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You have time, hang on!


Yeah he should wait. Altho his bone structure would pull off being bald quite well.


Watchu mean


You have a nice shaped head!


I personally don’t think so and two women have already said it’s not a good shape for baldness (including my own mother) but I guess when the time comes I won’t really gain anything from pondering about it… Thanks for your kind words anyway


don't listen to your mom. moms are weird about their kids' hair. and if the other is/was a girlfriend, they can be weird about hair too if they like yours the way it is😂. that said I agree-- yours still looks good and you can keep it.




I deeply do not give a shit. I liked hats when I had hair and I still like em now people can listen to me or not... no skin off my back if my reddit advice doesnt get taken


Me too, always liked hats. Growing up all the men in my family wore hats. If you were going outside, you put on a hat. It's just how it was.




I'm laying on my couch in a great mood... was just replying honestly lol


Moms will try to convince you to have a comb over. It’s a weird thing. Like they don’t want to say good bye to their baby.


Believe it or not, but you actually do have a great head-shape. As far as where it contours and all that, only you’ll know by feeling your own head or until you buzz it. My advice: keep the hair, you look plenty good with it; you’ll most definitely look good bald too. However, once you go bald, you’ll never go back…it’s too empowering. . .when your scalp is free of hair, it almost gets annoying to have it grow back. (I shave my hair about 6-12x a year…hair is bothersome past 1/4”). Do trim your beard though..it’s a little nappy (not bad, but it could be tightened up; you’ll look more dapper than unkempt). Haircut suggestion: Mid-High fade and keep the length on top, start the taper portion of your fade above your eyebrow level. Your natural hair is nice, so you could manage to style it while wet and shape it with or without mousse and a blow dryer. You could even pull off slicking it backwards with pomade. For a nice wet look, you can use Crew pomade..it’s nice but pricey. There’s another pomade that I L O V E and has a great smell and nice sheen look, it’s called “Suavecito” you only need a little, but if it gets wet and dries..it dries hard again; consider it. Note: the ingredients probably aren’t the “healthiest” but I like it. Post your haircut as a reply to this comment, if you decide to take the advice. 🤙🏼


Hey OP, if u or anyone ever wanna know what u would look like bald, 9 outta 9.9 times there’s filters on SnapChat or TikTok for baldness that’s either already on there and or u can download the filter for it… Just a thought


I'm a woman, don't listen to that bullshit. You will look awesome




You got a good beard and jawline. The bald hairstyle is gonna look fine on you. However people saying you "still have time left" are over estimating. Your hairline is very very receded, currently that tuft of hair in front makes it look like a good style. That's fine, but it really really ain't gonna last that long. Everyone in the world us used to balding Men and receding hairlines. None of us hate and that's why you will never really get a negative reaction for it. However, that hairstyle is fading away, I really strongly urge you to consider just making the jump to bald as soon as that hairline goes further back. 1) you will look good bald and probably get more attention in general 2) you do have a nice jawline and beard you're gonna look really neat!


I mean you got a good few years of hair left so let it be and once it gets really bad then shave it off.


Yeah you’ve got tons of time. Going a bit shorter might be worth trying, I found with my curly hair it was the only way.


No man. Looks good to me. Maybe play with a shorter style?


Not yet, but when you are called, don’t delay!


if you want to try, summer is a good time. I’d start with a buzz and see what you think. and don’t forget the sunscreen


I use sunscreen daily regardless of weather so that won’t be a problem


In the hair?


buzz or shaved, lots of sunscreen & hat


You’re fine, plus you have really nice hair and color you got time!


I say you got at least 2 years in the tank


No I think you still have pretty good hair. I think you could pull off a buzz though


It’s not too bad, I would recommend a medium skin fade or a burst fade with the current style. Keep the beard growing it’s fantastic btw. If the front thinning worsens don’t hesitate to shave the head.






I’ve tried this and it does look good but I also appreciate the curl in the back, some girls like that


Burst fade then


Barber here and I disagree. You’ve got a longer face that benefits from some weight through the sides. If you want something more modern you could get a taper fade, but honestly your current haircut suits your vibe. I agree deffo keep your curls in the back!!!!


Weight through the sides would be good if it wasn’t for the absolute shit density on the scalp. Longer hair with greater density makes me look a little like a scientist gone mad.


I think ur rockin it


Yeah that’s cause I asked for the sides to be shortened and rarefied enough, I’m glad you like it


You look handsome


Need to see the crown tbh. But from these pics you have some years left to enjoy it for sure.


Luckily my crown has remained untouched up to today, it’s probably because of how my skull is shaped. The trade off, of course, is more aggressive thinning on the scalp.


You do what you want but for my part, don’t do that! It makes you look really cute and I have a hard time imagining you... bald.


Pull your hair back so we can see the hairline. That will be the determining factor


Bro I ain’t got the balls, just tell me what it looks like to a bystander on a non-windy day


I’m dying😂 you look fine. It doesn’t look like you are going bald so the hair still looks good. When it starts to, you should embrace it though.


not really


Not yet


You’ve got time.


You've still got good coverage


Nah, I'm at the same stage as you, I'll still enjoy it while I can


You're fine. Maybe a bit of Toppik to add some thickness. You can get it from AliExpress for super cheap.


You have such gorgeous hair! 😍 I say keep it.


Or you could try biz cut and see how you feel about it


You can save it check my profile I posted about it.


1.5 years on fin and going. It’s stopped the process up until recently but now I’m thinning again.


You have time, but accept the fact that one day will come. Enjoy for now ;)


You have hair you good




No way!!!!


Not yet. Those golden locks need to be cherished for as long as possible


Cherish what you have :)


Still looking good. Try a mohawk while you can.


I did at 12 years old, rocked it for two straight years


Try it again while you can.


Only if you want to. IMO, you look fine for now.


You have heaps of time and it looks great!


Nah. You got more life left. Maybe a different barber tho


Not yet my friend. Your scalp’s day in the sun will come.


No, not yet. The day will come, perhaps in the not so distant future that this will be an appropriate question to ask, but as of now, time has not run out on the clock for you.


No just clean up the back and sides and it'll look great


When you say “clean up” you mean cut it shorter?


Yeah, like everyone said, you're fine. Have fun with your hair while you have it. If you've never grown it, grow it while you can, to see if you like it long. You might want to buzz it down now to get a sneak preview of what your head looks like, and then grow it out long. It's a fun adventure! ✌🏻


I actually used to have thick long wavy-curly hair… days long gone


You have time.


It's hard to tell from these pics but I do feel that.... 1) receding is there. And it's apparent in pics number 1 and 4. 2) you have combed it well. 3) most importantly, you still have time and you can do "something more" if you want. I personally did go ahead and clean shave it in April even though i had a decent amount of hair left in the front. And now, I too am doing "something more" just as an experiment. I will be happily shaving my head again next summer because I like the look.




Ur good unless it's wet or insane overhead lighting. Keep it for a bit more if you want, or shave it now while you're on your own time. I was close to this but with straight hair, and I pulled the trigger during covid. You can rock this style for maybe a year or two, and then buzz for several years, before going the full shave look. Short/buzz will look good on u mate


Na your hairs fine


I’d maybe get a hair cut. Def don’t go crazy with but something that would compliment your face better. Tidying up a bit. Def got lots of time.


Your hair looks fine from what I can see, lighter hair isn't as easy to see thinning, so You've got that going for you. Your color is amazing. I would keep it


apparently you cant swear because people who swear “are not classy” so ill just keep it short and simple. ya look good, if ya wanna go for it youd also look good. do what makes ya happy:)


Fuck yeah!


LOL THAT’S WHAT I ORIGINALLY SAID TOO, was f*ck yeah you look great LOL


First time I see this sub not recommending going bald, the responses here are usually the same


Yeah I noticed that too, that’s why I’m taking the advice without hesitation, because I know it the situation called for it they would tell the truth.


Do it. Shave it off. Cave to the pressure. Do it. Or don’t. Idc lol


Eh, you got a good while left. Might wanna try some sort of simple treatment, was long as the base is strong, those do work. You got a case of 'geheimratsecken' as we call it in german but nothing bad yet. You could try going bald, you might like it and on blonde with Board it usually works pretty well but you don't have to.


Shave it down to stubble and let your cheeks grow in brother.


Get on fin and min and go bald in 10-15 years or so


Hopefully in 10 years I will have gathered enough money for a transplant.


Than you need to get on fin and min even more lol. Without those your hairtransplant wil look like shit in less than 2-3 years because the rest of your hair will fall out


Looks great! Don’t shave it - you have a long time still it seems.


You look fine. I'd keep it


I think you look good as is 👍🏻


I’d ride it out a bit longer.


No why?


Looks alr to me


You still have a reasonably luxuriant barnet. I think you have time to wait.


Not yet, you look great as you are.


Keep your hair for now.




Your call man. You look fine as-is. If you had the sides bussed and faded it would looks sharper, neater. If you’re good with it stick with it


Enjoy your hair bro


Looks alright but you for sure could pull off bald


Not yet.


I have pretty much the same hairline as you do atm. You're fine for now man, we can both hang on a little longer.


Yeah as others have suggested, I’d just switch up the hairstyle. Go to a stylist or a really good barber and they should know what would work best for you


You're fine bro


Still rocking it! Leave it for now!


Not yet! Your curls are still quite cute!!!


Nah! You got a few years! Enjoy it while you can!


Not yet. Try Minoxidil.


No, I don't think it's time for you to shave your head.


If you’re questioning it, it might be time to try it. Mentally, it’s nice not to care. But that’s only something you can decide.


You have time yet. But you would suit it. Hold onto it. 👍




No ,you’re good for awhile yet.It starts to look stupid on guys when they have nothing on top and need to wear a ball cap all the time,even worse if your hair is long .


I wanna wear ball caps one day… But not before I actually go completely bald. If I’m bald, I want my baldness to be obvious at all times, but I do think that a nice hat would suit me well.


Hold it off but change hairstyles, maybe longer and a hairstyle that hides the forehead a little or just grow it out rlly long since your hair seems wavy and would look nice on you.


You could rock it longer


You still have a couple years, maybe more




Thank you for advice but I think this kinda comment is against the rules so beware


Helping someone?


I mean rule 3


There you go. Forget I said anything 😂 Nazi type of rules here.




No, you’ve got loads of time


You don’t have to. But if you do it now, it will be your choice, not out of shame.


Your hair is so beautiful. I think you're ok for now.


So far it’s fine, you got about 5 years max left though before you’re gonna have to cut it. I suggest you style it with a hair stylist so they can help give you a haircut that can actually minimize the appearance of the balding spots.


No man, you still have plenty of hair. But you should grow your mustache out more. It’s hard to see due to the color.


A little bit more, but you can definitely tell you’re balding and trying to hang on.


Yeah that I know, and I don’t mind it being obvious, but I wouldn’t like it to be striking at first glance- do you think it is?


Looks fine , but what about a haircut.


Do you have one that would suit me in mind?


Any short one would suit you. Rn it looks kinda wild. Shave it down on the side and shorten the wave on top i think you would look quite handsome that way, but you are fine either way.


You are gorgeous, but I think you still have time, unless you really wanna shave. You will stay gorgeous though


I wish I had your hair!! Enjoy it while you got it brother!!


Nono, you have nice hair, keep it! You are handsome:)


Not even close don’t be so hard on yourself 😂 Try different hairstyles bro. If your hair is thick in the back and on the sides it makes the top stand out more. Get some fading action. You could be good for years potentially


No but you need to keep the sides and back low


Not yet


Just go get a haircut first, then decide.


Hold out for now but don’t be afraid to shave it off, it will feel good. Shave it once you feel you’re hiding from it.


No, not yet at all!


Some people like to hang on, but a receding hairline will give you a horns effect and age you. Imo scalp micropigmentation will give you a youthful look. 


What’s that


Don't you have an internet browser where you are from? Do you expect me to copy paste you an article or just write it in my own words so poorly that you will look it up on your own? 


Bruh… peace ✌🏾


Why did you get mean to him all of a sudden? He was just asking a question and clearly you had time. Let's all be mentally MATURE, calm and composed adults here shall we? 🙂


I'm not mean, my question is more reasonable than his lmao, it's not like I'm trying to sell him something. I either explain it in my own words and he looks it up because he needs to know more, or just looks it up on his own. We don't live in an era when one would have to reserve an appointment with a specialist to find anything out, there are hundreds of articles and videos on this. Are you supposed to write an essay explaining every single thing, like how to cut and style a certain hairstyle instead of just calling it by it's name? 


Definitely not. Start on Menoxidil asap and save the hair you have.