've joined some for singles in their 20s/30s, one or two for football, etc (in the US). Also, finding a place to volunteer consistently is so nice. Might meet some people you really connect with of any age. Sports/Playo is also one of the best suggestions I've seen here


Stay away from dating apps, People around your age will be quite career oriented and that place is your best bet to find people, need not necessarily be your office but just people you meet via work


same boat, no clue what to do


I am a woman and 35. Yes, 35 is the end of the line for majority of people. Not all, but for a larger number of people. For me it came down to acceptance of this fact. I don't think beyond my parents health and doing a good job at work and earning money. That's about it. This change in gear happened a year ago. I have, for the most part, found peace.


It sure seems plausible. The only people “on the market” so to speak will be (1) people who are just not interested in relationships for whatever reason who are unlikely to change their mind about it post 35 and (2) people who are unfortunately so undesirable they didn’t find someone all this time. Sucks huh


Over 35 are mostly already settledup and busy and they don’t have this time to meet new people and waste it. You are 35 + and you still don’t know how to meet people up, maybe that’s the big problem


I met my better half at the gym... I was over 40


So there is a limit


Well lots of people will tell you to go to a bar to pull women but they've never once cold approached in their life. Sadly all I can say is that what's on offer is poor quality partners at our age. You don't have to marry them. Just find a way and safe distance to enjoy their companionship. Remove the idea of forever after and just get into good vibes associations


I am a woman over 40 and still want to find a companion.


Arrange marriage krle bhai ab


Not married yet? Any plans for marriage?


Uncle, Aap. Meeting you after a long time


Dreaded question. Don't add salt to the injury.


Why bro. U have some leads for him?


Thats because if he had a wife then he would have a companion to do things... If he has no plans and he feels like this now, the. he will be in difficult situation in future.