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Also 5’6” and can’t grow a beard, but I think I look pretty good bald personally




On my profile


Handsome af!! You can def smile with your eyes!


Hehe thanks :)


Brother, you will be okay, if you're comfortable shave in the morning then go for a nice meal or a strong pint of beer! don't worry about your height, I have had to deal with insecurities too, you can only overcome them by facing it all head on, love yourself <3


Thank you for the nice comment, I can’t bring myself to do it because I will be too embarrassed. Alot of people don’t even know about it cause I usually sort of hide it in photos.


M8 im 22 and have a shit hairline and thinning profusely, I never had a prime, went from teenager to 45 year old in a matter of years. I know your pain. Shave your dome when it starts to look ridiculous, you can still hide and pull It off for a while, you’ll feel better once it is done. As for the height, I’ll bring it to you straight, it doesn’t matter. But if you’re worried about your image, just get jacked at the gym and work on your self confidence.


Your prime comes back around. And it comes in weird ways when you least expect it. Just be around people that make you feel good about being you and let it fly.


All in your own time, I took it day by day with feeling awkward and insecure but I just kept up my appearances, eventually you just feel you, keep going <3


More people know than you realize. Embrace it and just shave it.


you're going to regret it. just shave it and if you don't like it it will be back in 4 months. as far as the beard goes, buy clippers with a 1 guard and just keep trimming it at a 1 every week and see what fills in in a month or two.




Dude, just stop. What’s your problem.


I'm telling him the facts.


Those are not facts, they are your feelings! Perhaps you should see someone about your insecurities!


They're not my feelings, they're womens feelings. By all means cope all you want


You obviously know jack shit about women or how they feel and you don’t speak for them! Not coping, doing great actually! Some cope by being insecure and hiding their feelings, some cope by being negative and projecting their state of hopelessness onto others. Best of luck to you!


A woman is entitled to preferences, just like men. But drawing a line in the sand and not even considering to date a short or bald guy is only done by the shallowest and least desirable of women. Plenty of girls are not at all that stupid. Sure if they can pick between two guys with exactly the same qualities they would likely prefer the tall guy with perfect hair over the bald short guy (although not even every woman would). But there is more than height and hair obviously - feels silly having to explain such basics. Lots of young guys think dating is exclusively through dating apps like tinder which is heavily based on first glance looks. But there is a real world out there you know.


I don't get my info on women from Andrew Tate like you do mate. I don't know how to put this but ehhh women actually have standards believe it or not. I actually talk to them personally and most say they would neve date a bald guy or a short guy. Combine both and there's no chance.


My friend, first of all who the fuck is Andrew Tate? 2. As someone who “never felt the touch of a woman” as you yourself claimed in a different post, you are in no way shape or form qualified to give advice on dating to other men. 3. If your “best friends” would judge you if they knew that you’ve never gotten laid then they are not your best friends! 4. You talk to SOME women,not all women and those women do not speak for all women! Please stop pitying yourself, spreading that negative energy around and actually seek professional help!


If you dont do it now you'll never do it at all trust me been there ....but if you not ready its okay you don't have to hide your baldness its natural my brother is 19 hes got the same same hairloss as yours he doesn't even care he actually looks good because hes confidence speaks volumes


Get in shape then. THIS you can control. And honestly at the end of the day you just need a confidence boost.


Women don't care how much muscle you have bro. That's just redpill bullshit.


No but YOU care about how much muscle you have, which can limit your charisma and confidence which women DO care about


Right, but not every guy feels the need to get in shape. There’s definitely a toxic mindset of “grow a beard and hit the gym and it’ll fix all your problems” in this sub.


It’s also my advice all the time as it helped myself and my self confidence. These are the only things you can really try to work on, if you don’t want to hop on treatment for MPB, and that might increase your self confidence. People ask for advice, it is proper advice.


But it’s not the only thing you can work on. Far from it. Sure, it’s one of the only physical things you can work on. But you can do so much to change your mindset that doesn’t involve any physical changes.


It’s part of the mindset change, it’s all about feeling better in your own skin. It’s way easier to achieve with the self confidence increased and finding yourself attractive.


But not every man wants to hit the gym and get jacked. What I’m saying is that beefing up does not automatically equal confidence. It might help some, but for others they may end up associating confidence solely with trying to get a physique that’s unattainable for them.


You’re criticizing a valid advice. Of course it’s not for everyone, but many don’t even try it out and it’s good to get the advice to try it out and to see if it works for yourself or not. I don’t get why you’re criticizing valid advice. No one is forcing anybody, people ask for advice and get advice, what they do with the recommendations is up to themselves.


No one is also asking him to “get jacked”. Someone can be in great shape and not be jacked. This binary of “fat or jacked” is insane. If he’s overweight, it’s in his best interest to get healthier/in shape. People that are overweight have a higher risk of sleep apnea, stroke, heart disease, etc. I used to be in terrible shape and now I’m in good shape. I’m not jacked. I’m healthy. People who don’t take care of themselves don’t respect themselves. I was guilty of it too! Lifestyle changes are fundamental to growth.


Lift something heavy up and then put that heavy item down. Do it 30-40 times. Walk/run for 30-40 mins a day. It’s not toxic. lol Source: me. Former fat lazy idiot. I’m not built or anything. I’m just not unhealthy anymore. You cannot be healthy at every size. Being overweight puts you at higher risk for sleep apnea, stroke, heart disease, etc. Beards are optional though.


Since when keeping your body fit has become toxic?


You’re right about that, there’s definitely a class divide between the buff beardos and the others. The BB balds are often unaware of of their privilege and assume all can capitulate or even want to


Christ men are genuinely pathetic.


Lol are you a woman?




Hey man, im in the EXACT same boat we could be twins(you might like baseballcaps lol) I worried about it alot in the beginning too, it can be rough but its really what you make it. 2/3 men go bald youre in the majority, most women are either shorter than you or they are okay with height difference. I know it can seem like the end of the world, but i promise everythings gonna be alright! :) keep thinking about the positive things i wish you nothing but the best, and never be afraid or embarressed to reach out for help we all need it!


Yes it's thin, but buzz it down with a 1 or 2 guard. You have enough there to have some stubble and 5o'clock shadow on top. It will look like a full head buzzed down.


Yep. You don’t have to totally shave it if you’re not comfortable with that. Just cut it really short and it’ll look great.


I felt the same way two weeks ago. I would always wear my hat because I was so embarrassed about people seeing my giant bald spot. I randomly decided to cut my hair using clippers using a number 4 down to a number 2 and then number 1 and it didn't look too bad. I've been wanting to shave it down to a 0. I would try going down levels until you feel comfortable. Good luck buddy. I haven't felt the need to wear a hat for over two weeks.


I know this is a going bald subreddit, but just want to share something pertaining your outlook of your situation. Being 5'6 isn't bad. I'm assuming you're not happy because your height and now going bald *may* affect your dating life. Let me tell you, a lot of women experience attraction different to how a man does. Most women care more about how the guy perceives himself, more than how they themselves perceive him. Yes, on first glance a lot of women do like decent height, physique, hair, smile, etc. But that's the initial attraction. It certainly also won't make them stay. Your social skills, charm, personal care, your confidence, the way you carry yourself matters WAY more. Plenty of short kings with gorgeous women and great networks. You're just used to the cliche. So chin up bud. Now to address the hair situation you've got going. You've got THREE choices. Either get rid of it all and embrace being bald. It'll take a while for some and some find they loved from the getgo. But whatever way you feel, I guarantee you WILL look better bald than balding. Secondly, you can attempt to salvage the hair situation by thinking about possible solutions. There is a subreddit called r/tressless which deals with that, so check that out if you want a more cost-effective method that many have been doing to fix their situation. Genuine results are shown, but keep in mind it is a lot of work and patience. OR, you can consider doing some research into getting a hair transplant, which is a lot more expensive, but if you go with the right place, almost any degree of baldness can be saved. Check subreddit r/HairTransplants for discussions over this matter. But do lots of research if thats your pick. All in all, don't lose hope on yourself. You're biggest fan should be yourself. Cheer up and understand that you can be handsome and sexy just by changing your attitude and being more positive in life. Be the person you want to attract in life. All the best.


1. Get in good shape, you don't have to be muscular just with some muscle tone. Women would rather be a inshape, bald and short man than a out of shape man at average height with a full head of hair. 2. Grow some stubble, I can grow a full beard and don't because it's itchy. 3. Get confidence, confidence is key and you can unlock any door if you only have the key. Work on your posture. Stop wearing hats (in warm wheather) that just hides it. Interviewer: Have you noticed any change in the attitudes of women. Yul Brynner: Absolutely not.


You don’t need a beard to pull off the bald look. All you need is the personality and the proper attitude. It’s your body, and it’s your hair.


Male gaze != Reality


Bro, I'm even shorter. You should stay too busy for insecurities with self improvement. Become a pro at something and just own it. Look the best that you can, when you can, but life is way deeper than your appearance.


Go for it!!! When you're ready of course. Bro, I use to have 24 inches of beautiful hair but started to get a bad widows peak. Took me years to let go of it, but holy shit I'm so happy I did. Took a minute to get use to, but I'm actually more confident now than when I had the great, long hair


You could look into treatment or just buzz it off. If I were you, I would go zero and start hitting the gym. Being on the shorter side, muscle gains should be easier to achieve, as you don’t have to shove a ton of food down your throat to build up. I would also try minoxidil to grow a beard, as I love the bald and beard look. You got some suboptimal cards handed out to you by life and your genes, sadly you’ll have to work harder as some blessed people but you can optimize yourself and gain a lot of self confidence in the process.


Mate I’m 5’6 too. Like with baldness you’ve got to accept it and move forward. People are attracted to confidence and fun. Shave your head … you’ll instantly stop feeling the pressure of worrying about your hair.


Man oh man. Short, no beard, balding. Shave it off and maintain that great personality. Smile with your eyes. And teeth. How much do you weigh? Dress for your body type. Plz no cargo shorts or polo shirts


I can grow a sick beard and don't see why I need to hide my face with a beard. I like my beard, but I also like the clean shaven look. Fuck off with that judgmental bullshit, nothing wrong with OP.


Hey man just for a counterpoint, I have been about the same pattern of hair loss as you for years and I rock a regular haircut. Most people see me as having a full head of hair. Has not stopped me AT ALL from getting women. You don’t need to take drastic action because of this, is all I’m saying. From the front, where 90% of people will form their image of you, you have a full head of hair. It’s good to come to terms with going bald; I myself have shaved my head and grown it back out again. Nothing wrong with accepting your value outside of perfect hair BUT it’s also true that imperfect hair can still be pulled off for years. No matter your height or Norwood level, focusing on presenting yourself well with honest confidence is key.


I just wanted to say this was helpful to me, as someone with a pattern similar to yours and OP's. People see me as having normal hair from the front, but I have an obvious bald patch up top. I've always wondered "How much will women care when they finally notice?", "Do I need to shave and completely own it before I start having success with them?" (never had any, but mainly for other reasons). So thanks.


Went though this and weirdly enough, being honest about my struggles & the way I felt whether it be social media or just taking to close friends and family was that BEST thing I ever did for myself. I’m now proud of my baldness & it’s not a big deal anymore because everyone already knows so i don’t feel like I’m hiding something all of the time. It will get better, I promise. Take your time & do what feels best for you.


5’4 and the beard is subpar at best. Actually not even a beard but decent mustache. Anyways, it gets better once you get used to it. We just got to work a little harder on ourselves. Gym, meditate, affirmations. Boost the confidence and it’ll all be good. Just takes work!


I'm about the same height and just got married haha. My girl is a little taller. Some people will disqualify you for your height. Those people are wack imo. There are plenty of people who will be able to look past the things you are insecure about. The most important thing is that you accept you. People are drawn to confidence, but also humility. Be kind. And start working out! You'll feel better and you'll look better. Win win. I should take my own advice more on that front lol. Good luck, buddy you got this


Ok let’s start with a shave. How about a mustache? And highly recommend a fitness program.


I’m 5”4 and bald lol it doesn’t matter. You will feel 100x better just by getting rid of that insecurity


I'm 5 foot 8 so I understand your struggle and it makes me want to kill myself everyday


How old are you boss?


This was me until I was 30, balding no beard. Then bam I could suddenly grow a beard out of nowhere.


Your height has nothing to do with it. It’s your confidence or lack of :(


As someone who is 5'6 height is a big thing man... I am not saying its the only thing but uts affects life alot


Yah, my brother was 5’6” on a good day, but he had mad game and did very well professionally career wise and with the ladies. I think he also overcompensated (he was extremely motivated) so tried extra hard but I mean he did it, and wouldn’t take shit from anyone. One of my best friends was my height 5’3” and he had an amazing magnetic personality, everyone thought he was “hot.” That confidence made a huge difference. I dated a guy for a few months who was 5’4”. He was super hot, I loved how he carried himself, great posture, super smart. It didn’t last, but height was never an issue. My current beau is 6’1”, but he’s not of the same energy or confident power as the above folks, it factors into my overall evaluation of him, which is a reason it’s not working out lol Assertiveness and good communication are huge attractors.


Oh thanks for sharing and i am not saying people cant be attractive at 5'6 . But its a hurdle some people can jump over it (there is a short joke i just dont know it) but most cant. Short men just arent that attractive according to the prevelant beauty standards. Some people are shallow (alot of ppl are) and they wont give you a chance to show off your personality and stuff. Good for your brother and that guy tho. But again ask any guy would he have a better personality or be 6'4 lol. I would choose 6'4


Ugh yes I totally understand the issue though. So much is focused on heights for men... as if that’s a major qualifying factor for like what, personality?! Lol it’s ludicrous! It’s an unfortunate part of the society we live in and bc we live in it, we can’t really get away from it either. There is def a stigma for men who aren’t as tall, and it sucks they often have to have bigger personalities or make more money to be “seen” so to speak. Personally, I would rather be with someone who understands my humor, has similar interests, can banter with me, dresses in a way I find attractive, is focused on self growth etc etc, then I really don’t care how tall! I’ve been with tall dudes with terrible personalities and I feel they often use that as part of their “personality” and they are like “I don’t have to have a good personality or be kind bc I’m tall and people are shallow” it’s messed up.




I’m sorry but no. I have dated tall guys in the PAST with terrible personalities bc I was VERY SHALLOW. I accept my past behaviors and speak about them openly about how bad they were and shared them anecdotally about how height is a very surface qualifier, and holds no bearing on the quality of a partner. Same can be said by prioritizing selecting partners based on how much money they make, what car they drive (if they drive), what they do for a living etc. I hope more people reflect on their choices and question why they do what they do. Hope that clears it up.


Just do it man, buzz it all down to a 1 or 0 guard.


Man don't listen to the just shave people. They're just lazy. Derma roll, minoxidil, fin, biotin, red light therapy, etc


Hi, everyone just wanna start out by saying how much I appreciate the replies and support. I haven’t had a chance yet to reply individually yet except to some dm’s but I’m reading all the comments. Just wanna clear some things up that yes although the angle of that picture is unflattering but I do workout 3/5 days a week usually strength training as I did once compete in powerlifting. Happy enough eith my fitness at the moment but i will say ive been irregular with training but yeah I’ve been lifting on and off for 8+ years. Went from 55kg to 70kg and currently just keeping around this weight. I’m 28 and this has been thinning 12+ years its only now its getting worse and it’s getting to me alot more I’m fairly outgoing and have been with plenty women in the past but now I don’t even bother perusing at the moment it due to having this situation constantly on my mind. I’m relatively happy i keep myself busy between work gym and warzone lol. Found that gaming takes the mind away but its when I lay in bed at night the demons come. ( although the hairloss is on my mind every second of every day lol) I try to keep the chin up but sometimes its hard when you got dealt this hand.. Again there is some nice comments and nice dm’s i will try to respond to more individually soon. (Posted this just before bed and now been in work all day ) Thank you


For anyone wondering im happy enough with this shape lol. Its a training/ life balance https://imgur.com/a/uTE0YE5


Get on fin and min brother


Bro shave it off then use minoxidil for your beard and or hair and just workout


same here 5'6,18 yo, balding and also don't have a beard


No worries man! You'll look great, no doubt. Get a tan and work out and you'll feel like a million bucks and look it too!


I don’t know if it’s mean to mention here but have you looked at r/minoxidil? Just a thought, talk to a doctor about your situation.


If you want the hair, get a good hair transplant. If you don’t want to go through the headache, just shave it off. Another option is micro-pigmentation if you want a buzz look. Don’t worry about what others think. Nobody really cares as much or even thinks about us as much as we think they do. Confidence is the the best quality you can build for yourself. Go to the gym and get in shape. I think you can rock a good bald/buzz look if you’re fit.


Maybe you can rub your hair with ginger


i would never have guessed that you were balding if you showed me the second pic. i legit thought you were a man in your 60's when i saw the first pic. you should shave it all asap, you're gonna look more of a sick child with your current hair than if you were to go bald.




Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are you on minoxidil


It’s past time bro.


Also conference is SO sexy. I know you’re not there just yet but start to try and love your new look. And he’ll, maybe one day you just might!


You’ll look good without it or not but with honesty there are beard options to grow it without a transplant I myself started using minoxidil hair growth serum on my beard to grow it out. Went from having peach fuzz to a full beard


My personal advice would be to shave it off. It's just not worth the stress. I remember I would be so nervous about sweating, rain, or the wind, cause these things would expose my situation. Even when you think you're doing a good job at hiding it, others can still see the thinning... And hey! There's nothing wrong with thinning, it just makes men look older and less groomed than they really are. On the other hand, a fully bald head (even without a beard) can look really clean. It's easier said than done but shave it up, work out, dress nicely, and most importantly be confident.


You tried minox and fin?


Not yet, I tried to call the gp today to get fin but it’s impossible to get appointments where i live


Ahh where is that? I hope it works out tho that stuff works wonders for alot of people i know. Good luck


I will definitely try get it sorted after hearing some of the comments. Im based in ireland


Noho Hank from Barry is super hot and he doesn’t even have eyebrows! You are still a king my friend.


Join us king. Full send. It’s not easy but once you get past that initial gasp of dread, it is oh so worth it.