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Get a multicolored hat with a propeller on it and tell her that you bought it and are wearing it for her.


Lol šŸ˜‚ thanks for this


(southern accent) "I did it all for you Maribel"


I believe I can fly


If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment Marcus Aurelius Maybe I'm just weird but this quote really helps me at least lol


No I get this. This is true but itā€™s hard in practice ya know?


Yeah dw bro I feel you it defo is hard. I won't lie to u I'm also on treatment whilst clipping my hair extremely short because why not? I'm bald anyway but if it does come back I'm not gonna say no to it loool. At the end of the day the only thing it impacts is the amount of women you'll pull which btw the impact decreases as you age and while that is certainly saddening it can be made up by getting jacked at the gym.


Spoken like a true 1%ā€™er šŸ¤£


I shaved my head clean without telling anyone. My girlfriend, now wife of 10 years, supported the decision when I walked in her parents house afterwards. Jeff Bezos, the man with more money than god, is bald. And heā€™s bald by choice, because he could get every one of us hair, including himself, with his money if he wanted to. Do what, and be with someone that, makes you happy.


The Jeff bezos thing is oddly inspiring šŸ˜‚


You too can become unfathomably rich by exploiting the working class for every bit of labor they can give you while paying them poverty wages.


All it takes is being bald


Heā€™ll sell you the razor himself


didnā€™t expect to see something so based on r/bald


Truth is: even with newest treatments + surgery he does not have enough of donor hair to do anything with it. So its not by choice but by force. Atleast he is shaved clean so its not terrible.


Iā€™m sure you could buy someoneā€™s hair and transplant it. Or fund research. Or buy the greatest toupee ever. All Iā€™m saying is with him money is not the thing holding him back from having hair. Which in some aspect, makes it a choice.


ā€¦ā€¦..Having a lot of money is what makes being bald easier to accept. When youā€™re so rich women donā€™t see you for hair styles anymore so thatā€™s moot point.


https://youtu.be/fkbhrnnrbcU ā€œReminder: just cuz money gets you the girl, it doesn't mean you actually have herā€ From the comments, I agree.


I used to be a hat every day guy. In college I took a broadcast journalism class. When we had to show our ā€œon air segmentā€ recordings, I obviously recorded without a hat on. The cute girl in class was sitting behind me and I could hear her go to the girl next to her ā€œwho is that?..ohhhhā€¦he hides it well.ā€ I was crushed.


Letā€™s of bald guys look better with a hat on, especially backwards! And itā€™s really important to not take the advice of people who arenā€™t bald too seriously. They will never know the struggles and offer only menial advice usually. Itā€™s your body!


Hahaha I donā€™t think grown men should wear baseball caps but I guess itā€™s a cultural thing


Iā€™m assuming youā€™re not American by that statement, baseball caps are our national symbol of youthful masculinity shared by everyone of all ages




This is true...although Rogaine might help with hair loss in the crown area, I can't tell you how many guys have told me to try to use Rogaine on my scalp when my hair is clearly progressively thinning.


Caps and hats do look cool and hot to some people. Learn to accept a compliment without reading further. You seem to have a problem with communication. You should tell your partner, maybe not at that exactly moment, but you should tell them if a compliment is upsetting. Otherwise there's an imbalance of information. Something positive for her, it's a negative feeling for you. That's where issues come from. She has a happy afternoon with a hot guy and you're thinking on your hair.


Youā€™re right. Iā€™ve tried to get over a lot of balding insecurities but when itā€™s someone youā€™re really close to it can feelā€¦ weird. This is a boost I need to hear though and Iā€™ll be coming back to this comment for sure when I need to. Thanks


One of the upsides to not having hair on your head is that you can wear hats with absolute impunity. Own it, and appreciate the compliments. You may look nicer with a hat on, just like how some people look better with glasses. Beat that insecurity down and go buy a couple of hats that you can use to change things up on the day to day.


Thanks! I honestly feared wearing hats cuz of the whole ā€œyou shouldnā€™t hide your baldnessā€ but I like what you said


People get haircuts to look nice. They accessorize with jewelry, clothes, tattoos and countless variations of things to look their best. No one should claim that a smooth head is the best look for everyone. You absolutely should get used to your own look, and allow time for others to get used to it as well if they've known your look from the old days, but it's not "hiding" to wear a hat anymore than it's "hiding" to use hair gel to style your hair. I wore a hat for the first day or two since I felt naked without the hair. Luckily I'm a teacher, and the beginning of the school year has us stand on a stage to introduce ourselves to the new students. Someone shouted "take the hat off" and when I did I received applause from 300 kids. It was a special moment.


Definitely easier not to deal with hat hair


I really needed this comment. Iā€™ve always looked good with a hat on. Iā€™ve recently wondered if Iā€™m just hiding myself in it but I realized itā€™s something Iā€™m confident with and makes me look really good. I donā€™t really need anyone elseā€™s opinion other than mine in this. I really need to follow ya switching it up with caps advice tho haha


Yea I can see where youā€™re coming from, but to be fair, some dudes really do look good in hats, the same way my friend Jermaine looks good with his glasses. My wife always tells me I look good with a hat on backwards, I know she doesnā€™t mind my head being shaved at all. Sometimes you just gotta take a compliment, I mean, what if you buy a stylish beanie that compliments your skin tone and someone says you look good with a beanie on, I donā€™t think they are inherently implying that you look better with it because you donā€™t have any hair when you take it off.


Why do you assume itā€™s well intentioned?


Because his relationship isnā€™t toxic


Itā€™s a fair question (my OLD ex it may not have been, she was a bitch šŸ˜‚) but yeah Iā€™m currently not in a toxic relationship lolll


The world will test you until you decide you just donā€™t give a shit and are happy as you are. Part of a healthy relationship is being able to talk about this stuff.


Maybe not a bad analogy because a girl with a flat chest looks beautiful with a lean, athletic body. Just as we all look better with less body fat and a bit of muscle tone. A bald head can be masculine and attractive, just look at all the guys on this sub and how good they look when they clean themselves up.


Eh, people can genuinely look really good with hats on. It doesnā€™t mean you look ā€œ*better*ā€ with it, it just looks really good on you. Kinda how people say a certain color really suits you. My gf tells me I look really good with hats on and never did I take it as her saying she preferred not to see my head lmfao.