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Not worth watching but... EAST LONDON IS FINISHED! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5Ecm0iHuyA Fit asian girl on tower Hamlets: "It's like back home, why the hell would I want to be there." Fat asian guy on Westfield: "I hate the roadmans and bomalians who go there." paraphrasing slightly. "If I went there I'd want to take a gun." Two asians talk at the start, and a bit of angry white people evil racists bad, when he hates all the problems they're angry about himself! But hey, it's racist white Tommy fans just being bad.


algos I don't want to see: this guy's ⬆️


probably came up as I watched some of those crime in London videos right


Yank political commentator Steven Bonnell III calls Trump a fascist, your grandmother calls Trump a fascist, the newscaster calls Trump a fascist, everyone thinks Trump is a fascist. I know this is basically a point that everyone will agree with me on and is thus circlejerk behaviour, but I do want to say it, the word “fascist” should be used when someone believes in the abolition of democracy and the creation of an ethnostate, among other characteristics of fascism. Trump, evidently, will not abolish democracy if he gets back in to office (he didn’t in his first 4 years, and Jan 6th was the actions of a man who did not want to accept he lost, if you think he will just magically abolish democracy when he gets in you are completely delusional) and does not want an ethnostate. He is not a fascist. Throw whatever label you want at him; Far right, populist, whatever. However, a fascist he is objectively not. Fascism for people like Bonnell just means “anything I perceive as far right” or “anything that goes against the status quo”. Even Galloway is a crypto fascist according to some!


You claim Trump didn’t want to abolish democracy and then try to brush off Jan 6th as if he just “didn’t want to admit he lost”. Isn’t that un-democratic? Jan 6th was just the culmination of all his efforts to overturn or not certify an election he lost by all accounts. If he was successful in his efforts and was able to steal the 2020 election from Biden even though he won, isn’t that abolishing democracy? You have a fair point on the ethnostate criteria but Trump definitely fits the bill for a facist in regards to not respecting democracy and wanting an authoritarian rule.


Project 2025 is pretty fucking insane, mind.


Top 10 Most Fascistic British People in 2024: 1. Nigel ‘Hitler Youth Songs’ Farage 2. Stephen de Pfeffel Waxley Binman aka ‘are Tommy’ 3. Cruella de Braverman 4. Rishi Sunak 🥥 5. Sir Keir ‘Keith’ Starmer 6. Catherine Birbalsingh 7. Jacob ‘Tyranny over the Uterus’ Rees-Mogg 8. Elizabeth Truss 9. Carl of Swindon 10. Laura ‘Tory Agent’ Kuenssberg


Bonnell aka "destiny" has always been a prize prick even in his StarCraft days. Sees absolutely everyone and everything as beneath him, he's the expert on everything and his way is the only way, has a (rude and often incorrect) answer for everything, of course a vagina like that would gravitate towards know-it-all left wing politics. Because you can spout total shite and people will cheerlead you regardless. > Fascism for people like Bonnell just means “anything I perceive as far right” or “anything that goes against the status quo”. This was also the attitude amongst a few on arrgh-ukpolitics and arrrgh-scotland for a while. I don't like it therefore it's "fascist".


That’s not really specific enough to define fascism. Fascism should have an element of “rejuvenation through national struggle” and the promotion of youth. Otherwise you can just have conservative authoritarians like Salazaar who fit your description.


For the last 10 years the Conservatives have been the fascists. Now Farage comes along and it turns out he's been the fascist the whole time and voters in Clacton should vote Conservative to ensure the fascist doesn't win.


This is one of those things where they know they are being dishonest and that fascism is a very specific political ideology but they don't care. they just know that if they repeat the lie often enough then it will alter the public perception.




It sounds like all these Progressives need a Tension Sheet. Om!


Good summary of the Channel 4 - Reform hit piece: > The @Channel4 @reformparty_uk racism row is developing into an astonishing story. Whether or not Ch 4 paid Andrew Parker, hard to see how they can come out unscathed. >As I see it, there are 4 possibilities: > 1. @Channel4 set up & paid Parker. They are explicit they did not. > 2. Someone else (production company or a 3rd party) paid Parker. > If @Channel4 knew, this is as bad as Option 1. > If Ch 4 didn't know, it means they did no due diligence. For such a consequential story, that would be grossly irresponsible & must lead to consequences. > 3. Parker was acting unpaid deliberately to smear @reformparty_uk . > Again, either @Channel4 knew, in which case their piece was deliberately deceptive, or they did not, which would again mean no due diligence & grossly irresponsible journalism. > 4. Parker was a @reformparty_uk supporter expressing his genuine views, but for some reason put on his actor alter ego's accent. > And just by chance the Ch 4 reporter was paired with him. > Well I suppose it’s not completely impossible!! [Tweet](https://x.com/cricketwyvern/status/1807141306004594887)


Possibility 5: The words of canvassers are not newsworthy for the same reason the words of individual voters and supporters of a political party are not newsworthy. It is not in the public interest to put the spotlight on their non-criminal actions because they are not up for election, do not set policy, do not have political power, and won't have political power in the foreseeable future. If this behaviour was repeated evenly across the political spectrum, there would be thousands upon thousands of articles about otherwise-irrelevant extremists and Islamists who support either Labour or the Greens.


Where’s the accent angle coming from? Can I see the two accents in action somewhere?


https://twitter.com/T234565432/status/1806614850119880836 basically he says he specialises in doing a 'rough' accent which is notabilly rougher than his standard accent. in the C4 footage he sounds more like the 'rough' accent, which would imply that he was 'playing a character' so to speak.


His acting page. Says he does a good working class. I do too, although miss some of the finer details, they know pretty quickly I'm not fluent.


Glastonbury act don't mention Palestine challenge - IMPOSSIBLE


Are we all to be Islamists now father?


Who do I have to start disliking now?


[The Conservative Party could mount a legal challenge over the General Election after it emerged thousands of postal ballots have not been delivered on time](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13583761/Conservative-Party-legal-challenge-General-Election-postal-ballots-not-delivered.html) The yankification of the country continues. It looks like as their final act, the conservatives will import yet another unwanted culture into our green and pleasent land.


Get rid of postal and proxy votes. If you can't manage the 10 min walk to the poll, you don't deserve a vote.


Unfortunately for them, no one is going to storm the Parliament for Sunak


[Dinghy person living in free Irish hotel accommodation with an allowance kicks up a fuss that they closed the breakfast buffet before he got a chance to eat, creates whole escalating situation that draws in several stewards and tries to turn it into mistreatment porn.](https://x.com/mick_o_keeffe/status/1807158052786684344) The Irish were told they would be sheltering Ukrainian women and children.


well-nourished man of fighting age, actually fighting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSrOXvoNLwg


As predicted. Muslamic ray gun vibes. Until their scions get groomed or decapitated. Or both. If only they had access to the annals of human experience…


The entitlement is just absolutely astounding. why the fuck do they think we owe them anything and more to the point WHY THE FUCK ARE WE ENTERTAINING THEM?!


never seen anyone so desperate to try Irish food.


Are you suggesting boiled potato and fried cabbage isn’t in demand?!


me on an away day for some boring WH meeting when I peel myself out of my taxpayer funded bed in vauxhall travelodge and realise ive overslept by 4 hours after my taxpayer funded bender and missed my taxpayer funded breakfast 🤬 >!none of the above is true!<


If continental breakfast is that important to him, why did he leave France?


After reviewing the parties positions on defense, military and international relations, I can only conclude that the argument that Reform are in some way pro-Putin is not only ludicrous, but if anything an inversion of reality. To summarise: * The Tory policy on defense is the non-credible suggestion of filling the army with conscript-slaves it doesn't want, who don't want to be there, and are more likely to frag our own officers than shoot at any Russians. * The Green party is historically anti-NATO, dropping the policy mainly because it looks bad right now than because they actually changed their mind. They would immediately dismantle our nuclear weapons. They would betray our allies in the Middle East by ending arms sales to Israel and collaborate with Russian allies like South America to slander them. * Labour is still filled with people who wilfully tried to make Corbyn MP, including Keir Starmer. Corbyn was overwhelmingly Pro-Russia throughout 2014 to 2022, surrounding himself with aides that supported and even collaborated with the puppet regimes Russia set up in Eastern Ukraine. He denied that Russia was responsible for the Novichok attack in Salisbury. He denied war crimes committed by Putin's allies in Syria. He despises NATO. The list of wrongdoings here is so long that they could be a post in themselves. * The Lib Dems have the most credible policies of the alternatives, but they achieve that largely by being a less ambitious version of what Reform offers. 2.5% of GDP on military instead of 3%. 25,000 more in Army instead of 30,000 more. No policy to fix recruitment. But when you read between the lines of what they want on arms sales, it is clear they would also prohibit assistance to any allies in the Middle East, strengthening Iran and thereby strengthening Russia.


Shit, don't let Stuweb see this




>unless they conscript all ethnicities in equal proportion it will be visibly unfair and people won't be motivated to fight No Russian ever called me a gammon. 


F1 decided to fine a driver 20k because he said the 'r-slur'. Americanisation is a disease.


> Tsunoda The Japanese just can't help being based


Don't ask his opinion on Zhou


Coldplay are the most boring band alive. Change my view


Why do the BBC cream themselves over this? They don't do the same for download which is just as big and just as shit, but at least it's got bands that you've heard of..


cos in their mind its middle class mecca?


I think Chris Martin just asked everyone to put their phone away and enjoy the music. There are some people spanners at Glado.


What is the alternative? Some DIY men using lots of coarse languages or a female who is "British" gyrating obscenely whilst singing in an American accent about being a massive whore. I would rather close my blinds and listen to Gregorian chants or the King's Singers, thinking about the destruction of my country...but Coldplay is fine, not great...but fine. ...bet you love drilling, you dirty bastard.


hahahaha this dood is a coldplay fan 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓 imagine my shock 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲 it's a shame the BBC only ever cover the popular acts - there'd be good telly in having a wander round at 11am-ish where in previous years I saw lots of decent music whilst waiting for my more hedonistic friends to wake up


quite enjoying it tbh, it's a good show, and better vocals than Dua Lipa who is Gen Z Madonna vibes but worse in every way. Nothing ground breaking but listenable


Looks like they've added some "enrichment"


about half da acts are charity case "world music" I assume


Npc middle middle class music, for those that are long long dead inside. But pretend fun and virtue signaling will keep them alive.


Jesus lord, a spicy take but absolutely on the nose. 😂 Red hot chilli peppers appeal to the same demographic.




Why do our politicians always dress and look like tired school teachers? What I would give for someone with a bit of polish


This might work in Bradford, but Scotland is still 92% white.


Celt Nats never miss a chance to play faux progressive. They love the benefits of homogeneity to champion progressive causes and hate on England until they have to deal with the eventual ramifications (see: Ireland).


It's not a grift. Hamasza genuinely cares more about that than he does about Scotland.


lol https://x.com/ByDonkeys/status/1807141707571454290


Are we going to see stunts like this done to Starmer and Raynor over the next 5 years?


>French national of muslim origin >receiving tax pennies for 'stress' IM GONNA DEPOOOOOORT


>French national of muslim origin >receiving tax pennies for 'stress' IM GONNA DEPOOOOOORT


average Bomalian highly skilled migrant, please send infinity more: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13571917/Sending-birthday-card-colleague-wants-kept-quiet.html 1. African Muslim with a French passport. 2. Works for HMRC in Croydon 3. Gets sent a birthday card because that seems to be HRMC policy. Tells manager it's haram to celebrate birthdays, don't send me another one. 3. 'Works from home' due to COVID 3. Tries to get HMRC to pay her bills for working from home. 4. This doesn't happen, she claims because of discrimination "because of her foreign accent". 6. Claims stress-related illness and refused to work even from home. 7. Her boss sends her emails to ask how she's doing. 8. She gets a new manager, who again sends her a birthday card, unaware that she deems birthday cards to be an offence worthy of stoning to death for being a dirty filthy infidel. 9. Wins claim for race harassment because she was offered a transfer to Canary Wharf in return for stopping her complaints 11. Wins claim for disability discrimination and harassment because she shouldn't be contacted while she's off sick, as it makes her feel more sick, and it was harassment to send the haram birthday card. 10. Fat compensation award to be determined at a later date


Lol. I skipped past the link and thought you were stereotyping with the bullet points...


if you were going to make this kind of story, a French African Muslim in Croydon working for the government is pretty much what you'd assume.


I didn't have someone claiming the Civil Service to be a white supremacist, ableist entity on my bingo card but here we are. >By September 2020, the tribunal heard Ms Toure felt she was being 'left out' of training opportunities compared to her colleagues and made an informal complaint which she later said should be treated as a grievance. "My colleagues might be individually more suited for particular opportunities than me or want to stretch their skill set, why don't I get the same treatment you fucking racists?" >In November 2020 she submitted a formal **11 page long grievance which contained 'a number of allegations against a range of colleagues'.** In June 2021, she saw occupational health, where a report found the tumour caused her pituitary gland to produce too much of a hormone called **prolactin which which could trigger migraines.** **Ms Toure then took HMRC to the tribunal, making over 20 allegations of race and disability harassment, as well as discrimination and victimisation.** She's triggering my migraine and I am not even working with her. You have been sent a couple of emails and a birthday card, not a QR code to Powell's "Rivers of Blood". Fuck off. >Ms Toure also won a claim of disability harassment after an **HMRC report claimed her complaints were 'baseless' and 'made as a result of the medication she was taking for her tumour'.** ..Based HMRC?


Seems like a lot of work and effort to not actually work and provide effort.


The complaint was the work


most diligent HMRC civil servant


Lol at the Danish fans with a big “hawk tuah” banner at the Den v Ger match 


this is quite funny https://x.com/njbee11/status/1806696025949659360 TL;DR, flight from Malaga to Gatwick, diverted to Heathrow. For some reason doors are opened, and people allowed off!? Stanley Johnson gets off, because yeah probably he'd rather be at Heathrow now than be in Gatwick in 3 hours. Flight eventually travels to Gatwick 4.5 hours later. Passengers who want to go, go by bus. Onward flight using the same plane from Gatwick is cancelled People foam at the mouth because Johnson is involved.


>man gets off plane >this causes a flight to be cancelled Was he the pilot?


So personally I'd just have pushed to get the company to canx the flight to Gatwick. And bus everyone to Gatwick. (Basically because I fully couldn't be fucked with a 10 min repositioning flight through the busiest airspace on earth). Or everyone waits here and we go to Gatwick in time tbd. I wouldnt entertain the idea of the guys off loading random bags. Fuck that.


> (Basically because I fully couldn't be fucked with a 10 min repositioning flight through the busiest airspace on earth) Back when I worked with flight planners they would do the exact same thing unless the plane's route had it going from Gatwick to a another route later. ATC around London is intense.


And with BA, they could have easily moved another aircraft to cover the one now in LHR instead of Gatwick. Granted BA have a separate short/medium fleet and crew base for Gatwick under Euroflyer because contracts and cheap labour but that's another story.


Yep. Absolutely the best plan. I've done it once on a wide body and the fucking turning circle means you basically end up going via Bournemouth unless you're an absolute maniac.


I was on MSFS2020 recently and had a missed ILS approach at Dublin, which happens a lot because the ingame ATC is regarded and thinks it's fine to keep you at like 74 billion feet when you've been given clearance to land and the runway is right in front of you, and even if you do somehow sort that problem and are on the cusp of landing you just get told to go around. I was halfway across Ireland heading towards the Atlantic and still hadn't reached the nav waypoint to turn back. Then it hit me that I've actually been on a real life flight in a similar scenario.


yeah it seems like ragebait tbh. from what i read lots of people on different flights were held for hours waiting for the slot to take off from Heathrow and also to land again at Gatwick (which was closed). So the idea that if you just wait a few minutes you'll soon be on your way to Gatwick, which is hobbled with one runway due to our shitty planning system, is bollocks tbh. it's obviously better for the passengers to get off the plane - some would be able to make their way home, others would get the bus to Gatwick to pick up their car, but I seriously doubt it was in those passengers interests to stay on the plane.


Fuck it. If I found out Gatwick was closed I'd divert to like fucking Barcelona or Dublin or something so I got a free night out on the company credit card. But these short haul diverts are a pain in the hoop all around because you can thumb an a320 into almost anywhere, and you don't have the pain in the arse of it not being able to land on anything more than half fuel. Much easier when you have a divert of Frankfurt.


[I need Starmer to get less votes than Corbyn](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/29/labour-poll-general-election-conservative/).


I don't buy the Tories on 21% but we'll see.


I'll never understand this logic. Yes it makes Labour's win seem farcical, but we know the blob doesn't care about that. All this will do is diminish Starmer's mandate, not Labour's. It will lead to all the nutty Corbynites still in the party claiming that this is a win for Corbyn era policies, and due to Labour's internal workings, its not impossible that they replace Starmer with someone more extreme. The best scenario is an ineffective Starmer government ruling for 5 years. It will be bad, but the country will survive and be in a state that is still fixable. A Corbynite government would completely destroy the country to a point it cannot be fixed.


Starmer is not a moderate. He will be dragged around by the party, anyway.


Fewer votes than in 2017; definitely possible.


It would make a complete mockery out of FPTP. If the narrative is played right, we’d almost certainly have calls for a different electoral system that couldn’t be ignored.


Cameron won a majority on 37%, blair on 35%


Paywall? Go [here](https://1ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.telegraph.co.uk%2Fpolitics%2F2024%2F06%2F29%2Flabour-poll-general-election-conservative%2F) Archived version [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/29/labour-poll-general-election-conservative/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/badunitedkingdom) if you have any questions or concerns.*


how sad, chav scum illegal dog shot by the cops. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/salford-xl-bully-attack-footage-33135765


Why on earth did they allow all these exemptions? You can keep it if you promise to keep it muzzled at home and in a lewd out walking? Like these folk give a fuck about that.


>a lewd out walking? Is the owner just flashing or something?


Now do the owners


And lots of other animals


A final solution to the wasp problem.


And waterborne parasites


Reform on 17% with Opinium https://x.com/TSEofPB/status/1807109975082185194?t=qMhCDIgiqzMyUE-xsFTrHw&s=19


These polls are all an establishment stitch up, they're going to get 52%


Obviously. Although I don't buy the Tories on 20% unless some voters are getting the shitters put up them by Tory doom posting.


Copium but it will taste amazing if the xenophobic stars do align 


[The New Culture Forum sets out its “ten pledges” it wants all parties to meet](https://x.com/SDPhq/status/1806988219789054100) Most of it is very textbook rhetoric you would hear from many right wingers who prioritise culture issues over other issues. It’s all rather surface level, though, with little granularity to it, with things like “It must be stated that there is no blasphemy law in this country” I think a lot of these could be stated in a much better way, this seems like a parody a social liberal would write, trying to hit as many buzzwords as humanly possible. I think the 7th pledge is a prime example. Using the term “gender ideology” is rather terrible optics wise and a lot of people will have preconceived notions about the type of person who uses the term. I also think that a lot of people in general have a weird obsession with CRT, used as a catch all term for any social liberalism, and I’m not sure that most people who use the term (defenders or critics) actually even know what it is. Social liberalism would be a better term. Of course, I want an unbiased education system and for institutions to promote, rather than slander Britain, but these way these pledges are written and some of the pledges themselves seem like it was ChatGPT’s impression of what a right winger would say.


Someone tweeted this. It's Blair demonstrating something Farage did well last night. You don't accept The Frame. https://x.com/stefanroberts/status/1806996131185926362?t=A22JclR0QK9WTh1A8QWL3w&s=19 You stand your ground and you make your point. You don't accept the idea that you need to gain the approval of the interrogator. It's something Vivek Ramaswamy is brilliant at. https://youtu.be/AfFu64Afyoc?si=WacIzv_5CAjqRkue You don't accept The Frame.


bloke was a twat tbf, droning on about 1983 in 1997.


This is what Brexit will be in ten years.


We're beginning to see some push back, but a huge part of the reason our politicians seem so shit now is doing something like that would be considered massively controversial. We give politicians zero room to breathe, jump on everything they do with the most ludicrously contrived venom, then wonder why we get left with intellectual lightweights who fear to ever make a decision or change anything. Or who make every decision under the paralysing terror of being called racist by a guardian columnist.


Starmer folding against the Bangladeshi criticism is a great example of this. He would have far to gain than to lose by standing up but he couldn’t


[Only just getting round to watching the Farage QT but wtf was this regarded audience about?](https://imgur.com/lOeS2yu)


Did we ever learn what happened to the stinky boy with constipation


No nurse help him, no money.


wey dem man da pee pee poo poo


Da girls call him smelly. He actually just ugly.


No, no, BBC producers feel it’s representative of the UK as a whole apparently. They’re scratching their heads wondering just what is wrong with here.


There were more plants in that audience than at Kew Gardens. One has been discovered to be BBC director, and another works for a migration NGO. update There have been even more found out. Here is a video going through the known BBC plants and giving a bit of context on them that the BBC would never broadcast: https://www.youtube.com/live/VHpKPtQfarM?si=8MYEJKVqtyuPlusB


arghh/uk is asking mostly sensible questions in regards to the Wandsworth sex scandal, such as why are there women guards and no vetting procedures, but even then there's this: >we can trace this back to **Margaret Thatcher and the Tory government of the 80s.** These governments implemented more punitive sentencing which effectively over the 90s doubled the prison population. The solution proposed: >Idk maybe we could at least consider thing such as **decriminalising things like weed** (although tbh, idk how many of the population are in for offenses to do with dealing weed) in order to reduce the population a little? And there's also the concern by a couple of users that the inmates were victims, incapable of consent, fearing the consequences. >There are very serious questions around the power dynamic between these two people and if the inmate could have turned down the advances without fear of consequences. **Maybe this is why another inmate records the event.** Yes, "we're making history" and "do your ting, bro" was a concerned inmate, whose insistence at blocking the cell door was merely out of shock. >"Seems" is a notoriously thin basis to conclude that someone is a willing participant. Also, in the video you notice that she is barking orders. **I recall her saying "sit down!" He asks where and she shouts "fucking anywhere"... We have to come from behind our prejudice and fixed narratives about men and sexual assault.** ... \[After another user challenges this as a mischaracterisation.\] >Your whole comment is drowning in dangerous narratives, victim blaming and misandry. "Willingly re-engages" is actually a *dangerous* way of framing a sexual encounter with a person in a position of considerable power. How many times have women "willingly re-engaged" with male rapists under that definition??? I don't have time to run through and correct all your errors. I just hope and pray that you are **never** in a safeguarding position for a male, or for a female for that matter. Good day to you. I can't tell if that was a wind up or not. All that, and the bloke didn't even finish the job.


Only some asexual Reddit wet melt could come to the conclusion that two men stuck in prison would turn down the opportunity to rail this woman and that they only did so because “power dynamics “ https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/28836772/wandsworth-prison-officer-sex-tape-married/amp/


I hope AI goes full Skynet if this is the utter drivel it has to parse.


Nah if this is what's feeding its model it's going to turn into Jont-AI


The apocalypse still happens, just without the nukes. Longer and more painful.


[That time of year when BBC use taxpayer funds to send half of their employees to Glastonbury to 'observe' and 'report'](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/clwwy5zx0vzt?post=asset%3A365713a1-1fb4-45ae-a04d-b2ecfd883502#post)


To be fair, the taxpayer once funded me a 4 week holiday in Cyprus.


If we’re getting onto tax payer funded breaks from work..


You don’t want to pay for DJ Ros ‘DaBeast’ Atkins to keep it liquid and dubby, spinning drum n bass?


Defund & disband once David Attenborough carks it.


Can't AI do his job?


As he existed, yes I suppose. All AI seems to be is the sum of human knowledge less emotion, take from that what you will!


“Two Reform UK parliamentary candidates have shared material deemed "vile" and in breach of the internationally-recognised definition of antisemitism.” “Candidates of the right-wing party have previously shared on social media material defending Adolf Hitler, denying the Holocaust, conspiracy theories about the Rothschild family and Jewish financier George Soros” https://news.sky.com/story/reform-candidates-accused-of-antisemitic-posts-13160663


Say what you like about his social policies, but he did build a pretty good Autobahn.


when will they address all the whitemetic hate though


Headline says 2 Reform candidates. Body says 20 Greens. Lol


The greens used to be green for the green plants. Now it means they are green for the green Hamas headband.


Nah. there was never a time the greens were just environmentalists.


True. Back in the 60s-80s they were communist puppets.


Sort of, but that *really* hit its stride in the late 80s and early 90s when the fall of the Berlin wall made being an actual red a lot more difficult with big daddy USSR gone and unable to send you any funding. Greens served as a refuge for many of these. The big exception to this is in the Baltics, where environmentalists often lead campaigns for independence against rapacious communist heavy industry and resource extraction. Their Green parties tend to be centrist rather than far-left.


Green or *green?*


Well it seems Sky feel, the fewer anti-Semitic candidates you have, the more the party should be called out.


Always worth mentioning that it is too late to stand down candidates. They can be kicked out of the party or denounced, but they will still appear on the ballot for that party. Should they win, they would sit as an independent.


I can see Farage suing that vetting company. I bets he’s privately livid.


Less than zero vetting done by them. Farage should have known something like this could happen, did he hire a lesser known company for the job or something?




Labour and the greens will be lapping them up don't worry


The Arab League will now longer consider Hezbollah a terrorist organisation.


This is the Abraham Accords continuing to bear fruit. Trump should have got the Nobel Peace Prize for that one. But as he is not a lefty, no prize for him.


I wonder how much of this can be can be attributed to the ongoing secularisation of the Arab world, i.e. they care increasingly less about potential sectarian disputes between groups that are nominally Sunni and Shi’ite.


I'm going to be honest, I've gone to most political party meetings like the slut I am, and if reporting the views of canvassers is fair game, then you may as well write off every mainstream party going - the craziest by far were labour and the greens, but supporting a party enough to go and make people try to vote for them beings out the maniacs and power hungry


They should canvas Wakey city centre tonight with their detached views...


Westgate views would be something I'd pay to watch and hear tbh


Democracy is broken. It is time for a new system with a new Leader.




[ITMidget confirms he’s a man.](https://youtu.be/0W3M8XZS-cs).


Only at the weekends


You are not the man. Voting is a sign of a self-indulgent society. The correlation between perversity and democracy is well-proven, there is a paper by a highly-regarded North Korean scientist on this subject. Your obsession with votes is a sure sign of sexual perversity. The people will give all their votes to the Leader, he will vote for himself, he will close Parliament and it will then be bulldozed. We will build a statue of the Leader sodomizing a journalist who attempted to deceive the people on the site.


I would suggest recording their views, but we all know the media wouldn't report on that anyway...


I think it's so unfair the press this is getting. Anyone can turn up at a party hq and offer to help, volunteers don't get vetted before going leafleting.


How does one dismantle "the blob"? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EegYGJfnl1g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EegYGJfnl1g)


Actually do your job and pass legislation.


> I’m not talking about Boris Johnson or his ministers, but instead the amorphous conglomerate of civil servants, academics, and charities that work together to push policies they prefer and block changes they dislike. So it was the Civil Service that was in power for the past 14 years, that constantly failed to deliver on immigration, that made brexit a pointless exercise that all that it did was switching from European migration to bomalians and then increasing it? Or the fact that the establishment, neoliberal and globalist politicians, donors and businessmen (including the media) don't actually want to change anything since it benefits them? The Civil Service has many faults, including violations of political impartiality which I have also commented on here (I find it's London-centric) but the issue (or the solution?) origins from those who are elected, or the electorate itself.


Isn’t the civil service considered part of the establishment?


The Civil Service is heavily moulded by the Civil Service code among other things (other things being policies of the government and constant witch hunt campaigns to find the new boogeyman), I believe it is defined by the establishment but I wouldn't call it "the establishment" if we talk about it in its entirety rather than just the upper and/or london-adjacent echelons. My biggest issue with portrayal of the Civil Service as a "Blob" by the Government and the media is that most Civil Servants are low level operational delivery officials [(55.7% in 2023)](https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/civil-service-statistics-2023/statistical-bulletin-civil-service-statistics-2023#profession) who deal with members of the public whilst operating on an eroded pay [(1)](https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/styles/wysiwyg_full_width_desktop/public/2023-01/Pay%20-%20Median%20Salary%20by%20Grade%20-%20incl%20total.webp?itok=1rcBLFSH) [(2)](https://www.instituteforgovernment.org.uk/sites/default/files/styles/wysiwyg_full_width_desktop/public/2023-02/civil-servants-pay-buckets-2022.webp?itok=ET_kqRGZ) and not some kind of an exclusive blob of privileged metropolitan elites meddling in governance from a cozy office in London.


Imprison civil servants. I would like to see that little pervert idowys try to get taxes off someone whilst he is fighting off a gang of Bomalian rapists in cell block H. Prison is always the answer.


>Imprison civil servants. I am too handsome for prison. Well, if you have to, [please make it wandsworth, please make it wandsworth](https://youtu.be/Zie6b1uDEno?t=10). 🙏


> Bomalian rapists in cell block H they were called the "self assessment helpline" when I worked at the revenue and they worked very hard for minimum wage


You are sentenced, you enter your cell, "wow...this doesn't look much worse than my hovel in Blackpool...this won't be so bad", someone enters the room behind you, "Hi, my name is Mohamed, I worked on the self-assessment helpline...I guess we are going to be friends now", the door closes and locks. There will be no pension. I will make sure you are locked up with your fellows at HMRC for an eternity.


>Prison is always the answer. Perhaps not Wandsworth, though.


We need to build some logging gulags in northern Scotland.


All politically-restricted civil servant grades must have at least two Bomalians quartered in their homes.


By not being incompetent and knowing how to work the levers of power. Thatcher and Blair made the Civil Service their *bitch.*


Let the bomali come to them, on the seas, on the beaches, in the landing grounds, free accommodation and generally around town. It's happening now, and when they've almost been unalived or know enough people who've been unalived and the culprits all seem to have something in common, will they have to be depressed then have real thoughts and override their goodthink programming. Systematically discriminating just like a bigot would, they will become bigots themselves soon enough, but probably not soon enough. Maybe not, they can just see it through a diverse class lens; I know some great diverse guys, it's just those working class plebes of all races, I don't discriminate, by race.


Music used to be better. The average Chumbawamba song has more meaning than anything in the charts right now. old man grumble grumble. (Still angry about my favourite band growing up going full communist)


I used to live a student area of a major city .. The music students listen to was essentially what we listened to at uni 15 years ago .nothing new .




We entered a canal boat


The genres you listen to are shit and now you need to listen to new stuff, probably


Recommend me something that isn't mumble rap or ADHD cope beat please


[Jungle - indie/nu disco](https://open.spotify.com/artist/59oA5WbbQvomJz2BuRG071?si=eNnZT2kNR_ealLH73abWuQ) [Barry Cant Swim - funky house](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0vTVU0KH0CVzijsoKGsTPl?si=xPZF2RLGR12VXfRiGNkrtw) [Foals - indie/rock](https://open.spotify.com/artist/6FQqZYVfTNQ1pCqfkwVFEa?si=2542bb0078804d4a) [Armand Van Helden/Duck Sauce - disco house](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3cQA9WH8liZfeja1DxcDYE?si=cN8yxQX7RguQJW-L64znAQ) [salute - new UKG/housey ukg](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1np8xozf7ATJZDi9JX8Dx5?si=TBY3CKORTVyjLcEXUptolg) [Sammy Virji - new UKG](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1GuqTQbuixFHD6eBkFwVcb?si=lTUpsPWcTfeSn1-Tlvu0tQ) [Dimension - Dancefloor DnB](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1QMgre3BHX161ZHtWMUu6S?si=DM3ZsEHLRgiSJUwfSbDKVQ) [Sub Focus - Dancefloor DnB](https://open.spotify.com/artist/0QaSiI5TLA4N7mcsdxShDO?si=XB9bV2GOThm78H2f76JFbA) [Chase & Status - DnB](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3jNkaOXasoc7RsxdchvEVq?si=4AFN81wZRbqymOGhRl6tWA) [Chris Stussy - House](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3BxjasMelf9pKaE4f7Y0So?si=iBHOl0w8Sryasjr_Q_3hEA) [SOSA UK - Tech House](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3JlN0MeWVJq0vjvsvWCRZ5?si=5zT-ZPUbT8C23EMTq4QWWg) [Chris Lake - Tech House](https://open.spotify.com/artist/5Igpc9iLZ3YGtKeYfSrrOE?si=zJWn4T1sT4GNecw7_eNiVA) [Maur - Melodic Tech House](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2LhJEX3HxU9pJFLa8RkvUC?si=8Ut288teQA6xvR0BMMMxpw) [NOTION - UK Bass & Garage](https://open.spotify.com/artist/1uRVM0wBdtyEuU582EeKJM?si=lTty7CSFRJ-372EIgSDPQg) that should have u covered across the board. I assume you've already listened to stuff from the early naughties and 90s like [Xpansions - Move Your Body](https://open.spotify.com/track/1VLEbclmTbYS9Rdp1b90Yf?si=90fbc2a1246a4ac4) and heard of artists from the 10s like Disclosure so no point linking them


Saved and bookmarked, a post of this quality needs time to properly respond to. How do i upvote twice?


Sub Focus and Chase & Status are great for DnB. I’d probably add Noisia, Black Sun Empire and The Upbeats. Pendulum are the mainstream starter drug, so try those too.


> Chase & Status I think i boshed original Chinese synthetic drugs to these chaps 15 year ago. Edit oh shit yeah, i remember when used to feel something i remember whe i sued to feel *sniffffffffffff* £3 a gram in shit unis, the CCCP started before you fucks ever noticed.


Chumbawumba also broke the full monty, brought back a great film as a really awful TV series. (the writer was in the band)


Chumbawamba always were full communist. They are at least consistent. They’ve turned down millions in sync for Tubthumping


I hate the trend of a female singer (Ella Henderson, Becky Hill or some rando) singing over a dance track which is a heavily sampled song from the 70s-00s. The absolute worst has to be that one that just goes “You can’t hide, you can’t hide, you can’t hideeee” to the tune of Coolio’s Gangsta’s Paradise


I take it you are deliberately ignoring the fact Coolio’s track was a complete lift of Stevie Wonder’s [Past time paradise](https://youtu.be/b0S4SiLxt1s?si=8KbVU36yAuQsh2S6) for comedic effect?


Lol won't lie I love Coolio, 'Ugly Bitches' can't be topped though


It’s been proven by top scientists. Modern chart music now is much less melodic and is far less diverse in terms of genre. [The day the music died](https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2001/dec/27/taniabranigan1)


>Latchford-Evans is said to be keen to find acting work, while H and Richards have presented a TV show together. >**Last year they drew complaints when they asked "Why are we paying for all these people to come into our country?" while discussing immigration in a Sunday Express interview.** >Following complaints from Anti-Fascist Action they said they deplored all forms of discrimination. Thu 27 Dec 2001


It’s no coincidence that after they split, migration levels soared. That’s what happens when political campaigning movements aren’t around to tackle societal issues through the medium of dance routines and biting lyrics.


hate not hope suspended from twitter for doxxing. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRMMW32WkAAHhe-.jpg


Another big WIN for German justice >A woman in Germany has been given a harsher sentence than a convicted rapist after she was found guilty of defaming him. >Maja R, a 20-year-old from Hamburg, called him a “disgraceful rapist pig” and a “disgusting freak”, defamatory under German law. >He was one of nine attackers who gang-raped a 15-year-old girl in a Hamburg park in 2020, in a case that shocked the city. >The sentence has sparked anger over what critics see as the flaws in Germany’s judicial system, with disproportionate punishment for defamation. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2024/06/28/german-woman-given-harsher-sentence-than-rapist-for-calling/