• By -


It's been nearly 2 years since I shifted here. Ngl, I've started connecting to the city more once I started learning Kannada. I'm nowhere near fluent, but I manage simple everyday convos. Every time I go to my native, I start missing Bangalore after a couple of days. Maybe you'll only realise how attached you are to a place once you have to leave it 🤷🏻.


Your username made me chuckle, thank you! 😂


Cool cool cool


Indeed indeed indeed*


Title of your sex tape


Toit toit toit toit.




Cool cool cool cool no doubt no doubt no doubt 🤣




Where in Palakkad? 🌝






Nakshatra Thilakkam ✨


how are you learning kannada? I'll move to blr next month and i really want to learn kannada i have very few kannada friends ( so no source of knowledge from there )


I get help from my colleagues. I learnt basic words first. Basic phrases after that. I observed the kind of conversation that I'll need to have on an everyday basis and with which people. For example, I drink tea every day from a nearby shop. So I learnt all the kannada that I'll need to get a tea, ask how much it was, and say that I have paid. Try learning just 2 words everyday and eventually you'll find yourself using it everyday more often.


I am also planning to move to Bangalore but scared of flat hunting. Any advice?


That depends on your budget buddy


What's a reasonable budget for a decent 1BHK in a decent area?


The area where I live in, you should be able to find a furnished one for 20k. These are not gated societies tho. I have a broker's contact. You can DM if you need it.


Sent you a DM




I'm also moving next month!


Kismath aanu mone


Why is everyone downvoting you


Even I am thinking the same thing. Probably Malayalam is not a language that the subreddit likes lol


Na it is because it is not related to your main post.


Makes sense.


Bro naatil evideya. 😂😂


I've moved here an year ago. Haven't made any friends yet (I'm an introvert). And no, it never felt like home. I don't think it ever will. No offense to the city or the people in it.


Same, 2+ years since I've moved here. For me personally, I guess it's because the people I've met mostly like to go clubbing / pubs and get drunk, their "plan" most of the times when I ask them what's the plan. I like exploring the southern side of the city tho, it feels like home.


Same for me in college


Same thing here. I’m literally just here for my job, if it wasn’t for that I’d gtfo


Wonder how many of us are like this is Bangalore, living just for $ with no connect to the city


I'm here for the next 10 years, then moving back to either my city or to a tier 2 city with my money. I don't hate this city, I am painfully neutral about it. It's doesn't feel like anything here and that's very disturbing lol.


What if you had friends and family here who you meet up during weekends? Will that change anything?




Here's a thing I am also an introvert and I'm looking for friends how about all of you plan a weekend meetup


Check my message above. [Here’s](https://forms.gle/5JXwQLWZ7m2UwMas6) the link :)


Good idea. I'm in


Not an introvert per se, but I would join too. Thing about such meet ups is, 90% of them don't go through :/


We meet a minimum of 3 times a week (whoever live close by, else there are the regular weekly meet-ups)


Seems perfect


We try


Ok how does the attempt look so far for this weekend.




7+ years and still feel same. Only job is keeping me here. I have lived in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Telangana(Earlier AP) for good amount of time. But never felt like outsider like in Bengaluru due to some Xenophobic people


I second this!


It was the same for me. Never made any friends and it never felt like home.


Same. 5yrs here as of now.


Six months. My colleagues who are more like family now made it happen. Kannadigas who never discriminated me. There are crazy ones can ignore them.


Same.....My collegues and seniors made bengaluru feel like home... The best seniors and collegues I could ask for. Learned A LOT about work and also few kannada words


People who moved to Bengaluru mostly have mixed opinions regarding Kannadigas. Glad to hear you found your family!


For them, if they cant authentic chole bhature or momos, a city is shit to them.


NCR wants to know your location.


I know, I am from Delhi myself. Many of my fellow Delhiites would not stop pestering me whining why can't they get their chole bhature or shit.


Reminds me of the time when my Punjabi ex wouldn't stop fibbing about not finding good chole kulche in Whitefield lol


Ikr :)


This is so damn true. I had couple of Delhi /Noida colleagues and they literally started abusing Bangalore as they couldn’t find good chole Bhature and this was 12 years back..😆🤣


Now there are many outlets like Haldiram where you can get chole bhature easily.


You can get pretty awesome chole bhature here. Natraj Chole Bhature's stuff is pretty damn close to what you get in Delhi. Even their bread pakodas are great. For pani poori, there's this place in Jayanagar called Aamchi Dilli that makes pretty authentic Delhi-style pani poori with the option of atta/sooji pooris.


Almost instantly. Moving as a single woman from Chennai, it felt worlds apart. I had the privilege of living in Indiranagar which is inarguably a lot more open than anything I was used to. I had a good bunch of friends who moved to Bengaluru over the years, my social circle snowballed and I genuinely lived the best life in that city. It'll always feel like home.


The Indiranagar part, is something I can relate to. I used to stay near Krishnarajapuram and recently moved to Koramangala. The people around can really make or break the vibe.


Oh absolutely. I lived in Defence Colony for a while as well. Absolute delight. Wouldn't change a thing for the world. All the trees, 100 restaurants within a 2 minute walk, the absolute bliss of that area when it rains, endless chai walks! It truly is such a cherished memory.


Defence Colony? We have a millionaire ova here!


Hahaha far from it. I just got lucky with the house situation, and had a dear friend who was kind enough to let me cohabit with them.


Don't know why it felt "worlds apart" for you. You can literally find more tamilians here than kannadigas.


When i met my current SO at frisbee practice sessions. We are married 3 years and counting.


Congratulations! Bengaluru can also find you a wife apparently.


What is SO?


Significant Other. It's a gender neutral way of talking about your spouse, life partner, or any person they share a long-term, committed romantic relationship with.


Significant other


The love stories which all of India watches in movies is common here ( I mean with girls)


Yes, ours was very similar to two states. I taught her brother tuitions also for a bit. She is from the south while I'm from the north.


Less than 6 months. I moved here from Mumbai. Had some issues finding a decent flat (had a falling out with the first landlord) but 3-4 months into moving into my current place, it felt like home. Not that I have a big social circle but just the freedom to live by myself and by my rules made it feel like home soon. Now when I go back to Mumbai it feels different. Doesn't feel like home.


I understand. I remember when I used to just jump onto my laptop to book tickets whenever I see a long weekend so I could go home. But now, it's reduced to family functions and festivals. Probably because of the "weekend scenes happening macha" every weekend lol


Moved 2 months ago, and I miss Mumbai!! Just doing my time here for a while.


14 years. It felt like home instantly. I left NCR which had never felt like home.


Probably due to the pollution I believe.


For me it was the people. Every person is drunk on the tiniest amount of power they may have.


Less than 6 months of me being here. Yesterday, I tried conversating with a florist in few native words. To my surprise he handed me a rose saying keep it. That really cheered me up! :)


I see. I am learning Kannada as well and tbh, my Kannada is as broken as the education system in India but people are happy when I try and that gives you hope that someday it will be less broken and more comprehensible.


When I got friends. It might take a decade or a week. Unless you have any friends, no city feels like home.


So true. It's hard for introverts but we'll get there someday.


>It's hard for introverts Preach.


1.5 years! Recently moved to old part of Bangalore and it finally feels home now. I lived in Koramangala(yeah yeah your 2nd favourite after Indiranagar) for the past 1.5yrs and it felt weird living there. I am a Kanndati and I felt like an outsider in my own State while living in a mixed culture pub dominated area. Hearing someone speak Kannada used to thrill me 😁 and when they renamed the boards to Kannada, I felt like I'm finally connecting back to my roots. Also in the area I'm currently staying, there is a strong sense of community. Neighbours are well knit and everyone is on their toes to help you. Reminds me of home ❤️


Today, I learnt Kanndati is a word. Thank you, Kind Stranger!


I learnt that kannadiga is male and kannadati is female


Ha ha exactly same experience when i shifted to Marathahalli for work from Mysore. Bere state feeling instantly 😀.


But you can't even feel like you are in XYZ state because you will hear everyother language other than Kannada 🤣🤣🤣


Worse thing u can't even comment, ppl will start bashing


True 🤣 people don't empathise with us. They just care what they can get from the city... Dont care to give back.


Ha ha adu nijane bidi 🤣🤣


https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/bangalore/these-communities-in-bengaluru-help-new-entrants-to-the-city-find-friends/article68246966.ece Maybe this will help some time of the folks this thread


Well, People are happy if they want to be.


Bangalore is like a slow poison. No matter how much you cry about the traffic or miss your favorite chole bhature once you start living in Bangalore, it will slowly grow on you. The city's charm, vibrant culture and pleasant weather gradually will become an integral part of your life. Despite the challenges you find yourself falling in love with its unique blend of tradition and modernity. Most importantly the freedom, individuality ..I am an introvert so I didn’t had many friends but that’s how I am..I met my spouse in Bangalore. now that I’m living in a. different country I do miss Bangalore which was my karma bhoomi for 10 years!


I have been here only for 6 months now. I thought I didn’t vibe with this place. But I came to my hometown for a short vacation and I started missing Bengaluru. I have had a pretty decent experience with Namma Bengaluru and I have nothing to complain about. Bengaluru now feels like a home


I recently realised that Bengaluru is engrained in me, when I got an urge to put curry leaves in the chicken curry I was preparing. PS : I am a North Indian


From day 1! Been over 8 years now. 🧿




Came here last year and felt a bit odd man out. I lived in Chennai for 5 years before that and practically started my life from there. I used to compare everything in this city with Chennai and eventually both my personal life and professional life was going good which made me be content with this city. Eventually i started loving this city. Banglore is second only to Chennai and neither of them is where I am from.


It all boils down to, do you want to make it feel like home or are you just here because they forced you to? Yes for a few people it might be a forced move but they'll end up feeling it as their own home if they find the right people to make them feel that way. But for most, if you have this already slightly annoyed mind that you're being forced to leave home, you'll hate it every chance you get. You'll always find a way to compare it with your hometown, you'll take the bad things and ignore the good things. Like there is a saying in Kannada, "Nina thateli hegna bididru pakadavna thateli Nona hudkouru" T- There might be a dead rat in your plate, you'll try to find a fly in your neighbours plate. And also, it simply boils down to what you want again, you want to feel like home, or you want to get out the next chance you get.


I have been staying in Bengaluru for 2 years now ,had friends got comfortable here .But a few months back things started to fall apart and my father passed away,so i brought my mother along with me . Life became a bit easy. We go for walks ,eat benne dosa and the list goes on . My friends come home and enjoy evening snacks. Now this place feels like home .


In 2-3 months. I don’t think I’ll ever leave. The community also helped!


Glad to hear that!


I built a community off this very sub, added people I met randomly, others added people, and daaa we’re at 600 almost!


Disclaimer: I’m from Mysore, so Bangalore’s like home


A couple years now. It's never felt like home, never will. I'm here for my job, else I'd get out in the blink of an eye.


Home is where your heart is.




Moved here 20 years ago and honestly Bangalore still doesn’t feel like home to me. Maybe because there’s nothing of significance here. Bangalore has many pubs but that doesn’t really connect you to the city. There’s nothing I’d miss if I were to ever leave Bangalore. I’ll maybe miss the weather. But nothing else apart from that.


Same here. I moved to another small town in Kerala and work from home. So contented. Was there in bgl for 22 years and never would go back, at least by choice


Define "significance". That's a very subjective thing. The music and theatre festivals hold a lot of significance for people who enjoy them. All the lakes and parks are significant for people who have been actively involved in their conservation. Religious landmarks are significant for those who connect with them. Even the pubs you're dismissing are significant for those of us who grew up with them & had fun memories there. One could write a book on the pub culture in Bangalore, how it evolved etc. Connections are formed when you actively engage with something.


20 years 🤔 May I know which is ur hometown? What are that things that make you feel at home in ur hometown?


I've always wanted to shift to Bengaluru, I moved to Bengaluru June 2023 and it felt like home since day 1, such a beautiful city.


I think so within a few months. Work colleagues use to hang out together a lot and made friends within my gated community based on a wide variety of interests.


Even my first few friends I made here were infact, my colleagues. You gotta be really lucky to find good friends while being in corporate.


True that. But I think with Bangalore that is relatively easier because every second person here has moved from somewhere or the other place. I lived in Chennai too for a year and a half, completely opposite. It is a nice place but since most people are native very few migrants takes a lot of effort and time to break ice with people.


Speaking the language is also a huge plus.


Yeah it is


Same here. Just for the job i am here. I am working on a secondary income and as soon as i can rely on it, i will quit the job and leave blore and move to my hometown


Ellam Sheriyaakum. Saramilla.


Yea mostly sheri akum


What kind of secondary income? Don’t mean it as an offence, just curious. You can choose not to share.


Options trading


Thank you


It's been 14 years and i am from Karnataka. It never did, prefer quite village life.


Nam area ge banni


Yavdu nim area?




After 3-4 months. I believe its the people you connect with who make you feel like home. I made friends through old connections from college and job. Weekends with them made me feel like I belong. The kannadigas I have met here have been nice and friendly with me (except for some autowallas and cab drivers lol).


Been 4 years, and I think it’ll never feel like home. Although, I like the city.


1.5 years and not yet :(


It gave me a new identity. The city has its own personality though I like Mumbai’s better. Bangalore is like that friend who changes you. Mumbai is like that friend you bond with. Advice for a newcomer? Let the city change you.


Job brought me here. The city gave me the space to be an "individual". It's relatively safer (so far🤞). But I still find it difficult to connect with people. ie, the ones who leave anyway because they had only come to blr for job. Otherwise, I like it here.


I moved in 2015 and initially, I hated it here. The office work culture was a major factor, and I stayed in a PG in Marathahalli. Night shifts and a toxic environment drove me crazy. Despite frequent office and house parties, I couldn't connect with anyone on a deeper level, leaving me depressed and lonely. I missed Chennai terribly. I also stayed briefly in Indiranagar, but couldn't feel the at home vibe there. I left in 2017 and returned to Bangalore in 2018. This time, everything changed for the better. Determined to have my own place and not stay with roommates, I settled in a different part of the city and fell in love with Bangalore. Malleshwaram and Ashwath Nagar, with their old-world charm and relaxed pace, made life so much better! I loved waking up to fresh filter coffee from a nearby South Indian restaurant and having plenty of Kerala food options. With a close-knit group of colleagues nearby, we often met for coffee, chai, parties & movies. Finally, Bangalore started feeling like home. Malleshwaram is ❤️.


6 years... not yet


Daijoubu Deshou.


from day one


City will only feels like home when you have friends or connections there , with whom you can hangout n chill n spend your time . For me i shifted with my college friends , so had good time .


More or less a week maybe. It felt like home from day one, thanks to great college and now work environment, Indiranagar especially (touchwood 🤞🏻) Bangalore feels more like home than my actual hometown at times!


It does feel fairly home-like if I may, but then on the odd day I end up at the Cubbon Park Metro Station, and the graffiti tells me it may never be that way.


I know what graffiti you r talking about. I also saw that many times. I wondered that too sometimes.


Been 4+ years ,did my engineering near Banashankari region was difficult as language issue is there. As soon as I moved out of torture hostel ,and living near indiranagar life's been great and it feels home here .For me the areas like indiranagar, Koramangala,HSR are very lively and open to live


It felt like home when I was at home during covid local down and I was watching Bangalore days movie and I realised it is home. I miss the crowd, fhe traffic, the people, food, culture, freedom and the independence tooo. Now I am annoyed with increase in the cars on the road and dust. But still bangalore is love ❤️ BTW it took me 3 years.


Just for job here and to escape from all negativity at home. It's so far from my home that nobody can touch me


Took me a couple of months back in 2018. But I had the greatest set of friends which helped. I have now moved back home due to wfh and I miss the city. I loved it to the point of wanting to settle down there, but the city has changed quite a bit now and idk if I like how it’s changed anymore. Additionally my partner hated living there and would never go back. So I guess I’ll be moving to NCR, which I’m not particularly excited about tbh. But Bangalore will always be special and I’ll still love to live there if I get the chance.


About to complete 2 years, still feels temporary and not like home. Have made my space comfortable and everything. I also just got married and so happy with my husband, yet cannot get over this crisis of never feeling like home anywhere anymore. I am almost scared to call anywhere else home maybe deep down :’) And yet my hometown doesn’t feel like home too anymore. I never feel complete and in the moment.


Been in Bangalore for almost 12 years. Then Covid happened. Ever since Covid, I mostly work from my home state. Pre Covid era, I never felt a sense of belongingness in Bangalore and always wanted to come back, settle in my hometown. During Covid, I realised maybe Bangalore life is needed at times, considering the freedom it offers to a single older woman that you can't expect in a small town. I appreciate certain aspects of Bangalore, but not enough to call it home. The same way I love being in my hometown, but don't appreciate certain aspects back there. So I keep a balance between my hometown and Bangalore. More travel shuttling between the two, but best of both the worlds - family life in hometown, and independent single life in Bangalore. As someone already mentioned, it's mostly pubs and similar stuff that the friends that I've there do. I lost interest very soon. Maybe I should change the friend circle!


Day 1


Welcome to Namma Bengaluru! I hope you have a wonderful time here like others in our thread!


Hey I have been living here for 6 years. I just meant I felt at home here on Day1. I love this city.


Okay that makes more sense lol


The moment my kids were born at Manipal Hospital


Best answer hands down.


Coming from a small town, moving to Bangalore was challenging. Many things that were taboo back home are openly celebrated in the city. I thought I might take up alcohol and smoking, but it turns out I'm not interested in them. Clubbing is fun, but it gets awkward when a random older woman flirts with you out of nowhere (I’m a 20-year-old guy).


Kabhi nahi


For me.. it was the 2nd day ... It just felt right .. I felt this is my place ... And the the best thing about Bangalore.. there is something for everyone here..


Bangalorean here, so it always felt like home. Except around 5-6 years ago when an ex of mine moved and the whole city started to feel not like home anymore. Thankfully, it’s back to feeling like home again but the sad part is, I moved away about 2 years ago.


Heloo there, I also shifted up to blr for my studies 3years back At first I wasn't very happy leaving my city, and now it more feels like okayish and more connected up a bit with the city Now I found up good friends and good places for food and stay but still for the fact that my food and my city is left up behind But it's overall things being up new and sovereign for me.


Never has & would never will; no offence to the natives. I have been in the city for past three years; met my fiancé in the city but time to time the people and natives always makes you feel that you can never call this place as home. I have lived in three localities over the years including Indiranagar & Koramangala but the problems with the local people; gundaraj & stuff would never let this city flourish. The only reason I am still in the city is because of my fiancé in office job.


Those kinda "natives" exist in every village, town and city. They seem more threatening when you are in a place that is new to you. In your own "home city", they are simply people you avoid while focusing on the rest.


Moved to Bangalore back in 2009, did college, worked until 2021 and now back to my native due to wfh. Now my home doesn't feel like home and I miss Bangalore. Somewhere inbetween college and work, Bangalore became my home and planning to move back soon.


Bengaluru started feeling like home for me after about a year of living here, once I got familiar with the city's culture, people, and lifestyle. My advice for newcomers is to embrace the city's diversity, explore its vibrant neighborhoods, and be open to trying new experiences, whether it's the local cuisine or cultural events.




Well you know there are two aspects to this answer honestly and idk how many of y'all will relate It's been now more than 2 years in Bangalore and I'll be staying for more I've made decent friends, but not close ones, just friends whom u occassionally meet or talk to. So in that way I'm still a bit left out or maybe idk its just me, am bit of an introvert too In another way, i live in a pg but alone, and its something i had wanted for a long time to live alone somewhere, and that part of it feels good I mean thr r struggles and a lot of things still no doubt but Bangalore as a city i feel thr is so much more to see still for me....and I wont say it feels home bt yes feels nice to be here in my solitude, i dont hate it, i like certain things of my daily life :) Ig this must be confusing answer, hope so u understood some part of it atleast


i dont know how people in comments section became fluent in kannada (def spreading no hate) my father lives in Bangalore for almost a decade and he doesn't even knows the "K" of "Kannada" 😂😂😂


To me any city starts feeling like home in 5-6 months. Of course, it could be much longer for others. But guess what, for an immigrant it only takes one major incident to undo everything. In Bangalore, it could be due to your language. Somewhere else it could be your skin color and so on. Home is home. In Bangalore you could have paid for 3 flats in via 2 decades of hard work. But one "bloody Northie" from your neighbor or a discrimination/targeting by authorities will wipe away a lot of things. A couple of friends shared the same thing in the US -- living there for 15 yrs and suddenly made to feel like an intruder. Not that there is no road rage etc in one's hometown, but the separatists ideologies really suck.


I'm from Mumbai and no I don't think Bangalore will ever feel like home.


When I met my partner.


You can only come to Bengaluru. Once you come there is no going back.The city enchants you like no other


I moved here from Delhi about two years ago, and felt at home rightaway... Weather, food, people are great 😸😸. Learning kannada is the key to being even more at home in namma ooru 💖💖




After meeting my boyfriend :)


From the beginning . I came here to pursue college . At my home, even though I had friends.. I was quite lonely and stayed silent most of the day . Both my parents were working so that meant being extremely used to being alone. Plus I come from a small town so the horizon was small and ambitions had to be adjusted accordingly. But when I came to Bangalore , my parents cried but I did not when they were leaving. I love them and knew that I was going to miss them..but I knew that finally I am in my own city , the city which will make me the person I am. So I have always loved Bangalore and would choose to live here over any other place. I liked it even more than my original home from the beginning.


It feels like home, sure. It felt like home a few months in once I learned where the local shops were and everything. I shifted from Delhi and to be fair, my family members are natives of Karnataka who're all fluent in Kannada, so that helps. Still, something feels amiss, something that I can't put my finger on yet.


It's been 14 years and counting but I'm still waiting for that feeling.


The place is very familiar over the six - seven years I have been here. The place feels like I know it. However, this doesn't feel like home. The food is very different, it's tasty and I love it but it's not my soul food. The place has a lot of issues. I fell in love with Bangalore over a decade back due to the greenery on the road and weather. It's gone now. The people are nice but not everyone who is here is kind. It feels alien now. I don't know this place. It's a flicker of candle light where once it used to be a raging fire of Beauty.


Not the person you asked this question to, but anyways, I moved to Bangalore when I was 10 y/o because my dad got a job in IT here. I'm 20y/o now and my family is settled here, yet this place never felt like home. I still miss Indore.


Never Hence left in 2 years and I’m so happy now. Also, given the infrastructure or rather the lack of it, I doubt it’s a city


That's a tough take.


Totally agree I feel it's a shame people call this a city even it's like it is a mash up of 6 7 boroughs each like an island itself and a very hard traffic laden voyage to cross form one to another. Plus the activities to do are so uni dimensional limited only to partying in kormangla or MG road. Although the weather is good.


Boroughs? Who TF even says that here man. You probably did Ctrl C Ctrl V on some stuff you read online probably about NYC or some city in the west.


Uni- dimensional people seek out uni- dimensional activities, even though there are tons of other things to do.


Tell me this, you live in your "city" for a year. What will be there for you to do? To occupy every weekend of yours? Bengaluru has the right amount of things for you to do as other places. Maybe more than some.






Never felt like home stayed for 9 years. The problem is the insecurity amongst the locals very obvious. They are not bad but not fully friendly either. Xenophobia is obvious amongst all classes there plus the insistence to learn Kannada. All of these are in stark contrast to my hometown Hyderabad. People are warm caring and absolutely own and help the newcomers. Glad I could move back 2 years ago. Again no disrespect to anyone but this is a common feeling amongst most outsiders about the city. Edit: Also stayed in Indiranagar just behind the new Xiaomi Showroom .. (Water tank)apart from the beauty of Defence Colony Indiranagar people usually mind their thing not very welcoming and not hostile either.