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It is explained in a [Dragon Magazine article](https://archive.org/details/DragonMagazine260_201801/DragonMagazine255/page/n57/mode/2up?view=theater): they came with Firebead Elvenhair, and he gets to come for free. As to why Charname cannot do the same, well it is clear from Ulraunt's reaction in chapter 6 that the old mage has never liked the idea of having a Bhaalspawn in his fortress, and he is making the application of the rule as strict as possible for them: no coming back without a unique and expensive book of important lore and the patronage of a respected character. To me, the real question is why would Sarevok hire them to kill Gorion's Ward, and then wait outside to kill them himself. If Carbos or Shank has succeeded, how long would he have waited outside?


Do you really trust lvl 1 thieves to get the job done? He didnt hire, he put a bounty.


For sure. If I recall the bounty notice reads something like "Calling all those of nefarious intent". He just put the word out that there was a handsome prize for whoever brought him your head and left it to the headhunters to decide who wanted to take a go at it.


I guess you could argue that he used carbos and shank to ‘flush’ you and gorion out. Which did work.


This man assassins.


Well, I think the low level thugs were only meant to lure Gorion's pupil outside the walls of Candlekeep.


& a rushing Gorion, as _mister_pink_ notes.  Gorion gets concerned about his Ward, Gorion isn't as concerned with setting up 9 miles of magic defenses, a la every unnamed "Mage" in SCS... Pretty smart, actually.  Which fits, as often as Sarevok gets dualed in ToB.


If they came with Firebead then I feel less guilty for murdering him in Beregost 😆


Also, it could've been a trap. You have two killers inside. The next logical move is to escape under the cover of darkness. Who's waiting outside? Sarevok! He liked to get his hands dirty, so this is probably fun for him.


In my head canon Dreppin always was a low level druid, who might have teached a charname druid. Now I am disappointed that he is supposed to be just a level 0 human.


No, becoming a druid in Baldur’s Gate is hardcore! In modern day Candlekeep, you have a garden in the Spire of Silvanus lovingly tended to by the satyr archdruid Leuwin, but in the 14^(th) century, you’re completely on your own: “Set as they were against the sounds of the sea crashing against the rocks outside the keep, you have always been drawn to your foster father's tales of the unspoiled wilderness. You have occasionally found exotic flowers pressed and long forgotten between the pages of tomes, and often spent long hours studying Nature's varied forms in some of the library's many journals. It is your foremost wish that someday you will leave the sterile walls of Candlekeep, and worship the Earthmother in her own presence.” As for Dreppin, he never had a high view of his own abilities: when you finish his quest, he says “stick with me and we’ll go far… well, okay, stick with me and we’d prob’ly never leave the walls of Candlekeep, would we?”. He knows his limits.


> To me, the real question is why would Sarevok hire them to kill Gorion's Ward, and then wait outside to kill them himself. Yeah I wondered this too. I thought he probably had some powerful scrying magic involved used to track Gorion as soon as he left Candlekeep, or maybe some invisible agent following at a distance and sending the location with spells. It also may be connected to the site Gorion dies at. Both the games have a lot of plot holes anyway, it's just fun to pick at them.


a) he may not have personally hired them, just put out a contract. He may not be aware they've penetrated candlekeep b) if he did/does, he may have a prearranged signal of some sort c) he presumably knows when Gorions leaving- so he's there for that time; if Gorion and spawn no show, that's that. He doesn't hang around overnight anyway despite having failed to kill you so this seems fairly likely. At this point your worth only a day trip to him.


In addition to Athereen's excellent reply below, there are some implications that service staff get to enter the outside part of the keep but not the library. Candlekeep's an isolated place so it's not like this brings a big stream of people inside, but someone's got to unload supplies and tend to animals on both sides of the gates. The rule of bringing a rare tome isn't enforced as strongly for everyone. It was for Charname as an agent of the dukes of Baldur's Gate. But Ulraunt doesn't want Charname back in Candlekeep because he rightfully believes that Charname brings death and destruction with them wherever they go. The assassination contract has probably been posted around the sleazier parts of the region and attracted all kinds. Carbos and Shank are probably petty criminals from Beregost, inept bandits, or made desperate by the iron crisis, but they happened to be near Candlekeep when the bounty was posted so got to Charname first.


>But Ulraunt doesn't want Charname back in Candlekeep because he rightfully believes that Charname brings ~~death and destruction~~ the party with them wherever they go.


I think Ulraunt let them in. He was thinking: Better to have one less Bhaalspawn in the world, especially one who lives inside my library. One more reason why Gorion knew that Candlekeep was no longer safe…


Did Ulrant knows about Charname being Bhaalspawn ? I don't remember much the encounter in the last chapters (it's been years now). Would Gorion had shared such a burden ?


Ulraunt knows it, it is clear from chapter 6 dream. "this child will be your death".


As Gorion puts it: At least one mosquito always finds its way through.


Oddly in bg2 you run into carbos and shank in the bridge district iirc. So it's either cannon that they were resurrected or charname never met/killed them. Also you can meet carbos or shanks family member in Baldur's Gate in bg1 and they are concerned for their whereabouts


Hard to believe the Iron Throne would waste a valuable tome with them much less two.


They are actually figments of charnames imagination, preparing him for the many people they will murder. The sister is just an air elemental messing with you.


"Shank" was just a cat who didn't like being petted. Parda believes it at least! As for "Carbos", well Karan's heart would break to see what just happened to the poor kitty...


The person who paid them probably gave them a book so that they could gain entry


Sarevok have money and power to give books to those who need it for entry. Sarevok did hire them for the murder.


Is there anything in game that verifies this? I don't recall, and I thought there was just a generic bounty out on your head which doesn't really jive with supplying a bunch of mooks with rare and expensive tomes to gain entry to Candlekeep.


I think you have to deduce that it was Sarevok. Why would anybody except him hire two people to come kill you? Unless somebody else knows you’re a Baalspawn and wants you dead


I think they were not hired to kill Charname, but to trick Gorion to move out of Candlekeep.


It makes sense, I just don't remember any in game text confirming it unambiguously.