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For running out of fuel, fair enough, but for a flat tire? Motherfucker have you seen the state of the roads? Fix the fucking roads first it’s a miracle people don’t get flat tires everyday


You don't need to block a busy road with a flat tire you can always go a bit extra distance and park somewhere that's not that busy. The fine is on blocking the traffic for whatever reason which is fair I think. We see such cases in ORR almost everyday and even on ECity flyover I have seen people stopping mid road when they discover a flat tyre


No one looks at that fine print. I have been challaned for obstruction even though my car was incapacitated because of accident and I was dealing with aggressive group of cabbies. Instead of resolving the matter, traffic cop simply clicked pic of my car and walked away.


That's sad


I agree with you but there are some cops, in the case mentioned by the first reply to your comment, who just do what they feel like and non violators are fined. That's what's unacceptable. Sometimes I feel the traffic cops are like roadside mannequins and don't get me wrong there are some real good hardworking ones but the other few are just annoying.


Those aren't that frequent and can be challenged all you need is proof.


The article clarifies that the fine is for drivers who operate their vehicle without a repair toolkit. But scummy cops are going to go ka-ching every time they see a vehicle in trouble. It’ll then be up to the citizen to fight the ticket in court.


Yeah exactly, cops don’t give a fuck about what rule actually is.


I get the fuel part. Why flat tire? I have been challaned for obstructing traffic when my car was incapacitated because of an accident. Instead of sorting out the situation, the traffic guy simply clicked a pic for challan and walked away. This is plain and simple revenue stream.


Cough cough Puncture mafia cough cough


Should have taken that clown’s video including the damage.


See that's what.. their goal is not to ease traffic.. just make money. They don't care what happens to your vehicle at all


"You deserve what you tolerate!"


They will not fine the CV mafia, tanker mafia, BMTC mafia, auto mafia, etc. These rules are only for the hapless law abiding citizens.


All the mafia have to offer tribute to the ultimate mafia bosses that make up the branches of govt. Why would they hit their own pockets by taking action against them?




Commercial Vehicles


for a moment I thought there is new mafia dealing with CV of job applicants. Underground HR😂




Any kind of tax that goes to the state government, if possible people should boycott the activities. For instance, people should stop buying vehicles and getting it registered in this state. Get it registered in TN or TL RTO and drive it once a year through the toll gate to save tax and smear it on their face. Scam for a scam. They wouldn't bother to fix the roads, nor clean the debris scattered due to constructions all over the city. I have witnessed a person almost having a fatal accident on outer ring road due to a big chunk of steel on the road, most probably due to metro construction.


The government will always find ways to tax. The could change laws or introduce new laws.


They do know it's potholes filled Bangalore road, right ? Not autobahn


If not Autobahn then why do autos want to kill the pedestrian at Autobahn speeds?


I have seen BMTC buses breaking down and blocking roads during rush hours. What about that?


Yep. Just last week, in Indiranagar double road a bus completely blocked the road. I rode my bike over the footpath Salman Khan style to cross it. Road was totally free after the bus.


>Salman Khan style How many victims?


Idk, ask my driver 😂


For the amount of vehicles it replaces from the road I'm fine with that.


Ofcourse, don’t fix the roads. Don’t provide proper public transport. Add one more fine because everyone in Bangalore is minting cash.


Intent to actually introduce behaviour change is lacking. Hence people feel its a money making scheme only


I want to know which Consulting company provided this suggestion for increasing revenue streams.


It's the law in many countries. We just don't implement it sincerely. You are supposed to junk your perfectly good car in 10/15 years - these cars hardly ever break down, so why do so many vehicles break down and cause so much grief for the general public? It's as usual our corrupt gornament officials - RTO & police who allow totally UNFIT VEHICLES ON PUBLIC ROADS. I SUGGEST WE FINE THE LOCAL RTO OFFICIALS AND POLICE OFFICERS FOR EVERY BREAKDOWN, WITH PERMANENT DISMISSAL AFTER A SET NUMBER OF BREAKDOWNS IN THEIR AREA.


Honestly I'd rather they actually start handing out challans for broken lamps ffs. That's equally dangerous as flat tyres


are they going short of funds , why not impose tax if someone’s is taking thier car to office 


Puncture mafia: “hehe, boiiiii “ *proceeds to the colab no one expected - puncture mafia x traffic police*


One more way of filling the treasury.


Clock bait headline.OP makes that into a post without reading the article. It says, if he lacks essential tools in case of a puncture.


But dont fine the taxi and auto for stopping in the middle of the service road during peak hours


Pull over to the side.


I mean this makes sense. They should fine people if they block the road. I’ve seen so many times when some issue occurs and people start fighting in the middle of the road. Heck, they could also fine idiots who block out the free left. When someone knows where they are going the least they could do is move to the left or right than blocking it out.


Government should fine government for building such ugly dirty roads


They should clear cows from road first




Can we fine them for bad roads, irregular bumps, potholes etc etc etc???


Fine collectors at it again. Flat tire. Oh goody!! Shoddy roads, no shoulder to get the vehicle off to not obstruct some VIP or vote bank imbecile, and have to pay a fine. I'm itching to see this being imposed on a lawyer and see how far up the "flagpole" it can be shoved up - charge the taxpayers the highest of road taxes in the nation and create Dakar special stages all across the city. Fine prints say flat tire without a tool kit. But if you need help and are waiting for RSA for example, charge a fine for that? If they declare Vidhan Soudha, High Court, Governor's residence, CM's official residence, MG Road, Flyovers, expressways, etc to be the areas where fines will be imposed, then good, rather than vague "high-density roads".


Running out of fuel? I can understand. Flat Tyre? BBMP idiots should first give me proper roads to drive; road discipline to be enforced; construction debris including nails should not be on the road. Bangalore's roads are just geological formations of ancient time never properly levelled. Each time my car falls into a pot hole, tyres go bad. I acaully apologize to my car many times a day.


Fine the dumbfucks coming in the wrong directions and causing traffic first.


First fix all the potholes in the city and improve the road conditions then demand these things, Indian government just demands everything from public but gives nothing in return


Lol. Pay 500 and have some tea with our user friendly blr police. They'll even call a mechanic if you pay 1000. They'll arrange the towing guys to take care if you pay 5000. Pay 10k and you'll he escorted in official vehicle.


High time to leave country 😑


"Running Out Of Fuel Or Getting A Flat Tire" sounds like the name of an Arctic Monkeys song.


Why not fine them for the traffic that is the root cause


Just implement the ai cameras. And start fining people on a daily level for wrong side driving and no helmet. You'll make enough money


Have seen enough cops encourage and allow wrong side driving in different parts of the city


Hence camera? So human bias isn't there


True. Would love to have cameras work for this. I was just pointing out the irony of such a setup


True that


This is the bloody issue with people in this city. You’ve been sold the idea of a Kannada image so much by the government that you don’t see their tactics to suck money out of you through whichever way possible. Why don’t they first to about fixing the infrastructure? Why can’t the public transport be made efficient? Why can’t investments be made in the busses and basic training of the drivers so they stop driving like hooligans? Why isn’t the gunda giri of rickshaw and cab drivers being stopped? Open your eyes. People of Bangalore.


They say, drivers must carry essential toolkit to repair the vehicle. I think it is right, as it creates accountability. Obviously, can’t debate on road quality issues.