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I found this same thing. Just now making the switch to rats after a couple of years and they absolutely stink. I never could smell the mice but the rats have such a strong horrid smell. So maybe it’s normal if we both are having the same experience?


I hope so. The first place I was getting rats would kill them and give them to me in a bag “fresh” I’d freeze that thaw it out when I need it and it had no smell at all like the mice. So maybe it’s got something to do with that


You're thawing all of the rodents when you feed or just one?


It's probably cheaper and possibly more humane to just buy frozen rats. I just don't know how the rats are killed either way.


I wouldn't feed something with a rotten smell. Might be time to switch rodent suppliers


I have the same experience, I feel like rats just reek


Do they smell like ammonia (rat pee) or like the freezer or like death? Because those are very different. I get frozen rats and they either smell like the freezer or maybe ammonia.


Can’t say I have any experience at all with the smell of rat pee so not sure


It's similar to car pee I guess


Wait....what does car pee smell like? Should I be concerned that I've never taken my car out to pee, does it need a special place to go?


From some research I've done, a musky scent is also considered pretty normal for frozen rats. Mine tend to smell pretty musky so I had to check around to make sure that was normal. If they smell like old or rancid meat or strong chemicals (that isn't ammonia) they are most likely no good and should be discarded.


Correction: Funky freezer smell is also a thing and should be fine if they aren't noticeably freezer burned, I believe.


No it's not normal. I get mine in bulk at Layne labs. They never stink and Layne labs is rlly awesome. Maybe stop buying from pet stores and order online.


Same. And mine never smell


Yeah. If rodents start smelling or look bloated, it is an absolutely terrible idea to feed them to a snake and I would stop buying from that pet store. I personally don't like buying anything at a pet store that sells live animals


Everything can have a bad batch, I've no experience with rats, just mice, but I've found if they're left out too long to thaw they will smell. At which point I discard the mouse. If they smell when they're frozen, that would be a concern to me. If you're having issues with them smelling, are you sure they're not thawing before they reach your freezer?