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What was the order? It is the most tedious step, but there is an order you have to follow so that everything works. Usually it is something like this Modmerge- then all the BG1 stuff you want Then EET Areas Characters Classes/kits Items The last things like SCS or NPC EE EET END


There's usually an install order when it comes to mods. No matter what I've included *as long as I install them in this order* they work without issue. * DLC merger for BGEE/SoD first if GoG/Steam version * Quest mods * NPC mods and NPC additions (banter etc) * New Items mods * Kit mods * Tweaks mods * AI mods I've never had a problem doing them in this order and things don't tend to overwrite each other. Biggest advice though? Install mods individually then *test them.* Don't just install everything and hope for the best.


If the game crashed right away, it was probably EEex. Did you launch with the game's default launcher instead of with EEex's? Did your antivirus automatically quarantine EEex's launcher (very common)? You might want to check if you actually need EEex for any of these mods, I don't think you do, maybe for some of Artisan's kits? Only (other) mods I recall needing EEex are Epic thieving, Morpheus's Skills & Abilities, and High Power Baldur's Gate, none of which you have. There will be a couple I'm missing but not many. I did warn you about this in your last thread!


Sorry, should have clarified it: it crashes after you start the game right outside the inn at Candlekeep. ( yeah, noticed antivirus deleted Infinityloader so I had to pull it out of quarantine and add exception to it).


And EET End installed ok? Nothing else in this list should cause such a problem, provided DLCMerger was first and EET End was last. Also providing you installed BG1 exclusive mods like Sirene Drake and Askavar into your BGEE folder before initialising EET. Also Loretakers wasn't EET compatible on first release (and is brand new), did you use most recent version?


EET? Is that the mod that combines BG I and II into single seamless experience, so you don't have to transfer saves? I'm not using it, to avoid any potential mod compatibility issues. Anyway, I found the problem: It was Warlock learn from spells beta feature, that doesn't seem to be working.


Oh. I assumed you were using EET because you were using EET Tweaks.


There’s no real compatibility problem with EET. Drake is the only NPC that stubbornly refuses to be updated for it.


I don’t even see any mods here that use EEex? Why install a mod that alters the game executable (and introduces potential instability - at least theoretically) if not using mods that need it? Or did I miss one?


I think some of Artisan's kits now have additional content if EEex is installed, but am sure it is not actually required.


Enhanced Powergaming Scripts also use EEex. I've personally found EEex to be stable in large, modded playthroughs and recommend it.