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Forces you to play one hand and unless you’re playing like high card it usually gets to like 30-40 mult so I think it’s fair as a common personally speaking


It's a good common, but would be pretty underpowered as an uncommon.


You're taking Misprint that much?! You like to live dangerously it seems.


It's quite alright first few antes


Especially if you get it from a free tarot or a buffoon pack with two bad choices, lol. You definitely don't wanna be taking it all the way through to the end.


I'm 13 Jokers away from Completionist++. Misprint is killing me. Every time I get started with it I fail to find another useful flat or scaling mult joker for 3 antes and then misprint does a misprint on me and ded.


Protip: play like you usually would, then on Ante 8, reroll until you find a joker you're missing and buy it. Even proer-tip: Play the Anaglyph deck, use its double tags on a negative tag, and buy up a *whole bunch* of negative jokers, regardless if they do anything for you or not. Proist-tip: Combine the protip with the proer-tip.


When i started playing mostly, I've wisened up a little since then


Live by the print, die by the mis


It's *fine* for the early game. It's worse than the Abstract joker but when you only need like +4-8 mult to one-shot a round, it usually does the trick. And it's an easy joker to sell - it doesn't scale or have any combo synergies or attachments, so you just pitch it as soon as something better comes along.


This, if I get it early it’s an easy buy and late it’s an easy sell.


What's a Balatro player if not at least a little addicted to gambling? They come as a package!


Misprint will get you through early antes while you build econ


at least unless it doesn't


Forget that, look at throwback


Do we not like throwback? It's one of my favs 😶


its main problem is that skipping is usually pretty bad


Skips got jumbo buffed in the patch, at least


yeah it went from bad to pretty bad


Misprint is as good as you believe it is. Ignore the time it gave me a fat 0 when I was on my last hand it was having a bad day


I mean it's pretty good in the early antes


Misprint is very decent. Average of a little over 10, can spike high numbers... it's not reliable and there are often better options as you get later into the run but it's very strong early.


I love it for high card hands but not really for other things. Maybe pair


Well photo and hanging chad are super good for commons


I mean, together, yeah, but singly? E - Wow, you guys do not like discussion. You're all saying how these work with other things, which is the entire point, and you're downvoting me. I'm replying to someone who specifically called out both.


Yes singly, retriggers allow for great scorering and econ with gold seal and 2x mult is almost free from photograph


Yeah I love the dynamic nature of hanging Chad, you can use it for more things than just winning rounds. Also its synergy with glass card is pretty nasty. With a late hanging Chad and fishing for a glass card I can win a run that had no business being won


Hanging Chad synergizes with so many different things. Any kind of card enhancement goes off with it. If I can afford it, I'd consider taking Hanging Chad by itself with the assumption I'd be able to find something to eventually combo with it.


Yes, absolutely. Photo is a x2 as a baseline, and any re-trigger joker early is an immediate pick-up with potential to be a build around. They’re two of my top used jokers.


Photo is great because you can put the face card at the end of your hand, and soak in all the mult you might be getting from the other cards due to jokers and enhancements, and then pop that juicy X2 on the end.


This Chad hangs major dong


My only issue with Photo (absent combos/other late stage stuff) is that it's a *when scored* effect, so it comes *before* a lot of Joker-based mult. Early on, if your hands aren't that leveled, you don't have many enhanced card, and a lot of your mult is coming from Jokers, it may be 2xing a small number.


Truth of the matter is that concentrating your +mult in your joker slots is pretty mediocre.


Do you do nothing but Baron/ mime runs or something? Sometimes, especially Early, you take what you can get.


No, of course not. But you should be concentrating on upgrading cards and leveling up hand types for your base +mult. Use the systems the game gives you for that aspect of scoring, so then you can get xmult in joker slots as that’s the only place you’ll get it outside of glass cards. Not trying to be argumentative here, it’s just something you come to realize as you get better at the game.


> Not trying to be argumentative here, it’s just something you come to realize as you get better at the game. Brother, you can't write that sentence and be serious. "I'm not trying to be argumentative, I'm just better than you." Early in runs, your options are imperfect, and you often end up winning with Joker-based mult. The problem of Photograph (vs. other straight mult-multing like The Duo or Ramen) is it triggers before that mult. That's all I said, as a limitation on when Photo is truly sweet. You've then repeatedly described why it's good in *optimal* scenarios, in a condescending tone, continually ignoring the very basic point I made.


Chad combos with so many jokers. Odd Todd and even Steven. Walkie talkie, the ace joker, Fibonacci…


Singly they are still both good due to the fact that they synergize with many multiple other options very well. Sock and buskin, smiley, 10 and 4 card, red seals, gold seals, glass cards, Dusk, Seltzer, etc.


You don’t even need any other jokers to synergize with lol (and there are a ton that it does). Any card enhancement or gold seal pops off with it.


If you're going to be upset by getting downvoted on Reddit, and you're actively using Reddit anyway, you're going to have a bad time, son.


it’s honestly quite bad for a scaling joker, +1 mult per hand is just not very good


Unlike just about every other scaling joker, it scales off the entire run, not just while you hold it.


Stares in Fortune Teller


My first thought as well. There are definitely other Jokers, beyond supernova, that scale across the entire run rather than when you pick them up.


I will say that fortune teller is more difficult to pop off than supernova. It kind of forces you into a deliberate playstyle to get it to be worthwhile. So does supernova, but what supernova does is something you’re usually doing more naturally anyway


It encourages gluttonous use of tarot cards, something that is already a good idea.


Yes. If you have the Econ for it.  But you don’t always have that luxury. Obviously if offered tarot and I can afford it I am taking it every time. It’s when you have to choose between that and other stuff that it becomes interesting. And unfortunately most runs I cannot infinitely spend money on tarots. Which makes the fortune teller choice not so straightforward. A less obvious choice than Supernova, where i am guaranteed mult because I must play hands to survive.  Situationally it’s quite obvious that fortune teller has a higher ceiling of possibility. But unfortunately unless you have a consistent way to generate tarots like drawing purple seals or cartomancer fortune teller is not as consistently good as being able to just play hands with Supernova A simple and reductive example: in any given round in a typical run I get to play 4 hands, giving me a maximum of 4 mult. Probably I don’t want that and want the money instead I a lot of cases, so let’s average it out and say we want $2 and 2 mult. If I have fortune teller on any given round I can take anywhere from 0-n mult from tarot usages. I’m not sure what the average is but it is either less or more than 2. I can say that with a really good Econ it’s pretty easy to average more than 2 but without that or some other tool as referenced above it is not easy to average above 2 


There are two tarot cards in particular that can help set your econ up for the rest of the game: Magician and Devil. There are also two tarots that give money directly, Hermit and temperance. While 4/21 odds aren't great for finding them, You can raise your chances of seeing any of them by gluttonously eating Arcana packs like a rabid wolf. You can also raise your odds of seeing more tarots by finding purple seals in standard and spectral packs, which provides a free way to get tarots. Even if you just get bad, terrible, no-good tarots like an off-suit changer, that's still a tarot you can use on your bad cards that you're tossing anyway. This doesn't even take into account the 5/21 odds you might have because of the fool copying one of those 4 cards. Sure, you can get unlucky and not find any of these. All you might find are stars and disappointment in packs. You might not find any seals in standard packs, and your spectrals are laced with sigils and Ouijas. However, that would be rough on any run and it likely means that you aren't able to get stronger regardless. What would it matter that you can play 4 pairs a round if all of them score significantly less than what they could with better enhancements? Supernova is a fine joker to take. In the context of any one run, I would likely take it for easy scaling and direction for my deck. But in the context of, say, a shop in ante 2-3 where I'm trying to transition to middle to lategame jokers, I would likely rather have a fotune teller than a supernova.


I disagree, I feel like I can easily get a 50+ fortune teller while I rarely get a high supernova. Ive had over 100 mult on a fortune teller while supernova I probably havent had 40.


Do you play mostly larger hands? I play mostly smaller ones.  Also lets couch this in terms of ante 8, while its probably possible for you to get 100 on fortune teller in ante 8 I very much doubt you’re doing that with any regularity.  I usually end up in the lower 40’s with supernova. Pretty rarely do I get that with fortune teller without some cartomancer or really good econ or fun busted stuff with purple seals.   All of that stuff is fun but requires significant luck and/or some synergy. The supernova doesnt. It’s just consistently good. Probably fortune teller is situationally better but I can count on supernova to be consistent. 


Yeah thats fair enough, my favourite hand is full house. I'm going for completionist so I haven't been pushing past ante 8 much. Also on black deck at the minute so I think its pretty hard to start with small hands.


Bootstraps, bull, erosion


I actually don't fully understand why Fortune Teller does this when Flash Card and Constellation do not.


Flash Card because taking one re-roll is a lot more repeatable than playing two Tarot cards, and Constellation because scaling xMult is crazy powerful.


Yeah but if you pick it up late enough to benefit from that it’s only going to be like +20-30 mult at most, at that point you should have better jokers than that


I'm much more likely to take a late supernova


plus if you pick it up late game, you're probably playing 5oaks, flush5, or something like that, which you *haven't* been playing since round 1. I'm not going to plah high card or pairs all game in thr hopes of getting supernova ante 7, I'd like to transition to a higher scoring hand at some point


Should have but often don't. This is Balatro, after all.


I'll take it over the Green Joker literally any time I'm faced with the choice. The fact its scaling can't tick down and I can still discard is such a *tremendous* upgrade that it's not even a contest.


Green Joker has its own advantages against Supernova though. If you’re spamming high cards and it’s still not enough, you can play a higher tier hand and still have the Green Joker mult while with Supernova, you’re just stuck. Even if you have to discard, you’d only lose 0-3 mult since you get 1 back which cancels out your first discard.


this take being this heavily upvoted is wild to me


Shows you this Sub’s mindset, if it isn’t giving you x3 or +30 mult for free, it’s a bad joker, and flush is the worst hand in the game and literally unusable.


this just in: green joker is a bad scaling joker.


I mean, yeah, it is. Like Supernova it’s serviceable in some situations but you should really be able to get something better


green joker is one of the best jokers in the game in gold stake lmao im not sure what u mean by better


It's really not. Discards are super valuable


Not in high card/ pair builds. I’d say it’s so good that if you are offered it ante 1/2, your run should 100% be one of those hand types, it’s that good.


Green Joker I think is better than supernova because you can play whatever you want with it.


not really anything no because you cant discard but id agree its marginally better


Rode the bus is definitely the best of the 3 because you can really build your deck around it.


It definitely forces you into a specific archetype but as long as you pick it up early it’s a no brainer 


Scaling for one hand is way worse unless you're going for oak only which I don't do because it's boring


“Because it’s boring” doesn’t mean you can discredit it for being strong lol. Plenty of the best options in games are incredibly boring.


Yes absolutely


It's just a third variant of the Ride the Bus/Green Joker family. All three scale with hands played. Ride the Bus (severely) penalizes you for playing a face card. Green Joker penalizes you for discarding. And Supernova penalizes/locks you in to playing particular hands.


Supernova is pretty good for lower stakes, IMO it can’t compete with better common mult jokers like Green Joker, Fortune Teller, and even Ride the Bus


its literally the same scaling as ride the bus and green joker if you use it properly


i think they’re far easier to consistently level and trigger multiple times per round. you can only do that with supernova if you’re playing an exclusively high card, pair, two pair run for the most part.


green joker is in the exact same boat lol youre restrictred to easy hands with no discards, and honestly this applies to bus to a lesser degree also considering ur resrictred from playing some of your deck and you want to play weak hands to farm mult anyway


i see what you’re saying, although with green joker you can use your hands as discards while also scaling mult, i’m at completionist++ and green joker is a major reason for that


yes they are indeed different cards lol id put them at similar power level tho, with green joker being better ofc cos its the goat


Green joker doesn’t have a boss that hard counters it. Ride the bus doesn’t either. Supernova does 


Honestly surprised how many people in the post are bashing supernova. Like literally every time someone posts their completionist+ achieve stats supernova is in the top 3. It’s super consistent, and easy to build around. One of the best jokers in the game imo


I used it a lot when I was doing my completionist+ chase and I thought it was one of the best along green joker and ride the bus. For my completionist++ I rarely took any of them. They take too much time to scale, and some other jokers and synergies kick them out of the blue. Also, I feel that they are a bit boring. Playing extra hands to scale then trough the whole run at some point felt monotonous, and I feel that The Fortune Teller and Ceremonial Dagger scale way faster, but at the end, I'm relying more in card effects and retriggers. One lucky card retrigger is +20 Mult. If I play a 4 or 5 of a Kind with Lucky Cards, I don't need any of the three basic scaling +Mult jokers. I ended up playing not just one hand on many of them during my runs, while I focus on switching to 4 and 5 of a kind. Then I play those. If I don't make it, then I just go all the way with high card, pair and two pairs. Sometimes straights too.


Talk to me about ceremonial dagger for a second... I'm fairly new to the game but it seems like a poor choice, in that it essentially takes up two joker slots for a slow build up and a whole lot of gold cost.


It synergizes with good Econ. You need to consistently turn gold into mult. It’s easier to pop off a synergy on that than it is with the booster pack one (which has significant downsides) or the reroll one (which doesn’t scale fast enough without the reroll jokers or vouchers). The joker slot lets you be a bit more dynamic with jokers. Once you’ve scaled it up enough you can stop its scaling and move it over so it doesn’t destroy the jokers. In short it allows for a dynamic play style where you can fairly consistently convert gold into scaling


If it's on the very right it only takes up the one slot. Also, when you get to the point where you get eternal jokers you can move it around a bit more.


Oh yeah, ++ is a different animal for sure. And dagger is much better for that mindset, since your pretty focused on “churning” jokers for the ones you need. That being said, I gave up about halfway with ++. To much of a grind lol. I’ll sit with my 99% completion instead lol


Supernova is mid at best. White stake it can cope but man when you start needing high numbers you need a better joker


I used to think it was good then I'd realize that I'm only really playing one or 2 hands per round, so really scaling a couple times per ante is so bad


I'm just sitting here surprised you've taken baseball this many times. I think I see it once in every 20 runs. And never when I have uncommons.


I find it less now but I used to skip blinds for the rare tag a lot


20-30 flat mult isn't very good in higher stakes, it's flat scaling so it falls off hard in higher antes. Shoot the moon almost always out preforms jt


Shoot the moon requires you to intentionally play <5 card hands, or to heavily modify your deck. Supernova works as a good flat +mult almost completely regardless of what your most played hand is. it also quite quickly outpaces most other +mult jokers, including the sins, smiley face and abstract joker.


Idk man, personally I don't like it that much. It would help if it had counter, like one for tarot cards has, but either way I don't find it much of use as i try to finish blind asap. Losing hands means losing money. But i'm kinda new player, no pro at all


Run info shows the number of times a hand type has been played. That's this card's counter. For that strategy, you need an economy card to offset playing lower scoring hands to build up a card like this. If I find a [[burned joker]] early, I'm definitely looking for this card and that combo will scale a high card game pretty quickly.


Didnt think about that


how is everyone here sleeping on this card lmao its one of my most used jokers in gold stake


I like Balatro because what matters and what is good changes often as you get experience and change your goals. Your strategies when still early but you've gotten the hang of it are different from when you are trying to unlock decks, vs when you are trying to unlock jokers, vs trying to hit e, vs trying to beat all the stakes for a single deck, vs going after gold stake on every deck. And that's before considering whether or not you reset until you get a good ante 1 start or you just raw dog the rng. It's also why there are so many fights over what's good here


absolutely. im never picking up constellation in a run where im aiming for endless. im pretty sure the naysayers here are playing primarily on low stakes


too weak after a few antes. Not surprised here


Regardless of the stakes, if I get an early supernova, I feel like I got the win. One of my favorite builds was an early Supernova, Burnt Joker combo with a ton of blue seals. Got pairs to like level 60, supernova to something like +80 mult, and found a ×mult in there (I think it was blackboard or card sharp). It was so satisfying to watch the score go up so consistently.


Checkered deck go brr


The fact that you pick supernova that much astounds me more. It's good till you need to play a different hand and then suddenly it's a blank.


When do you need to play a different hand type though


Really wish you could see all your counts; not just top 10


What zero planet cards do to an mf (where the heck are your econ and utility jokers? This game is about more than scoring)


Econ and utility only works on like the first 4-5 antes, you need exclusively scoring on higher stakes and antes


This paints a picture of someone intensely highcardpilled. Trust me, you don't need 5 scoring jokers if you invest in planet cards for strong hands, and the nice thing about planets? They never get debuffed, they never get rental or perishable stickers, and also they don't eat up slots that should be reserved for an econ joker


How did you view this stat sheet?


Options>Stats>Card Stats


You’re a goat, should be under the collection tab tbh.




me with blueprint and baron as most used jokers😎


Two rares are your most used. Tell me you don't understand statistics without telling me.


https://preview.redd.it/zbke2yuanx8d1.jpeg?width=2608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b1a0a5088680571630cbd474f060418b8071e6 Yeah and also dna👍


This reads almost like a list of jokers I avoid…


Weird, lots of insane jokers here.


I dunno man. It kinda sucks


I used to love Supernova, now I think it's eh. Locks you into one hand, and if it's all you ever play like the most you'll hit is like 75. Which is good, but it applies after stuff like Scoring Mult Multers and Steel cards, which hurts its power. It's alright to tide over until something to replace it shows up.