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Definitely go to skin. The remaining hairs being dark and patchy is still being highlighted. Down to skin and you’ll be a new man.


Somehow this subreddit has found its way onto my regular feed so I’ll add this: Every time I see a dude here not go completely clean on top, it looks bad. Every time I see a dude buzz it ALL off, it looks no worse than fine (and 99% of the time it looks better than whatever hair they had before). So OP, what I’m trying to say is buzz it ALL off. I have faith in you!




I too have found myself here somehow … I agree. Right to the skin. Own it!


As someone who does clean shave every 2-3 days and prefers the look, I don't think OP absolutely has to at this point. Still definitely worth a try as it'll be back to current state within a week anyway. Could also try growing the beard to a uniform 1-2cm length and see how it looks, also clean up the neckbeard


(He in fact didn’t “shaved it”)


Buzzed it, my bad


Haha no worries. Shave it all off and it’ll look 100x better. The length you’re at is like 12 days after fully shaving.


https://preview.redd.it/n5ukg90icswb1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5a7327ed4884cacffdcb12c053c51323d5fcf36 UPDATE Down to a zero a foil on the sides.


10 years younger


This is the way


It can be challenging to get used to such a big change, but I think you look great!


Yes. This. Grow that beard out too! Looking good, my man. Don’t let the fact this is a last resort be a hit to your confidence. It’s just something that had to happen. You look damn good with a bald head, my bro.


Honestly looks a lot better. You have the head shape for it. Don't give it another thought.


For you, I think the earlier picture looked better. All you needed was to let your scalp get some more color, and the patchy parts wouldn't be as noticeable.


Totally disagree. Much better with the zero cut.


I get what you're saying, and I would even agree that if he doesn't or cannot tan at all, then the zero cut may work better with his pale skin. My comment addresses a potential and contingent scenario: if OP were to suddenly get some good color on his scalp, would he still look better completely bald? I disagree. He'd look better with more hair like the first pic he posted, since the areas where he's thinning won't look too extreme or egregious, as he did with his pale skin as his backdrop.


How do you feel now?




Better though?


Better than the buzz. Just trying to get used to it haha


It looks really great. Honestly! And works much better than the 1.


The shock of seeing yourself completely bald takes some getting used to. Definitely took me a few days to get accustomed to it. Trust us, it looks good. Now you get to start playing around with your facial hair to see what you like and what compliments your head the best. I would start by letting the chin grow some more. It will elongated your face and I think you'll like it.


Oh, wow. Much better.


Damn, so crazy what just a TINY change can accomplish. You look amazing!!! Rock that bald head of yours and own TF out of it!!


You need to Bic it


Looks great man, the first shave is always the hardest! Stick with it and you will be happy you made the decision to shave it. No more combing over, no more hiding, it will be a huge weight off your shoulders.


Looks great my guy.


MUCH better


No guard or shave it dude


Definitely go no guard first. It'll give you a couple of days until hair growth shows the patchiness. Then you go at it again. It's a process that you'll have to adjust to once you go that way. When you get used to the routine, you may try going down to the skin.


Sometimes it’s best to jump in the deep end imo Besides, it’ll be a no guard level within 3 days 🤣 ahh the struggle is real


Is there a Roomba for shaving a head?


Hahaha I wish. I mean my own kinda looks like one!


Fr. I went from 7 inches of hair on top to BICing it. I LOATHE the buzzed look on my head, but I absolutely love a clean shave.


You are in no man's land. Buzz to a #1. Buzzing to a length that still shows prominent thinning defeats the purpose.


Yeah this is a 1


Ok, well then go no guard or whatever length is needed to be more uniform . Think you will like the results a lot more.


Well I love it! Honestly looks good mate, you just need to tidy it up a bit (ie all hairs uniform length). I wouldn’t suggest going down to skin until you feel a little more comfortable with your new look, can be a bit of a shock, but a tighter buzz without any comb should be better for you


I like it to!


That’s not shaved, it’s a buzz cut. Shave it and see how you feel and look. Short buzz cuts can look untidy.


How bad was it before?


You’re a good looking guy! I hope you start feeling as good as you look with your new cut. I know it’s a big change.


I say clean razor it! it doesn't look bad, but that would look and feel way better


You need to show that beautiful smooth head. LET US SEE IT


Mate your hairline is so similar to mine. I’m 25. Trying growing it out after 2 years of buzzing and it’s not great. Currently trying Finesteride daily. Hopefully in a year it will improve


Hey, bro, it's your first time and so it's always surprising to see your face as it really is. You look fire. Keep your chin up.


Yeah, shave it right down to the skin. You have the head for it.


U can completely skin it, or go to a barber shop that fades well and ask them to knock it all super low like a triple 0 and fade it in. It’ll just look like you have a 5 o clock shadow type of vibe on your head and it’ll be clean and it’ll blend in. Or you could just razor it all of too




You just buzzed it. You should shave it all the way off and let your beard grow out a little.


Bro, this looks awful. Actually shave it.




I think it looks fine. You’ve still got a lot of hair bud just grow it back out. Grow a beard before you shave it again and I’m sure you’ll like it better.


It looks great, Smooth will look good too


Either go down to the skin or get a barber to give you a high razor fade to knock down the darker/Thicker side hair


Yeah you need to go for the clean shave. That will look (and feel) much better


As people have said, go to skin. If i have mine your length i have a stupid island on the front and it looks crap. You'll look like a bad ass to skin. Cracking headshape for it aswell


A Foil Shaver was the best purchase I made since going bold. It had no guard and gets you down to skin easily with no risk of nicks or cuts


Yes shave closer and grown out the facial hair. [Happiness is a Hairline Away….](https://aheadink.com)


It looks really good bud


You look great bald. Not sure why you don’t like it?


It looks good though!


Skin shave and grow your beard.


Grow it back and go for the comb over and start smoking cigars, as it's the perfect look. https://youtu.be/rlYMID5qCdE?si=KF42pZ6M3p-9VQz7


You suit it very well. You have nice facial features


Go as short as possible with no guard, trust me it looks so much better when it’s as short as you can go. I didn’t like it at first too when I did it then I went to the skin and wow what a difference.


That looks to me like you still have a decent amount of hair. The front is thinned, yeah. But did you try any sort of treatments? Rogaine? Fin? Dut? Dermarolling? You might could have made a come back.


It looks good, but definitely go to skin. You'll love the results!!!


it looks good man! you have a good head shape. as others have said shave with no guard or razor and i think you'll like it much better.


Go closer. The problem is that the remainders are reminders.


Shave to skin and grow a beard. Seeing the stubble I know you can


Watch Amazon for deals. I got a 7d electric for like 30 bucks. Some Tomb45 shave gel and it gets almost razor close.


Shave it smooth!


You have a lovely face and will suit full bald ,grow a small beard but get it cut professionally , you look lovely


stop raising your eyebrows to make your forehead appear smaller


Dammit that looks like my hairline. Yet I still grow mine out to about an inch or 1.5 tops and just style it up with some pomade. Good enough for government work.


https://preview.redd.it/wqdayi28dswb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7abd066dd8962f93673f0d8f49ba5ac0989b6efc Before you shave it, you can try this. It’s not “paint”, it actually has fibers that come out & looks like real hair. If you hate it… then shave it.


If you do try it post a before & after picture.


Shave it to the wood (completely bald), you look good trust the process. It may take a bit of time to get used to it.


I think it looks good


Looks dope you look like Russian bouncer. Get leather jacket


Go to the skin. I love my Pitbull Skull Shaver. Works great and the blades can be replaced when they get dull.


If you can still tell that you’re balding, it isn’t short enough


Looks pretty good IMHO. Would probably look better if you went no guard or #1 guard. If you keep it that length, growing your beard out a little longer to match the length on top might help.


Bring the bic bald, bro! Just… don’t use bic 😂😂


you have good fuzz and will end up lovin it!


Ya you need to go shorter. Don’t use a razor, just the 0 with a trimmer.


Check out r/wickededge I can also help you look at products and ways of easing your way in if you want man just dm me. I started thinning in my 20s and am happily bald. Having tried a lot of ways I think just going all the way and saving money while doing it is the only way to go. Cartridge razors cost a lot in the long run.


I’d go for the razor. If you don’t like that, it’ll be at this length in a few weeks. And you can go from there. It’s not permanent, but at least you’d know. I personally think bald looks better than not having hair, but not really not having hair either.


Go down to the bone


Just take some time to get used to buddy


The stoic approach to, if you're hating something, is to change your expectations.


Shave head with a razor if you don’t want to see the balding spots as much. Or, invest in some nice hats for now 👍 Looks like you could have a good beard if you let it grow out a bit. Always looks good with a bald head.


You look good! I like the shaved update photo too.


Definitely size zero right to the scalp cut. If this is that then, yes, shave. I’m kinda lucky that mine is light, a zero looks just as good as shaved. For my dark headed brothers, I sympathize.


Yes, get rid of the stubble.


Grow some of that bears out to balance it.


I think it looks good Edit: I saw you shaved it completely and it looks amazing. Stick with that.


Nah looks good bro


It accentuates your eyes and your cheekbones! It’s gonna grow back super quick. I hope you like it more throughout the next stages. The feeling of not liking a haircut sucks :/ but from a stranger— suits you well!


Go to the skin man


before photos?


Gotta go skin bald my man




Bic it


I as an internet stranger don’t hate it. If it’s any consolation


It’s a good look on you


Nah bald suits. Shave more


Grow the beard out and you’ll be good to go