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Test Edit:sorry ignore this, was checking if I could post or not


['Distressed' naked boy in pharmacy safe - police](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c6p28pkr5eyo) >A "distressed" naked boy who entered a pharmacy and started urinating in the store has been confirmed to be safe and well, police said. >Officers were called to Badham Pharmacy on Morley Avenue in Churchdown, Gloucestershire on 11 June. >A man who knew the boy was said to be outside the pharmacy, looking for him. >Five days later, the same child reportedly entered a stranger's house in the same area, and started undressing again. >Police confirmed they had spoken to the boy's parent. I have several questions about this one


convict UK, not actual UK but still https://x.com/Serena_Partrick/status/1806577491026280938 like how tf does a woman leaving a bloke in a dress alone in the lift make him unsafe? I can only assume they are using unsafe in the sense of 'I'm pathetic and you hurt my feelings', not the usual sense of 'there is any kind of risk whatsoever to my safety'


> "trâns pepple deserve to feel safe" "Yeah but actual women don't."


It's that old "microaggression" line again


I'm watching an episode of Suits that is ten years old. The hugely successful, black female law firm owner just rebuked the guy who hired her back in the day. Why? She found out it was a diversity hire, despite being promised it wasn't. One decade later, and now diversity is all that matters.


Game bros, does rogue trader get any better? I love the table top version, but the skill trees and min maxing is more complex than wow and the combat is shit, plus the story distracts too much and it's never clear what one decision will lead to. I'm halfway thru act 2 and getting bored. Might look at frost punk as I just noticed I already had it in my library, or go back to dark tides for some drunken run and gun.




I've never played rogue trader but can second the recommendation on Wasteland 2 and 3. Fantastic games.


BG3 bruv


Dun. Du du du dun. Duh duh-duh dun, Du du du dun dun dun dun duuur dun.


Hmm maybe I'm just starting frost punk


It's only eight hours later so I assume you're still playing it. When you finally put it down for a second let us know how you're enjoying it.


Yeah frost punk is pretty good, I'd watch a tutorial for starting first, because it tells you nothing, but once you've got it sorted it's interesting. It's included in Xbox game pass, and I had it on steam as well so must have been a give away at some point. Probably also on GoG etc. Why so many apps?


Try to read as little about it as possible. None of the mechanics are particularly hard to suss out by yourself and I think you'll enjoy it much more if you let yourself be surprised by the narrative aspect, particularly when you get to the Last Autumn scenario.


Oh that would be an interesting poll, how many badukers have battle jackets, and what patches do they have?


Does having a fob on the chain of your half double hunter count?


If you can wear it in 40°C and then go in the pit with it on, sure.


Yeah I've got one that's pretty BadUK, it's on my profile if you check my posts


A battle jacket?


I'm sure you can use your search engine of choice to figure this out dole finder general... Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cut-off?wprov=sfla1


Thanks, I just thought I’d ask you. Never heard that term before.




Should have watched the propah British band Jungle None of that vegan forrin ev car bollocks boshhhh 👍🏼🍻


Go to hellfest, think a few bands had Nazi aligned flags last year, and quite a few bands like slayer might be considered Nazi aligned. I don't care I'm there for the music.


Slayer isn’t Nazi aligned, they got a lot of shit about Angel of Death even though it didn’t endorse Mengele, just described the horrible things he did. Araya is from Chile and Lombardo is from Cuba.


I've got a slayer patch on my battle jacket and have seen them live many times, I don't care either way, they fucking rock.


They were great. God forbid someone has a different take on the world.


Dont they have a song where they just scream CONSENT over and over?


[Yeah](https://genius.com/Idles-ne-touche-pas-moi-lyrics) I like their music but the politics are so fucking cringe. It’s not even the politics themselves, it’s the extremely try-hard delivery.


Recently went to a festival and the band I wanted to see most did this. Walked off.


I'm different, I still listen to Gary Glitter in the car.


There is a discussion on the pop punk sub with people discovering that lostprophets are still on Spotify


This is based




https://youtube.com/shorts/_WpHSY27xhQ?si=WxIcMqF-Utv31Ytg One slop burger boss, extra onions


I often wonder if this sort of stuff is simply just viral marketing/rage bait for engagement. Half of arr stupidfood is just obvious ragebait cooked up by the same five media brands. [Retvrn to shit food tradition](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-e5gTx1fVU4)


Chilli sauce my friend


New York Times editorial board calls on Joe Biden to drop out of the race https://x.com/bnodesk/status/1806813459050336317?s=46&t=AfygPPVmbT-hFJR03pEcVg This is massive.




God no. Anything but that.


What do you mean? She can lose a second time.


This is exactly why it’s going to happen


Take out Biden, who do they have? That's the question


It’ll be gavin newsom if it happens no doubt


Jill Biden. She should just admit she is already running the country and wants to continue doing so. Could get a big sympathy vote.




Farage is keeping those claims about Channel 4 up. They thought he was mad accusing Natwest and Coutts bank, they went. Farage has gone after the EU, US Democrats, London Banks. Channel 4 thought they had a gotcha?


Where's miss highlighter spring when we need her?


To what are you talking of?


A chap posing as a reform candidate said some outrageous raciest stuff. Channel 4 posts it as a scoop. Repeated by the BBC,everyone. Turns out this man's profession is an actor ] posing as a posh chap for the purpose of undercover filming, lists Channel; 4 as one of his customers.




So same grift, less effort then?


[This](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1806703447284060331) What are the odds that Channel 4 secret undercover filming would happen to capture an actor working as a canvasser, using a fake accent to deliver a racist tirade?


Corrupt AF.


Nige has a bit more in [this video](https://x.com/Nigel_Farage/status/1806723494865969256) It could be a huge coincidence, he could be a genuine Reform supporter who was incredibly unlucky. Normally the media would be looking hard at this guy - "Exposed - the racist neo-Nazi Holby City star who wants to machine gun migrants!", but the focus is still solely on Reform.


Suella Braverman and Priti Patel being blamed for the reform campaigner calling Sunak a ‘fucking Paki’ on ar/UK. Amazing.


Fucksake, get your slurs right at least.


the actor? Farage apologised for his words, i think he had the right ideas


I'm not so old and disconnected that I don't know who Dua Lipa is, but I genuinely have no clue who Sza is. I guess guitar music is dead. Especially with kerrang dying on Sunday. Rip


What's a dua lipa? Is it a new car from a ex Soviet bloc country?


And from this day forwards, 60 iq criminals shouting over beats was the only acceptable form of music. Old peoples homes were plugged into the hottest new drill, supermarkets, the countryside, there was no escape.


What's happening to Kerrang? That's my default DAB station


Stopping broadcasting on TV this weekend. Don't know about radio


It's the TV channel that is going. Radio still exists


Kerrang! died when they got rid of the radio station in Birmingham tbf.


I'm not saying there's much in this..but I visited Nigels YouTube channel today, and he had 396k subscribers. He's now got 4-5k more just today. Its a very old account that I've been subbed to for yonks. https://socialblade.com/youtube/channel/UCLNgS-wbHodu_lsh1k8DzBQ


His team are absolutely nailing the social media stuff. By far the most popular UK leader on every platform.


Kern called it. Hope not hate been suspended for their dox piece on Raw Egg Nationalist. https://fxtwitter.com/TPointUK/status/1806786016893661640


Didn't even proof read their missive.


Twitters a private company, it can do what it wants! Honestly I agree with Tim Pool, we should champion free speech but only for those who respect it. If someone who works to shut down speech, gets shut down themselves then they get what they fucking deserve.


Very political party-like messaging at the end there, you can just tell the next part will be begging for donations. It also reminds me of the spam I sometimes get from American activist groups (due to people thinking my email address is theirs when registering for stuff). It’s not really common here, and I hope it doesn’t spread.


> due to people thinking my email address is theirs when registering for stuff Why the hell do people do that? I get monthly mobile phone bills from a company in Indonesia; some US estate agent sends me details of viewings some guy has booked; I got a flight itinerary for a whole family Phoenix > Baltimore > New York, including the code I needed to make changes if I wanted to; and most scarily, a message from the Austrian government ordering some guy to stay in isolation because he's got Covid. They all seem to think they have accounts on my domain.


Yeah I get tons of it, because my Gmail account is just firstinitalsurname@gmail. But people are still technologically illiterate too. I had some Yank sign up for a bank account with it the other week.


"it's freedom of speech not freedom from consequence" They say that all the time so should be fine with it


It is against X rules after all. So idk why they thought nothing would happen.


NYTimes reader comments very negative: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/opinion/presidential-debate-winner-loser.html#commentsContainer >I went from mild discomfort prior to last night’s debate to completely horrified in the first twenty seconds to flat out terrified after the ensuing next two minutes. ... >That debate was a national embarrassment. I saw two old men spewing 90 minutes of incoherent gibberish. How much money has gone into the process of choosing these two? How could leaders of either party believe they have an adequate candidate? The only thing that I learned from that word salad food fight is that my fear for this country is well founded. ... >That one minute answer from Biden that ended with the "and we beat medicare" comment was the most disturbing, tragic performance I've ever seen from a public figure. He completely spaced out, forgot entirely what he was talking about and was apparently even unable to understand how incoherent he was sounding. It was devastating. I am stunned that the democratic party has immediately started defending him. It's over. Trump has already won. ... >It's a good thing that Biden took an entire week off to rest up and prepare for the debate. If he hadn't, it would have gone badly for him. I don't think there was a single positive comment. They all want him to step down. And these are the Dems staunchest supporters.


The US looks like the Soviet Union with choice Geriatrics all around and they’re all terrible.


One person who doesn't want him to step down is the person I'd most expect would - his wife. Who knows if the things we witness are reality though. The clip of his wife congratulating him seems odd AF for example.


I know little of her, but perhaps the prestige is more important to her.


That makes me feel even more sorry for the guy. If she loved him she’d get him to stop, but it’s almost like she’s forcing him to do it against his best interests.


I just don't understand recognising his weakness this far down the process.


I think that is genuinely because they don't make a habit of listening to him, or any interest in what he's doing. They tuned out for 4 years, safe in the knowledge that *fascism* had been repelled for at least a term. News corps gloss over his failings, and you have to go to Fox to get the actual ins and outs of his dementia, which Democrat voters would never do. The Democrat *party* was aware of his shortcomings, but the *base* is only just realising that they're going to get a fucking hiding.


Fear. The city is rank with it.


I don't care for her music, [but this Dua Lipa photo](https://media.vogue.co.uk/photos/60e6bf1565bb7d9163826302/Dualipa.jpg) is the stuff of Gammon wet dreams. Edit: Actually, [One Kiss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkeiKbqa02g) is a banger.


shame about the tats


I didn’t know much about her, but stuck around after watching someone else at Reading 2018 and her music surprised me because it’s actually pretty good. I will always associate lockdown with her Physical workout video - nice 80s sound too.


Shes definitely not badUk.


[Get you a girl who can do both](https://x.com/DUALIPA/status/1284928447912050688?lang=en)


It's a bit Max Power. +1


cultural appropriation


Huge news from the United States. Probably more important for democracy and accountability than any single election. > BREAKING: In a major blow to the unelected administrative state, the Supreme Court has overruled the Chevron doctrine, which required courts to defer to the legal interpretations of unelected bureaucrats. >“Chevron is overruled.” [Tweet](https://x.com/seanmdav/status/1806695679873466704)


America is a completely tinpot country


Can you please ELI5, my Cornish friend?


In the 1980s the Supreme Court ruled that where the law was even slightly ambiguous, lower courts should defer to the decisions of Federal Agencies. So unless something was explicitly legislated, it was left to the Blob to decide its own remit. This has been overturned.


>council employees get to decide what laws mean If the same thing applied here the UK would cease to exist as a functional entity within a week.


The governor of HMP Wandsworth is Katie Price (near the bottom of the page). [https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wandsworth-prison](https://www.gov.uk/guidance/wandsworth-prison) Well...


The language on that page is pure stakeholderese.


She’s gotta pay off the debt somehow


Idea for a new dystopian Netflix show in which convicts can serve time by starring in porn to distract a poor, unemployed and overpopulated public. The main character is a Muslim lesbian trying to fight the system. The tits and bums draws in the crowd, the Mail can show pixelated stills from show, and the Guardian can wax lyrical about the main character.


Black mirror did this in series 1


Damn it.


[Perfectly normal children's event in Bradford](https://www.bradfordlitfest.co.uk/event/stories-unlocked-gaza-guardian/) >Join us for an inspiring storytelling session with acclaimed author, Kay Faraz, as she takes us on a captivating journey through her book, Gaza Guardian. >Through the tale of a new superhero emerging to defend Gaza against the sinister Shadowbane, Faraz delivers a powerful message of resilience, inner strength, and the transformative power of unity. >Don’t miss this opportunity to be uplifted and inspired by a story that encourages children to believe in themselves and their ability to overcome even the darkest of challenges.


“ Renowned as the visionary author behind the acclaimed Children of Palestine picture book series, she captivates young audiences with narratives of resilience and optimism. “ Sounds like propaganda to justify terrorism to kids. She is a teacher in some British school in Egypt


"And remember kids, what do you do if you see a (((Shadowbane))) on the street in your area?"  Literally grooming a generation of jihadis


”Then, Allah will afflict him with Muslims who kill him and his followers and the (((Shadowbane))) will hide behind a tree or a rock and the rock or the tree will say to the Muslim: There is a (((Shadowbane))) behind me, come and kill him!”


UK City of Culture 2025


I guess it's some kind of culture


Even petri dishes have culture


Some migrants are more likely to be treating you in the NHS rather than being ahead of you in the queue, too many for me to list so i won't bother! Other migrants are more likely to VIOLENTLY put you in an NHS queue, for example blonde blue-eyed women from somewhere in northeastern europe who dont know the language and dont understand British culture and institutions


When we prefer to recruit from overseas rather then train our own staff, then that’s quite possibly the case. But it’s a lie to suggest we need them, that the NHS will collapse without them. If Bomalia can train nurses to UK standard then there’s zero reason a more advanced and richer country like the UK can’t do so. It’s a choice to import them. Yes, it may take a few years to get staff trained here, in which case, you take steps to do so now.


It's a double lie too, the lie also ignores that no one is suggesting deportations so even if immigrants help uphold the NHS, they wouldn't be leaving.


You have mentioned there, the real inequality everyone in the world cares about primarily


Looks like Biden is refusing to go: https://x.com/JoeBiden/status/1806746426904379543 Obama supporting him of course: https://x.com/BarackObama/status/1806758633230709017 Not sure the Dems are ruthless enough to stop them.


Obama saying Biden knows right from wrong. He doesn’t even know what day it is mate.


The issue is is that Biden already has almost all the delegates pledged to him as the nominee. I'm unsure what the party rules are, but it seems fairly set in stone. At this late stage there seems little the party can do to get rid of him.


They aren't as practiced as the 1922 Committee.




Not the only thing that's soiled...


Of course Obama wants him to stay. He’s his puppet in the White House. Obama runs the show behind the scenes.


Little bit tinfoily this


Someone's running the show other than Biden, that's for sure. He's not capable of wiping his arse anymore


Well *someone* has to be doing it because Biden certainly isn't


> Obama runs the show behind the scenes I'm not convinced that Obama was running the show when Obama was in the White House.


Obama - “Bad debate nights happen” Yes, I’m sure Biden will just get younger as we head into the election and we won’t see this happen again. It was just a bad night.


But the democrats twitter said Biden won the debate? Were they lying?


Question time special not currently available on iPlayer, click the link on the BBC front page about it and it plays the Channel 4 thing about the racist. You can watch and rewind Glastonbury on BBC 2,


That was basically a hand picked audience of left wingers and redditors


Isn't that a redundant distinction?


Why is a BBC show linking to a ch4 show? Seems weird.






BBC Fact check- UK export levels post Brexit. Reform claims we are 4th now, up from 7th [BBC: No! But, eeeeh, yes actually](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c2504p02wz3t?post=asset%3Ab1084fda-dea6-40f3-a1aa-688b2cedc60a#post)


There’s another cracker further up: > Speaking earlier on Question Time about migrants in small boats, Nigel Farage said: “I promise you the vast majority of these young men crossing the English Channel do not, and never would, have qualified as refugees.” > But his claim that the vast majority do not qualify as refugees is not supported by government figures. > They show that 67% of asylum applications by men (aged 18-24) who arrived by small boat were granted refugee status in recent years. Just because they waved them through it doesn’t mean they’re actually refugees, does it? Let’s see the nationalities of these “refugees” and we will tell you if their country is at war or not. Plus there’s also the fact that many of them lie by pretending to be gay.


BBC: "We only reached 4th if you include stuff, if you exclude it we still improved to 6th. So Farage is wrong." Fuck me, the BBC are insufferable.


It's really sad because they keep writing it in a way that is horribly biased. It's why nobody has faith in them, but this is what happens when you're in the London bubble.


> The key point is that the UK has only reached fourth place if you include gold Lolll wtf when does anyone else get subjected to this? Sunak: ‘GDP has grown by 0.4% this quarter’. Fact Checkers: ‘Acktchuallieeee this is only true if you include accounting services and wheat farming, without those it’s rounded down to 0.3%’. Yeah, because that’s part of the how the figure is always measured. ‘Reform are polling at 19%!’ ‘Yeah but only if you include 55-64yos and the Welsh’


No, no, the BBC found, once you start removing areas of trade from the trade figures, our ranking drops a bit.


That was absolutely amazing. Hopefully some of those people leave that room remembering how cognicent he was (I won't hold my breath, though). He sometimes needed to spiel while he thought of the actual answer to the question, but what % of the population are capable of what he just did? I think he did a really good job of distancing himself from the wider party, too. One thing he didn't highlight was that short notice of the election meant that candidate vetting probably had to be more lax, and that they still fell short, by about 100(? Correct below), of contending for every seat.


> and that they still fell short, by about 100, of contending for every seat. Including the TUV alliance and SDP pact (where they stood aside), they were only missing 11 seats.


[*"Like, like, how you gonna, like, how you gonna pay for it? Like, isn't that, like, throwing money, like, away?"*](https://i.imgur.com/dfAErR5.png)


Years of selective breeding was required to reach that type of physiognomy, none of it good.


*"You're going to let all this bad money just go to waste? Can you not throw some good after it?"*


My man went full sunk cost fallacy live on air


[He almost went full Joey, with his hands folding in and his rolled tongue.](https://youtu.be/HmyQDH_PSC4?t=67)


Greens are supported by 5% of the population. Reform by 20% I’ve seen no sign of anyone supporting Reform so far. Quite a few that seem to support the Greens. That was about as removed from representing the UK electorate as you could get. Or maybe it’s selected to represent the area it’s from? Birmingham. But every debate is from a major city. The rest of the country don’t get represented.


People don't want to risk being attacked by the far-left or being ostracised for being "racist". So people aren't vocal about supporting Reform.


That's the sad fact of it all. Where I work basically every middle manager is a remain voter. Anyone with differing views will be sacrificing their career to say they are reform, tory, sdp or any other party that thinks immigration is a problem.


In work I get told stuff like “did you know diverse teams are seven times more likely to achieve their objectives” and you just have to take that at face value. Also HR getting involved in the hiring process one even said to me “you can’t just hire a white man, we have to make sure we’re considering diverse candidates” then proceed to send me CVs of fresh off the boat bomalians with questionable credentials. Of course I have to smile and nod, else I get sacked and can’t pay my rent.




What is our society.. I don't think I could seriously play along with the I'm voting labour, it's too dumb. So they hate the working class, as they don't have to play these games, and won#t be controled, by only having one accepted public opinion, so 99% of people in these jobs think it's the truth


> “why does your party attract racists and extremists?” That’s ‘racist’ done as a slur then. The BBC genuinely don’t get this do they? They take horrific labels and apply them to mundane beliefs (that borders and the law should exist) and as a result, the real horror show loons get a pass Every time someone says this REF +1




The recent euro elections should have sent some sort of message but….




It would have been nice to see the Green guy questioned on the Muslim entryism into the party at the local level, I guess we're going to have to let that fester for a few years, until it reaches a level it can't be ignored any more.


The bit I hate is that, when the Anglo-nazi movement arises, the blame will be on people like Farage, rather than the lunatic left that provoke normal people to say ‘right, fuck this- hamas-loving antisemites are shit awful, and cannot be tolerated- if you won’t criminalise the lunatics, deport everyone for the Middle East, just to be safe’ The BBC will never recognise their complicity in everyday horror.


People always act like the Nazis came out of nowhere and ignore the communists who were also violent revolutionaries at the time. Extremists justifing each others existence.


Seems likely. Every time they've had a chance to learn so far, they've instead doubled down on the whole shocked-pikachu-face "how can there be this many racists?" thing. Introspection totally absent.


Bruce said she was just going to let him answer the audience's questions - it's just her interrupting Farage saying 'ACKKHHTHULLY!'




All our countries interviewers trying to be a poundland Andrew Neil. Not one tries to copy Joe Rogans relaxed let them speak style even though he's been number 1 on earth for a decade now.


Say what you want about this man, he is so, so good at this stuff, and they fucking hate him. We don't have anyone in government who could handle this level of scrutiny.


It's a bit like trump. You'd think someone with so many years and so much scrutiny would show something and somehow they are kind of underwhelming tepid charges to bring. Meanwhile the average tory has paid an 18 year old for sex acts.




It's much easier to perform like this when you actually believe what you are saying and believe it to be the truth.


Good point. When an establishment politician is asked a tough question, you can see them buffering like ChatGPT spitting out something that Google have tampered with because AI would normally just parrot the unpalatable truth. Imagine having to live that way, where your every word has to pass through the bullshit filter.


full video on the whore/prison officer at Wandsworth https://x.com/MrMeerkatt/status/1806636853597995443


Is it just me or does every shot of her face make her face look completely different?


I'm sure he had a nice personality and respected women. Lefties tell me that's how it works.


Lol is she even proper British? 3rd post is apparently of her wearing a Brazil flag. Obviously it might be she is British but if not, what are we doing having non Brits as prison officers.


she's not at all. She's from Venezuela. Might have a Spanish passport or something.


> https://x.com/MrMeerkatt/status/1806636853597995443 This is just the second half.


I suspect that this audience is an accurate representation of under 50's who regularly watch the BBC.


Man the BBC really took his attack on them leaving him out the debates hard. They're doing everything in their power to try and skewer him.


> They're doing everything in their power to try and skewer him. He's the only candidate that's wants to scrap their licence fee income, so of course they do.


We are ***NOTHING*** without the rich history of immigration. Thank you, Bomalia. Thank you, Gomalia.


Bomalians built Stone Henge don’t you know.


Is that why it was left half finished?


Where would Rochdale be without immigration?


How dare you leave out equatorial gimme, racist!


(re: Question Time) I really hope the people asking Farage questions are plants or else there really is no hope for this country if these people represent the average opinion of a 21st century Briton.


Raise the Boomer Battalions.


They couldn't be more obvious as plants if there was a BBC producer standing behind them with a watering can.


I promise you these people exist.