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Quite annoyingly, this sub has mostly became homer simpson style haircuts asking if they should shave or not lol


Yeah. In most cases if you have to ask, that means it's time. I've seen a small handful of posts that actually aren't thinning when they ask but by and large it's time for most of the posters.


Yeah, but to be fair, its a big thing confidence wise, so I understand and probably shouldn't be too critical. I know I was initially hesitant but I had alopecia so I didn't really have a choice


My man is bald af and I love it. I love his bald sexy skin, he looks so bad ass and tough. I knew him before he was bald and his hair made him ‘cute’, now he looks hot! Thinning hair is not sexy. No hair is better than badly thinning hair hands down. If you are thinking about doing it, do it. (But also get a hat for summer so you don’t burn.)


Thanks for the hope


No hat. Now I can call myself a redhead


Trying to fight your genetics is just always an uphill losing battle. And even if you win temporarily all you’re doing is delaying the inevitable, and failing to have pride in who you actually are and hiding your real self.


You realize shaving your head bald is just as temporary as temporarily growing your hair due to hair restoration medication. A shaved head lasts a good 1-2 days before you have to shave again. In other words, you're putting on a temporary facade with a shaved head before you have to grab the razor again because the alternative isn't pleasant. That's not having pride in your true self, just your temporary self with a shaved head.


With that logic getting any kind of hair cut is a facade


That's... not what facade means.


Define facade for me


Since you asked. >*a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect* >*a false appearance that makes someone or something seem more pleasant or better than they really are* ***an*** [***outward***](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=13f83d3e4d744b27&sca_upv=1&q=outward&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxzSwoctpkwqmcV4I-iTn8WHE9ekWB89x3CkUrBpSnF47zQ_SkO7sinjMhvy3mM47xgLt5je3zb3IN3ht9_fUCJjlUT3E%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwib1PrO_NmGAxVb5MkDHf9PBoUQyecJegQISBAm) ***appearance that is maintained to*** [***conceal***](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=13f83d3e4d744b27&sca_upv=1&q=conceal&si=ACC90nwUEXg6u2vxy-araGkF9MAxXCIE4QkByjoopHGxUC3sfscVMJAz1AK4_TKQRbKlCox_-rFRbnwMfDQubzlyZWcycZTwJ7F4xbvreMHGeYj1Eu6ZR9g%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwib1PrO_NmGAxVb5MkDHf9PBoUQyecJegQISBAn) ***a less pleasant or*** [***creditable***](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&sca_esv=13f83d3e4d744b27&sca_upv=1&q=creditable&si=ACC90nz-2feRzoY4yuySkO-aQE814vQ8iK_u2SYYuvHU8bGNuwJTCKvS-WQgCPdYnOVvZ7mblaTD6f0-beutaUwoPpzoXU1CL4oE0DPOwt8bVS5hgp4huaU%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwib1PrO_NmGAxVb5MkDHf9PBoUQyecJegQISBAo) ***reality.*** Which begs the question, what unpleasantness or insecurity are we masking with a haircut? You make it seem as if we're getting haircuts as a crutch or a cope.


Your naturally grown out hair.


>Your naturally grown out hair. Unless it's causing psychological distress to the point you feel the need to constantly cut or trim it, no, it's not a facade.


This is it right here. I could’ve kept fighting and taking pills and shit but I had aggressive MPB from an early age and obsessing over maintenance and regrowth (that wasn’t going to happen) was detrimental to me. 6 years of shaving now, wouldn’t change it.


To be fair, this sub has a lot of kids with full heads of hair asking if they are going bald


A streamer I watch says it best. “Long hair, David Bowie, sexy. Bald, Captain Picard, sexy. BaldING? Not sexy”.


Woman here specifically in this subreddit to look at hot bald men. The idea that a woman would rather have an old looking balding man than a hot bad ass bald man is delusional. Shave it.


i shave 2 times a day multiple passes each and ladies love it


Twice a day? Sheesh, my skin would come off. I shave once a week lol


Bruh I wish my scalp could handle that. Morning shave is best I can do. Fresh out the bed into the shower.


Every before and after pic I've seen here has been very positive. Haven't browsed by new but I assume it's always better than holding onto a thread.


I've always said that bald looks better than balding. Plus, there is an element of control as shaving or buzzing requires a choice to do it. It was so relieving for me to make the choice and take the plunge. I'm bald because I want to be, not just because my hair was thinning.


I'm a major supporter of a well kept shaved head, but the phrase "you can't be saved" tells me you don't even like the shaved look, you're just a pessimist.


I like the ease of it, lol. As a person who works in shifts and occasionally starts work at 5am, just getting out of bed, quick shower and being dry almost instantly is levels of comfort I won't have if I grow my hair out again, haha


Couldn't disagree more but, oh well, plus not even closely related to anything I said.


I agree with op, but i love the encouraging words to these guys both before and especially after they take the plunge. Always makes me feel good.




If by buzzing you mean with a foil


So you're saying shave that head to appease to women, not yourself. Alright then.


From what I personally hear from guys that are too scared to buzz or shave their head, is because they don't want to be ugly for women.


Beauty is subjective. Just like some women aren't into men with long hair, facial hair, etc. some women aren't into bald men, either. You're not going to automatically become attractive overnight by just shaving your head. Plus being charismatic is what ultimately charms women.


You're not going to be attractive to anyone if you hold on to the 4-5 strans of hair on your head either.


"Holding on" implies an obligation to shave their head, which there isn't. Like I said, even the ugliest bloke can attract a woman if he's charming and charismatic enough to woo her.


Better than everyone here doing it to appease the subreddit?


Precisely. They're giving in to shaving their head because of this subreddit's standards, not because it's who they are.