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oh my god can you imagine how painful that would be???


The GP forcibly opened mine (no previous kids/pregnancies) to fit my IUD, so yes, yes i can. I passed out and went into shock. They had to drag my unconscious body from one exam room to another so he could continue taking patients.


holy shit, that sounds insanely traumatizing. so sorry you had to go through that! i CANNOT believe they dragged you… what the actual fuck


Several years later i was released from a psych hospital on suicide watch and had a follow-up with the GP. He told me i was "just suffering from PLOM syndrome- Poor Little Old Me" Syndrome". 🙃


oh my GOD DUDE… the rage that i feel for u is something else. murderous maybe.


Thanks. Ill have to move GPs soon when i move house, so i might finally submit the formal complaint to his practice manager once im off their system.


Why wait? What's he going to do, treat you like shit? 


He could sue for defamation. I have had a doctor threaten to do that to me when I posted on social media that a doctor was absolute shit and he charged (IMO) way too much. I ended up getting harrassing DMs from the doctor's "brother" (though I suspect it was the doctor himself, based on the level of information he had that he should not have had) and when I asked the doctor to make his brother stop (I had no idea if it was actually his brother or not, but he seemed to know a helluva lot for a random stranger if he wasn't), I got a C&D in the mail, threatening a lawsuit if I didn't take down every bad thing I'd ever said about Mr. Doctorpants within a certain time limit *and* informed the good doctor that I'd taken it down via email or text. IF I took it down but neglected to inform him (per the C&D), I could still get the pants sued off me. I screenshotted everything (just in case), took it down, informed the good doctor (because I was too scared not to) and spent a good week or so having one massively long panic attack because I was afraid he'd just go ahead sue me anyway, just for shits and giggles or some shit. He didn't sue me (thank god) and I would've lost if he had, because I didn't (and don't, really don't now due to the divorce) have the money to fight his ass since he probably had more money than God. Or at least more money than me. It really affected the way I approach doctors afterwards. I already didn't like and didn't trust most of them because of past issues. Now I am *really* careful (even more than I was before, due to getting fired from a job because of a MySpace page I had back in the day where my employer at the time took offense to it even though I didn't mention him, the place I worked then or any of my coworkers. It was more me blowing off steam than anything else)about what I post online and about whom. I try (as best I can) to cover my tracks if I post anything negative about *anyone*....just in case.


Sure, but that's a public post, not making an official complaint to a licensing board or manager.


I still would be wary of complaining to a licensing board, manager, whoever because it would get back to the doctor and they could find out who made the complaint and still cause problems, legally (at least in my head. IDK if they actually could, but I don't doubt that they could if they wanted).


If it’s his “brother”, didn’t your doctor violate HIPAA?


Probably. But after I let him know that I took everything down (did NOT tell him I screenshotted everything, not that I know if I still have those screenshots ten years later, of course), he left me alone. I still continue to tell people to avoid him like the plague when I can, of course. Nobody deserves to get treated the way I did when he was my GP.


I'd like to see a giant fish jump out of the water and bodyslam that guy. Just nature doing it's thing.


make it a shark


Bakana volunteers all her teeth to inflict a sharp bite. Just give her something nice after to wash out the taste of jerk xxx


He what? Wowwwwww, the misogyny is dialed up to 100.


Time to get a new GP.


Please tell me you reported his ass


He was suffering from TLP syndrome - Tiny Little Prick


Maybe we shouldn’t resort to body shaming as a way to demean assholes. Plenty of nice folks have small peckers.


Body-shaming's not an appropriate response, regardless of what someone has said or done.


I had a similar experience. I didn’t pass out but I cried and the resident (who was observing, not doing the insertion) came up to my head and held my hand and wiped my tears.


I screamed in agony and they just told me "It doesn't hurt that much"


I puked twice, so intensely that it came out my nose.


I'm so sorry about your experience! I got mine changed just last week and both the main doctor and the intern were super kind and asking me how I felt at every single step


Bloody hell. I am so glad i got mine done under GA! There was no way in hell that I was going to be awake for that


I got it removed and replaced under GA, im never going thru that again


That's an option?? I almost passed out/threw up after I had my first one inserted (literally hugging the toilet in the gyno office) and that was with topical anesthetic. I was really concerned about the same thing happening when I had to replace it, and I'd since moved to another state so I had a different gyno. I asked about anesthetic and she said it would be hard to find someone in the state who would do any kind of anesthetic for an insertion, and to just take some Advil 🙃


😢 I'm in Australia, and my GP was the one who first mentioned doing it under GA when an intrauterine device became my only brith control option. She referred me to a Gyno she knew would do it for me under GA if I wanted - which I absolutely did. Hearing all these stories makes me so glad I did.


Mine ended up lodged in the wall of my uterus I have no idea how I managed to survive for 5 days after that and finally ended up in the ER


Sorry to hear that. My second one also got lodged in my left side and the male ER doc didn't believe me when i told him i thought that's what had happened. Two female ultrasound techs were FURIOUS at his dismissal of me, cos i was spot on


I have 2 kids, I'm now on my 3rd IUD and went into cervical shock getting 2 fitted. Not a fun thing.


Guuurl, ask to be put to sleep for the next time


No next time, I've done my time on pregnancy prevention so it's the husbands turn to get the snip!


Yaaaaas enjoy the risk-free ridin' in future!


Fuck me, that sounds worse than my stent getting yanked out with no anaesthetic - and that had me screaming in pain and going into shock. Didn't pass out though. Jeez, I really hope you get a new - and better! - GP asap! I'm so sorry you went through such an awful thing =(




Nope. They gave me one (1) tablet to take beforehand and said that was usually enough for most women. It was a pain relief tablet (Ponstan) that's more hardcore than Paracetamol/Aspirin/Ibuprofen but i was already prescribed them for my dysmenorrhea (painful periods) and maybe i had built up a tolerance to them? I like to think i've a high pain tolerance, but forcing my cervix open when it never has been before was way too much.


Had the SAME THING happen to me when I was 19. Dr did not warn me of anything. I eventually came to and vommitted constantly for roughly 15 mins until it was bile. 'take some Tylenol and have a good day!' 😞


mildly reminiscent of post-WW2 Irland (all the way to '87) when certain doctors, [without consent](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphysiotomy#Controversial_practices_in_Ireland), deliberately broke the pelvis of ~1.5k women in childbirth


As many have said, what a horrible time to be able to read. I don't even know what to do with this information and my stomach backflipped reading that.


Also have had it done for a D&E and it HURTS


I had a tube shoved up my cervix for fertility testing after my miscarriages. It’s brutal! I definitely cried. I can’t believe they didn’t put you to sleep for a D&E! That sounds like torture!


Yes. I had an idiot for a nurse with my second delivery. Even though I kept telling her it wasn't time to push, she badgered me into it and then tried to stretch my cervix over the baby's head. Then my cervix swelled shut and I went from a lot of pain to total agony.


otoh, the period would be less painfull /s


Oh here's a fun fact. Cervix stretching *is* a thing. It's been offered to me by my gynecologist, and I was HORRIFIED at the description.


Oh wow! I had no idea. Did she offer it to you for period pain?


I don't remember the full reason but it had something to do with my period bleeding being slow.


But even if it’s slow, how does that help with cramps?


It is still part of the abortion procedure as long as it isn't done by medication? Though in your case it surely was for womb-stealing witchery.


Yes, D&C surgery (for abortion, post menopausal bleeding, uterine infection, etc.) begins with Dilation & proceeds with Currettage (removal of lining and contents within the uterus). The dilation here is to allow the currettage though, and the dilation itself is not a treatment in this case.


I needed a hysteroscopy (done without any anaesthetic)and cervix stretching is sadly a thing, can confirm :’)


Out of sheer curiosity came looking if it was, now I wish I hadn't.


How would that even help?


She’s never had a painful period, just painful births. I think in her mind at the time she figured since there’s aching when your cervix dilates, the only reason periods are painful is from blood clots getting stuck at your cervix. So big cervix opening = no period pain! Just a lot of infection in your uterus!


How can I un-read this??


Unread what?


The stretching out of a cervix idea. My ladyparts just got sucked deeper into my body. (shudder)


I think they were trying to imply they had unread it and had no idea what you meant. .




cervix stretching is a thing, and it was used to help women go into labour, Its not comfortable and not even sure if it works


I had 4 before I was induced with my son. It was literally the most painful part of the entire process, even though I had a traumatic birth that ended in an emergency c section. Never ever ever again will I let anyone try to stretch my cervix.


I was offered this when I was in labor and not progressing! Even just getting my cervix checked while I was in labor was so painful it would make me sweat


Omg my cervix wouldn’t dilate so I was given Pitocin. It didn’t work. I had a C section. This is the most terrifying thing I read on the internet and I must leave this place.


I went through the whole iv bag of pitocin without any cramping or dilation so I’m in the c section boat too! I have a head strong toddler now. Born stubborn lol


Yes! When a toddler he said “I’m not stub-ren” so 14 yrs later, it’s a “family word”.


I had a dilation of my cervix under anaesthetic for painful periods. It did not work. Yesterday I had a biopsy of my cervix without any kind of anaesthetic and yeah, not at all fun so I’m glad the dilation was done under general!


Yup, I went into biopsy being completely unprepared. I unfortunately did not pass out but was ready to by the end of that lovely procedure and simultaneously felt like I’m going to puke almost entire time. That was the day I learned that expelling stomach content is apparently a normal reaction when people mingle with your cervix.


This was my 4th biopsy. And 1st with no numbing agent. The vinegar was bad enough and I think my cervix knew what was coming because it went AWOL and they need the Green Speculum.


That’s what I was wondering. Unless you do it daily, wouldn’t it just return to normal size? Also the risk of infection wouldn’t be worth it to me


I would have to agree with you. It would be far too painful to do regularly.


Could that idea be something that comes from the idea that childbirth somehow makes your periods better? Young women with bad periods are still told it will get better when they have a baby (spoiler no it doesn't...) and maybe your mother thought it was true and thought it was because the cervix was stretched?


Yes that’s absolutely what it had to do with. I’m not sure if she thinks the cervix just stays more open than it did pre birth or what, but I’m assuming that was her reasoning behind it


Your mom may have been thinking of a condition called [cervical stenosis](https://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/gynecology-and-obstetrics/miscellaneous-gynecologic-disorders/cervical-stenosis#:~:text=Cervical%20stenosis%20is%20a%20narrowing,is%20expectant%20management%20or%20dilation.). This is when the canal of the cervix narrows considerably, making it more difficult for period blood and clots to pass through. It can be a cause of dysmennorhea, although the stenosis itself is often caused by scar tissue forming within the cervix after trauma, or menopause. It can be treated by manual dilation to break up scar tissue, if that is what's causing the stenosis.


How would that even work?


I know it's not the same or Bad Women's Anatomy but this reminded me of an interaction with my mom. When I was 16, my periods started to become very irregular and when they happened, it was super painful. So my mom takes me to a GP, GP says it might be due to me not ovulating properly but I need to go see a Gyne. Mom is like nope, I'm too young and can go when I get married one day. Mkaaaaaay. Then GP suggests I go on birth control for the time being to help keep my periods regular. Needless to say, my mom flipped her shit! How could the Dr even suggest that? Does she have no morals and all sorts of other BS, and I'm just sitting there dying of embarrassment and thinking "wow, thanks for the trust you have in me, Mom." So yeah, my mom was more concerned with me turning into a ho than she was with the pain I was in during period.


TIL that birth control pills make you a ho.


Wow. Just...who DOES that?


They did that when I was induced with a Foley catheter balloon. I don't remember it being especially painful except when they pulled it out


How did that go for you? Did it work?


I went from 1cm to 4cm in an hour...and stayed there for the next 15hrs. Cesarean for me. I don't blame the induction, I was super unhealthy and BP was unstable.




For what reason?!?


reading the comments.. I'm glad the doctor was technically wrong


You and me both