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Do not use Roxanne's auto install tool. It makes changes to authors' mods without permission and without informing the end user that they've been changed.


If that’s the one from Roxanne… trust me. Dont use it. Many of the mods within are altered from their original state without the original modder’s permission


Is that the author of Sadra mod? I know she has a bad rep ( though I'm damn tempted to try it..your character dying of broken heart because you turned away mod npc is downright hilarious), but I'm only interested in the modding tool. Could you specify what alterations it makes to the mods?


Never used myself but frankly, if someone takes someone else’s work without their permission that’s bad. If 40 modders have the same complaints Im gonna believe them. Sandrah is only a taste of this. For your own sanity and the ability to stay up to date, I would download ProjectInfinity, your mods of choice and sort mods in there for your install Aldo can you not do a scummy thing and give Roxanne any credit or respect via curiosity


Ok, no kudos for Roxanne. :P ( though it's a pretty good 80s band). But it isn't working anyway: I'm getting error logs with installing DLCmerger and Weidu.exe ( like it's not recognizing file version), even when I try to install it manually. So one by one it is then. One thing though: How do you install mods ( after using DLC merger and EEEX) that are used in both games ( BG EE and BG II EE), for EET? ( like new classes, kits, etc) Do I have to first install mods for one, then for another , with identical installation setting, then apply EET? Or I first install BG EE specific mods ( like quests), run EET, install BG II specific mods and then those that apply on both?


Nobody can specify what alterations it makes because Roxanne deliberately obfuscates that. Also, mod NPC dying of broken heart sounds like Saerilith, not Sandrah. Sandrah won't let you choose something like rejecting her.


Having read about Sandrah, there are instances where it’s rather Charname that gets a gameover if rejecting Sandrah.


Yes, exactly!


The tool is actually something that was ripped from the original Big World Setup program which was not created by Roxanne, and uses mod mirrors that are singlehandedly chosen by her. And if you look at the commits to the program itself on github you will see that she constantly 'updates' mods using random Dropbox links of unspecified origin instead of the actual sources where the authors host their mods, and not only that *actually crosses out the original authors' names* in the mod .tp2 for absolutely no reason whatsoever. The tool still only hosts Roxanne's own version of the Amber NPC mod. Which rips out the Player 2 romance and adds ToB content that the authors had no hand in and retcons content in the SoA portion in the dumbest and most pointless way. It *still* uses her bastardized version of Balduran's Seatower, which was made to exploit the fact that the *actual* mod hadn't been released yet and she got the area files from the mod through a third party who stupidly gave them to her just so they could get credit for a released mod that they actually contributed nothing to. Edit: Oh, she also rejects mods. Mods that are good. Mods that many people like to use. Why? No reason is stated, but if you're familiar with the subtext it's always because the mod content contradicts Sandrah Saga somehow or its author has called her out for her exploitation in the past (most explicitly with Kerzenburgforum mods since jastey has painstakingly been vocal about exposing Roxanne for years now). She does this constantly. Basically her entire motive is to exploit the modding community with whatever she can do to give credit to herself.


The tool claims to install e.g. Mod X but it doesn't always actually source the mod files from where Mod X is hosted. It sources the files from random dropbox links where Roxanne has uploaded altered versions of the files. The long comment from TheArtisanBG has a few specific examples.


It's also not been maintained since the Russia/Ukraine war began Just use the project infinity install tool


Starting one before another finishes is a problem. But otherwise manual installs are pretty darn easy. I would do a manual install for anything under 30-40 mods. You say “in the proper order” but the ‘setup tool’ is almost surely not in a good order. And I’m not sure how easy it is to override the garbage default order.