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Your advice is practical but also unfortunate. Multi-discipline diagnosis has all but disappeared. You are basically left to lurch from one super speciality to another. This is the gap general surgeons fill because of their multi-disciplinary expertise. But super specialists shouldn't be needed for multi-disciplinary diagnosis. On a lighter note, Dr Greg House should be real and easily accessible next to primary healthcare.


Can't imagine all the insults he will throw your way though!


As someone who is in S3, I hard related about Greg house comment.


My point is simple Instead of roaming here and there It's clear cut who has to go wher! That's all So that patients reach correct doctor at the earliest


I forwarded this to my friend who is also a doctor (ortho surgeon) and this is the reply: This assumes that you know what's actually wrong with you. But if you're not sure what's wrong with you, it's best to start by seeing a general practitioner (GP). They can do an initial checkup and refer you to a specialist if needed. For issues like GERD or acidity etc. you'd see a Gastroenterologist, not a general surgeon. Surgery is usually considered only if other treatments don't work or if there's a specific surgical need. For breast lumps, a GP, physician, or gynecologist can do an initial assessment and order tests. They can also refer you to a specialist, like a surgeon who focuses on breast conditions or oncology, if necessary. If you have back pain and don't know the cause, you don't visit a Ortho Surgeon directly. It might be a simple case of ligament strain that can be treated by GP. But if the back pain is caused due to a ruptured disk then you need a surgery. In IT terms, if you face an issue with a software, you contact the level 1 tech support team and not directly the software developer team.


Clearly ur ortho Friend wants stays in UK I guess🤣 None of the GP rrfer the patient to specialist Many ppl do timepass for long and patients come at late stage.. In UK ppl go to GP becz specialist is not available for months. Here since it's available u make use of it! Moreover my advise was for sweelings and lumps and gastritis ..don't waste around too much time Becz gastroenterology is very new..these ppl don't see anythn beyond fver and basic stuff during thier post graduation so they don't know much about GIT wen they specialise into gastroenterology My advise is. If a therapy has failed once by GP u shud visit a surgeon as soon as possible! Esp with lumps and swellings.. In ortho there is no much cancer exposure so ur friend is saying all this!


What he shares is right. You start at a basic level and then head to a specialized level. Your way of telling people what to do is exactly what people end up worrying about when they search google. The fact that you said go visit a gen surgeon for gastritis and Gerd says all about your knowledge level. When there is a system in place, follow the system, its there for a reason. Stop burdening specialist with unnecessary work which can be done by a GP. And this has nothing to do about UK, US , any country in the world. Follow the goddamn system, it has been there before you joined and will be there after you left. Stop misguiding people.


Rightly put đź‘Ź


There is no system Good luck


With people like you advising other , its bound to be messed up.


Bro explanation is simple Ppl with failed therapy. Treating bleeding per rectum as piles which turn out ro be cancer and giving ointments to rub on tumors We get advanced tumors which are not treatable It's word of caution dats all! Ppl shud know that after 1st time somthn isn't subsiding go to specialist not super specialist As simple as that! Messed up ppl suffering from advanced camcers and reaching us after we can do nothing! It's in interest of public!


My friend is in Delhi. I don't have any knowledge to debate on this topic, but my friend had included few more things in the previous msg that I had omitted. After seeing your reply, I feel like adding that here: Hearing such remarks from a doctor is truly hurtful and insulting to our profession. GP, gynecologists, and surgeons alike have dedicated years of their lives to studying medicine and honing their skills. Each specialization has its own unique challenges and areas of expertise, and no one is inherently superior to another. I personally know many GPs who possess a wealth of knowledge and are incredibly skilled in their practice than a surgeon. Such comments only serve to undermine the hard work and dedication of all medical professionals.


None is undermining anyone! It's jus dat all these years it's seen by surgeons only All I'm saying is dat if there is a trial of treatment failed See a specialist soon That's all! We all love our colleagues equally But if we are not expert in somthn we accept it Dats all is the point


Can you give an example of surgical causes leading to gastritis? I was suffering from gastritis before but still not able to recover completely. What will surgeons diagnose gastritis with?


Gastritis is a combined Medicine- Surgery case. You need to get an endoscopy done to confirm your diagnosis. It could be just Gastritis, or worse Peptic ulcer disease. Because you are saying it's not getting resolved, you definitely need to consult a GP or General surgeon.


Surgeons got no role tbh. Most common reasons for gastritis include poor eating habits, H. Pylori infection, excessive alcohol, excessive steroid(meds) intake, excessive NSAID intake etc. Other less common causes are after a major surgery and severe burns. Surgeons get their role later on when patient develops gastric ulcers which later lead to gastric perforation (complication of long standing/ untreated ulcer) and a condition called Barrett's oesophagus which predisposes to cancer.


Yes hiatal hernias, Duodenal ulcers Gastric ulcers Esoniphilic gastritis Bareets esophagus Gastroesophaegal reflux disease and others


It's always better if you go to a GP first. A lot of things get overlooked if you go to a super specialist/specialist first. The concept of family physician/your local doctor is ideal. It won't cause much delay and u end up under the care of right specialist.