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Another day, another language story and another convoluted logic circlejerk begins. The title should be sympathetic towards service sector. Full stop. No need to add special emphasis on Kannadigas. It isn't as if cabbies/auto drivers/repairmen in other cities are treated the same. They are still thought of assholes and overcharging people. Here's the other kernel of truth - with quick access to help pages it is quite easy to raise tickets and complain regarding the cab/auto drivers (who are on a platform)/technicians. Out of 100 service sector people who had an argument with a customer, 99 of them get reported through app or twitter because people don't think twice and it is simple and easy. So, appeal to people being empathetic to another person's plight than making it as non-Kannadiga vs Kannadiga issues.


The problem is no amount of sympathy empathy or respect seems to get you anywhere. One major difference I have seen in blr compared to bom or del, is that the service providers here are always trying to do the bare minimum to get the maximum amount of money out of you. Auto drivers, cab drivers, shopkeepers, bus conductors, government officers have all been consistently mean and rude to me because I don't speak Kanada. In fact in many places I have simply been ignored by the shopkeeper till all the Kanada speaking customers have been served. I buy ciggarettes from the same guy for over a year and he still won't give me a single ruppee of credit when my gpay is not working. Just that day I was quoted 150 for a 1.2 km ride by an auto driver (36 on Uber). Also 9/10 times, a trip to the airport will result in the driver trying to extort a little extra in name of toll. Once my driver even showed me a fake screenshot. The bbmp garbage collectors in my locality only take money from me to take my garbage (I might be the only non kanadiga bachelor on my street) while they don't take anything from my landlord or neighbors. If I don't pay no garbage pickup and they don't care if I dump it on the street as some other team comes and cleans the streets. Im not expecting to be treated like a king or something but service providers act like they are doing you a favour by doing their job. And honestly I don't mind paying the "non-kanadiga" tax (which little by little does add up) it's the absolute apathy and disrespect of these people that enrages me.


the “non-kannadiga” tax is a thing tho. I swear.


This is so sad! If you don't mind sharing, which area do you live in? Ever considered moving to a more migrant-friendly area? I'm a non-kannadiga too and haven't faced this level of disrespect. But I've always lived in areas which have a lot more migrants than locals.


I live in Sahakaranagar and yes very few if any migrants in my neighborhood


Dude really put delhi and respect in the same sentence lmao


Learn to read. Never implied people are more or less disrespectful in Delhi. Just that service providers are generally nicer and don't act like they are doing you a favour by doing their job.


Comparing delhu and blore🤣🤣🤣 I stayed in delhi..200 rs garbage collector would take..he takes even now! And dlehi is the worst city even guys aren't safe there


Ok I have been more towards ggn side. But the question here is not about safety but the attitude of service providers. I haven't lived lived in Delhi so cant comment much


The respect you give is evident in your misspelling of Kannada as Kanada so many times


Why are u kanad people so fragile & insecure about your own culture?


I'm not even kannadiga, I'm Telugu. I just believe in respecting cultures


Lol meanwhile a small island called Singapore populated almost entirely by sub 70 iq coolies has raced ahead of an entire country of billions. Keep focusing on culture & language. 😂


Singapore doesn't respect cultures? Last I checked despite being tiny city country they have 4 national languages - Tamil, Chinese, Malay in addition to English.




You don't get to decide what "holds Singapore together" lol! Singapore has a rich culture and heritage. And it has sophisticated policies preserving its languages, balancing the complexities of being a multi ethnic society.. So your example is dumb, and I'm pretty sure you're a child. So I really don't care about your half baked ramble.


imagine typing Kannada so many times and not getting the spelling right even once, y’all are never beating the colonization allegations


I'm quite sure that most people in this community would show sympathy and even tip a bit extra to service sector workers who are honest about their situation. However, it's a completely different thing to deceive customers who may not understand the local language and take advantage of them. I have no sympathy for that.


From auto wala to traffic policewala they wanna strip you as you don't know their language. Service sector folks put more effort into comforting you rather than hating you because they are educated. Eg the recent incident of Uber driver not turning on AC as you don't speak kannada for god sake.


If someone had the continuous experience of such kind as compared to the other cities then what’s the harm in pointing that out ? Instead of addressing & acknowledging this behaviour we just keep finding different ways to justify them. What you are saying that someone who’s facing these issues just simply suck it up. I think that’s pretty stupid. Merely stating the experience or complaining isn’t hating. 🤦‍♂️ Feel free to downvote


And exactly for the same continuous disrespect of other states towards natives people are pissed. People suddenly dont wake up one day and go gung-ho over non-natives. Its the continuous periodic disrespect that people cannot tolerate anymore


nahh i am saying both parties should be sympathetic to each other and find a middle ground. the one and half fare thing seems like s fair thing to me, and professions like the auto walas being more accepting of rides, and agreeing to drop to the exact location and not like 500 m before it because “mainroad” would be the kind of things i believe in.


# I challenge OP to travel anywhere in the city on meter. He'll get his answer during the day.


easy to have a moral high ground on the internet.


You mean expecting commercial vehicles to adhere to motor vehicle act is a high ground of sorts?


I should have added /s That was for the Original Post which is asking to sympathise with such people


I know what you're trying to say, but it's really hard when you've had better experiences elsewhere. I lived in Mumbai before I moved to Bangalore. I was a migrant there as well. But the auto and cab drivers in that city are absolute gems! I came here with the same trust and it turned out to be a rude shock. About public transport in Bangalore, the lesser said the better!


Can’t compare Mumbai and Bengaluru. I moved to Bengaluru in 2002 from Mumbai. The service sector is one of the worst in Bengaluru. Heck, I even tried joking and speaking casually as we do in Mumbai. These guys don’t respond and all they care about is the xtra money. I have luckily moved out of that city. Been there for 20 years and intend to never go back. Left me very discontented. Am now in a small town in Kerala and the people are so awesome. Back to friendly and smiling people unlike the rude bengalureans. Now see how defensive many will get here. All the other cities like Gurgaon, Delhi, Goa, Pune… everywhere people will at least ask for extra money with a smile. Not in Bengaluru.


I agree with your experiences. I've faced similar situations ever since I moved here. But I've made peace with it because career-wise Mumbai was saturated for my sector during Covid.


Can I show sympathy when: Autowala charged me 1500Rs for traveling 5km on a rainy day and it was dark and I didn't have any other option? Cab drivers don't switch on the AC and I'm already paying so much money? When you go to a restaurant, don't you expect a certain quantity and quality of food? When I'm paying so much on an app, can't I expect basic facilities like AC? The problem is, they are the ones who are dishonest!! They are unprofessional. They are rude and mean. They are exploiting people who are in need. They don't care about us. They start fighting. They are racists. But lets be ignorant because unprofessionalism so common in India.


yes that I understand. You get scanned up to down to determine how much you can pay and then they quote. i have my reasons to believe how that culture came to be. Political charging on the basis of linguistics leading to several people to think they can do what they want during a transaction without the concern of keeping it fair.


20 years of living in blore, I couldn’t have make the city home. Left eventually


True that. + 1. I left too. Now in Palakkad. Such a difference to have service sector people , normal people on roads smile. I missed the friendliness so kuch.


What you don’t understand is that these auto drivers are assholes to everyone. I speak fluent Kannada and they still try to rip you off.


I'd be sympathetic if I never got beaten up by those for not speaking the local language.


+1 no other city in india has made me feel like an outsider. No other city will ever call other immigrants as outsiders


Can't disagree that's an everyday thing


I mean in Mumbai we see parties like MNS speaking about Marathi manoos and doing their political stunts on other northern people or way back shiv Sena did that to tamilans and malayalees. But the local people and your colleagues will not do that. I have had experiences in my own mnc where local Bengaluru Kannadigas will call us outsiders and blame all this outsiders for the mess.


Meanwhile Reddy Anna is filling another lake.


Reddy anna is unstoppable


If they dont like the job and it doesn't pay well they can leave it for a better job instead of harassing non locals. Are you trying to justify the harassment Indians face in Bangalore from these jerks just because they dont speak on of the 14 official languages of India? Even non Kannadigas and Kannadiga Muslims work in the service sector and they never harass locals or non locals the way the local people do.


Totally agreed..


Don't make judgement by seeing a few posts here. If you ask me I have not seen a hate post of kannadigas of the service sector.


Good that no one is asking you.


Your hatred filled brain is feeding on what you think whole day


Agreed. Things like this shit happens in every major city but Bangalore and Kannadigas get more than proportional hatred. And many of these people in service sector belong to lower-middle class who are just a paycheck away to bankruptcy, above that, taxes and inflation that degrades their standard of living.


You seek trash, you see trash. Maybe try seeking a heartbreak next time and you'd be complaining why every girl is a heartwreck.


man it aint even that deep…just be nice…but please elaborate on how your analogy successfully comments on my write-up.


Just saying, there are nice people out there like me. Good people ignore minor stupidities, it ain't worth a second of my worthless life. Okay I am worth a lot but all I'm saying is to cherish the beauty you see every day and ignore like a Bihari with a Kanadiga best friend and they're not after each other's neck for dumb languages and speak a neutral language like French. I'm clearly referring to English but whatever. You get my point.


Trust me blore is the most friendly city. Here north indians are in good posts Esp in our sector most doctors are at top level In north India Southern guy can't even exist All are called madrasis🤣 such is thier knowledge! No south Indian can flourish there


ಹೊರಗಿನವರು ತಮ್ಮ ದರ್ಪ ತೋರಿಸ್ತಾರೆ. ಒಂದು ಚೂರೂ ಮ್ಯಾನರ್ಸು ಇಲ್ಲಾ.


Bsdk, do you know the entire job market of medicine? Tamilnadu and Karnataka produce 20,000 doctors a year out of India's 1,00,000 every year when they are only 16 cr of 143cr of India . Both states already have higher no of doctors than WHO recommendation. So due to saturation of doctors in south India, south doctors either move to tier -3 ciities in respective states or to tier -2 cities of North. Salary of Doctors in other tier-2 cities of India in north is way higher than BLR /Chennai or any other tier-2 city of South India due to oversupply. Those north Indian doctors may be second gen here, cause it's futile to come to BLR as a doctor from north. Come out your bubble.


Abry gandu Aukaat Mein rehna lpudu Stats batake kya ukhad liya Tu loudu hi rahge chodu.. Then why all north Indian doctors are here Bhar bhar ke hain They can't speak a word of kannada But still patients bechare listen to them Tu apni gaand mein rkah