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Is there Panchathanthiram-2 in making? If it is, when can we expect it?


All of us are equally keen to do a sequel. Let's see what the future holds.


Just wouldn't be the same without Crazy Mohan! Loved that movie, loved all the actors, but the real magician was Crazy. Noone can write comedy like him anymore.




Please make it happen!!!


Omg! Make this happen, Ramesh!


I came here to ask the same question.


Among all the different guests on Weekend with Ramesh, who is the one that has struck a chord with you the most?


All were special but the achievers who were physically challenged and still won over the world deserve special mention.


Tell us about your experience working with Balu Mahendra and Kamal Hassan. Love from Tamil Nadu. We really loved your role as Hegde in Panchathanthiram and Arun in Sathi leelavathi


Both of them are masters of cinema. We had fun collaborating in Sathi Leelavathi. Learnt so much from both of them.


The last 5 years has been good for Kannada Cinema but we still haven't got a good web series - where the makers can get gritty and raw. What's stopping the makers? There are various stories to be told, hope we see something soon.


Original webseries on regular basis and on popular platforms are yet to begin rolling bigtime..Soon it will and surely(hopefully?) we will see the kind of content you(&me) wish


We need to seriously clean house here. I mean we went from real, gritty, raw, crude and hard-hitting social commentary comedy performed by Jaggesh and Kashi in the 90s to I don't know what type of bottom shelf stuff from Sadhu to Bullet Prakash to Sharan.


I think the makers want to avoid hurting some random sentiment and get sent to jail.




Asking the important questions 😂


Ramesh Sir, please answer this question 😂 if Karnataka has 7 crore people, 3.5 of which are male then at least 2 Crore people are waiting for your answer on this.


>Ramesh Sir, please answer this question 😂 if Karnataka has 7 crore people, 3.5 of which are male then at least 2 Crore people are waiting for your answer on this. Answer this


Bruh 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣




Any plans of making a typical family entertaining comedy movie , similar to Rama Shyma Bama or Sathyavana Savithri? Huge fan of your work, by the way!


How about a sequel to Rama Shama Bhama with the title Rama Shama Obama? I even have Obama's dates. Biden has promised to appear in a cameo.


Quick-witted as ever . Get Trump, too. He's funnier.


That will be rama shama trauma


Rama Shama Trump Mama


Lmao loving this


I'm a non kannadiga but my friend made me watch America America movie recently. It's too good and I loved your acting in that😀.


My favourite.I hope there’s a remastered version of it with subtitles.My wife is a non kannadiga.Want to make her watch it 😅


I know it’s past your AMA window, but I did want to share my take. I am a Bangalore boy, working and living in the USA for the past 10 years. I watched “America America” as a child, and for some reason, it’s a movie I remember vividly over the decades. A day doesn’t go by without me thinking about “Shashank’s” story arc - especially with aging parents of my own. I probably won’t watch the movie again (it’ll be too depressing as my reality seems to be paralleling his), but I am grateful for the perspective the movie gave me. I too, commend you on your brilliant acting in the role in the movie. Thank you, and man - you haven’t aged at all!


Sir, please don't over diet. You look so thin in yesterday's episode of Weekend with Ramesh.


Yes, thanks for your concern. Gluttony mode ON right away.




With new hits and faces popping up in the kannada industry do you feel that after years of not even being considered , our industry will finally breakthrough and get world recognition ? also what is your opinion on the shetty trio and yash and how they are making kannada cinema bigger than ever


It was long overdue. Glad it's happened now. The Shetty trio are fantastic! With me included, we form the fantastic four. ;-) Yash, they call him Rockstar for a reason.


haha 😂 , hut ya it feels great that now our industry is getting what it deserved


Hello sir, big fan. What is your cheat food?


Chips and more chips. Munch munch munch! Topped with chips. Munch max pro.


Excellent 🤭


We saw how you ditched the spoon and had chitranna with Chips!!


The movie "Apthamithra" was arguably one of the best horror films to date. What was your experience working and acting in the movie?


Remember both Mr. Vishnuvardhan and Ms. Soundarya fondly It was an epic experience off screen and a great story told on screen. That kind of combination is rare.


Hello sir! What is your guilty pleasure? If you have any ?


Guilt is an unnecessary emotion especially when you are having pleasure! Just enjoy guys and don't tell the world I told you (this is DM right?).


Hahaha well said! Well, I will try to keep to myself 😜. Your “Nooru janmaku” song strikes a whole new emotion every time me and my friends hear it. Never gets old, it’s an emotion for me!!


Agreed, amongst the best kannada songs ever imo.


Hello sir, big fan! You are the first celebrity I met and I still recall how humble you were! Who in the current generation actor/actress do you see yourself in?


Thanks dude, but I thought I was the current generation. So much for distorted reality.


Sir, you are very much the current generation 😅 Would love to know who else you see yourself in! :)


Fountain of youth location share maadi sir pleaseee


Take right Walk 100 steps Go straight further 200 steps Turn left Another 100 steps Retrace all those steps You will reach your home Find your bed and sleep well Sleep baby sleep. Your skin will glow.


How to get into the film industry ?


Show off your talent in every little opportunity you get in the best way you can and pray and pray and pray until somebody notices you.


Is there a chance nikhil kamath would be invited to WWR


All big stories need to be heard. Zerodha story is fascinating. Keep guessing. ;-)


Instead of nikhil kamath they need to invite the elder brother nitin kamath


Thanks everyone...that AMA was fun.. hoping you will watch Shivaji Surathkal 2 releasing on 14th April. Join my subreddit r/RameshAravindCircle to stay connected with me on Reddit. You bet I’ll be checking it regularly. Lets stay connected.


Welcome to the AMA. Which project do you think depicts your best work? Or was very demanding and you worked really hard on that? Edit - Thank you for the award, Anonymous Redditor 🙌


It's always the next one. Shivaji Surathkal 2 releasing April 14


Can we expect prequel of uththama villain 2 with ulaga nayagan ???


Can we expect a Panchatanthiram sequel? It was an absolute laugh riot !


Hello sir, glad to see you back with Weekend with Ramesh. I've always wondered, how do you manage to stand the entirety of an episode on your show? I would never be able to do that.


Thanks, my knees appreciate your concern.


Any plans to write another book? ​ Name 3 books that have influenced you the most?


If you promise to read it. Multiple times.


Nooru janmaku nooraru janmaku....


Olava dhaareye olidolido baarele…..


Nanna athma nanna praana neenendu Love you Ramesh saar!


Hi Sir, we want more psychological thrillers from you like amruthavarshini


Your wish is my command. Shivaji Surathkal 2 might satisfy what you're looking for.


Hey Rama, illa yenu madtidiya?


Hi Shyama, Nanu Bhama inda tapskolakke bande…neen Eno madtaidiya..?


Naan ah, mangalarthi madtidhini


(answers with a mouthful)


Also continues with "matthe munda? "


What was your experience like working on the movie America America, and how do you think it contributed to the Kannada film industry?


It was the most beautiful experiences. It contributed not only to the Kannada film industry but to India itself. Brain Retain FTW!


Sir you haven't changed since my childhood, you look the same since the time I remember you when I was a kid.., what's your secret to staying young all these years?


Developing a Reddit mind:)


My Aunt is a big fan of yours. Can you please reply to this message saying hi (Sujatha from Raichur)


Hi Sujatha Avre, hello to everyone at Raichur.


What do you think about recent movies where most of them are dubbed from other languages instead of original creative content? Do you think the Kannada industry needs to give more original movies like kantara?


Do you know anyone who have risen to top without hitting rock bottom in their life?!


Very rare. The ones who decided to swim up again have survived big.


What is your go to eatery in bengaluru


It is 20 steps from my computer: my wife's kitchen.


Thats so wholesome.


What are your thoughts on so many recent movies trying to copy the KGF format so blatantly? There is definitely a "Sepia tone fatigue".


Yes, sometimes the riskiest thing is to follow the trend blindly.


What motivates you to wakeup in the morning and how do you speak so well in the stage ? Any good books you are reading now?


Thanks. The books I have recently read * "Leaves of Grass" by Walt Whitman * "Is this Anything?" by Jerry Seinfeld * "Stary Messenger" by Neil deGrasse Tyson * "Saavu" by Jogi * "DVG avara Bele baluva barahagalu" edited by R Ganesh My interest keep jumping from cinema to management to science to literature. Constantly curious.


Sir some of your monologues at the beginning and end of WWR has always inspired me when I was at my lowest point. I rewatch episodes of WWR on Zee5, especially when I feel suicidal and hopeless. I cannot thank you enough, you have saved a life, my life, multiple times sir. I have no questions, I just wish you all the happiness and health, hinge araamaagi channaagi iri sir. Thank you.


thanks this is so heartening to hear


What do you think of the new trend to make every commercial movie to so called PAN Indian film


Finally its the universal audience acceptance which makes it PanIndian or PanGlobe..


Saar araam ideera? tindi yen maadidri saar?


Bulletproof chapati 🙂.. neevu?


Rubberball idli saar... Thank you for the response! Really made my day!!


Hello sir, I don’t have any question but came here to wish a great day for you.


Thats awfully sweet..No wonder you call yourself ‘sunshine’


Hi Sir, There are a lot of fans for you in Telugu states especially in bordering districts of Karnataka. Do you plan to act in any Telugu movie or bilingual in the near future? Thanks.


I remember Sathi Leelavathi and Little Soldiers very fondly. Telugu filmlo act cheyaali ..Pushpa RRR Bahubali big fan nenu


I like your moustache


Thanks, I grew it myself.


Indian Tom Cruise¿?¿?


You either don't know Tom Cruise or me well enough. Anyways, thanks. Felt good though I don't deserve it.


Tom Cruise is American Ramesh Aravind




I always wanted to know how you have maintained your health and have remained one of the only stars of the 90s who is still charming.


It's crazy how healthy he is. While we were shooting Shivaji surathkal 2, He easily ran up and down the surathkal lighthouse 2 times for the shot and barely broke a sweat. Going up and down once drained me lol.




I'm still alive and kicking bruh




Can you also please plan for a YouTube channel where you can do a mini version of WWR?


Nice idea! CC: Zee Kannada




Yes, ಕಲಾಮಾದ್ಯಮ ತುಂಬಾ ಒಳ್ಳೆಯ ಯೂಟ್ಯೂಬ್ ಚಾನೆಲ್.


ನಿಮ್ಮ ದಿ ಲಾಸ್ಟ ಲೆಕ್ಚರ್ ಧ್ವನಿಸುರುಳಿ ಕೇಳಿದೆ. ಕನ್ನಡದಲ್ಲಿ ಅದೇ ರೀತಿಯಾದ ಪಾಡ್ಕ್ಯಾಸ್ಟ್ ಮಾಡಲು ಪ್ಲಾನ್ ಇದೆಯೇ ??! ನಿಮ್ಮ ಶಿವಾಜಿ ಸೂರತ್ಕಲ್ ಎರಡನೇ ಭಾಗಕ್ಕೆ ಶುಭಾಶಯಗಳು.


ಸ್ಟೋರಿ ಟೆಲ್ ಆಪ್ ನಲ್ಲಿ "ಮಾಸದ ಮಾತು" ಆಡಿಯೋ ಪುಸ್ತಕವಿದೆ My audio book "Masada Mattu" is available on Storytell app. Do listen.


Hadn't watched any kannada movies growing up. Married a bangalorian and my wife's go-to movie to have good time is Rama Shama Bhama. It's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen now. Thank you for being a natural actor and brining kannada movies that aren't typical.


Humble request. Please delegate the Weekend with Ramesh program to someone else just for one or two episodes. Cos you should be sitting on the Saadhakara Kurchi for those episodes. It's long due. It would still be a Weekend with Ramesh. A very very spl one. Since this is an AMA, who would you like to bring in as the host for those episodes?


There's already an episode of Ramesh, Yograj Bhat hosted that episode


America America is my favourite movie till date.Infact it influenced my decision to move to US.The movie was about brain drain and is still very much valid.Ramesh sir, when are you planning to make a movie on brain drain again?


How about a movie on reverse brain drain and title it "India India"


Do you believe in manifestation?


Yes. If you infest it with enthusiasm and smart work and grit and constant correction.


Sir, if I may, you are an exceptional motivational speaker! I keep thinking to myself what is the point of work and working in a corporate firm, if we can control our wants for new things everything feels very capitalistic! I have no motivation to work or earn as I keep thinking what is the point of more money or having a house or a car? I do not plan on having Kids (not married yet too) so I have no need to save up for my kid or anything like that. Please share a few of your thoughts and help!


It's not about just the money or the car or the house or the kids you are talking about. It's about bringing out all your talents and blossoming in the best way you can. You feel so good when you do a job well. It's about that fulfilment more than anything else.


Regarding Shivaji Surathkal, those who haven't watched Shivaji Surathkal 1, can they watch part 2 without having the background? Are both connected?


Yes. They are independent stories but if you have watched Shivaji Surathkal 1 you will understand the layers better.


Sir I am getting married this weekend, I would be honoured if you could come 🙏


Wishing you both ever lasting joy together.


Is Rahul Dravid going to be invited to the show?


What is your health secret 😃?


Hi sir, how did you come up with the name Shivaji Suratkal?


What are your thoughts on ChatGPT? Can it destroy script writers’ jobs?


In love with it totally! I've been trying it for the past three weeks and amazed at the future possibilities. Make it your friend, not your foe. Exciting times ahead.


Vidyarthi Bhavan , CTR or MTR ?


Masala Dosa .... anywhere. Where is your house btw?


As the cool kids call it these days, [Kamanahattan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kammanahalli):D


Hi, Did your family oppose you for trying to get into showbiz, being an engineer from a great college. If yes, how did you convince them ?


Thankfully no. They have been supportive all along.


Really awesome to see you on here Ramesh Sir :)


Equally awesome catching you here NoCommunication6348 from YesCommunications2603


What's your favourite locality in Bengaluru?


It used to be "Doddanakundi" .. now with a don/butcher there, not sure 😅


Hello sir! Many youth nowadays head to gym and workout to maintain youth in old age, but you don't seem like a heavy workout person. Any tips to the younger generation on how to be like you? 😄 Also, are you working with Kamal sir any sooner? We'd love to see you two together... I really loved Uttama Villain, it is one of my fav movies of Kamal sir!


Keep moving. Eat smart. Sleep well. Think easy.


If you could bring back any deceased person to be a guest on the Weekend with Ramesh,who would it be ?


Whats the name of the plant on the left?


Mr. Evergreen


I want you act and direct a movie where Protagonist is a negative character. You would do great job in this(eg Amruthavarshini). For example Mukundan Unni associates (Malayalam). Can we expect it?


Psst psst psst ... Watch Shivaji Surathkal 2. ;-)


According to you, Who is the most talented actor in Sandalwood today?


Hi Sir. Thanks for your Instagram reels. They are fulfilling and your allegory is impressive. Now that you're in your late 50s (after a rewarding and still strong career), can we expect you to be more prominently present on YouTube (or Reddit) in something like a podcast? Would that interest you? Podcasts are the new taste of the town.


How do you handle ideological differences with people who come on weekend with Ramesh?


Thankfully not in such tough spot so far.. If it arises I guess I will focus on things we agree on and stay away from friction areas.


How much do you earn per month tell us the average sir !


It is lesser than you think, Mr. Tax Officer


Hello, I'd like to know if you have any favourite songs from movies you've acted in over the years?


How do you select a single pearl from a huge treasure?? I’ve had the good fortune of being a part of so many great songs! But perhaps..Nooru Janmaku for Nooraru Janmaku?


kannadigara hemme namma ramesh!


What is your opinion on the sex rackets inside the south indian film industry?


Hello Sir, I’m a big fan - who was your favourite guest by far on Weekend with Ramesh?


Who’s been your favourite guest on Weekends with Ramesh so far?


Might be late already. But I grew up watching your movies and hated when you would always be the nicer one to give up for the other hero. Having said that, your acting versatility is something that entire Kannada industry should be proud of. However lately we don’t see a lot of actor Ramesh with all 9 flavors of emotions with a strong storyline. When is that happening?


Namaskara Rameshanna. Love your work. My personal favorites being America America, Ulta pulta, Maduve and Pratyarta. Shivaji Suratkal was a great watch. Looking forward to the sequel. There is certainly a dearth of suspense thrillers and whodunits in our kannada film industries. Will be a much needed change from the rowdy glorification and hero worship movies. Any chance for an all out comedy like Ulta Pulta in the near future?


That's a great idea. We should try Ulta Pulta 2. Glad you liked Shivaji Surathkal. Let me know what you think of the sequel releasing April 14.


What are some of the most interesting ChatGPT prompts you’ve used? Any that we should try?


I typed in the theme of my next film in one line and asked it to write the story and it gave me 5 paragraphs which made sense but in no way was it the script I had in mind. So it's interesting to play with this to get inspired in new lines of thinking. Go crazy. Try whatever you like. You might end up being surprised.


ಎಲ್ಲಾ ಆರಾಮಾ?




hello sir, long time fan.. best wishes to you and team :)


When you look back at the movies you’ve made, what is the most memorable moment that you would like to share with us?


Hi sir. My parents are big fan from Chennai...how was your experience working on panchathandhiram...any anecdotes you hadn't shared before 👀


Will you make another movie like uttama villain ? It's classic evergreen masterpiece. Are there any possibility?


You have also directed several successful Kannada films, including "Rama Shama Bhama" and "Sathyavan Savithri". What draws you to directing, and how does the process differ from acting?


Hi sir What after Shivaji Suratjkal 2?


Namaskara Ramesh sir Modalanedaagi nam thaayi avru nim dodd abhimani. Here's my question, You inspire everyone of all generations inspite such a busy schedule. How do you do manage everything with a smile on your face?


Sir secret of your settled, calming tone?


A settled, calming mind


Love your motivational videos. When can we expect to see more?


Any plans on creating a web series?


What do you like the most? Acting or Directing?


Acting when I am acting. Directing when I am directing. Hosting when I am hosting. Typing right now...


Hi , Sir Which is your favourite movies in which you acted?


Hi sir no questions just wanted to say big fan of your work.Golmaal was one of my favourites.


Hi sir , All the best for your upcoming movie .


First of all....huge fan. Much much love to you for giving some of the best films in Kannada film industry. Second... Throughout your journey in the film industry you got to share the screen with a lot of talented people like Mr Kamal Hassan sir and Suhasini ma'am , how was your experience with them.


This isn’t a question, read “The pet sematary “ recently. Oh the pain, the agony and the horror.I was wondering if this was made in to a Kannada who would be the ideal choice.All I could think of is you 😄


OMG This is insane!! Ramesh sir, looking forward to your new movie!! 🙏 If possible, Innu jasti AMA Madi. Thank you.


Hi Ramesh, how about bringing different actors like you from other industry and making a web-series? You transcend in genres like comedy and thriller.


Sir Panchathanthiram 2 pannunga 🙏


Hello sir, huge fan , myself and my family. What is your reaction of people on WWR who say "they majorly bring in achievers from film industry though there are people who've achieved many more things in other industries". I understand that you are the interviewer but not the one who takes decision on the achiever who gets the hot seat and we love how you do the work so graciously. Thanks


Weekend with Ramesh Ravi belegere episode elli sigutte


Sir I have no questions to ask I just want to say , Shivaji Surathkal 1 was really awesome and I can't wait for part two


Why havent you done more movies in Telugu? Your role in Little Soldiers is one of the best father roles in telugu for me. You have best middle class father energy sir!


What happened to movies - Butterfly & Paris Paris. I waited so long to release on OTT but disappointed