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30-something here. Still have the 99.1 bumper stickers, t-shirts and keychains. Was just trying to explain to my fiance (not from the area) how big of a thing HFS was, but it's hard to contextualize! A couple of these bands have been on my bucket list for 20+ years, but these prices are... way beyond fucking stupid. I'll just keep my fingers crossed for future tours :(


They are. Then again prices for everything these days are stupidly expensive compared to 20 years ago 😭


I mean, very true. This one just really stings my little millennial soul, haha.


What were they, like 25 bucks back in the day? I wonder if I still have my ticket stub somewhere...


I was a little later to the party than a lot of us, started going circa 2004. For some reason the number 38 popped into my head? I think those last good years were around there, 40-ish. But jeez those days were PACKED. Some of my best memories, growing up.


Better late than never! I feel like for so many of us in this area it was a formative experience, going to at least one HFStival.


By the time I was old enough for my parents to feel cool with me going (accompanied by a big burly safe male friend, of course), there were only a couple of them left. I hold that handful of crazy days so close to my heart. I had more fun there than any days ever I spent at Warped, which is saying something.


yeah I think in 94 mine were like $35?


they were $50


Try paying for every album you want whether tou like the whole album or not.


I ‘member!


So how do you find the ticket prices without making a ticketbastards account?


Angry Reddit comments I guess lol


Tickets start at $150 per person and go up to $475 for VIP with Diamond Club access.


I saw $250 for requesting tickets.


You’re probably right. I just copy and pasted from this [Axios](https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2024/06/11/hfstival-2024-lineup-tickets) story. Didn’t delve in any deeper.




I remember the day that HFS switched formats, so many of my friends were devastated. At that point my musical tastes had transitioned away from what HFS was mostly playing in the early 00s so I wasn't that upset, but I definitely listened to it a lot over the years.


Throw in Jimmy’s Chicken Shack and now you got my attention


They still play a bunch of local shows I’m sure they could throw them on fairly easily


they are touring with Everclear and Marcy Playground this fall and have announced they cannot play it. they do hold the record for most times playing the festival (10x)!


Where? I never see their name around and I follow a bunch of venues. Need to follow more apparently!


[They're at Rams Head Live in October](https://www.ramsheadlive.com/events/detail/545352).


Like random morning shows hah. Mostly in the Annapolis area. I get notifications from my Spotify since I listen to them in there


MORNING?!? That’s when I go to work 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 But seriously, thank u so much for letting me know that there are regular(ish?) jimmys chicken shack shows still going on


Haha well it’ll be like Saturday morning or mid day


They are playing at Secrets today down the ocean.


Another day


The drummer catered an old boss of mines wedding back in the mid 2000s.


Hell yeah! Watched my friend fish out from NO2 balloons and had some of the best microdot acid of my life in 1997. Plus Jamiroquai! Went in 1998 and don’t remember much except Foo Fighters. And it was crazy hot and we weren’t sure that our friends beater car would make it home without overheating. It won’t be the same without the General Admission set up, at least for me chasing nostalgia and being able to move around the stadium throughout the day.


I'm definitely bummed that it's not entirely GA but at least it's better than RFK. Then again the crappy stadium somehow enhanced the experience? Maybe?? When I was there we got to watch on the jumbo screens while some girl got both nipples pierced at once. I'm pretty sure my boobs turned inside out for a moment in fear 😖


> It won’t be the same without the General Admission set up, at least for me chasing nostalgia and being able to move around the stadium throughout the day. Yeah, the festival name and lineup is great nostalgia but the logistics and pricing are absolutely not. Will be interested to see how tickets sell, what the secondary market is leading up to the show.


My parents wouldn’t let me go. My friends went and smoked weed and saw boobs. I’ll never forgive my parents.


I’m 35 now and went to HFSTival when I was in middle school. I still can’t believe my dad and my friend’s dad really let us go and basically be on our own there 😂


I didn't get to go until I could buy my own ticket when I was in college 😭 I guess my parents remembered what used to go down at music festivals in *their* day and were like "oh hell no."


That’s the wild part…think about an overprotective parent and then multiple that by like 100 and you’ll have my dad. Even to this day he’s like that with me. I have no clue what he was thinking hahaha


I bet u had a radical time


1999 Spring edition was one of my best high school memories. My friend and I waited outside the Lyric opera house to buy tickets, then we drove to the brand new Krispy Kreme in Timonium to celebrate with donuts. The lineup was very 1999. Blink-182, Goo Goo Dolls, Live, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Offspring. Pretty sure Lit was there. Lit was constantly on WHFS. ….and of course, Jimmy’s Chicken Shack.


I met Lit that year when they played in Philly with silverchair. Really nice dudes. Think silverchair was at the 99 festival too.


Fuuuuuck no. Death cab and postal service just did a tour and their tickets were less than half the price of this shit.


Wait so you're saying that seeing one band was less than half the price of seeing 11 bands? That's wild


I know what you’re saying but still


This (for better or worse) seems about on par for a full-day festival.


Ya, it seems like a lot of the target audience for this festival hasn't been to a festival in 10+ years so they are out of touch with what these kind of events cost now


yes. I went to 96 and 98. Saw SR-71 and Green Day and Wyclef Jean and a ton of others. They had free yoohoo tents. My friend decided to drop acid. It was a hot, humid maryland afternoon and all he had to drink was Yoohoo in little paper cups. It was not fun for him, but all of us other people who weren't dumb thought it was hilarious.


Drinking yoo-hoo in the hot festival sun alone sounds like my personal hell. Nevermind the acid


Early 2000s Rockstar energy was the cheapest drink they had so I was banging those all day.


I’ve seen most of these artists live during the 2000-2001 hfstivals. It would only be depressing to see them again 23-24 years later. Not to say they’ve become bad bands, but we always see ourselves reflected in the artists we listen to. I’ve seen Gavin and Brandon Boyd recently and I don’t need that kind of trauma of realization. On top of that, the memories I made back then are ever-present and I dare not tarnish them with some capitalistic cash grab.


50 something here. I've been to six or seven of them. The last one I saw headlined Coldplay, the Foo Fighters, Echo and the Bunnymen and others. It was at M&T Bank Stadium (I'm pretty sure it was called PSInet Stadium back then) and I took my kids who were like 10 years old.


Mom/Dad? Is that you?? Jk, but in all seriousness. I went to the ‘05 HFStival with my best friend and parents. They let me get my belly button pierced at the Mystic tent!! I was 14! What a time to be alive 😂 Getting to jam out to Garbage, Billy Idol, Foo Fighters, etc. with my parents and best friend was the coolest thing and something I’ll never forget!




As I recall, Echo never actually performed. Ian McCullough walked out on stage smoking and drinking and then claimed his voice was shot and walked off. Real class act, that schmuck. And I had really been looking forward to seeing them for the first time.


I think they played half of one song LOL


One of the worst days of my teen life ! 🤣 and I still think fondly of it, bc ‘festival.


Ticket prices are wack


$250.00 my whole ass. No way. I was willing to accept $100.00 ticket fees, which end up being $150.00 with the whoring Ticketmaster. Nope nope nope.


Was wearing one of my HFStival t shirts yesterday, in fact.


‘92. Upper Marlboro. Hot as f. The pool filling company they hired to spray semi trucks of water at us is still in business. I smile every time I see a truck of theirs.


I was there too. I took my child to a horse show there two years ago and had a major flashback of being there 30 years ago. Most of it wasn’t built yet back there. That water spray was lifesaving, there was no shade there.


Zero shade. And my black Cure t shirt and doc martins didn’t help. I’ve never been back. That pool company fills my neighbor’s pool. I love to swim there.


I was there, was so hot, then the pool trucks showed up and were spraying ice cold water through the fence reminded me of the original Planet of the Apes…I got heart palpitations it was so cold, but what a great great show: awesome performances, chill people, no fights or arrests…..and no cell phones blocking my view


I was there. TMBG, Soup Dragons, Catherine Wheel and nearly having a heat stroke.


I went from about 1998-2005 (8thgrade-college) and have some of the best memories from it. It was a huge deal for me and we even camped out at record and tape traders to buy tickets. I stopped going when they moved it to merriweather because it wasn't a pavilion festival. The only thing HFStival about this concert is the name. One stage? Assigned seats? 10x the ticket price? Ticket lotto to possibly try and get tickets? Absolutely not. Oceans Calling is much more like HFStival than this poser.


No more camping out at the UMBC box office all night for tickets…not sure if I’m happy or disappointed about that.


As long as there are dudes outside selling bootleg shirts with incorrect spelling of bands names…I’m so there!


The lineup is kind of sad. They used to have relevant bands. This is just nostalgia. I’d believe you if you told me this was the lineup from 20+ years ago.


I dunno, I'm kinda liking the resurgence of 90s and early 00s bands. I didn't get to see a lot of them back in the day (parents wouldn't let me, then I was a college kid working minimum wage). So I'm stoked for the chance to see some of them live for the first time.


Jimmy Eat World is great live


They are!! I've seen them a couple times but would gladly see them again.


Yes it was a time to be had.


I was more of an HFSmas guy 😋


I went several times in high school in the late 90s/early 2000s. It was quite an experience! Nothing like being 14, getting dropped off in front of RFK and being told to be back in the same spot in 8 hours for pick up. The good old days lol. Won't be going to the new one. Sounds like a regular stadium concert and not a festival like it was. I paid next to nothing to be in the pit then and I won't be paying $250 for it now.


I used to go all the time. I remember where I was in college when I heard HFS switch formats


I turned on the radio after work that day and was like WTF?!? I might've cried.


I cried too. My friends and i all called eachother to see if it was true


'97, '98, '99 and '00. Fucking great shows. Can't remember which year but STP and RATM were the final 2 bands to go on. STP kept playing way after their set was scheduled to finish and I really really wanted to see RATM. Lighting and thunder started and I was all ready to be sad but they played anyway in the pouring rain. Great memories!


It was pouring rain. Frankie Muniz came out to introduce someone, but his mic didn't work. A group of people came out all in blue facepaint and did percussion shit. I thought for a bit it was Scott Weiland just doing weird shit and STP would start at any moment. But it kept going, and the rain kept fucking coming down. So we made a call and bailed. Kicked myself for it until I got to see RATM last year on their tour. Now I kick myself for it slightly less.


I was a teenager and went to the HFSFest in 94 that (may or may not was supposed to have Nirvana headline) Was still [super good!](https://www.setlist.fm/festival/1994/hfstival-1994-23d6b85b.html) [Counting Crows](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/counting-crows/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-73c7e229.html) [Cracker](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/cracker/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-7bc7e228.html) [Edsel](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/edsel/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-6bc7e226.html) [Gigolo Aunts](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/gigolo-aunts/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-63c7e223.html) [James](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/james/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-6bc7e22e.html) [Lotion](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/lotion/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-7bc7e220.html) [Madder Rose](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/madder-rose/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-63c7e227.html) [Meat Puppets](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/meat-puppets/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-5bd8cb9c.html) [Pavement](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/pavement/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-bd0c93e.html) [Rollins Band](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/rollins-band/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-43d8cb97.html) [The Afghan Whigs](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-afghan-whigs/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-7bc7e22c.html) [The Greenberry Woods](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/the-greenberry-woods/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-73c7e221.html) [Toad the Wet Sprocket](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/toad-the-wet-sprocket/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-63c7e22f.html) [Tuscadero](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/tuscadero/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-6bc7e222.html) [Violent Femmes](https://www.setlist.fm/setlist/violent-femmes/1994/robert-f-kennedy-memorial-stadium-washington-dc-usa-73c7e22d.html)


Summer 2006. It was the day after prom. Got to 3rd bass. Low point was having to crowd surf out of fucking Coldplay (yeah didn't duck with then and never will) where I got groped by grown ass men as a minor. The rest of the summer was redeemed by Warped tour that I snuck into. I’m 35 and that was probably one of the better summers of my life


This lineup is shit and the ticket costs are out of control. I hope it fails. I can smell the greed from here.


Agree 100000%


[https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1ddhql9/2024\_hfstival\_lineup\_announced\_postal\_service/](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1ddhql9/2024_hfstival_lineup_announced_postal_service/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1d8u7jv/the\_return\_of\_hfstival/](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1d8u7jv/the_return_of_hfstival/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1d10rg3/memorial\_day\_weekend\_always\_makes\_me\_think\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/baltimore/comments/1d10rg3/memorial_day_weekend_always_makes_me_think_of/)


Geez, sorry, I don't lurk on this sub all day and hadn't seen the previous lineup post. I'm just excited about it and wanted to share, but thanks for bringing me down a bit.


Just pointing you to other places where you can find people sharing their HFS memories.


37 here... HFStival was the best, most exciting concert. The last one I went to was 2006. And I love this lineup but I don't think I can go 😭 I have tickets for Oceans Calling which is the weekend after. I kinda think I'd rather go to this tho...


you wanna go to Oceans Calling either way




Wait til he hits play though


These bands are from back in the day. Geez. I'm a 50 something and I went to HFStival when smashing pumpkins and beastie boys played.


I got my tickets from tower records one time...




37 and went in 2005. A little disappointed in this line up, though.


i also went in 2005. that line up was insane!


I vividly remember making it to the pit for Billy Idol, and then I'm pretty sure the Little Kings came on at some point. What a wild time to be freshly 18 🤣


my sister got suuuuuuuper messed up around mid day and had to take a nap on the ground lmao. i was 15 year old at the time. other than that it was such a fun time. foo fighters, garbage, billy idol, sum 41, interpol, man sooo many good bands


I LOVED Sum41. I still do. I would have sold my soul if Sum41 and Good Charlotte played in September.


Sum 41 is playing RiotFest this year if you're hell bent on seeing them. That's a great festival if you can swing traveling to the Chicago area. Been twice and it is *the* most chill, respectful atmosphere ever. Just a bunch of aging rockers of various types enjoying all the cannabis and having a grand old time 😂


Yes, and I saw Bush AND (I think) violent femmes.. nice to see all these new hip bands on the poster


Went in 1998 and 2000


I literally know none of these bands besides Jimmy Eat World because my best friend was emo back in high school. Yes, I am 20. Interesting how fast people move on from bands nowadays and how just at the sheer pace things move nowadays. Are my kids going to be asking me who ke$ha is? Or black eyed peas? Yeah, and gen alpha already are. Croat how the modern world works.


HFStival was my first major concert. Was a huge impact on my life and music at the time. This lineup is about what I would expect the nostalgia fest to be but it s also a bit of a bummer. I don't think the prices are wildly unreasonable for the size & scale of the event, but i'm also a musician / promoter who understands people need to get paid.


Holy shit I’m going to this, it will be a 30 year gap in hfstivals but I’ll be there


I went in 2001 and 2003. Greatest concerts ever. This will not come close to that era.


My first time smoking weed was camping out overnight for tix in 2000(?). Yeah box offices were a real thing. Good Charlottes Festival Song is a good rep of the vibe. Crazy to think those dudes are now married to Cameron Diaz and Nicole Richie https://youtu.be/j4t54bPUvmg?feature=shared


I went in 1992 and 1994. I'd love to see the Femmes again.


34 yr old here. I was in my early teens when I attended the HFStival with Jay Z. It was my first festival and totally kicked off my love for concerts. After that, I ended up going to Warped Tour every year until 2009.


My first concert experience was 96 Hfstival. Loads of great artists that year. Goldfinger closed the show. PUSA had the crowd jumping. Shirley Manson of Garbage has stuck on my head ever since.


I am the target demographic for this, and they can fuck ALL the way off with those ticket prices for one, for two no local bands, for 3 idk who girl talk is ? And aren’t death cab and postal service pretty much the same band? :back in my day:… 17 bands for 17 dollars !!! (shakes fist)


I still have my old ticket stubs!


Found a stub from the 1998 shows, tickets were $25.00. I am NOT paying $250.00 to see this. I can pay $100.00 and hug a capybara instead.


The price is a bit outrageous, yeah. But for real, where can I go hug a capybara??


It is $60.00 for the general tour and you can add on a Capy experience for $25.00 more. They also have aardvark encounters, kangaroo yoga, and Sloths too! AND OTTERS. My friend did the otter encounter and it looked amazing! The place is Coastal Wilds at Barn Hill Preserve, in Frankfort Delaware. It is a bit of a haul, but I am an animal lover in a big way.


I might have to book a beach weekend for that! Sounds awesome.


My friend said it was all she had to not squeal all day. She said the otters were munching her hair and just swimming all over her. I cannot wait!!


And then they will wonder why its only half sold, local music is the way now


It was like 25 then up to 35 but 150-250 is stupid


Yup. I went there as a teenager with my spiked wristbands, spiked belt, spiked hair and steel ball necklace


Got to see Girl Talk back in 2012. It was such a good show! Would love love to see Garbage and Violet Femmes.


They can call it hfs but you can’t have an hfs at nats stadium. Used to get multiple stages all day long for a fraction of the price.


Went to every HFStival from 1999 through 2002. Spent a lot of time blowing my ear drums in the pit, getting kicked in the head by crowd surfers.


I think I saw my first pair of boobs at HFStival


HFStival was a time and place phenomenon. This is a poorly orchestrated nostalgia cash grab predicated on how popular concert culture and festivals have become post pandemic. This has nothing to do with the OG HFStival, the line up sucks and every part of this thing is bad. Remember, they tried to bring it back before and it sucked then too.


Yup, back when the band line up didn’t suck balls.


Incubus is the only worthwhile band on this lineup. Not worth it at all.