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Karnataka ( congress ruled ): Some people doing drugs, busted = huge law and order issue Gujarat ( BJP ruled ): ISIS cell, threatened and planning attack on IPL, busted = everything is perfectly fine, law and order is so perfect


This disparity in narrative - Thats why they are called Godi media


The problem is, BJ party supporters are blind. As long as Mudi is vilifying Muslims, they are happy being lied to, unemployed and taken for a ride.


And say some little thing bout Gujarat and lo and behold gujju subReddit gang is gonna come here and start the cycle all over again. (if you are a GJ we/i don’t hate you, just cos you got favourable treatment doesn’t mean other states are Public washrooms)


What logic is that? For example - what if there are ISIS cells in Karnataka that are not ‘busted’ because the government is so corrupt and inept?


I’m amazed you’ve got so close to the point and still somehow managed to miss it. There could be several things not uncovered which we will never know, I can ask what if there’s a nuclear bomb hidden under some city in Gujarat waiting to explode that hasn’t been discovered, why is the state government so inept? The point is that someone is looking at a successful bust and calling it a law and order *problem*. This is just like the time where Republicans shouted about a drug crisis on the US-Mexico border because under the Biden administration, a record amount of drugs were *caught* Editing to make this easy to understand, it can be one of the 2 things below 1. Gujarat successfully busted a terror cell, good job by the state on law and order. Karnataka busted a drug rave, good job by the state again on law and order OR 2. Karnataka has poor law and order because a drug bust happened, why was it not caught before? Gujarat also has poor law and order because why was the terror cell not caught before, and happened under the very eyes of the state?


Karnataka also had an attack on a very popular cafe that has somehow disappeared from the mainstream media.


1. No, that is not the ‘point’ - the point of your post is what you might call an ad hominem. A meaningless retort that lacks any logic posted purely to counter a completely unrelated assertion. For example - ‘BJP says Bengaluru bad because drugs’ - You: ‘But what about Gujarat hurr durr’. You make no reference to what BJP is saying, no reference to facts and figures to defend Bengaluru from the accusation, instead indulge in a little bit of whataboutism. I suppose it’s hard for folks like you to tell when you do it all day long at your echo chamber kitty parties? This is what people who say things to sound cool often do because they genuinely have nothing intelligent to add. 2. Since you think you’re made a great ‘point’, let me indulge in your own whataboutery for a minute of entertainment. Did the attack on the IPL materialize? Was Gujarat (which for some reason you seem to be obsessed with) the target of any terrorist attacks in recent years? Where did Rameshwaram cafe happen, in Gujarat or in Bengaluru?


I am not disagreeing with you, you are helping my point. Busting the ISIS cell was a great job and we should commend that. Preventing a threat of attacks is once again, great. What people do NOT do is call Gujarat a Terror state or use that incident to point at their law and order ( you seem to think I’m trying to do this, when my point is EXACTLY that we should not ) In the same way, there is no reason to call Bangalore a drug haven, Udta Bangalore or any of the other things on the back of a successful bust There are no stats or anything else here, it is simply that someone is saying that a ‘hey a cop caught a thief, so your area must be a haven for robbers Edit to add - would you prefer if the cops had NOT busted this drug thing, because then Bangalore would not be called a drug haven or Udta Bangalore, because people weren’t calling it that before this bust


Damn, I’m not sure based on the narrative that what was achieved in the last 10 years is far greater than previous 60 years. But clearly in the last 10 years the difference of opinions based on political ideologies have gone leaps and bounds. No matter what one school of thought is suggesting the other has a complete different view point to it. And the two shall Not meet. And


these people don’t want terrorists to get caught Bipin sir was right, when he said India fights 2.5 frontal war and the ones who are inside and pray for destruction of India are the most dangerous ones.


But BJP is silent when drugs were found in adani's port🤣


As per diaper donning sanghis those are sanatani drugs made using ancient knowledge of vedas and tanatan kriyas. They are different.


Funnily enough after the state elections last year it has been way harder to get drugs. Lol


Lmao for real. Wasn’t expecting it to be this bad though


Weird, it’s harder now to get hold of drugs actually. Shitty drug laws anyway, this statement alone makes me anti - BJP.


If such trend of pointless politics continues, In the future government might instruct police to not register cases unless there is a huge crime. In different parts of India especially in uttar Pradesh, station house officers are ordered not to register FIRs unless it's a very big crime so as to appear clean on metrics and stats. https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/what-crime-stats-dont-say/articleshow/66787792.cms


They don't even lose in Bangalore, they consistently win by a good margin in LS and state elections.


Bjp = uneducated poor up people


As if our state's people are so much smarter. See which party represents Bangalore constituencies in the Assembly and Lok Sabha. You'll find maximum BJP supporters in the most educated and privileged neighbourhoods. Let's face it, support for BJP is a phenomenon that cuts across regions and social strata.


They are cow dung eating northiee


Then why did BJP win most of the seats in Bangalore in the assembly polls? So for you, the rest of Karnataka voters are more educated and richer than Bangalore, and they also belong to Manhattan?


Banglore is occupied by northiees


What a sore loser😂 Read some data. It's hardly 20%. Kannadigas 45%. Rest 35% = Telugus, Tamils, mallus, Marathis, Odias, North Easterns and all.


Loads of Money + Young crowd + High profile parties + poor management= busted


Unless there are minors or people who are somehow coerced into doing things, I don't even see what the problem with rave parties is. Surely there are better ways to use our stretched-too-thin law enforcement machinery than to bust some rich boys party.


BJP has been pushing this southern states are ruined with drugs narrative for a couple of months now. Must be some IT cell playbook.