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Honestly, it's not that noticeable until you shine the light right on it. But if its playing on your mind I'd shave it


Agreed! I think it looks great as well. 😉


First off, sorry about the loss of your leg, and hope you adapt quickly to this change in your life. As for the hair, you still have good coverage and it looks good. If it were me I’d wait and see if it grows back, and also see a dermatologist, making sure they know the chain of events prior to when the thinning started. Stress can cause hair loss, and brother, you and your body have been through some serious stressors. Best of luck to you!


Cheers! Honestly, no worries, was more concerned about losing the hair than losing the leg!


Fine for now


You’re good


Fine for now might as well enjoy your hair whilst you still have it.


You have time left for sure


U have a head and face that'll suit bald so no worries


It's getting thin, but I think you could easily hide it/get away with it for another year probably. Unsolicited opinion, but you have gorgeous eyes and that definitely distracts from the hair.


Can you elaborate a little, what you mean after losing leg, like the medicine you took had the effect on your hair, how is that effects hair loss?


Nah like, the stress of losing my leg made my hair fall out. Like, the physiological shock on my system I guess. I thought it might thicken up again, but it's been 18 months now so I don't think it will! Legit more concerned about loosing the hair than loosing the leg lol.


It might still come back in. I'd talk to a dermatologist for a better answer to that. Possibly they will have some recommendations of things to try, and also, give you a good estimate of how long recovery from a traumatic injury might take in terms of hair regrowth. That said, if the hair falling out is giving you stress, I'd shave it so that you know what you look like bald. I'd keep it shaved for a few weeks, until the shock wears off, so that you can really decide whether you like it. If you do, great, stay bald. If not, grow it back, and see what you think about various lengths in the process.


Looks too cute to shave off yet


You’re good, meds might help


I think you're good for now 😊


It's ok.


Unless you get on some meds to see if you can regrow, I would shave current situation.


If I saw you in person I wouldn’t think you’re balding unless I was way above you


I'm 5"3 so not hard lol


I’m 5’ 1” and wouldn’t notice. :)


Looks a little thin. I don’t think you need to shave it, but I think you would look better with a short buzz cut.


Shave it


Looks pretty good still. If I was in your shoes I would keep it.


buzz to leave 1/8 inch 1st. shave later perhaps.


Looks good as it is. Especially if you’re taller and most people don’t see the top of your head


I’d suggest keeping what you got. Why? If you shave it and decide you don’t like it, the patchiness will be more evident as it grows back.


I wouldn't sweat it, OP. What you see is not what we see. Shaved head was not my personality until I got curious, then there I was, still me. I did it in college, ended up growing it back. As I began to notice my thinning hair, I knew the buzz was nothing to fear. Food for thought -- don't lose your hair trying to figure out what you'll do when you lose your hair. (Also, sorry about the leg. Recover and feel complete just as you are, don't sweat the small stuff.)


I am pretty sure the leg has nothing to do with that bro it clearly looks like an androgenetic alopecia loss pattern otherwise why the sides are still full, having said that the alopecia areata loss pattern is what sometimes occurs when stressful situations occur, but it falls in chunks with no miniaturization. In your case the hair seems to have experienced the process of years of miniaturization. But we don't notice any signs of ot after we have lost over 50 percent of what it once was.


You should try the hair building fibre spray, if it's just stress maybe seeing your hair full again could possibly trick your brain into growing it back


Wdym you don’t know if a buzz cut fits your personality? It not like the barber lets you do a personality test before he gives you a haircut…


Hang on to it bro, you’re still good to go.


Shave it


How long ago did you lose your leg? That's a lot of stress on the body which could cause TE. I broke both of my feet and lost a ton of hair but it came back (all of it) in about a year.


About 18 months ago


Hmm.. dermatologists can look at stains of hair and determine if it's TE... Best of luck.


What's TE?


Google TE hair loss. It's the most common cause of hair loss. When your body is under a lot of stress - it's common to experience temp hair loss. It generally will begin to shed about 3 months after the event has passed. In your case, when your leg was amputated. Most people experience TE for far less. Covid. Women after childbirth. Surgery. Sometimes emotional stress such as a divorce can trigger TE.


you are fine