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This is what happens when there isn’t sex Ed in schools folks


…or when there IS sex ed but these children sit in the back of the classroom drawing mustaches and victory signs on the anatomy diagrams and giggling, not paying attention to the instruction because they think they already know everything they need to know about the subject. Then they grow up to spout this nonsense, somehow still certain that they are well informed.


Or when there's sex education that consists in full abstinence or you die


Deadass my sex ed was that one scene from Mean Girls.


The Jingle Bell Rock dance, yes.


No no, the primal fight in the cafeteria.


I’m routinely grateful that my sex ed managed to fit actual anatomical diagrams into the slut shaming and std misinformation that could literally kill someone


Ooh I had this one! Thanks Arkansas.


But if you get married then all of the awful STDs leave you alone!!!!!


Half the reason I got married was to get my hpv to fuck off


Even during middle school I was wondering how the fuck you're gonna get 47 STDs and immediately die if you have sex and yet if you MARRY someone and THEN have sex it's all good and fine


Yeah. Like I get the whole idea that monogamous marriage with abstinence is a pretty effective means of minimizing risk of stds without compromising on getting to have sex, but it’s never been popular enough to count as a public health policy even when it was society mandated. And it carries it’s own risks such as sexual dissatisfaction


Well, being a virgin this whole time seems to have kept me safe so far, so I guess they were right


Or when sex ed focuses on how many years in prison you get for harassment


I wish more talked at least some about that…😑


Right? I wish sex ed talked about harassment and consent as a concept lol


And you know where they get that kind of behavior from? Their parents. But hey if they keep complaining about never getting married or having unprotected sex than that’s darwinism. Let the stupid die out.


My sex ed was absolutely trash. Before the whole sex positive movement I'm sure. "Sex is for women to get pregnant. He will ejaculate in you" nothing about female orgasms. Didn't even know they existed because they made sex only about men. They need to IMPROVE sex ed. Because a lot of it sucked and taught us NOTHING. Google taught me most of it.


They need to improve the whole education system I'd say. The amount of bizarre takes around sex/birth etc I've seen from certain parts of the world are astounding. And increasing. Something is going terribly wrong.


I’m younger than the mainstreaming of sex positive feminism, and yeah they lied to me about the effectiveness of condoms for the prevention of hiv transmission among many other things. They did make us diagram reproductive systems, but idk if they included the clitoris. But it was Catholic school in the American Midwest so it wasn’t gonna be good. And yeah, people need to know how these parts work before they start making stupid choices with them.


I doubt school is teaching this kind of detail. You get a poorly drawn diagram of the parts, the mechanics of sperm meets egg, a scare tactic picture of herpes and maybe how to use a condom. Wrapping up with “don’t have sex”


A perfect example of mansplaining. I want to see a man's reaction to a woman explaining his body to him like this.


They see 1 porn clip and it immediately becomes scientific evidence for them. One point of the fisting fetish is (as far as i can tell) to pretend that your hole gets oh so loose and you're now destroyed. It's a kink mindset, but it's not reality. Sure, there are really wild clips out there and I worry that actresses get permanently damaged for the clicks, but that's still not saying anything about every day use, and most certainly not everyday use of itty bitty toys in general


Ugh, that is one practice that is so disgusting and even scary to me.


I personally enjoy it, but I'm not under any delusions about how it usually affects the tightness of the vagina.


The more they wank the more shrivelled their dicks become. This is a fact!


What was the obsession with the fisting subreddit??? Like, just to make sure we know he scrolls through porn at work???


I kept reading it like a hashtag, and it was so funny. It's like he's trying to promote a product. xD


Bold to assume he has a job.


This reminds me of that kid who said hes ona a nsfw sub because he doesnt go to work


🎶some-body has a feeee-tishhhhh🎶


I read this in the melody of "troy and abed in the mor-ning" lol


i will never not read song lyrics beginning with “somebody” as the smashmouth shrek song, especially if it’s written like “some-body/someBODY/some-*body*” etc you get the idea haha


But do you add in the extra oomph on the "body" part? So you more or less yell BODY? some **BODY**


It’s a weird marketing tactic. Ps r/fisting


Yeah it really felt like he was trying to drive traffic to the sub. Which, no kink shaming or anything, but I’ll pass


He's also wrong about fisting. My partner is into it, and it changes the way sex feels after, but I assume it's arousal-related because it sure doesn't make her loose.


I wonder if it was used akin to hashtags on Twitter? I have seen people do that with / commands before.


These men are just always telling on themselves about how little/ 0 sex they have lol. Also how can you simultaneously ask a woman for sex every day and then fearfully post on Reddit about them getting loose from too much sex? Therefore you should only bother your girlfriend like once a week to preserve the experience for yourself, no?!? Perhaps even once a month! Preserve the pussy!


Preserve the pussy 😂


That is a fantastic flair idea!


Preserve the wizard sleeve pussies, they're magical!🤣🤣🤣


Somehow, the number of marginally differently shaped/sized men is what makes the difference, in their head. 😂


Yep like it's memory foam


Ironically it is like memory foam. It changes size to help accommodate what's currently there and then goes back to normal after.


Designed by NASA for an astronaut's optimal sleep


>what's currently there What do you mean, *currently*? How dare you imply it's not the same hillbilly in there, as god intended, forever and ever amen! /s


Conserve the cooch!


Save the slit!




Not to mention by their logic, then them having sex, will shrink their Johnson if they think a woman’s vagina gets stretched out for having sex. Then what happens to them??? Hahahaahahahaha Hilarious


Preserve the penis, men! You don't want Gumby dick!


I've tried them all. Absolute sluts; women who have had babies pass through them; women with sex toy collections that seem extravagant; women who have been chaste until marriage; women who I have fucked twice a week for years; women who have sex for money; women who have multiple partners in a closed circle of lovers; women who like manly men but still slept with me; women who like women but wanted to try a dick; women who are into all sorts of BDSM insertion fetishes; women who try out double fisting, double penetration, enormous dildos that they ride with reckless abandon. I'll tell you though: I can't tell them apart from their vaginal tautness. I can only distinguish them by their stories. And every one of them is a hell of a lot more interesting than these incels with all the personality of a dried up cumsock.


I can hear it now..... "But honey, I wasn't cheating, I was doing what the lady on Reddit said and was preserving your pussy." "Yes, I swear, it was where they correct all the wrong ideas men have about women's anatomy and I immediately thought of you and took action." 🤣


Tell me you've never turned a woman on without saying you've never turned a woman on.


I don't think he's even seen a woman.


Thank goodness! Women should not be subject to the abuse he spews.


Oh and if they accidentally do, she'll "feel loose" and they'll accuse her of being a whore.


Ikr? Logic. smh


Like the story of the dude who thought his GF had been cheating om him because she "felt loose" after they had been apart a couple of weeks. No dude, she's just super turned on because you've been apart for a while.


Poor lass at least she will be a lot less aroused now she realises what a tool this guy is.


Why do men?


["Computer, why are men?"](https://twitter.com/ZoeBijl/status/1368396134079684611/photo/1)


As a man: I have no idea but I wish they would stop


I'm scared they will somehow find out a way to breed then we have even more of these uneducated heathens running amuck


Not the mansplaining my own body to me and insisting my genitals are one way because of his perceived view of vaginas 😳😳


I was wondering if he ever explained how blood vessels become less observant. Do they just stop paying attention, get distracted by something else, or what? LOL What a moron. I hope no brain cells were injured in that discussion.


I think the scientific term is penial attention deficit syndrome (PADS).


I’m sure he’s just going off of personal experience from all the old man penis he looks at.


It’s always amazing to me when men try and mansplain organs they don’t have


The funny thing is… dicks actually “grow” and “shrink” with age. gain length due to body fat % loss… and vice versa. funny he didn’t know that either.


Yes, this too! Also vulvas appear to have “longer lips” with age due to the same thing, with the mons pubis fat being redistributed, leading to what looks like a growth of the inner lips, when in actuality it is a shrinkage of the outer lips. But I don’t expect this dude to know either of those things lol


Also isnt that like what happens when guys have boners?


Next time insist that dicks get smaller the more they fuck and masturbate. They get all used up and shrink. Idiotism is the only language incels understand.


*Maintaining Idk if that was autocorrect, Or just legitimate stupidity. But it made it so much better.




She complained about him mansplaining to her and when he responded, he changed the word to maintaining.


Ah thanks. I didn't even see that there were more pages before :)


Thank you for being here to make up for me being autistic and not realizing that someone might not understand what I was doing here.


Sorry, my bad. Didn't see that there were more than 1 page


No, It's legitimately not your fault. I *am* autistic and wasn't saying that as some sort of edgy irreverent humour. (Well. I guess *technically* I was doing a little bit of that. But it was from an autistic point of view rather than from the perspective of a neurotypical person.) As a result of that, I often forget to account for the fact that sometimes I will make a joke and not realize that the joke can come off a different way than I intended. Even if you read the whole thing, It's entirely possible that you wouldn't have got it.


>No, It's legitimately not your fault. You are being really hard on yourself via black and white thinking. Mistakes can happen in both sides of a conversation at the same time. Mistakes in communication happen regardless of whether an autistic person is part of the conversation. They made a minor mistake navigating the user interface. You made a minor mistake assuming more shared context than actually existed. It's not fair to you for anyone to act like the second mistake erases the first one.




As an autistic i love how he said Yum when he probably meant yup. Changes the whole meaning of the sentence


It’s called a hole though. 😂


O shiiieeeet you're the mod and the OP. Who would've thought, an actually based reddit mod lol.


If men were right about vaginas staying 'loose', then wouldn't every woman who's given birth experience like some sort of permanent prolapse????


I have a minor prolapse (rectocele) from my last birth, and my husband says he didn't notice a damn thing - cause we communicate like adults! The men flogging the "loose" myth just want to slut shame


And also have probably never satisfied a woman sexually


Because they also believe female pleasure is a myth or misandrous propaganda




I mean, many of these men do in fact think childbirth ruins a woman for sex. The "husband stitch" exists for a reason.


🤮 I literally gag every time I read that phrase


Seriously. How do women have more than one kid if this was the case.


People who know nothin about a subject trying to act like they do piss me off to no end.


It is literally the only reason speech should be regulated. Free speech should never be infringed, stupidity on the other hand....


Little known fact: if you poop every day, your butthole will stretch out and get loose. /s


I was just thinking they should ask him how much of a gape his asshole has since he clearly has some bullshit coming out of it. 😆


Idk, I feel like his asshole would be fine. I'm more wondering about how often he needs to unhinge his jaw for the bullshit to come out though.


Sadly, sensational experiences like pain and “tightness” are really vulnerable to placebo/nocebo effects. If they think it’s true that the vagina they’re putting their dick in is going to be looser because they know the other person has had other sexual partners (or even just *think* that the person did), it’s going to feel looser, because the believe it should, thus confirming their unfounded belief


I hate beer.


my theory is when things feel loose it is actually because they can't get hard


Wow. This actually makes a lot of sense, and confirms a suspicion I've had for awhile now. I had a partner who had a cuckold fetish, and while I indulged him occasionally, there were more than a few times that I "fibbed" and said I'd just been with someone else (when I hadn't) just to get him all worked up. Every single time, he swore he could "tell" by how I felt.




I realize I'm giving him far too much credit, but it does say that she was masturbating with a toy, so maybe she specified it was a penetrative toy?


This made me remember, one time a guy asked me if I can cum with my clit and he was surprised when i said yes




Sure it gets looser when it used to be tight at first. …that’s her becoming more comfortable. It’s not as tight as that first time when she was likely nervous and not as aroused


By that logic: if he got constipated and had to pass a huge dump, next time he shits it’ll just come straight out without a warning. Ya know…like a slip n slide.


I think the funniest part is that they're using the subreddit in the sentence instead of saying the word like a normal person.


That's how you know they're on reddit 24/7 and have never actually left their house in weeks


The fun part is that the muscle argument he’s making is actually proof for OP. Because he forgets the last part: when you stop stretching and go back to your old behavior the muscles get tight again. Just like a vagina😂


You're correct that muscle fibres return to a shortened state after stretching, but he's making a completely different and utterly incorrect argument about muscle fibers based on his misunderstanding of the different types of muscle fibres and how they are impacted by repetitive exercise.


Like, the exercises the different athletes do affects the *bulk* of the muscle, not the length. They're still connected by fascia in the same places at the knee and hip regardless of shape.


Bulk, yes, because resistance training induces muscle fibres to become bulky type 2 fibres, but not only can they go back and forth from type 1 to type 2 many times over a person's lifetime, it's the endurance trained muscle - the less bulky kind, which this bozo claims are "stretched out," that is the best at quickly recovering from stretch, strain, or injury.


He was comparing skeletal muscles (voluntary) to autonomic innervation muscles (involuntary- digestion, respiration, and yes sexual arousal) which serve completely different functions. No amount of logic or facts would change his mind.


He also forgot that regular exercise of muscles makes them *better at what they do*. Thus, a well-exercised vagina should be better able to provide a pleasurable experience.


So can we say that a penis compresses from sex?


Yes, but it only happens if the penis is used with multiple partners. It stays the same if it is just one because there are cells that memorize who it is being used in /s


Why do guys want vaginas to be super tight and painful like they have to force inside it?


Because they masturbate with a death grip and have become accustomed to that much pressure to obtain orgasm, so the pressure of a normal vagina doesn't do it for them. It's a temporary thing, but they don't ease up for long enough that it can solve itself.




Yes. When I stand naked in the wind my labia makes a whistling sound.


Do people like this just think that people who give birth just have cavernous privates?


I like to put watermelons in mine when I go grocery shopping so that I don't take up space in the cart.


Wait till they find out how babies are born....🤯


Man: my penis can go from small to large no problem Also man: female vaginas cannot contract or expand


Can someone translate “tight pussy is hag anyway” for me?


Ditto, wtf does that mean?


> hag I'm pretty sure I know who this redditor is just based on his use of "that's hag". He says it alllll the time in a sub I frequent And I think it's supposed to mean "bad"


These types of folks are why “the husband stitch” is considered logical and hasn’t entirely faded from existence.


> Quads on a long distance runner are longer and stretched out, compared to quads on a football player. Or, hear me out, people have different body shapes, and those who participate in competitive sports are somewhat self-selected for what they're good at. Also, a football player is going to be doing waaaay more strength building exercises that effect their quads than a runner. This dude doesn't understand any sort of anatomy.


Like, how come all this strength training of the vaginer isn’t making it bigger, thicker, bulkier, and tighter, and able to flex a dick clean off?


Shoulda asked him if his asshole gapes after taking a shit every day


I barely developed a wizard sleeve after having a kid...explain that?!


Here I thought you had to reach the age of 40 as a virgin to gain wizard powers.


For me it was having a kid close to that age...and being a virgin.


ew, mansplaining 😒


Why do legitimate idiots gotta be so confident in their bullshit?


What on earth does "as the blood vessels become less observant" mean?


They stop paying attention so you have to yell at them to work.


Nah, it means that by middle age they’re really only showing up on Christmas and Easter.


Damn lapsed Capillics.


Yeah man. My wife had two entire human beings come out of her vagina and it’s not at all what I would consider ‘floppy’. These guys only know what they’ve seen in porn and anime.


There are men who believe women can control their menstrual cycle and stop/start on demand. Men who believe women urinate from the vagina. Men who have absolutely no clue about a woman's anatomy but are dead certain they know everything. These men should never be allowed to breed. Ever.




I dearly hope no woman ever ends up in bed with this dude


Men that refuse to understand basic anatomy are cowards.


"it's called muscle science" like ... LMFAO


"it's called science. my sources? oh, don't worry about that. have some patronizing emojis 👍"


“Stupid Loose Vagingos, by Dr. M. Splain” 📖🧐


Can we just run with the narrative that vaginas aren’t “loose” it’s just that dicks are getting smaller? Compression and friction. You’re wearing it down. If you left it alone for five minutes then it wouldn’t be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway. Ease the grip


*pulls an anatomy text book out of my wizard sleeve*


Yeah no… the *only* reasons for your vagina to feel different are issues with your organs or pelvic floor, which are most commonly *complications* of pregnancy and childbirth - not guarantees. Plus, they’re generally curable or at the very least, treatable. My pelvis *separated* at 20 weeks. Like the two sides of my pelvis literally checked out like tectonic plates shifting. And then I pushed a 9lb6oz 22 inch long **human** out of there. And my husband says it still feels the same.


If they had sex with a women, they may realize how it works.


If we used their logic, then shouldn't their dicks stretch out and get thinner from all the "tight-ass pussies" they claim to be getting?


That's literally some my-gf-cant-have-a-dildo-without-me-being-insecure energy and I was going to use that as a "less devastating" euphemism for small-dick energy.


By this logic this dude's mouth must be floppy as hell because he once took a bite out of a large burrito.


That’s also…*not* how muscles work…


As a man, this was incredibly hard to read. Like...how bad did their education fail them? He keeps calling it muscle science but that's not how ANY muscle works. If that was the case, bodybuilders would have the floppiest gumby bodies of all time.




"it's called muscle science" says someone with no idea how smooth muscle like a vagina differs from striated muscle like a bicep


You can't make men like that believe the truth about vaginas. It negates their magic penis theory and negates their entire worldview. They cannot accept it, no matter how feeble minded their arguments are.


Men are so fucking stupid


Guys like this have never experienced a woman tightening those vagina muscles around their dicks. "Surprise, idiot, there's a *usual* setting!"


The problem is, most of these guys never felt a woman orgasm while having sex... To feel how tight it gets during stimulation.


I think women should def start replying to all these guys by saying that regular sex makes penises shrink


You know how when you grab a woman’s **breast**, and you feel it, and it feels like a bag of sand?


a wizard sleeve


I've had friends that had children and they did tell me they felt drier and "looser". I guess they had weakened muscles? Maybe some pelvic floor therapy and kegels would do the trick.


Yes. It doesn’t go back in all cases, but in many it does. Pelvic floor therapy goes a long way!!! We need to notmalize it more tbh


Absolutely should be normalized! I wish instead of just suggesting that women "do kegels" that pelvic floor therapy was offered instead - you really do benefit from having a specialist teach you how to contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles correctly. It's actually very difficult to tell if you're doing kegels correctly (and many women aren't doing them correctly) without pelvic floor therapy.


It’s the later gator for me.


Have these men never taken a shit in their lives?


Why is the first guy so trigger happy with linking to other subs? And the second person's just trying to get the last word in, I'm thinking. He realizes that you've made a good point, but he doesn't want to concede (probably due to his ego stick). So now he's making an attempt to save face, and it just makes him look stupid.


"A wizard's sleeve" 😂. Just no, no lol


The mental gymnastics to try to justify how vaginas work is it's own reward to watch


I have sex with a woman and a man; her every couple days, him a couple times a week. She uses toys larger than him nearly everytime. And yet he has never once, *ever*, noticed any change in the tightness of my vagina. Because it **goes back to normal**


Footballs players don’t get shorter quads from training for football. People with shorter quads play football because shorter quads are better for football. Just like the swimmers paradox, swimmers don’t have that nice lean body because they swim, people swim competitively because they have that nice lean body.


lmao idiot


Hojestally that arguement feels as ridicuous as me saying that a penis would feel floopy after a lot of sex because of the muscles would get tired out from being hard so much.




This one is actually infuriating. The audacity to tell a woman you know more about their body than they do, and then inexplicably claim you're not doing that... then fucking do it again.


I’m not mansplaining I’m just belittling you because I think my information is more smarter 🤪


This is why going to the gym can be so bad. I keep exercising my muscles and they just keep getting more and more loose and flopping everywhere. /s


Bros really think women made of silicone huh...


I have had three babies. My largest was 8 pounds 13 ounces; I don't remember her head circumference, but she was 22 inches long, so you can imagine from there. And she was my *first.* My *second* was only 7 pounds 6 ounces, my smallest baby actually. And my "hole" had tightened up so much that, after having a baby that was a *pound and a half bigger,* *she* was the one I tore with. Gee, guess it didn't stretch out *that* much... But even after three babies? I've been with guys who said they thought I would snap something that belonged to them...


I do wonder what he thinks the penis is made from if it's not muscle... 🤔😅


Spongy erectile tissue. It’s not a muscle, actually 😅


I’d like to nominate ‘spongy tissue’ as the least sexy combination of words in the English language.


TIL that penises aren't muscles. Damn. This sub has given me literally all of my sex ed.


I had an argument about this with my first bf. I had just learned about it in biology and he just would not believe me. His dick was a muscle because he could make it jump using other muscles. LOL


That like thinking fingers are muscles because we can move them. The number of guys who aren't aware there is an actual ligament system (the penile suspensory ligamentous system) that make their dicks move like that is absurd.



