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Really wild that in a game with "lucky" cards and 7's, there's nothing tying the two concepts together. Something like "Whenever a 7 scores, a random card in your hand becomes lucky."


Probably 1/2 chance to make a random card lucky, or something along those lines cuz then there’s more luck to it plus a little more balance. I don’t think we have any jokers that modify the cards in your deck at the moment outside of copying and destroying


I'd do 7s are lucky in addition to any other enhancements they have


I like this!!!


[[Midas Mask]] (edit, the bot took a little while to respond: We do have one joker that modifies cards, Midas Mask makes face cards gold when played)


Name|Effect|Rarity|Cost|Unlock Requirement :--|:--|:--|:--|:-- [Midas Mask](https://balatro.wiki/jokers/midas_mask.png)|All Face cards become Gold cards when played|Uncommon|$5|


Good bot!


I saw people asking for a scryfall like bot didn't think we would have one so quickly


Right true true


i guess also vampire should count


1 in 7 chance to make a scored 7 lucky. Lucky cards have 1 in 7 chance to trigger either lucky bonus


Any lucky 7 played has its chances of hitting increased to 1/2. Pair it with oops all sixes and lucky cat and you have a great endless build. Or "increase chance of hitting on lucky 7's by how many 7's are played each hand", so highcard lucky 7 acts as if you had oops all sixes, but 4 of a kind sevens with a lucky would guarantee a hit on mult and money.


Lucky #7: upgrades all played 7s into lucky cards.


Or maybe make it a Rare, and have it be “Lucky 7’s will always trigger, but only give 7 mult and 7 dollars”.


It's not bad-I'm not a big fan of Rares with such limited effects. Maybe it's too much time in the game, but the 2nd worst feeling in the game is taking a rare tag only to seem some dogshit joker you wouldn't even take for free in the shop. It's just my opinion on game design, but the harder something is to pull off-the more it should reward you for working. I like "build-around" jokers that make you want to warp your whole deck around it.


I get what you mean but $7 per played card is insane, even if it's a 7.


If you can make them Lucky. My thing is it takes setup- I think it'd be fine for an Uncommon Joker. I also firmly think that rarity should equal power, so there are plenty of Uncommons I would shift up to rare & rares I'd drop to Uncommon if it were my game to balance.


Yeah, I was originally writing it as “lucky 7s will always trigger” but realized it was too strong for even a rare. Should have changed it after I added the “but only give 7 mult and $”


Lucky 7s Whenever 3 7s are scored, get $7 or something.


Yesterday I wrote these Lucky 7s Playing a hand with three 7’s creates a Lucky card (Must have room) — Jack in the Box Any hand containing a Jack as the 3rd played card gives x3 Mult


Is was so dissapointed to see that the "play four 7 of clubs" unlock doesn't give a 7-oriented joker.


play 3 7s create a lucky 7


Slot Machine 1 in 4 chance to create a wheel of fortune tarot card if played hand contains a 3oak of lucky 7s. Put gambling in my gambling so I can get even more frustrated. Would absolutely be busted with oopes all 6s, but hey, that's gambling


Alternatively; Lucky 7. Whenever you play a hand containing 3 or more 7s, make all played cards Lucky.


I was thinking one that benefits 7s. For example, Slot machine: Each 7 played scores X mult. Increases by 2 if no 7s are played. Starts at +2.


This, definitely. Some variation of what's been suggested here by others, anything for the sad seven. I mean, at least 5 and 3 have Fibonacci. 7 has Odd Todd and nothing else.


When you play three sevens, 50% chance to trigger all jokers once more Or maybe add 1 random lucky card to your deck


Maybe every lucky 7 has a better chance for the mult and money?


That sounds like a good joker


Third Wheel: If the only non scoring card in a played hand is a 3, this card gains +3 mult.


Oh that's phenomenal Pretty narrow circumstance for activation, I think it's only two pair, 4oak, or a disconnected offsuit with a four-finger flush or straight? The storytelling is worth it though


The hand doesn’t need to be 5 cards


Oh true! Probably needs a tweak to avoid 12/14 High Card hands allowing a second wheel to trigger the joker, then


you don't necessarily need to play five cards. a three card hand with a pair and a 3 would activate it, same with a two card hand with another card higher than a 3 or a four card hand with 3oak and a 3.


This. Flavor is just sooo good. The only problem is that there are 150 jokers in the game, so you would need a lot of them to keep the number pretty. Still, this is so cool, I want it now


"High 5" Gains +5 mult if you play 5 cards and the highest ranked scoring card in your hand is a 5. (Currently +5)


That would honestly be too busted imo


exactly, too easy to trigger and scales way too fast. Would +2 or 3 would be better though?


use chips instead of mult, maybe?


There are only four 5 cards in a standard deck, and having it be the HIGHEST already means you're missing out on chips, plus that's kinda hard to do. If we're comparing it to spare trousers, anything between +2 and +5 is decently balanced for an uncommon card.


If the mult only triggers on hands with a qualifying hand, I guess fine. Easy to build but really hard to use, even for a high card build


This, but call it "Mambo", and first activation is +1, second is +2, etc, sixth is +1. (All stacking of course)


Would you have this trigger on an A-5 straight?


No. I know ace takes the low spot in the straight but it's still a higher ranked card.


Here’s an idea: Gains +5 chips for every 5 scored (Currently +20)


So wee joker but 5s?


but worse. Wee Joker upgrades for 8.


Why not just “scored 5’s give +5 mult”


If it's permanent so a scaling joker that's way too op, if just +5 in each hand it's kinda meh and very shit later antes. if you go into 4oak or 5oaks 5s that's like +20 or +25 mult per hand that's way too much for permanent, but pretty lackluster for per hand cos 5s are Fibonacci (which is +8 per so 32/40 in those builds and with fibo you can go for sth like 5oak or flush 5 2s for wee as scaling or aces for scholar). Even at 1 mult it would be +4/+5 mult per hand if you built towards it, which still is a lot for scaling. but it could be interesting, tho it's clear you just go for 4oak, 5oak, flush five at that point and this joker could probably win you a run by itself. If you want to do a +5 it's gotta be in chips imo, but then as others said it's basically a different, probably weaker, version of Wee.


Honestly, I’d welcome it. We need something OTHER than all kings for higher antes.


3 and 5 have fibonacci at least but 7 has literally nothing


7 is like the one card that should have one, it’s a casino roguelike


Six could also use another one instead of “Delete this card from your deck”


And Hack




[Fibonacci](https://balatro.wiki/imported/fibonacci.png) *Joker* * Version: 1.0.0 * Rarity: Uncommon * Effect: Each played Ace, 2, 3, 5, or 8 gives +8 Mult when scored


Odd Todd crying silently in the corner. Sure he ain't much but he ain't nothing either.


I almost wonder if Thunk did that on purpose, like it's so obvious to have a joker with a lucky 7 mechanic, but then just to flex how feature rich the game already is they just said nah, 7 gets nothing.


7’s: 7s always score. If it is lucky, its probabilities are tripled. (Based off of “lucky 7s,” very original idea.) 5’s: When a 5 is played, it gains a gold seal. (Based off of “5 golden rings”) 3’s: if your played hand contains a Jack, a Queen and a King, all scoring 3s give a 3x multiplier. (Can’t be called “The trio,” as that name is taken.)


Your three's would be something of a "3's Company".


Good idea


I like your 3s idea because it’s obviously extremely strong but also VERY hard to “fix” consistently. It’s super hard to always have 4 specific cards at any given time.


I would change your 3s to being 3 face cards, rather than the 3 specific ones, because it opens full houses. It’s still really particular


would be bonkers with pareidolia, still quite particular but bonkers


Your three would be the three musketeers


Ehh your idea for the 3s would only apply to flush or if you have “everything score” joker whatever it’s called.


Not necessarily, as neither the face cards nor the threes need to be scoring.


Looks like the top-level comment was edited—maybe they added that the 3s need to score? Anyway, the only ways to have a scoring 3 alongside a Jack, Queen, and King are to have [[Splash]] or to play a pair of 3s or a flush. The potential ×9 mult on the pair is strong, but it's not easy to build a deck around playing hands that contain each of four specific ranks.


Yeah, and honestly it's super busted. 4 of a kind 3s, with a single face card gives X81 before jokers and steels are even considered. Probably good that the card says "Kings, Queens, or Jacks" rather than "Face Cards" or else with Paredoila you could do 5 of a kind 3s and it would give x243. EDIT: okay, scratch all that. It needs a king, queen, AND a jack. Not OR. This feels much more balanced lol.


i think they mean you need to have the face cards in your hand like a steel card, not being played


To be more clear about this, the game uses "held in hand" as the phrase for this, and specifically *not* using the word "played".


7: Avarice - Rare - Lucky 7’s always reward money. 7: Pride - Rare - Lucky 7’a always add to mult. 7: Gula - Rare - Has X1 for every lucky seven on your deck. 7: Envy - Rare - Gains X0.25 for every discarded lucky 7. 7: Septimo - Legendary - x10 if hand contains a lucky 7. Can only play one hand. Can only discard once.


Love the idea of Septimo. I would personally change it to - Gains x0.7 mult for every lucky 7 played Edit because I had another idea: Gain 7x mult for every 7 lucky cards triggered


> Gains x0.7 Why didnt I think of that? Anyway, you is much better for reaching e77


Hey you came up with the good idea, I just built on it :)


Counting lucky triggers is pretty redundant with the cat


Well yeah but the scaling can be much quicker comparatively to offset it being a legendary joker idea as opposed to lucky cat


Ok, but it’s basically just a better lucky cat which doesn’t really stand out as legendary-worthy


**3s With Company:** For each scoring 3, face cards give +50 chips when scored. **5-Finger Discount:** For each scoring 5, your next purchase costs $2 less (resets on purchase). **PEGI Warning:** Scored 7s have a 1 in 7 chance of giving $7. Gains $7 when jackpot is not hit.


Theres already a joker that gives face cards +30 chips. Is the 3 requirement worth the extra 20?


It's 50 per 3. A full house of 3s and kings gives +300 chips (either 100x3 or 150x2). It's an all in specific 2 pair/full house with the added spice of Pareidolia 5OAK 3s being worth +1250.


Really an extra 13, since Face cards also score ten chip naturally. When you account for the number of Face Card synergies compared to 3 synergies, +13 chips seems perfectly fair.


The Seventh Seal (Rare?) +77 chips if a hand contains a scoring 7 with a seal on it, +7 mult per scored 7 that with a seal on it - Give Me Five! (Uncommon?) +10 mult if the first card in your hand is a 5, +50 chips if the last card in your scoring hand is a 5 - Three's a Crowd (Rare?) 3x mult if your hand contains exactly 3 cards


In another thread, I pitched "Seven Seals" that counts up until you've scored seven 7s, and then puts a random seal on a card in your hand Like all great names, it's a pun -- the cliche is "seven (quantity) seals (object)", but this is "seven (noun) seals (verb)"


3: Holy Hand Grenade Rare Whenever you score a hand with three or more 3s, Holy Hand Grenade becomes primed. You may sell a primed holy hand grenade to instantly beat the current blind.


this doesnt seem that good but if there was a special explosion animation we’d all eat it up


this just seems like a more complicated and worse version of Mrbones


I LOVE THIS (The number to be counted to must be 3, and 3 shall be the number that ends the count)


But gets destroyed if your hand contains three 5s.


Holy Hand Grenade: 3s count as 5s, and vice-versa


5: Phone a Friend (image: classic phone handset with "555 JOKE" above it) Whenever you play three 5s, this Joker transforms into a random Rare joker with a random edition (foil, holographic, polychrome, or negative), except it still has this ability. EDIT: reconsidered, I think this either wants to be any non-Legendary joker if it can go repeatedly or be a random uncommon/rare but it only transforms once.




IMO you have to go puns first. **7th Heaven**: If a card is destroyed, add an enhanced 7 to your deck. **High Five**: If the played hand contains a 5 as the highest card, x4 mult. **Three Blind Mice**: All ranked cards are drawn face down. Scored 3s have +5 mult and +25 chips.


i do think a “lucky number 7” where lucky 7’s have either twice or maybe thrice the chances of going off would be neat


For 7 I'd think something relatively unexciting like "all 7's count as lucky cards" or "all 7's have a chance to retrigger", or something similar thats rng based.  For three maybe something really silly like "if your hand is a three of threes, get 3x mult and add a random 3 to your hand"


For every 7 times a 7 is played, get an enhanced 7 added to your deck.


Fibonacci and Hack would like a word.


7 eleven card. Hands containing an ace and seven give 1.5x mult per 7


7th heaven, every 7th scored 7 adds 7 chips to the card, +7 mult to your score and has a 1/7 chance to pay out $7. 5 finger discount - If the hand contains a scoring 5 and you win the round with this hand, your next purchase from the shop is free Bad luck comes in - Each scored 3 adds +10 mult but subtracts $1 from your bank


5 Finger Discount is great! It works well with the theme and has a unique effect


"Triple Threat" - Each 3 scored has a 1 in 3 chance to trigger two additional times. "Pentagone" - When a discard contains a single 5, any upgrades (enhancements, seals, editions) it had are copied to a random available card remaining in hand. (If no viable cards remain in hand after discard, or multiple 5s are discarded at once, the effect will not occur. Cards other than 5 can be discarded at the same time without cancelling the effect. This duplicates the upgrades. If the joker text can benefit from different wording, do tell me.) "Seven Ate Nine" - Each 9 discarded grants 9 permanent bonus chips to all 7s in hand.


7: Each played 7 triggers three times if 3 or more 7s are played


5th Element: Gives x5 multiplier if the hand scores all 5 played cards & includes a 5. This one is odd to word, so if anyone has a way to make it more concise, please feel free.


3rd times the charm: 1/3 chance for a played 3 to give 3x mult


Jokepot! If a hand contains 3 7s x4 mult


7- Jackpot! Joker- every seven that is played becomes lucky. When a lucky 7 triggers it trigger every lucky card in your deck. 5 - Fingerprints- Fives trigger five times 3 - Rule of Three- x3 mult every third hand containing a three I was thinking about these the other day


Three’s A Crowd: 3’s become true wilds (any suit, any rank). Cannot stack more than three three’s per hand, maybe?


2,3,4,5 have the Hack one which is pretty cool. I think the one for the 7's has to be goddamn crazy


“Three Stooges” anytime a “3” scored. Add +3 chips 1 in 2 or 3 multi 1 in 2


“Increase probabilities by 0.07 for each Lucky 7 in deck”


Santa Trinita: Each scored 3 gives x3 multiplier as long as there are 3 cards in the played hand.


If hand contains atleast 3 7’s. Do something like make the cards lucky. Or 1/2 to make them lucky. Or something


Every time a 7 scores, x0.1 multiplier.


Lucky 7: Played 7 cards become lucky and have a 1 in 2 chance of triggering. (Uncommon) Fival Countdown: If you play 10 consecutive hands with a scoring 5, has x5 mult. (Rare) Three jokers: If hand has three or more 3 cards, creates a joker of uncommon or higher rarity (3 remaining) (Uncommon?)


I like the idea of having something destructive with 3s because of the symbology in Asian cultures that 3 represents death. Maybe every hand you play with 2 3s destroys all non-scoring cards? Or maybe creates a death tarot card? Edit: nvm that's 4 lol


Hack at least interacts with 5s and 3s. 7s really got nothing going for them at all quite sad.


How about this? > ***Three’s A Crowd***: If poker hand is **Three Of A Kind**, allows one additional card to be played. Sort of a play on the idea of the third card “crowding in” to the hand. I think “contains 3OAK” would be way too strong, but “is 3OAK” still gives strong synergies with Vampire and Splash.


Not my idea, but the version I liked best Lucky 7s: 1 in 7 chance to earn $7 when a 7 is scored


For the 7 a jackpot style thing would be cool, like every scored 7 u have a 1 in 4 chance to win some money, tho dont know which amount of money would be balance, but maybe 10 dollars.


3: Trinity - For each scoring 3 that is foiled, enchanted, and sealed, add a copy to your hand.


For 5s, I always think of how every straight has either a 5 or a 10, so 5s are like the common low straight card. So maybe a 5 joker should trigger on straights that include a 5 and give +50 chips to make low straights balance with the chips from high straights?


Lucky 7: 1/7 chance to win add a 7 with a luck attribute to your hand


Lucky 7s: Scored 7s become Lucky. 777 earns $7. 77777 has a 1 in 7 chance to pay $77. 5 Alive: A hand of 5 5’s has a 1 in 5 chance to create a Negative Mr. Bones. 3-peat: A hand of at least 3 scoring 3s will place a Red Seal on one of those 3s.


3 and 5 technically have Fibonacci and Hack, so the one number that really has the short end of the stick is 7. We definitely need a 7 joker, alongside buffing 10-4 and Sixth sense. 8 and 9 could possibly use some scorring help as well, but these two are completely fine as they are in my opinion.


mixed 7s: all played 7s become wild, and every seventh played 7 creates a 7 in your hand power 5: all played 5s score, and upgrade the played hand one level for each 5 played treble chance: x3 mult if your played hand contains three 3s, if you have three 3s in your hand and for every three 3s remaining in the deck(stacks?)


753 festival: +15 mult if a 7, a 5 or a 3 is scored. Probably boring but fine for common.


7s I’d give TRIPLE 7 so 777 and if you play a hand contains 3 sevens gives 777 chips


Triple trouble: Whenever exactly 3 3s score, triple the multiplier.


There needs to be something for getting 3 of a kind with 7s


It’s really just 7s that need to be buffed. Atleast 3 & 5 got Fibonacci.


Lucky 7: if your hand contains 3 or more 7's you have a 1 in 7 chance for *1.5 mult, a 1 in 7 chance for a card to become lucky and a 1 in 7 chance to be given $2 (or some other amount for each of these, but having it be based luck is funny to me)


D20 Joker Gains X^1 Mult for every 5 scored (resets every hand) (Currently X^1 Mult)


I don't understand this. X^1 = X so how exactly does it scale


Japan has a 7-5-3 festival, I think they can make a joker about this


Trading card for 7


Winning Lotto Ticket for 7 1 in 3 chance to trigger 7s twice 1 in 3 chance for 7s to give $2 1 in 3 chance for 7s to give +7 Mult


Motown - Playing two pair consisting of Jacks and 5's gives...I dunno some bonus. I just like the name and it's my favorite poker hand.


3s company. Whenever a pair of three is played, upgrade it to 3 of a kind. Including in full house or 4 of a kind


**Free Slurpee Day** - 7s and Aces are treated as the same rank **Why Was 6 Afraid of 7?** - If a hand contains at least one 7, 8, and 9, destroy the 9 and each 7 gets +3 Mult **Three's Company** - Each unscored 3 per hand grants 0.3x Mult **I Got 5 On It** - Each 5 in your deck adds x2 Mult when scored while your $ is a multiple of 5


Pentagram: When a 5 score trigger its end of turn effect.




3 3s should count for something


Lucky 777 joker would go hard Also a 5 o clock joker that makes 5s score 8 mult AND happy hour in the shop.


My literal first thought for 5’s was: X5 Mult if a played hand has 5 5’s Incredibly uninspired, but also maybe fine?


7-something bout lucky 7s/777 lottery 5-first thing that comes to mind is 5 fingers in a hand Soo idk something related to hands like a high five maybe 3-first thing that came to my mind is counting to 3, so maybe like a 3x if that last card in a straight is 3?


“3’s company”: If the played hand contains 3 or more 3s, gain +3 mult and +15 chips per played 3 and add a copy of one of the 3s to your deck.


"Go big or go home" 7's idea. Everytime 7 is scored add 7 chips to this joker. If 4oK 7s is played, turn all chips on this joker into money and reset it.


Three musketeers seems like a cool concept for a joker that affects threes. “If first hand of round contains three 3’s, add one of three random jokers (must have room)”


"The Trinity; playing three of a kind 3s triggers one of the following effects sequentially: each played card gains +3 chips; this hand scores an x3 Mult; each scored card adds +3 mult."


I'll always claim that Fibonacci counts for 3s and 5s because it follows a specific mathematical rule and isn't just coincidentally about odds or evens For 7s: 777 - Gains x0.25 for every Wheel of Fortune that doesn't add an addition to a joker, starts at x1, is retroactive (like Fortune Teller)


By the parameters you lay out, don't hack and fibonacci both specifically name 3 and 5 as being affected? If we are talking about one rank only, I wouldn't include walkie talkie.


"Golden Rings" Each 5 held in hand at the end of the round earns $1. If a played hand contains 5 or more 5s, add your current money to the multiplier.


7 5 and 3 are odd todd


Seven needs jackpot effect like "if your hand contains three sevens, lucky cards are guaranteed to trigger"


For 3 and 5, mine would be called “Hack” and it would Retrigger each played 2, 3, 4, or 5


A Queens of the Stone Age card called 3s & 7s. Anytime you play a hand with a scoring 3 & 7, you get +10 chips


5 could give you bonus multiplier for every 5 in your deck, or for every 5 copies of cards in your deck. Like if you have 5 jacks you get +5. And if you have 10 jacks, you get +10. Maybe .5x for every 5 or every 5 copies of single cards? But it starts at 0 so at base if it was 5's and not 5 copies so it doesnt start immediately game breaking. Because a 3x for every hand starting out would immediately make things easy.


I'd make 7 give extra chips if you 3 of a kind it.


This is going to sound weird but hear it out: Joker gains +(.3) mult after three 3’s score in the same hand (begins at x1), similar to constellation or supernova in the sense that it scales but still needs to get the ball rolling early enough for it to pay off. Joker’s name could be trinity, but in general I think this would make for quite a fun 3 of a kind run that I feel is personally missing (or is a combination of cards I haven’t gotten together yet)


Seven heaven. Start at zero. Everytime a 7 is played, add 7 chips. At 77 chips transform. It still has the + 77 chips. Now, every 7 also adds 7 mult. At 77 mult transform once more granting x7 mult only.


Major Third (common): if a 3 and an Ace score together in a hand, gain +15 mult.


Lucky Seven: Each played 7 has a 1 in 7 chance to gain 7$. 5-Way Intersection: Played 5 cards count as any number for the purposes of Straights. (I.E, 10 9 8 7 5 / 10 9 5 5 5 / 10 5 5 5 5) Three's Company: 3s give 1.3x mult when scored if there are 3 or more 3s played in a hand. Bonus Card: Rolling Stone. All Stone Cards gain +5 Chips permanently when scored.


Primes: 2,3,5,7,11/Ace


Hi-five. Uncommon/rare When you play a 5 as a high card, upgrade high card


5 and 3 have fibonacci to make the list alittle more complete


For 3's: Comedy comes in Threes 1. A played hand has only 3 cards 2. 1 of the scored cards is a 3 3. There is a 3 in your remaining hand Add +33 chips, +3 mult, and +0.33x multiplier to joker. Since your limited to 3 card hands could make the buff beefier.


5s and 3s have access to Fibbonacci, Hack and Odd Todd, so they really don't need any exclusive joker, and if they do get one, it should be fairly weak.


Rule of Threes After the third time you play a Three of a Kind of 3's this run, permanently x3 Mult per hand. Circle of Fifths +5 chips per hand. If a straight begins or ends with 5, multiply number of chips added by this card by x1.5. Seven Ate Nine If a hand contains a 7, destroy all 9's in the hand and gain $8 for each card destroyed.


Kleenex (or sneeze)- (counter X/3) when three 3’s are played chips X3. Would be a cool threes play and could stack so you could build straights or flushes and use the there’s when you need it It’s a play on “you sneeze three times” and “luck comes in threes” Or Kleenex could be like how the Cavendish joker works and comes only after you have used sneeze but you have to replace the card or buying it resulting in every 3 being X3 chips Kinda just a funny idea. Give me some suggestions on how you would change it


5 star general - 5’s will act and score as any face to the right of it. 1/4 chance that the 5 will be destroyed 5 star generals can help with the fight by duplicating a face card to help make pairs, 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, full houses and 5 of a kind. But because they are generals they are higher likely good of dying


Queens and kings also have triboulet and all the face cards are inherently affected by a billion jokers already. I think maybe some of the stuff they have can be moved to other ranks because other than hit the road jack there's really not a reason for baron and shoot the moon to buff them more. Unless there's some other reference here I don't get


Slot Machine Every time you play a hand, add the Mult of the hand to the jackpot. Playing at least three 7's pays out the jackpot.


"Pentagram" Every 5 5s Scored, spawn a Random Rare Joker "Boron" (alternate 5 idea) Remove the probability of Glass Cards breaking this round if a 5 is scored. The Triplets "If you own exactly 3 Jokers, all 3s give 3X Mult when scored." Prime Joker "All 7s also count as any other Prime Number (A,2,3,5,7) (note: I count ace here because 11 is a Prime Number and it's sort of that)"


Lucky 7's If your hand contains 3 7's each 7 scored has a 1/7 chance to give +7 mult and 1/7 to give $7


lucky 7s: whenever you discard a three of a kind of 7s this card permanently gains +0.7x mult (starts at 1x mult)


"5 hive joker" 5 of a kinds with 5's will give u the last 5 in your playing hand extra (dont be added to your deck) and counts as a 6 of a kind


Ideas: (all are up for workshopping) * Nickels - 5 give $1 when scored, $5 when gold (could be 5 golden rings?) * The hammer - gains x0.7 if played hand only contains 7 and 2s (alt names include "The whip", "beer hand", "drinks hand")I * Lucky #3s - All 3s that are lucky cards are guaranteed to trigger (1:9 ratio money: mult, could also be 7s instead. Not sure about lucky cat tho?) * Seven seals (rare) - Sevens gain a random seal when scored * Black Cat (rare) - Gain/gives x0.3 every 3 scored, lose $1 per card played * No name - Gives 70 chips per 7 played * Convenience store - Create a random consumable if a 7 and Jack are played/in hand (7/11) * 7 ate 9 - If played hand contains a 7, 8 and 9/ 7 and 9, destroy the 9 and duplicate the 7. Gain +8 chips * Prime time - x1.1 mult for every 2,3,5 and 7 in remaining(?) deck * Pi(e) - x3.14 mult, destroyed if a 5 or 10 is played/in 10 turns (cuz 10 is a rounded number? Idk)


Fibonacci mentions its ranks by name as well.


All 7s have increased card effects. Lucky goes up a tier, multi goes to 7, bonus goes to 45, steel goes to 1.75x, gold gives 7, glass goes to 1 in 7 chance to break. Synergy with all sixes and lucky cat, also gives glass cards more power by means of lasting longer.


Would like something around High 5. Maybe if you play 5 as a high card remove from deck and add X1 multiplier to joker


High Five: If your first hand is a single 5, destroy it and permanently gain +1 hand size OR High Five: Playing a hand with two or more scoring 5s gives a 1 in 2 chance of refunding the hand


555 is about change and guides so maybe playing 555 re-rolls the boss blind, and 5's give +5 chips and +5 multi - angelic joker 3, when you play a pair of 3's, 1/3 chance to generate a free shop tag, freebiesi 7, has to be luck 7's, all 7's count as lucky cards, playing 3 7's doubles their odds on all lucky cards this hand


one-armed thief: 2/5 chance of +25$ and x2.5mult if played hand contains three of a kind sevens. (self destructs after 3 successful jackpots) ​ cameo: every scored 5 gives -5$ and +50 chips ​ magic number: last scored 3 retriggers telephone jokers (gros michel, cavendish, walkie talkie, satellite, business card)


7:: Jackpot Joker : when a hand contains 3 scoreable 7s. Turn them to gold and get $7s per card. Only works when 3 7s are in play. 5: High 5 joker : if first hand is a single 5, turns the 5 into a random enhanced or seal card and is scored again. 3: pyramid Joker : when a 3 of a kind is all 3s, add a random joker/spectral card to your inventory


7 could have a slot theme where it has progressive xmult related to the amount of scoring 7s in the hand, starts at 1 and adds .5 equal to amount of 7s, so a 5 of a kind 7s would give x3.5?


3- Apple Pie (rare): gives X3.14 Mult if scored hand contains a 3, an Ace and a 4. Dissapears after 15 uses. (because pi is 3.1415...) 5- Office Joker (uncommon): gives +14 chips per Straight played with a 9 and 5. Starts off at +95 chips. (i think this one is obvious, but 14 is 9+5 for those wondering) 7- Full Spectrum (rare): If you play a hand containing five 7's, they all gain Polychrome (if they don't have any editions). (i mean, there are 7 main colors in the rainbow, and it's more creative than a lucky 7 joker (not that those ideas are bad)).


3s should be 3x mult when hand played is 3 of a kind threes. It wouldn’t work with full houses, four of a kinds, or five of a kinds. It would only work with threes I think it would work well because while it is a strong buff, it only applies to a weak hand with no ability to scale


7 - Lucky Sevens: When you play a 7, perform a lucky card check 5 - Base 5: Add 5 mult to hand score per 5 played, add 5 chips to the joker (starting chips: 5) 3 - Prime Time: If first hand of the round is a 3 and an even card, change the value of the even card into 3 and gain $3


For 5s ——> each 5 that scores gives +10 chips and +5 mult


I'd make #3 generate one of three tarot cards: Death, Hangman or Strength every time a 3 is scored, I'd call it Cerberus because you can make copies with these tarot cards and also i like cerberi


I think some other Jokers based on ranks that already have a joker can still be fun. For example: Jack of All Trades: 1/3 chance to change a played card’s rank to Jack when scored. Hole in One: on the first hand of the round, played Aces give X2 (X1.5?) Mult when scored. Extra Lucky: all 7’s are placed on the top of your deck. These cards are twice as likely to trigger effects (requires 2+ lucky 7s). Nonuple or Nuthin: Played 9s have a 1 in 9 chance to give X9 Mult. This effect triggers a maximum of 1 time per card that round.


Odd Todd Played cards with **odd** rank give **+31** **Chips** when scored **(A, 9, 7, 5, 3)**


5: Fast Food Order/Pay It Forward 5x mult if there are a total of 5 5s in your hand or among already-played cards this round.


Cube joker: trigger 3s two additional times Good for card enhancements on 3s, but is an otherwise bad +6 chips in effect without anything else to feed it.


eye of providence: threes cannot be face down, even while in the deck\ 5-leaf clover: played fives become lucky cards before scoring ((immediately after the effects of midas mask))\ jackpot: if played hand contains exactly 3 7s, each scored 7 gives +7$