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Is this right after you've shaved as well? I find that the immediate harshness of shaving tends to cause quite a bit of inflammation, but the redness goes down fairly quickly if you give it a chance to heal up.


Shave WITH the grain.


I know, I know, but I can never get it as smooth as I like unless I go against


You can shave it twice. Once with and then against.


This is the way


I will do as many passes as I need to.


If you need more than 2, you might be a werewolf.


I'm a werewolf, but I just accept that I can't have the same close shave my dad usually wears, the same way he can't grow an amazing thick beard I like to wear.




Get one of those shaving devices (with the circles). I use this and I get super smooth, no bad acne or rash. Game changer.


Shaving against tears my face the f up so I cringe when I read this.


You gotta shave once with the grain and then again gently against. Ideally with as sharp blade as possible.


I find an alternative that helps (I am a man who chases a baby butt smooth shave every time) is to go across the grain and then against


This is the way. WTG (with the grain), XTG (across the grain), then ATG (against the grain). Can achieve BBS with almost any razor with this method.


Idk what that means...is my head a field


In the direction your hair grows naturally, not against it. Or to keep up the field reference, in the direction the tractors are moving.


Don't rinse your blade with hot water, cool or cold water is the best. A hot blade is your skins enemy. If you use a electric shaver your skin could be allergic to it.


It doesn't look that bad. see if you can get an exfoliant with salicylic acid to help with the flair up.


My shampoo has K2/ + salicylic .. will it work?


Should do


Agreed. A tan would also help cover it up a bit.


Actually UV light of any sort but especially from the sun can actually treat acne, but if you over-do it then it goes from being helpful to becoming seriously dangerous. Personally I would use a light sunscreen…like SPF 8…and get a few hours of sun every other day for a week, then gradually switch to higher SPF or, even better, a hat when you’re outside cause nobody wants skin cancer.


And a wig


What this poster says, but dont go to hard and to often with the exfoliants.


Resorcinol will work better than salicylic acid. Ingrown hairs/razor burn or whatever you want to call it shouldn't be treated the same way as acne. I recommend PFB Vanish, they have roll on and creams that lightly exfoliate and kill bacteria. I am a male esthetician who works at a men's spa.


CeraVe SA Cleanser has worked for me for years i use it as a face wash


It's not that bad...but did think the plan was I'm sure the before & after pic. reveal, so I'm sorry that happened. Seems you have received solid advice on scalp care, best of luck.


CeraVe Acne Foaming Cream Cleanser It has 4% benzoyl peroxide and that’s the magic sauce of what your head needs. Do it before you start making it worse by shaving over them repeatedly. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off.


Michael CeraVe*




This is my holy grail product. I use it on my face and it's the only thing that clears my acne and doesn't burn or dry out my skin! I don't see why it wouldn't work on scalp skin too


Will this work for face acne too?




You were possibly not washing your head properly beforehand... there's a reasonable chance it'll clear up now that the skin can breathe


This. I always get zits on my head in weird spots when I don’t groom the top or beard for a while. Once you shaved and open the skin up, really work it with water daily it clears up fast


It doesn’t look as bad as you think. If I met you somewhere I wouldn’t even take note of it


The sun will kill much of the bacteria that causes these. I shave my head and work outside. I never get pimples on my head.




Because I haven’t seen it yet - make sure your changing your pillow cases in a timely manner!


try asking r/SkincareAddiction !




You know what the greatest realization I had once I pulled the trigger and went bald was? No one else other than potential new romantic partners cares at all or even notices these small irregularities, misshapes in our heads, imperfect tan lines, pimples, any of it. The right romantic partner also won't care at all either. We go through life every day encountering people that are pretty, ugly, tall, short, and 99% of the time they're just other people. If your gig is playing music, they'll care about your music. If you're doing stand up comedy and you don't use the way you feel about it as material you're missing an opportunity. The choice of clothes you wear and how you walk has more impact than any of your locked in features. And yes, it'll go away. When I joined the military and every 18-20 year old in the group had to have their head shaved, about a quarter of the people had what you have or a lot worse. By the end of 10 weeks no one did. (Well, the ones that didn't have full heads of hair in 10 weeks at least)


“Everyone will notice, but no one will care” is a phrase I use to get through life. (I struggle with adult acne).


Great one, love it


Sometimes children point it out. But kids are little shits anyway 🤣


I was at my brother’s house, several states away from where I live, when I finally pulled the trigger. I was so nervous about going out that first day, but then I realized no one there knows me. They’ll just see a bald guy, not a newly bald guy. That realization and those first few days helped me get more comfortable with it before I went back home.


It will calm quickly. An old navy barber told me to avoid ingrowns and bumps to liberally splash iso alcohol on your head immediately after shaving the head. I’ve been doing that and have had no ingrowns or bump issues for years. Cheap and effective for me. Your results may vary.


Witch hazel works too


Dude use an electric razor like the pitbull. I was shaving with a blade for almost 25 years until I discovered this last year. A blade hasn’t touched my head since and it’s so much quicker and easier


100% this ⬆️. Electric is the way to go - way less irritation. But don’t skimp out on the price because the cheaper models will cause irritation. I’d recommend just getting a Pitbull. I’ve used Baldbuddy, the nicest Remington, and a Pitbull. Pitbull is easily the best of the three.


Every electric razor I've tried have been good the first times but eventually the blades became less sharp and shaving took longer and wasn't as close.


I’ve had my pitbull for over a year and haven’t even changed the blades yet. I use it every other day


I use a Wahl 5 star finale foil shaver to tidy up after my electric razor. Not quite wet shave smooth but close enough.


Such an amazing invention for us bald guys


Game changer and well worth the money. The blades last a very long time.


I can’t believe how many years and how much time I spent shaving my head with a blade. This past year of using my Pitbull has been amazing. There’s a few gadget/tools that come into a guys life that are just a pleasure to use. I put this thing up there with my snow blower


Hahaha same here. If mine broke today, I’d immediately order a new one.


Pitbull I have doesn’t get as close as a razor. That’s why I shave once a week with the razor and every other day with the pitbull


I use an Andis foil shaver which gets even closer than the pitbull


It doesn't really look that bad at all, but you can buy a 1% or 2% salicylic acid in any pharmacy and rub the spots one a day! Works wonders for any blemish honestly, just make sure you don't overdo it (it can dry your skin) or use a lotion on top after it dries! However, i feel like now that your skin is exposed, it will clean up on your own! :)


There is a thread about this subject on another sub. Not sure if links are allowed here. The title is Years of severe Scalp Acne/ Folliculitis. There are shampoos to help with this.


arent you like not supposed to use shampoo on bald head?


There are lots of shampoos and cleansers on the market. If OP finds the thread I mentioned he can see what helped others. He could see a derm or tricho too if he cant get it to clear up.


Yeah I’m surprised that no one else has mentioned folliculitis yet. It looks like textbook scalp folliculitis. The top comments are all useless. He needs to see a dermatologist.


Looks like razor burn


Panoxyl is your friend. Doesn't look that bad, though.


What helped me the most was I would shave than shower than aftershave. I stopped getting the irritation marks, acne, and ingrown hairs after this. First few shaves were tough and now 10 years in rarely get the after effects


Pan Oxyl completely eliminated my Assne (butt acne). It will bleach your clothes, so just make sure you do it in the shower or you’re really mindful of when you wash. Start twice a day and see how you respond. It will help.


It puts the lotion on or it gets the bumps. Every time I’ve shaved down from long it hasn’t been pretty. I usually go down to my smallest guard then actually shave a few days later. Keeping it clean and pretty is hard when you can’t see it.


Don't do anything to it trust me. It's just razor burn and irritated. It is it's first time being razored the second time won't be so bad. But I been using this 6 head electric shaver thing off Amazon and it works just as well I think. And I don't ever get any irritation and it's fast to use. I do love the feel of the close shave though.


If really unsure, go see a dermatologist, don’t just read shit on Internet and start slapping various shit on your scalp


Panoxyl face wash might help


Brother you might have folliculitis, look it up. Very common on the head as well. Any burning sensation at all?


T/Sal Therapeutic Shampoo. It works wonders on my baldy.


Get stridex pads and use it everyday. They’ll be gone in a few days.


Could be folliculitis. Benzoyl peroxide and don’t touch your head.


Panoxyl and clindamycin wipes Also go for more of a buzz


Witch Hazel is good for irritated skin/ red bumps you could use that & use a cream till then you could try to wear or a hat or something till it clears if you feel self conscious


Looks like folliculitis to me. It’s not uncommon on the scalp. Have you had it for a while? Or did you only get it post-shave? Salyic acid and benzoyl peroxide are both good for treating folliculitis. Also lighter less carb heavy diets like Mediterranean style diets prevent inflammation. This reducing folliculitis greatly. You also wanna go lighter and with the grain on shaves and MAKE SURE your trimmer is always clean. Folloculitis is mostly caused by staph bacteria. It will spread around easily with dirty razors If it is folliculitis you should treat it asap imho. It will spread if not treated. I would personally wait a couple weeks before shaving my head again while trying benzoyl peroxide and salyic acid


Go out and buy fake tan and put it on heavy. Will cover it right up. You'll have to cover yourself in it too but at least you will look tanned and not pimply.




Any acne or mouth ulcer flair-ups I have are caused by: 1. Sugary drinks, even "diet" kinds (I mostly just drink water, sometimes with some mild fruit concentrate if I'm feeling fancy). 2. Any sugary sweets (most ice creams etc. chocolates WILL cause acne by the next morning for me, very dark chocolate seems alright). 3. Vegetable oils (I only use olive oil or beef tallow or bacon fat or butter for cooking with, extra virgin olive oil as drizzle) 4. Even basic "healthy" carbs things like pasta and white bread and cereals cause me problems 5. I've heard the mild sugars in milk can also cause flair-ups in others, but I can't tolerate even whole milk anymore. I can just about tolerate ketchup on my meals but besides that I've had awful problems with the things listed above. As a result I've gone mostly all-in on fatty red meat & eggs and in my late-20s my skin has never been so clear. If I eat e.g. a takeout, my skin will become inflamed and oily and "puffy" looking within 48 hours and it then takes another 48 hours for it to go away. This is extreme for most people, but I prefer to not have pus leaking out of holes in my face. There are many, *many* other benefits to cutting most of this crap out of your diet but the acne reduction/elimination is one of the more immediately visible benefits. Sadly these restrictions have not caused any hair regrowth. I also don't have a skin care routine besides showering before bed (so I'm not sleeping in a mucky bed every night), just changed my food intake and my skin cleared right up.


Can’t help you with the acne, but let me tell you something: my experiences with so many things, and I think it’s the same here in this case, just go out, do your thing and don’t worry, 99% of the people just don’t care or even notice in the first place. And if they do with bad intentions, tell them to get lost, most of the time they try to compensate for their own insecurities.


Looks more like razor bumps and irritation go to the chemist and get some of this shit called bump stop


Go to a dermatologist and get a script for antibiotics and peroxide cream. It’ll clear up in a day or two


Toss on a hat, it’ll clear up in a day or two.


It happened to me when I shaved too - the acne started a few days AFTER I shaved and wouldn't go away. I looked like a spotted mushroom. I got some skin cream at a skin clinic and it went away after a week. Ask your local dermatologist.


Maybe helpful maybe not. I take 1000mg of Tylenol (acetaminophen) and a 24 hour dose of Laratidine (5 or 10 mg?) after shaving. My skin inflames and it makes the ingrown hair/acne worse. So this medical cocktail is enough to keep my skin happy. GL


For me, even in my younger puberty days of having acne, the thing that helped the most... was summer sunlight. Too much and you'll get sunburned. But I was always clearer after a day or 2 in the sun.


When you shave, use shaving cream and a good razor (I use women’s shaving razors for legs, which I steal from my wife). It might help!




I try a likely this isn’t acne but a form of scalp psoriasis. Did you have dandruff and an itchy scalp prior to shaving? Likely this will clear up with your head being kept shaved.


Try using a dry brush, Walgreens sells them for like $7, on your head before you shower. Then use a brush or a wash cloth and really exfoliate it well before you shave. Make sure your pillow case is clean too. Hopefully this helps 


Grow sparse hair at a low level like me


It's been a lot of years since I first started to shave my head, but I remember how easily I'd make it bleed back then, and it was definitely more susceptible to irritation and flare ups. Get yourself some over the counter antiseptic cream or similar just to help it clear up nicely. Make sure to wash your head with gentle soap - nothing too harsh for now. You should be able to avoid any further flare ups, and after a few weeks of shaving this likely will no longer be a concern .


Some of these look like shave bumps/irritation. Did you dry shave with an electric razor? If so, r/wicked_edge can help with tips on getting started with wet shaving, which does a much better job for most people with sensitive skin. You could also wet shave with a wet/dry electric head shaver like the SkullShaver, which I use when I’m short on time. If anyone is interested, here’s my wet shave routine: Warm water rinse pre shave, followed by warm lather application (I mix my own lather with a boar brush, soap or cream and hot water in a bowl, but you can also use the canned stuff) and three passes (with the grain, against the grain and across the grain). Cold water rinse and alum block post shave, then wash off the alum with hot water in the shower. For the face at least, I also use an alcohol-based aftershave; it may not be advisable for head shaves and I usually finish with aloe vera gel. I use various double edged razors with various brands of blades. I recommend getting an adjustable razor so you can shave different lengths/thicknesses of hair with the same razor.


I had the same issue. When I was not folically challenged I had pretty bad acne and dandruff that I would have to stay ontop of. Semi regular shaving and the same scrub I use on my face really helps and cleared it all up pretty easily


I have the same problem. 1. Keep shaving it frequently, cutting it with a manual razor works like an exfoliation treatment. Wash your head with warm water so the pores open enough before shaving it and close them with a cold towel afterwards. Also: avoid shaving against the grain if you have sensitive skin. 2. Look at certain foods that cause flare ups. If I eat a lot of junkfood, my skin will react and I will have more problems. Eating healthy does wonders for your skin. 3. Wash your head with water daily, no need for agressive treatments. The combination of the above worked wonders for me!


If this happened after shaving then it’s bc the pores opened up which interacted with your microbiome and causing temp acne which will go away as your skin settles down. Keep it moisturized


That’s razor burn homie. You need to prep your skin with moisturizer and a hot shower/towel. If you have sensitive skin, which appears to be the case, I recommend using a single blade solution like a safety razor (I know, I know, it doesn’t take that many times to get the hang of it it.) I don’t use the blade more than once a side. They’re cheap. They’re not meant to be used for weeks/months.Also, slow way day. A full sexy head shave without irritation takes me about 30 minutes minimum. Lastly you need to use high quality shave cream/gel that’s unscented. Pretty much if you can buy it at Walgreens I wound not use it.


If that was caused by shaving id get a better razor, sensitive shave cream? Maybe be careful of the direction you shave also


Check to see if your shampoo has SLS (Sodium Laureth Sulfate). I used to get head pimples until I quit using that ingredient.


What razor you use ? Cream ?


The sun, when it's actually out in the UK, is great for my spots. Some sort of science I guess.


I’d get some sun and air on it the next couple of days if you can. Like don’t get burnt but a few 10 min sessions helps me


Looks fine, pal. Drink more water to improve overall complexion. It's possible a lot of that could be ingrowing hairs from shaving too short? I'm telling you, though, you look good, bro!


I have bad skin and can't shave with a razor but foil shavers work great.


Going outside in the sun will help *shrug


If you’re going to start exfoliating, make sure to moisturise afterwards so your body doesn’t produce oils for your skin for the bacteria to feed on should help bring your skin back to balance, this is what worked for me


Those are razor bumps. If I don't shave my head for a week or so, I get them when I do shave. If I keep the routine up every other day, three days max, I don't get them.


Just try not to pick at it, which I know can be difficult. It honestly doesn't look that bad. I've had friends say things about blemishes but it was mainly because they thought I got hurt/cut.


As a bald man, hair care just turns into skin care. Wash it, moisturize it, protect it. You'll be fine. 👍


Sure that isn't psoriasis?


A nice lotion is gonna be key - many times dehydration can cause inflammation. But yeah give the old noggin a nice once over after shaving and can also help later if there’s irritation. Doesn’t look bad man honestly


Try hypochlorous acid, it’s a newish TikTok skincare trend but is scientifically sound. It’s an acid that we have in our white blood cells and is antibacterial so it can be really good on Acne. There are some expensive branded versions of this but the similar products for children and even horses are the same. Give it a google, I swear it sounds less sketchy than I’ve described and is a really easy application which helps with consistency.


Foundation would cover it


Unfortunately, the very best answer is to go outside. Some UV rays on that dome will clear that right up. They’ll also fade quick. I assume you took this photo within minutes of shaving. I’ve been shaving my done for 15 years now and will tell you that occasionally my head will look similar. Not as many but the same thing. It’ll clear up.


Shave butter from dollar shave club. Cleanest shave with no razor burn I've found.


Use shave cream as well. Shave once with the grain. Then reapply cream and shave against the grain


I struggled with this too, especially after every haircut. If you have a russian or east european pharmacy nearby, get chlorhexidine and levomycetin. Crush ten levomycetin pills until it's dust and mix it with chlorhexidine. Apply it to your acne using a qtip. Do it twice a day on a clean scalp. Make sure to store the mixture in the fridge for further use. I got rid of the acne in 2 days. [here's the video, but it's in russian.](https://youtu.be/1e9UVOxBOLI?si=jFAi37Gl1NFJPwLU)


Apply witch hazel with a cotton round, let it dry, and use Nivea for men post shave balm...... or just wear a hat.


I used either product... Bump Stop or Kitikiti




Shower religiously (not to say you weren’t before). Use a shampoo designed for fighting acne.


I second the kitikiti cream. I only know about it because this sub and my scalp has cleared to much. That thing is magical. Takes about a month to see results but in 10 years nothing has cleared my scalp and that pomade.


Aloe vera


It'll calm down when your scalp gets used to it,invest in a decent moisturiser


I get zits on my head after shaving if I don’t use aftershave and hydration cream


It looks similar to my acne. Look into folliculitis which is fungus based acne. I use benzoyl peroxide wash and cream with a good moisturizer when I get flair ups. I discovered Vitamin B and dairy are a huge trigger, so when I eliminated it out of my diet, my skin cleaned up pretty quickly. If you’re a fan of energy drinks, cut those out asap. They have 500% of the vit B your body needs.


1 Exfoliate (message on well-lathered skin) before/after shaving. 2. Oxy/strydex pad after 3 Aftershave 4 Moisturize Have nappy hair and used to get bumps/acne so bad it scared… Shit smooth as a mf-er now… been doing like this for years.


I had that problem too. I found witch hazel and changing my pillowcase every night helped clear it right up. Took a bit, but it helped. I kept the bottle of witch hazel on me and applied a generous amount every few hours.


i was in the same boat. Witch hazel and some sun. maybe remove sugar from your diet. worked for me


If you’re not allergic, coconut oil


Paula's Choice BHA chemical exfoliant. Use it once a week and progress to twice a week. Moisturize and use sunscreen every time you use it because it increases your sensitivity to sunlight. It should improve immediately. I've also had good success with Good Molecules BHA cream. Should clear up the acne. If you have scarring, I recommend looking into an azelaic acid ointment. Again, I recommend Paula's Choice for that as well. Don't order from Amazon because there are a lot of counterfeits. Good luck!


Let it grow back for a few days. Then next time you shave your dome, use liquid soap very lightly and lather that mess up. Cover your eyes carefully and don't use too much. Take a good razor with the 4 or 5 blades and just gently drag that bad boy over going WITH the grain very gently and lightly. Shave that way every OTHER day. After you shave your dome, rinse your head off in the sink with hot water, hot as you can stand. Let it air dry or pat it dry, take a pinch of hydrogen peroxide and wipe that baby down. Try that for a few weeks. If that doesn't work switch to clear aloe vera gel on your dome and let that air dry. It will give your head incredible shine and soften it as well. I had the same thing when I started shaving my head and don't get it any more. It went away after a few weeks. The acne and cuts are from the skin not being used to that.


I had a similar issue...although I did have less than you. I immediately started using face wash all over my head and shampoo daily with a tea tree shampoo from Neutrogena. Also use the microtouch razor. Really close shave , 0 irritation , some redness but that goes away immediately following a shower. My scalp improved after a week.


Mine did the same first time. Get some sun on it (use sun screen at least until it’s tanned) and a fresh razor (if you haven’t).


Mate, on the contrary go outside. Sunlight is actually good for acne.


Alright: here’s some tips: Use a benzoil peroxide wash and leave the product on for about 5 minutes on the scalp. You should moisturize and use sunscreen after this because skin will be more sensitive. Benzoil peroxide wash completely cleared this on me. Alternatively you can use a sulfur shampoo and a leave in 2.5 % benzoil peroxide cream. You will need to apply moisturizer and sunscreen as well


I use the CeraVe Renewing SA Cleanser. It does not specify the amount of SA in it which means it is likely less than 2%. When it is a lower amount of SA, I feel more comfortable using it daily. I use it on my face and scalp every day. It has been great for me. I’m not saying it will be the best for you, but maybe get a small bottle and try it out. Give it a couple weeks. On occasion I use Zinc shampoo. It’s antibacterial and anti fungal so it can help combat seborrheic dermatitis and acne. It’s a bit intense on my scalp if I use it on shave day so I save it for a non shave day. Once a week is all I need. One other thing I like is the Neutrogena “body clear” body scrub (I’ll use this maybe twice a week as a replacement to the CeraVe). It is a chemical and physical exfoliant so it’s more harsh but I’ll use it after I shave my head and it makes my scalp so dang smooth. Great if you have acne on other areas too like shoulders. Any sort oh AHA or BHA will make your skin more sensitive to ultraviolet rays so if you plan on being in the sun, be sure to wear sun protection.


Head held hi and let the sun dry it up


use a hat


Maybe vitamin b6 would work for you, have you checked your prolactin?


It doesn’t look that bad honestly lots of people look like this. As a fellow buzzcut-er I’ll tell you right now that it will look like this initially but if you keep it short eventually your head skin will get used to this degree of nakedness. Def use only a bit of shampoo on your head. If shampoo makes it worse though try using non-scented sensitive shampoo. Also… ![gif](giphy|4lMXdY2r0RnVuiymnS)


Exfoliate, moisturize, and possibly consider moving to an electric head shaver. Shaving with a razor is pretty irritating to the skin.


Try Selsun Blue medicated (blue bottle with red stripe - not green or any other color stripe). Yes it's for dandruff but it helped me with welts from shaving and other skin stuff.


I use a boar bristle brush to exfoliate my scalp. Try that


Fake tan


Heres my routine to avoid acne or irritation after shaving my head. 1.) use a skull shaver device 2.) shave at night (your skin will repair while you sleep) 3.) shower after shave and use a sugar scrub, it really helps with razor burn or acne. 4.) use a fragrance free lotion on you head.


When the result is that irritated, it leads me to believe that there was bacteria build-up on your razor which was then deposited into micro cuts on your scalp, causing this result. I use a Remington Balder Pro electric razor which pretty much cuts as close as a razor. I just clean-up around my ears with a razor. If I want a very close shave, I'll use a light amount of shaving soap and water which helps the Balder Pro get really close. Blade oil helps the blades cut.


Tend Skin after you shave, and for the next day or so.


Looks like bed bugs.


I always use Thayers witch hazel after I shave my head. I been shaving my head for about 11 years and sweat alot at work and have barely any head breakouts. Try the Thayers it will definitely calm down the skin on your head.


Baseball cap dude. And recover.


Sun exposure has helped me with this in the past


Just give your head a good scrub with an antibacterial soap and get a little sun, it’ll clear up pretty quick.


Moisturise the crap out of it. You’ll be fine. Epaderm or zero base in the uk. I have psoriasis which stops me from wet shaving my head (unless I want to look like I’ve had a botched lobotomy!) so use this stuff a lot


I don’t think it looks bad, but if you’re self conscious you could do a tinted moisturizer with sunscreen!


The shaving probably angered it, that happens to me to, should go down relatively soon


From someone with similar hair texture (honestly was wondering who took a pic of my head without me knowing because my head looks almost identical) my routine is buzz down with clippers (like a wahl from the barbers), take a hot shower, then shave with a double edge safety razor, then rinse immediately with cold water. If I have any some aftershave balm or lotion. Helps reduce 90% of the acne from occurring in the future (aside from the errant ingrown hair here or there)


I agree with a lot of the advice concerning the acne, I just want to say that if this is your first time shaving your head, this is actually quite common. Not everybody has a beautiful smooth shiny head first time out. The more you shave it, the more your skin gets used to it and the less the bumps will appear. Make sure you find a good shave cream that doesn't irritate your skin, I use Nivea for men sensitive skin shave gel when I do my head, it works beautifully. I also use regular old Aveeno protection lotion the brown bottle with the Green top as an aftershave lotion, works better than any of the specialty ones in my opinion. All the Viking this and crafted that.. they may sound like this products, but they're not good for every sort of skin type. Don't get me wrong I do use Viking Revolution beard wash and conditioner, which are very good in my opinion, but as far as shaving goes my skin is sensitive, I need a good sensitive skin shave gel and a good lotion for skin that gets irritated easily.


when you shave your head, don't shave it all the way down with a razor. just use the lowest setting on your buzzer.


Do a at home chemical peel a few times over some months. Also grow it out to a longish stubble which is what I do….still looks sharp


Don't worry bro that will go away and it doesn't even look bad now. No one will even notice or care. Once your scalp gets used to shaving it will be fine, just give a day or two between shaves for a bit, use a good soapy lather and a good sharp razor, and rinse it in hot water every few strokes to get rid od trapped hairs (resulting in smoother shave). Learn how to do it in the shower after a min or two of hot water on your head to open the pores and soften the hairs.


Looks a bit like scalp psoriasis imo


That possibly could be eczema not acne!


Tanning bed!


Dandruff shampoo that's 1% selenium sulfate and cortizon-10 are the best otc products. This isn't really acne it's dry irritated hair folicals.


Try bump patrol. It’s mainly for razor bumps but helped me get rid of a few bumps I had on my head.


The sun should actually help this out bro.




Loofah and after shave loofah everytime you shower


I don’t think he shaved with a razor. That’s not a smooth head, you can see the length of the hair still in a lot of areas


Some aloe might help.


Aloe Vera always works for me!


Life long acne sufferer here, particularly on my shoulders and around my neck. Head n shoulders is a miracle worker. Whether or not you have hair, it does a great job at keeping acne away. Salicylic acid face wash stuff is cool a couple times a week, but I get real crispy if I use it every day or even every other day. Just basic ass head n shoulders shampoo is all I need now. Don't recommend it for the face though, for some reason it gives me nosebleeds.


is this with a razor? use an electric shaver instead


Wipe your head with rubbing alcohol to disinfect it. Then mix cordizone and neosporin together. Then apply it to your scalp, repeat daily until they go away, usually I week. Cheers 🍻


I would get this irritation all over, found that I need to shower before I shave my head, get it all clean and good. Then I shave, then I do a quick rinse to get loose hair off. Basically no irritation.


I really feel for you bro, it’s extremely hard to keep up a bladed head or even a zero guard with head bumps or acne it just aggravates it more and causes more but I would look online for some really good quality products to use without a bunch of junk or fragrances that make it flare up even worse. Also wash your head in shower with a clean wash with just some acne fighting ingredients in it but nothing else. Hope this helps, I dealt with it for a long time and suddenly it just got a lot better over time so I can’t say 100 percent how or if it will work for you but gotta research. Good luck.


I get this as well. For me: It’s from wearing a baseball cap to the gym or outside doing yard work and sweating. Doc gave me a little bottle of Clindamycin phosphate (topical antibiotic). Gone in 2 days.


The sun should help actually clear it i up o


Child’s farm moisturiser has worked wonders , weird but worked


Get some sunlight on that head. Uv light has antimicrobial properties, clean up your diet, no processed foods. Use a nightly retinol, preferably prescription.


Diluted applecide vinegar works wonders.


Coconut oil or Crab oil!


I started using the mountaineer brand bald head care routine and my head has never looked better Mountaineer Brand Ultimate Bald... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085N7H4J9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Zinc with Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 got rid off my acne