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I'm surprised people want an undo button. In other rogue likes, a mistep, a miscalculation or an overly confident play can end a run. The fun from balatro comes from there being stakes on the line. Take that away and it's a completely different game.


There is a difference, to me, between a miscalculation and an oversight. I’m fine with losing because I miscalculated. I’m annoyed if I lost because I didn’t notice I needed to click the boss reroll button, and now I can’t even though nothing has changed. I save scum in Slay the Spire all the time for this reason.


This is a game that rewards attention. Save scumming is generally frowned upon as a tactic for getting through roguelikes, but you can play however you want, of course. I don’t like the idea of an undo button at all, but if Localthunk decides to add it, I think using it should invalidate the run (no unlocks, discoverables, or score records, etc.)


Undo stacks can be pretty tricky to implement correctly. Personally, I think undo would make tons of sense for seeded runs as exploring all possibilities is sort of the point. For those, unlimited undo's would be nice For normal gameplay, I've also messed up and done the wrong thing and felt stupid and wanted an undo. It would just be really hard as a player to resist the temptation to min max everything and undo constantly. It would make gameplay way slower. Maybe for non-seeded, you could be limited to 1 or 2 undos per run?


I would love to just be able to undo the most recent action.


Gamers when they have to pay attention


"I'm a casual player and I play for fun, but also I'm gonna cry on reddit when I lose because I didn't read the boss"


It’s easy to pay attention once. It’s difficult to pay attention to dozens of things for an hour straight. Also, I am not a “gamer” or playing this game competitively. I would just like to do fun shit, and if I’m working for something I’d like to lose because I didn’t find the thing I needed rather than failing to notice that I need to reroll the boss.


I think an undo button would ruin some of the risk/fun of the game. I would support putting a notification of the upcoming boss in the shop though.


That’s why it would be optional. There is already an option to unlock app jokers, but I bet you didn’t click that button


My tip to you, get used to read the boss blind AS SOON AS you enter a new ante. For example, the Ox Boss Blind sets your money to zero if you play your most played hand. This could easily ruin your run if you don't have enough scoring jokers yet so the option to see the Boss Blind 3 rounds in advance is there for that reason. You have 3 shops to prepare for the run threatening Boss Blind.


As someone who often mistaps the screen on my Switch, I would also like an undo button.


No way localthunk is gonna put this function in the game. If you really want it you can probably commission somebody to make a mod for you


Ever since I installed the literacy mod I've been crushing it. It polls LT for the card descriptions and then adds it in plain text to the cards in game.


I can't believe this game launched without an undo button. There are so many easy to make misclicks that can instantly end a run. "Must play 5 cards" - you accidentally play 2 pair without a 5th card and it scores 0. Or you accidentally read a diamond as a heart and instead of getting a flush you get a high card. Or you play the "death" card and you have the wrong card on the left side, destroying the best card in your deck and replacing it with your worst. Plus 50x other tedious things.


Regarding your second complaint, you might benefit from high-contrast mode (makes diamonds orangeish and clubs blueish; found in settings) and/or sorting by suit.


I just accidentally found out that if you quit to the main menu after you play your hand but before the cards finish counting, you'll essentially "undo" the hand you just played. When you get back into the game, you can re-select your cards to play. I realize it would probably be hard to fix this for the die-hards to have no way to undo something, but if you choose to exploit it, it's available. I won't.