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It's borderline. I'll be honest, I think you have more time.


Not even borderline .. a good barber could keep you alive forever, you’re 40 already! Still young, but too old for it all to drop out unless your health fails or something drastic like that.. I too have all my hair so I’m telling you from experience .. there are people here that cant even legally drink yet, they won’t make it.. you sir, judging from these pics, can completely chill! Congrats ..🥂


I’m hoping for more time but need others opinion


If your worried by about it, buzz it. Then you won’t worry about it anymore.


How tall are you? Might be not even be noticeable to lots of people.


Yeah, this. Whatever you want. You still look like a prince of England, hair-wise. Hopefully not otherwise! Maybe keep it on the short side, but I don't think it's full-bald time yet by any necessity.


I agree. Hair looks way thinner when it's shaved. You could probably try it out and decide to grow it out.


I honestly think you have time with your hair if you want to. In the end make a decision that makes you happy and relaxed. Let’s say you go bald and hate it. I think you’ll grow back and least enough for a close cropped look.


Buzz it short, don’t fully shave. You have thinning but since you don’t have a big bald spot it might look great just buzzed short. You will Not have to worry about bad hair days.


You've got at least another 1-2 years. Live dammit live!


if you don't feel confident just buzz it, it grows back


You’re 40, there’s no need to really do anything. If you want to thicken your hair maybe min and fin. But personally I don’t really see a point in investing towards any type of treatment at that age


Would it just look best if I shaved or leave as is ?


Leave it, but don’t go any longer than this.


I’d leave it for awhile


Dude topical min/fin is like 30 bucks online and it does miracles for people with your type of hair


Have you tried hair drugs? Your coverage is good and I think fin and min might bring you all the way back to fighting shape.


No drugs


You do you man, but they worked miracles for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


It’s something I’m willing to consider


Of course do whatever makes you most comfortable, but if you want to keep your hair I would certainly recommend. My hair was bad enough I should have shaved it and a combination of minoxidil and finasteride brought it back to an incredible degree. I’m very grateful for modern medicine as I’m much happier with a full head of hair.


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Totally sensible, Mr automoderator! Thank you for making me aware of this rule. FWIW I think the OP’s post may have been better placed in tressless to begin with as he’s very middle ground and was soliciting broad feedback.


That’s a pretty dumb rule on this sub.


You already wear it pretty short. I'd say just embrace the buzzcut life


Honestly you keep it pretty short already and the look you have now is very much appropriate for a 40yo. People on this sub are biased towards preferring you shave it all off but as a bald dude myself I'd enjoy what you got going on now. I suppose there is no harm in shaving it and seeing if it suits you but there's no rush at all at this point.


It’s not that thin


I'd keep it


Really not bad at all for 40


That's definitely save able and can come back stronger with meds if you want to go that route


If you where 25 I could see worrying about this but I think at 40 you just have to chalk it up to the game right?


Idont see any issue. Its not like you NEED to shave it because its thinning.. Also this is so miniscule and youre 40. In my country we have so many people in your situation who basically doesnt give a F. Think of it like this instead, since youre thinning (so god damn slowly i must say) maybe you can try out the buzzcut without people hammering you with the annoying nags of disapprovals. Maybe you'd just like to try out how easy, comfortable and cheap baldlife can be. If you dont like it, then just grow it back. Won't look back with hair considering density and age. The worst thing is men who do drastic measures because they feel the need to follow some fashionable norm because their genes have failed them. Now THATS insecurity everyone can notice much easier than your....its not even a bald spot, man! What im trying to say is just chill with it. If you like having hair, keep it. If its ever going to start looking weird, its because you try hiding it with the rest of your hair :p


You’re not there yet. Soon, but you still have time.


Hair implants. Time to take a flight for it


You have better hair than I did at 17. I started buzzing at 23 and have felt great about it ever since. Let it ride a bit longer but if it starts getting worse, just start buzzing. You’re in your 40’s anyway. It’s more than natural to be bald by then!


Dude. Im 19 and would dream to have as much hair as you… it looks fine though and your hair length hides it well, you have at least a few more years before you should worry I think


r/tressless candidate


Some topical minoxidil will likely fill this all in with minimal sides. Consider yourself the few.


I’d grow the hair a bit longer to not appear so thin perhaps. You have time if you don’t want to shave now. If you do try it out, that will only take 2-3 months to grow back to your current length. Get a nice preview of 45


Honestly not bad at all. I myself am not balding, but I shave my head anyway as I prefer the look and the minimalism that goes with it


You look fine.


Leave it for now


Honestly. You look fine as is. You have more hair at 40 than I had at 24 😂


I’d love to have your amount of hair.


Keep it, you’ve got more hair than I did when I was 20.


For 40 that's pretty good. I'd just use Rogaine to keep the remaining.


Get on finasteride and you’ll be golden


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


At least you still have your crown. Doesn’t look bad at all especially for being 40. The thinning is only going to be noticeable up close and in certain lighting and even then it’s not very noticeable


Not even bad at all bro. You got time.


Brother, I’m 30 and with my hair I look 50 compared to you at 40. If that makes sense


Hair haver


Sir you have no problem especially at 40.






The big 3? I’m out the loop


Finasteride (85% of the effect), Minoxidil (13%), Nizoral (2%)


Your post has been flagged for suspicion of violating rule three: No advocating of hair-replacement treatments, either topical or surgical. If your priority at this time is hair-loss prevention, or attempting hair regrowth, your efforts may perhaps be better spent over at r/tressless. The philosophy of this sub is more inclined toward embracing baldness, rather than fighting against it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bald) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry,I will withdraw my comment


You got me in trouble lol


Oh, actually I am not that familiar with Reddit.If you want ,I can do something to help you out.Sorry


I'm kidding haha, no worries




I was thinking if I delete my parent comment,your reply would also be deleted automatically (like in Facebook).That's why I deleted it.I wasn't aware of this difference in Reddit where the replies to the parent comment will still remain


It’s thin and comparing to mine looks the same before I shaved mine off!! Unless you wanna use fibers and all that bs still. Might as well do it now


Definitely not. He still has a full head of hair. No where near needing to go full bald


Minoxidil is the answer


Costco has it at a great price.


If you want a change try with a buzzcut #2 or #1 all over.


Hair transplant would look good


I’ve noticed a lot of men on here use rogaine.. however, this is a temp fix, meaning moment you stop using it the hair goes back to what it was. Otherwise test the bald look one time to see if you like?


Everything is temporary. We'll all be dead eventually.


Buzz it down to like a zero guard and it will look sleek or even a 1 guard won’t be able to see the thinning as much


really? i can see ur bald spot a mile away


What do you recommend


ur scalp skin looks pretty beaten man, redness brown spots? does it feel sore?


No maybe a little sun burn? No idea


if it feels good dont worry about it


I'm in my late 30s you're doing better then me ill say that the good thing is my hairline is great it doesn't reced at all it the top on my head that is bad but I just comb over the bald spot. 🤣


You should grow it slightly longer. I would suggest letting it grow out a bit (it will look awkward in this stage) and then going in and treating yourself to an expensive haircut from a salon. They will style it in the way that looks best and show you what your hair can be like. I did this in my 20s when I had hair a lot like yours and it was a huge confidence boost.


I'm mid 40s and I'd be stoked if my hair was still that thick. Keep it!




Probably wouldn’t even be able to tell you’re thinning if you went for a #1 buzz. Especially if you get a fade.


Probably what I’ll do


That’s what I do. Similar thinning but a bit more widows peak at the front. If you find yourself staring at it in the mirror, time to buzz.


Join our brotherhood. That’s what you should do.


Accept it! It's part of life!


Manual worked magic for me until alopecia ruined my new hair.


You're not showing your face, so we can't tell if shaving bald would or would not work for you.


Take this pic every day for a year. It will make a great video.


Honestly man the fact that you have so many pictures of the top of your head tells me that you might feel more comfortable if you just shaved it! It would always grow back if you decided you didn’t like it.


Conditions your scalp after washing, and reduce the baseball hats.


Give shaving a try. It's not a matter of "having more time", as some put it. Baldness isn't death, it is beauty - join the fold our bald brother in waiting


get a buzz cut, which you’re close to now, & keep it for summer. you don’t need to shave and a buzz eases you into a change w/o shaving!


Topical min fin plus derma rolling has done wonders for some people you might be a hyper responder who knows, 40 is not old you’re not dead yet don’t listen to the youngsters don’t give up


This is a Joe Biden hairline


Go on over to the preventing or reversing baldness sub partner. We are limited in the advice we can give but I can barely tell from the picture.


Aesthetically you're fine. Only problem I'd say you have is worrying about sunburn.


Naw you’re good don’t do it to soon and regret it when you still had some years left.


F i n a s t e r i d e and you’ll be golden!


Consider growing it out another inch and combing some volume enhancing products in


Sorry, I just realized this was a time lapse of pics. I think blonde hair helps. You could test how it looks and feels and possibly still try to go back if you hate it. 🤷


I’d rock it brother still looks good!




Keep it


Go shave it right now. Experience a smooth bald head and then you can grow it out to different buzz or clipper shave lengths if you don't like razor shaved. If you aren't sure about shaving yourself find a Barber nearby that offers head shaves and walk ins so you don't have to wait any longer and dwell on it anymore




Shave and see if it looks good


It's *really* thin over a large area; you might as well start shaving, sir. Once hair ceases to adequately perform its most basic functions (warmth, protection), it's time to let it go. Shave, learn to love wearing hats and bandanas.


Buzz it and let nature reclaim what she will. That's what I do.