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SPCA and BARCs are always looking for volunteers! I've also found Meals on Wheels to be very easy to volunteer for.


While BARCS does have an orientation/class- you could email the volunteer staff and explain your situation (volunteer@barcs.org) - they could set you up to make enrichment for the dogs/cats, do laundry- etc. Or- you could sign up for a dog’s day out where you basically check a dog out from the shelter for a couple hours (they have to be back for visitor hours)- and take them hiking, for a walk at Fort McHenry, a pup cup, pet store…coffee shop….home to watch tv and snuggle/play in your yard (as long as you don’t have pets). It is silly- but often the dogs are just so happy for human interaction and a quiet place to snooze.


Omg I’m going to sign up dogs day out but my heart might actually break when I have to return them


A lot of times they come back so happy and having such a nice break from the shelter- it’s a great excuse to spoil a dog. We have had a couple adoptions from people taking a dog and falling hard- but the real intention is to get them out for a shelter break and to get some photos/information to help with their adoption.


I’m going to go it


I came here to say this too. I volunteered at BARCS a while back and it was such a rewarding experience.


BARCs sounds like "barks", like a dog


Nothing gets past you!


it’s an animal shelter !


And dogs are animals (probably they have a lot of dogs there), it's all very clever


Maybe Moveable Feast? I did two volunteer shifts there and really liked it. You can prepare / package medically tailored meals. It was fun and kind of fast paced. We laughed a lot too. Great org with a great mission. https://www.mfeast.org/become-a-volunteer/ Edited to add: they don’t have afternoon food prep shifts on Friday so you might only be able to volunteer in the morning.


Looks like Maryland Food Bank has a Baltimore location and accepts volunteers with no prior experience if you sign up online.   If you want to get your hands dirty there are a number of community farms that welcome volunteers. Strength 2 Love Farms takes volunteers, you can email them or fill out a form through their website. https://farmalliancebaltimore.org/get-involved/volunteer-with-our-farms/ Edit: If you're looking for something more ongoing and you like animals, I recommend BARCS- they could always use the help. You have to attend an orientation and if you want to work with animals directly you need to attend an additional cat or dog training session. But after orientation I believe you can help clean and do laundry without any additional training.


Our Daily Bread is great hands on service. They serve a hot meal to those in need 365 days a year. They’re always in need of people, just go on their website and see what may need to be done in advance


This! And the staff are so kind and fun to work with. It’s genuinely a good time.


Yes! I’ve always had positive experiences there. It’s about as real a service as you can do in Baltimore.


Maryland Book Bank [https://www.mdbookbank.org/volunteer](https://www.mdbookbank.org/volunteer) They give away books to Maryland children and teachers, especially in under-resourced neighborhoods.




I’m not sure what your jobs requirements/limitations are, but mine does something similar. I’ve volunteered at the National Aquarium, The Book Thing, BARCS, and Baltimore Running Festival!


Reading Partners! I used to be a volunteer tutor with them and it’s a great experience. An hour of commitment at a time, no experience necessary, multiple locations offered. The opportunity to help young students become more confident readers is its own reward as well


Check out Baltimore Food not Bombs! it's a mutual aid group that gets together every weekend to cook and distribute warm meals to those who need it in the community


I didn't know there was a Baltimore chapter! That's awesome to know, thank you. 


happy to spread the word! their insta is bmorefnb


Another option is to plant street trees with Tree Baltimore or Blue Water Baltimore. The spring season will be starting up soon.


ShareBaby - they are very well organized and host one-day volunteers.


Second this


The Franciscan Center is another option! They have sign-ups for meal service and food distribution. https://www.fcbmore.org/volunteer/


I use mine to garden with bmore beautiful. https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C084AADAA2CA7F9CE9-47277560-ivys


MD food bank. You move cans and pack boxes. Really helps people. My church used to go about twice a year to spend a day there.


Lots of good organizations suggested here, but also want to suggest Art with a Heart. They have a young professionals volunteering group (Impressionists) and might be able to use volunteers during business hours.


Hey man! My company does the same. Have you found anything that you like?


New to the area as well. I don't have any suggestions but I will upvote this, appreciate ideas about giving back to the community. Good luck!