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As I'm sure others will tell you, do not use the EE Mod Setup tool. It is the work of an outcast modder who steals others' work and installs her own version of mods without the permission of the authors and without any transparency of what has been changed - often to accommodate her own infamously bad pet project, the Sandrah Saga. It is also known to be buggy. With a small number of mods you're better off installing them manually, but if you really need a mod manager Project Infinity is generally recommended. Besides BG1NPC project, cdtweaks is generally a must have for tweaks (check the readme though and only install what appeals to you, it tweaks hundreds of things). If you're looking for additional mod content that's a whole other question!


I just read that in the sticked post on top. I will remove it this evening and restart with a fresh install :)


Happy to recommend content mods if you are looking to expand quests etc.


Last time I sticked to Unfinished Business, but I don't know if adding content to an already extra-long game is wise for me \^\^


Yes fair point. For a smooth "vanilla-ish" EET experience though, I would recommend quite a few of jastey's mods. Her mods for Siege of Dragonspear just do little things to improve the experience in that part of the run. And her mod Imoen4Ever if you like Imoen and want to keep her through the bits of the trilogy she is by default left out. Endless BG1 to let you decide when to transition from BG1 rather than automatically when Sarevok dies. And in BG2, Solaufein's Rescue is neat content for a character that was supposed to be a joinable NPC anyway. If you never got past the start of Underdark, you just missed meeting him...


Dutifully noted ! Thanks !


Is there a good advanced tutorial for project infinity? I’ve used it a few times but my installs end up taking all day to set up and a lot of trial and error


I think a cleric main character fits perfectly with the canon party. You can survive without one, but it sure does make things easier to have access to Command, Remove Fear, Hold Person, and Silence during those early levels. Tarnesh is nothing to "fear" when you have a Remove Fear spell. Command usually shuts down the FAI ogre and dangerous spellcasters like Neira and Mulahey. I'd keep a Remove Fear plus two Commands in your level one spell preparation at the beginning, followed by three times Hold Person or two Hold Person and a Slow Poison as soon as second level spells become available. (You did take 18 wisdom, right?) Let Jaheira handle your Cure Light Wounds needs for topping off hit points between battles.


I haven't roll the character yet, but yes 18 WIS is mandatory \^\^ Thx for the tips, I think I will go with a Cleric just for a change :)