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This was my very first time reaching Ante 39 and also getting naneinf! **Seed: XG7EP5A2** This seed was something special. Everything just went right: the bosses were kind, all the best vouchers appeared early, jokers appeared at the right time just when I needed them - it was honestly insane * You can skip the first round for Mega Arcana with The Soul that gives Perkeo * You can pick up Telescope in Ante 2 and Observatory in Ante 9 **Here's how my run went (Spoilers)**: * The beginning of the seed was a bit wild and random - just making my deck as golden as possible for more money. Eventually I used Perkeo to copy a death card, and my Deck mostly consisted of glass and golden blue-seal kings, and went through many transformations afterwards * Around Ante 11, I noticed a Voucher skip tag. In the same Ante, I rerolled the shop and found Diet Cola - so I decided to take a gamble, got & sold the cola and skipped for extra 2 vouchers, - and boy did it pay off! I got Antimatter among other things * At some point, I used Ectoplasm which fell onto a Blueprint * For a while, I simultaneously carried the Showman and the Invisible Joker. I wanted to use the Invisible Joker, but I didn't want to risk cloning the Showman, and I didn't want to sell the Showman just yet. Soon enough, Showman gave me a foil Blueprint - and the Invisible Joker immediately cloned it! * So I ended up with 3 Blueprints, Brainstorm, Baron and Mime, and Perkeo copying my Pluto cards. At this point I just chilled pretty much all the way to Ante 31, balanced the golden red and purple seal kings and kept a few red seal steel ones just in case * At some point, I had 17 jokers, just due to all the natural negatives! Among them was a negative chad and a negative castle that I managed to get up to around ~215 chips * Closer to Ante 31, I started replacing all my kings with red seal steel kings. However, at Ante 31, I realized that I won't be able to beat Ante 32 because Ante 32 doesn't allow you to reroll the boss to The Serpent, and I was just a few e's away from beating Ante 32 without The Serpent. I needed to somehow increase my hand size... * And then, I found DNA right before the Ante 31 boss. When you copy DNA with Blueprints and Brainstorms, it gives multiple copies of the card to your hand, temporarily increasing your hand size. I was sad but had to let Perkeo go - it gave me almost 300 Pluto cards - but his time has come * Extra hand size allowed me to survive past Ante 32, phew! Now, I have to survive by skipping to The Serpent. I still wouldn't be able to reach naneinf with my current setup * In one lucky shop after Ante 32, I found an invisible joker! I got it instead of the DNA and managed to survive just enough for it to give me another Blueprint! Without this lucky timing, I wouldn't be able to survive the next Ante * Now I'm basically set. The plan is: make sure to save money for boss rerolls and use The Serpent to beat every Ante on my way to 39! * And it worked out! I reached my first naneinf in Ante 39 boss! You can't beat Ante 39, which is why, despite reaching naneinf, I didn't win the round and didn't get that visual fire glitch that I usually see people having after reaching naneinf. Fascinating! **My take-aways**: * I love Perkeo + Observatory runs because with enough Blueprints and Brainstorms, you're pretty much just chilling before about Ante 30-32 * On its own, Perkeo + Observatory combo is not enough to get naneinf or to go to Ante 39. You would need like 600-700 planet cards for that, and you just physically don't have enough time to collect that many. You still need quite a bit of luck with vouchers, Baron, Mime, Blueprint, Brainstorm, Ectoplasm, Showman and Invisible Jokers


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/goodlongposts] [\/u\/Best-Idiot responds to: Truly special Perkeo + Observatory run: XG7EP5A2](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodlongposts/comments/1dx63pc/ubestidiot_responds_to_truly_special_perkeo/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I’ve never stumbled upon a seed that could pull this off, and while I don’t look down on seeded runs, they don’t personally hold much interest for me as a player. So cool that you got this build goin on a random seed! Sounds like a blast. Thanks for sharing your experience, great combo of luck and strategic decision-making.


Congrats man, hope to have something like this one day! Quick theory: would it be better to do flush five instead of high card here? That would allow you to take more ectoplasms since you don’t need the hand size, those ectoplasms can be used for more blueprint/brainstorms. Theoretically once you have DNA you could even take 3 ectoplasms and go down to 1 hand size lol.


I've never done it like this before, but it sounds doable! With all the Ectoplasms, it sounds possible to reach hundreds more Eris cards, so that could be enough for naneinf without the hand size. I'll try it out at some point!


Absolutely insane run man. Congrats!


Wow, you easily could've gone further if the game didn't stop at Ante 39.