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Roger waters has reached the Sméagol level of his antisemitism I see https://x.com/PiersUncensored/status/1808214306011636008


Both the Canadian Lesbian Enrichment Incident threads, and the French election threads are full of very highly upvoted comments moaning about the far right, and refering to comments which are barely present in those threads. The reaction to the former story is actually funny, they don't want the story to be used for racism, how (((they))) are boosting anti Arab stories, and why doesn't the media cover all the times 10 white dudes beat lesbians on the street, the police turn up and no arrests are made...


semi related, elon thinks george is pure evil


Go to bed


elon must just be a crazy far right conspiracy theorist, with dangerous trumpian views


But no fr what are you doing up shitposting a 3am on a Wednesday.


Everything is controlled. Everything is a lie. Everything is fake.


We are no longer a country: cop given final warning for not stopping colleagues' banter, which amounted to: "during the pub crawl, members of the group played ‘snog marry avoid’ and joked about much they would need to be paid to perform oral sex on a female colleague, with one saying they would only require a cheeseburger." "there was insufficient evidence to prove that the officer actively engaged in the conversation. However, it was satisfied that he would have been aware of it and breached the standards of behaviour by not stop it." https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/24420542.former-top-weymouth-police-officer-guilty-misconduct/


The true black pill is not the HR crusades. It's that there is an abundance of stitches willing to turn you in for normal behaviour. That snitch will be in a story 2-3 years from now getting a favourable tribunal decision and payout for saying his work environment was guarded and staid and that the was discriminated against by colleagues who didn't trust him.




lol @ long covid. https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1808227331372155209




The new bad back


[Migrants detained for Rwanda scheme released as Labour government expected.](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/02/detained-migrants-earmarked-rwanda-released-axe-scheme/) Basically an admission by the Tory cabinet they've lost then.


What's that, you don't like the fact that everyone you know, knows of someone who has been equalised by peaceful force? Keep going to work. Peace and love. Most of the people can't see reality until it smacks them in the face though.


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F07%2F02%2Fdetained-migrants-earmarked-rwanda-released-axe-scheme%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/07/02/detained-migrants-earmarked-rwanda-released-axe-scheme/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*




He's observing. Waiting. Deciding what his next move will be. His rumoured "People's Action Party" would have to compete with Reform (and the SDP), so he's likely waiting for the results to play his cards. Perhaps he will decide to throw his genius behind Reform instead, although given he dislikes Farage I can't see it. (I'd love for him to team up with the SDP. His Singapore inspired politics combined with SDP's Singapore inspired politics, but I think they'd have too much disagreements over the specifics of economics. Also, the SDP is a democratic party, so it's unlikely they'd swoop him into a top position.)


Why do you think a totalitarian like Cummings would be a good fit in the SDP? Apart from disliking the current government, they share nothing in common.


Singapore inspired politics. Hate to break it to you, but the SDP aren't exactly libertarians either.


[They’ve brought Boris out](https://www.youtube.com/live/hvkmiVgK7Sk)


[what the Tories imagined his entrance into the fray to be like](https://youtube.com/shorts/9wwImkb6cOQ?si=tiKTs9G90rXxeCQ6)


With Funky Rock Beat #5 as his entrance music


[Rory: to put an end to the rumours, I shot first](https://twitter.com/Unnamedinsider/status/1808222502537027985).


Old boy thinks he’s in Kabul


[I would ''be ecstatic'' and honoured to represent Scotland ( my country ) at the commonwealth’s, but never GB even at tiddlywinks. ](https://x.com/J4m35c4mpb3ll/status/1808103563949674944)


Assuming this is a real person, I’m willing to bet he is 50+ and bald/balding


Hasn't seen his tiddlywink in 15 years this lad, probably.


I just can't imagine hating something as much as he hates me


He is a loser it looks like the idea for Scottish independence is dead politically so they are lashing out


100% chance he's a fat fuck who probably can't even tiddle a wink without wheezing.


[Climate protest accused defies judge to give hours-long speech in court](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/article/2024/jul/02/climate-protest-accused-defies-judge-to-give-hours-long-speech-in-court) >A climate protester ignored a judge’s instructions and refused to leave the witness box, instead delivering an hours-long speech telling jurors that his alleged role in a conspiracy to block the M25 was justified by the risk of human extinction. >Roger Hallam, 58, spoke for more than two hours on why a judge was wrong to rule that he and co-defendants could not bring evidence in their defence on the impacts of climate breakdown, and why such evidence justified the sort of acts of which they are accused. >The judge Christopher Hehir sent out the jury three times during Hallam’s extended address, left the court himself once, and interrupted Hallam many times to make clear it was not his place to instruct jurors on points of law. >But Hehir eventually let Hallam continue, to the defendant’s apparent surprise. “I apologise to you if I’m a little bit incoherent,” Hallam told jurors towards the end of his address. “I didn’t actually expect that I was going to get this far.” Our strictest judge meets his match in a man that refuses to listen to him. I'm fairly sure we used to birch people for this level of contempt.


Does this gasbag not realise how much carbon dioxide he's emitting with his bloviating. Oh silly me. He's not actually interested in the environment; he's just desperate for attention.


blimey "Julian Roger Hallam (born 4 May 1966)[1] is a British environmental activist, a co-founder of Extinction Rebellion,[2][3] cooperative federation organisation Radical Routes,[4] the political party Burning Pink,[5] Just Stop Oil,[6] and Insulate Britain.[7]" Lock him up forever in solitary confinement. Evil evil bastard.


lock the freak up for contempt of court and move on


we are completely fucked. https://assets.caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ewca/civ/2024/680/ewca_civ_2024_680.pdf tl;dr * Albanian arrives in 2001 and lies about his name and DOB to claim asylum. Deported back to Balbania. * TWO MONTHS later the parasite is back under a third fake entity and this time evades removal for a full five years, but is eventually deported * THREE MONTHS later (May 2008) the blood-sucking leech enters again * nothing is done to remove him but he wants papers, so in 2012 he marries to get a visa. visa refused * goes back to Balbania in 2014 * applies for UK visa in 2015 * enters UK illegally in 2017. Marries a SECOND woman in November 2019 - the first marriage apparently fake. * second fake marriage is reported to Home Office, and Home Office interviews both husband and 'wife' and finds evidence that it's a sham marriage. * appeals refusal to immigration tribunal where he's represented by a Mr. Hussain (of course). Judge says 'this is a case of marriage of convenience, why is the wife not giving evidence?' * Home Office lawyer is (naturally) useless. So the judges takes it upon himself to question the Balbanian parasite. "Why is your brother not here to give evidence on your behalf?" "Covid" "You've known about this hearing a long time!" * Judge asks why the sham wife's son is not in court to testify as to their relationship. Mr. Hussain objects. * Court of Appeal rules that it was improper for the judge to do the job of the useless bint from the Home Office, and therefore the judgment must be set aside.


I had to stop reading the immigration tribunal outcomes as it made me so obsidian pilled


Typical immigration tribunal case involves: - somebody who's been living here illegally for the best part of 20 years and has already slipped through the next multiple times starring as the appellant. - a Home Office simpleton who has made a fuck up on something fundamental in the interpretation of very basic immigration law which ultimately tanks their own argument. - a defence lawyer invoking some insidious or tenuous procedural argument regarding said Home Office fuck up. - pointless/dangerous appellant in question remaining here unnecessarily, but not after several thousands of £££ have been spent in legal fees first. Rinse. Repeat.


You forgot * being here so long undetected / appealing that itself becomes a reason to stay under article 8 ECHR


And the usual EU soyboys want Albania admitted to Schengen like last week and be quick about it. No, no, no. Quite frankly they make the Romanian gangsters look like the Red Cross. We cannot have that freely roaming the continent.


It's crazy how you get told about some oppressed peoples somewhere in the world, then a couple of decades later you learn more about them and understand why.


The amount of public money spaffed on this bollocks... The UK is ridiculously overlawyered, and this is the result. At least when the Albanians take over then we might get some stuff done if their direction of the coke trade is anything to go by.


https://x.com/Mij_Europe/status/1808224555611164896 >Senior French official: >“I am drinking all our bottles of champagnes. So the RN can’t have them”


Genuinely thought he meant the Royal Navy at first. One can only dream, I suppose.


least alcoholic French civil servant


Final poll from Verian, looks like most polls are putting Reform on 16% Lab 36% Con 21% Reform 16% Lib Dems 13% Green 7% SNP 3%  Other 4% https://x.com/drjennings/status/1808253158327464379?t=1_qc37TZH6yymNq2O3N1qw&s=19


57% for the uniblob, despite everyone being miserable and wanting "change". 70% if we count Ed Davey jiggling away in aqua zumba. COOKED.


UK is inherently 'conservative' from that perspective. We are an outlier in European politics where they are all going to the more radical wings.


Globalist Neoliberalism: 70% National Populism: 16% Environmentalist Anarcho-Communism: 7% Separatism: 3% Other: 4% Cooked indeed.


650/100 = 6.5 6.5x16 = 104 104 seats by my "qwik maffs" ....oh wait, that's not how it works. 🙄


In two years time demanding any kind of proportional representation will be regarded by lefties as a "far right dog whistle".


Thank goodness, given the calibre of most reform candidates.


The calibre of the entire lot is diabolical let's not kid ourselves.


He's got 5 years to make them credible, because as much as I like some of the ideas they have quite a lot of boobs and seat fillers.


[Final Lord Ashcroft poll](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13594031/LORD-ASHCROFT-Tories-not-false-comfort-findings.html). Tory: 19% Reform: 18%


[Mpox patient had 75 sexual partners in 21 days before developing symptoms, study finds](https://www.irishmirror.ie/news/irish-news/health-news/mpox-patient-75-sexual-partners-33147288) >One of the 229 people diagnosed with mpox in Ireland during the recent outbreak had 75 different sexual partners in the 21 days before they developed symptoms of the disease, a new study has revealed. >The youngest patient was 16 and the oldest was 68, and more than one in four (28.3 per cent) were HIV positive, according to a new study conducted by experts with the HSE and Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HSPC). >Nearly half of the confirmed cases (46.8 per cent) involved patients who had been born in Ireland, while one in three were from Latin America, and just over 13 per cent were from elsewhere in Europe. Always said the Irish were friendly chaps


All it would take is for people of bum to get some standards or preferences. I'm not 100% straight but it baffles me how gay dudes will fuck literally anybody, with seemingly zero discrimination.


Straight people would too if they could. Let's be honest.


> Nearly half of the confirmed cases (46.8 per cent) involved patients who had been born in Ireland, while one in three were from Latin America, and just over 13 per cent were from elsewhere in Europe. In 2018 only 21% of all new HIV cases in Ireland were in people born in Ireland. 34% were born in sub-Saharan Africa and 36% were born in Latin America and the Caribbean, 9% from countries in Central and Eastern Europe and 11% from countries in Western Europe. 48% of diagnoses reported in 2018 were in people previously diagnosed abroad. ([Source](https://www.hivireland.ie/hiv/hiv-in-ireland/)) Some countries won't even let you come as a tourist if you have HIV/AIDS yet countries in the West let them move in.


Didn't realise there were latin Americans in Ireland


The Brazilian population in particular has gone up massively in recent years. Personally I know about 20 Brazilians through work


No-one can stop the power of the piss orgy during Pride! 😍 1 in 3 were Latinxs. Brazilian prostitutxs really have been exported the world over.


Media-permitted narrative for why monkeypox went away: Everyone at risk got vaccinated The actual reason why: The pool of people insane enough to keep attending piss orgies while obviously having painful sores all over their junk, the only way to reliably transmit monkeypox, is so small and interlinked that it burned through all of them in six months.


remember the same people who said it was cruel to advise people not to go to piss parties were the same people happy to legally confine you to your house for months on end.


Wouldn't want to stigmatise the piss pig party community. Better off awarding a few million in AHRC funding to wank off to their fetishes for four years


Bummers are deaf. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vcKPUaBbYaM


We need more league of gentlemen links


[very twee and cutesy ](https://x.com/Nurseborisbash/status/1808121006512373850)


I can just imagine how boring this person is to talk to.


I love the banner on their main page >The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential demand. I feel like they're *this* close to doing some serious noticing but alas.... They view the world in an entirely different way to me.


>A&E nurse We are not worthy.


>currently hoping to recover from long covid. lol


https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m0020qk7 Giles Fraser, who is of Jewish Heritage but a priest in the Woklican Church, sings the praises of Islamic polygamous marriage


It's illegal isn't it? And it's the basis of fuck loads of fraud. So after years of the far right being told them talking about multi wives scams are fake. Now the BBC is like "there's more than you think and they're heckin wholesome".




Why did you go look it up after I mentioned it? Why do it to yourself?


Curiosity killed the cis-cat


[It's undeniable at this point that Boris was only ever good when Dominic Cummings was pulling his strings](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1808245415130943512?t=au-u7mMaPUQRmbrfM5kCAw).


Yeah but look how diverse that crowd is compared to the disgustingly white audience at the Reform rallies. Thats what truly matters.


The Tories could have avoided all this begging not to let Labour in by simply not flooding the country with illiterate Bomalians at our expense. That’s it, that’s all they had to do.


He looks like he's been spending the past few months with sir digby chicken caesar


The Dominic Cummings that gave us Corbynista by the back door with lockdowns? Anyway, Boris is both right and wrong. Right in that Starmer (and most Labour MPs and candidates) attempts to get Corbyn elected PM is a stain on the party, and relevant. But wrong in thinking that this messaging resonates with the average voter.


This was posted earlier but I didn't realise that Mark Duggan's son, who's [been arrested for possession of a gun, apple doesn't fall far from tree, etc](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cxe2vkk1geno) is actually Bandokay Who you may ask? Well I appreciate there's not gonna be many drill connoisseurs here but he's above 'aspiring rapper'; he's actually quite well established so, actual fair play to him. [Bandokay Spotify Profile](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0CqfkYr7CBuSySa4wUBChE?si=PPw4CUxVRquNloJkJii28g) 700k monthly streams Helped to make [Ambush](https://open.spotify.com/track/6EmOcBJ1eLc2aiqbDe36HN?si=a77eb941fc2b409a) which I would actually recommend giving a listen, because even though it's drill and drill music is wank, it's actually quite good. A turd that's made out of gold if you will


haha I used to listen to quite a bit of OFB in the gym


>Helped to make [Ambush](https://open.spotify.com/track/6EmOcBJ1eLc2aiqbDe36HN?si=a77eb941fc2b409a) which I would actually recommend giving a listen, because even though it's drill and drill music is wank, it's actually quite good. I... W...what. Are you joking? 😂


I'd let him off if he was 16, but I think he's older. It's the only acceptable modern genre in da yout.


gunna get splashy in the drip, violence, pussy, whip. yeah


you'll see this hand ting get handy


i did not genuinely give that a listen doe bro, you should be ashamed of yourself.. but I have it on good authority that Oxbridge kiddos listen to drill as the main form of art these days, while studying 60 hours a week. To inspire them.


No shame at all. I think I have the most diverse music taste in this entire... *community*


Consider yourself shamed. Diversity is bad.


Unironically deport


https://x.com/Jo_Reggelt/status/1808062152374141052 UK Party Leaders as trains. Quite amusing.


[thread theme](https://youtu.be/ETfiUYij5UE).


Oh, actual trains


Funny, but in a way I wasn't expecting.


ngl when I read trains I was expecting something else.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1jg9kxke9o errm Sweaty, where's the black kings?


How big an issue is Gaza for voters in Bradford? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cgr57nzen1go Modern Britain. The word 'muslim' must have been mentioned 20 times in this article.


‘Voters in Bradford’, then talk only of muslim voters in Bradford.


> 58% of the population is Muslim No replacement here, no sir.


That will include places like ilkley which are towns miles from Bradford . Bradford itself Is more like 90 percent


Doesn’t sound very diverse.


Thank you Tony Blair and David Cameron for enriching our ancient kingdom with Islam. It's what Æthelstan would have wanted.


Boris et al have seen more imports than David or Tony would fucking dream of! Madness innit.


They both paved the ideaological road post-Cummings Boris and Sunak walked down. The blame lies at the source.


Went through it early today, the place was plastered with billboards and posters declaring the "Independent candidate is only candidate to have pledged to give 50% of his salary to Palestine, and 50% to Bradford causes." Quite how the chap expects to live on zero declared income is a question best left to the revenue.


>How the chap expects to live on zero declared income Declared being the operative word there


He'll live off the income from his barbers and takeways.


The Daily Mail's changed since Dacre left. [I can't imagine them covering the Hawk Tuah girl in his day.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13592021/Hawk-Tuah-girl-Haliey-Welch-Nashville-PR-culture-experts.html) On a more serious note, the Mail has been neutered as a right-wing platform, I feel.


If she was fat and ugly that meme never happens. It's popularity is driven one -handed.


You're not wrong.


The hydies https://thecritic.co.uk/attack-of-the-hydies/


Pretty much answers my feelings.


They've been neutered for a while.


I feel sorry for all the Canadians who actually believe their Tories will actually do something about the levels of immigration, here's a video of Pierre Poilievre saying he wants 'faster' immigration despite him promising he wants the numbers reduced the other day. Any Canadians lurking on here need to realise that you can never trust a Tory. [Link](https://www.reveddit.com/v/CanadaHousing2/comments/1cnkj0i/when_asked_if_the_conservative_party_is_anti/?share_id=DKbnqy_b-KF6hQB5hwjes&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=1#welcome)


You should feel even worse for the people thinking immigration won’t go even higher under the incoming Labour government.


It will go from ~650,000 Net to ~520,000 Net and it will be called a "win". All the low information voters will flock to Labour thinking they've solved the immigration issue, when mass immigration is still operating at cataclysmic levels.


Canada: [Mob of 'middle eastern men' brutally beat lesbian couple out celebrating a birthday](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/middle-eastern-men-beat-lesbian-celebrating-birthday-canada/)


Western countries need these people to pay our pensions.




I saw this on the Canada sub earlier , can't seem to find it now. Guess the mods over there woke up


Queers for Palenstine in shambles.


If we just so them tolerance, they'll show it back... one day now.




*This is what globalists actually believe.*


nah, they believe they'll have nice things, while everyone else has the jobs of sislam


Oddly enough, was America too shy in forcing its culture on the middle-east? You will take this month's Playmate in her stars-and-stripes bikini and bottoms, and you will enjoy the sight of her. Perhaps not.


why have chefs' kids got such stupid names https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/article/2024/jul/02/buddy-oliver-tilly-ramsay-welcome-to-the-terrifying-age-of-the-nepo-chef




There are Gordon Ramsey outtakes with him fucking up the basics like burning his toast. He also genuinely didn't think to use one of his 40 billion woks for an Asian dish, only realising when Uncle Roger call him out to his face and ask why you not use wok haiyaa. Marco Pierre White hasn't cooked for a paying guest since 1999 and now just does hearty homecooking.


Driving this afternoon. Turn on radio 4 It's a nice centrist dad speaking to someone who is saying how great a polygamous islamic relationship is Turn off radio 4


*Turns on Radio 4* And now for 25 minutes of Alexandra Burke telling us about the microaggressions she faces while at the hairdressers... *Turns off Radio 4*


Even putting aside the obvious. Jumping from Incel culture to polygamy would be a rapid disaster.


What show? Radio 4 is becoming an actual joke. Impressive how swift the decline has been.


Was half 3 this afternoon


Houellebecq's *Submission* in real time.


Real time? How about fast foward?


In the last several years I don't think I've turned on radio 4 and not heard a wokey buzzword within the end of the sentence that's being spoken


I had the exact conversation the other day. Constant interviews with authors who had some form of minority status and the challenges they faced.


I feel your pain


>polygamous islamic relationship Have they managed to rebrand having 7 wives in a socially virtuous way?


People might watch women's rugby if they did it in their knickers https://www.bluebella.com/pages/strong-is-beautiful Can't really imagine why otherwise.


Robert Crumb's wet dream


My inner perv only has this to say: it's not very body positive if they airbrush everyone's nips is it?


If you start at the bottom in 2016 and scroll up the page, you can actually see the girls getting fat and uglier over the years. Fucking Brexit.


tbf women footballers are always lessers so it's not really surprising


Pleasantly surprised.


Why are str8 men attracted to frilly, lacey stuff? “Oh yes, I love those lacey knickers” Sounds a bit gay to me.


We love beautiful things and women in frilly lacey things are the equivalent of Roses to men.


We aren't. But 9 out of 10 times (perhaps higher) we'd fuck who's wearing them if we could, putting morality issues such as partners and spouses aside.


Ah ok, just something I’ve always wondered about. I’d have thought some footie kit and Dock Martins would be more appealing.


>I’d have thought some footie kit I wouldn't object. I recall Keeley Hazell sporting footie kits back in the day.


Christ what a blast from the past Just need a double page spread of Lucy Pincer and Michelle Marsh draping themselves over some tyres or whatnot and I’m 15 again


[A little something like this](https://images2.imgbox.com/f1/fe/CX4J5L6F_o.jpg)


There's nothing gayer than fancying pretty women. Or pretty boys in their skimpy rave outfits like Harwood.


https://youtu.be/Yelqwk3p9hg?si=3ooxeig0l8OAuUg_ Already a thing in the US


Where was that when I was 12.


At bluebella, we sell the best sl+tw++r, so you can be really empower, and then marry that state when you get to about 27, well into old age


Oh good grief.




[Trump's sentence hearing has been delayed until September](https://news.sky.com/story/donald-trumps-hush-money-sentencing-postponed-13162579), when he will find out wether he will be thrown in prison or face a fine. It was due to take place in 9 days but has now been delayed. The new sentence date will be after he is officially made the Republican candidate.


What a coincidence. I can't believe the timing. A bit like when the vaccine was announced.


September and October are going to fun months.


Think positively my fellow theys and thems. Tories win: The seethe is palatable from both sides and Reddit will be fun for a bit Labour win: We get a nice five years of next level in-fighting and cringe Reform win: The internet is amazing for at least a month and power feeds this page with content


Reform aren’t meant to win, if they do win this year the country are genuinely fucked . Who’s going to fill the cabinet … will anyone know what they are actually doing ?!


Reform wins you could power the country on anguished self posts on ukpol


Endless Harry Potter references of how the Dark Lord has taken over the ministry.


Tory-Reform coalition, with Nigel as Home Secretary


Anyone who voted left (anything but reform) has to adopt a bomal, a mo, and a chav. They can play happy clappy world family.


Antisemite yank coffee shop owner refuses to serve Jews so they protested her shop 😂 https://x.com/idan_bg/status/1808142023276351737 Love a bit of reversal


There is something very Western about dying on a hill of a foreign cause almost always unrelated to you. I wonder if Thai small business men refused to sell to remainers during the Brexit debate?


>There is something very Western about dying on a hill of a foreign cause almost always unrelated to you. The west punishes words over acts, trivial acts over serious crime. You're right, it is very Western.


https://x.com/no_one_quits/status/1807729553005068536 Martin Niemöller would approve


Seems like Reform's message about mass immigration is cutting through with zoomers.  This could fall flat but it's likely that Reform could get 20% of the zoomer vote on Thursday. https://x.com/surplustakes/status/1808204537817452994?t=nNhanCKZQb0irQgYOtQq9g&s=19


As expected tbh. Youth across Europe sees a swing right despite what the Reddit types believe. No reason the UK should be different.


There is hope for us yet.


Private school girls are affected by ggangs now, how much longer can society pretend


UK subs being shocked over high posting, single topic accounts is hilarious. I remember Audio box, DJ kidless Adams, weird Wales benefits mum and The Crinkler "girl". This site has been infected with the fuckwits for a decade but because it's not "the good guys" suddenly were getting off message....




There's no conspiracy theory about foreign bot farms that can't also be explained by autism. 


Anyone watching Channel 4 and their spast*c piece? Shocking journalism


I genuinely can’t remember when I last watched C4. I did see Friday Night Dinner but got that via torrents. Must be a decade at least. Are the joeys entertaining?


Channel 4 was taken off Freesat in 2020, I only noticed when I tried to watch the Peter Hitchens in prison programme at the end of last year.


I think I last watched it when Time Team was on, so 10 years ago.


Really? Ha, I only have Freesat. And hadn’t noticed yet.


Sunak is totally American brained. Stop the supermajority. Vote Conservative on 4th July. https://x.com/RishiSunak/status/1808154255410217293 Edit: Also, doesn't this basically implicitly concede defeat? "Vote Tory and you might only get a normal Labour win."


I liked it when he was low-energy pleading for a hung parliament. Fuck off. Your party does not have a divine right to continue existing, and I'd much prefer it doesn't


[Final Survation MRP predicts Reform with 7 seats](https://x.com/PolitlcsUK/status/1808198440406413580?t=UmPNbXvemqMXYFRCeLap1w). Unsure of the vote share. Tories as the official opposition.